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Art by J. D. Sixsmith © 2015 |
Role Play Bill W. Morgan His father
warned him at an early age to stay away form that particular part of his mind. Standing above him in the pale light of early morning,
his father’s voice would spike with anger as the hickory cane he always carried tapped away
against the door jamb of his small room. During his
formative years his father showed him what such thoughts could, would produce, and in kind had trained
him to ignore the impulses, the sudden jolt of subconscious desire that would wake him
in the night, like a thief come to take away his soul. He would say the Lord’s
prayer until it stuck to the roof of his mouth. However,
as he grew, as the shadows of adulthood eclipsed that of adolescence, his urge to
give into the impulse grew as well, and if he tried to speak the Lord’s prayer those unspeakable
urges would block him, confuse him with deep carnal needs.
The images would come in a rapid stream, a betraying reel to reel movie that left him weak
and wanting for more. The prayer, and any salvation
that it promised, fell dead among the war of imaginative plots.
It was years after his father had died that he finally gathered enough strength to curse
the prayer and give in to the joy of pleasure, of self-gratification. Free and open about it, he would no longer hide away
in his room, door locked, hand posed awkwardly at his crotch, blanket tucked to his chest. Afraid his father would walk in.
In time he allowed the fantasies free reign of his mind and like most ideas, they planted
and grew. His plots became more involved and
soon the mind wasn't enough to satisfy his needs. The next progression involved
the purchase of a doll, a female companion that he purchased from the pornographic store
downtown, late at night so as not to endure the judgmental gaze of others. He
kept her undressed and in the corner of his small bedroom.
Some nights he would just talk, a one-sided conversation that made the predawn love making
that more meaningful. Other nights, when the urges
were monsters pounding at the doors of his mind, he would turn animal, push her against the couch
and have his way. Of course she would fight back,
fight off his unwanted advances, but on those nights when the caged animal inside him showed its
teeth, he was too strong for her weakened opposition.
It was on one of those occasions, during a late night episode that she cried out. He heard this and momentarily forgot his viciousness. He turned her over and met her absent gaze, waiting for
another burst of emotion. Nothing came and soon he
tired of listening. He continued and ended with a
finale that made him blind with ecstasy, and made her moan in spasmodic pleasure.
Soon he grew tired of the usual games, his mind; more so the monster craved an escalation
in the fantasy, and in a stroke of pure genius, he bought a black rubber mask from the
very same sex shop. Now he could be a stranger, one
that came to the bed while she lay sleeping. He could tap her
shoulder until she turned to meet his eyes. He would
disrobe and with her astonishment playing on her face, he would stand before her erect, but
Or, he could be the psychopath with the serrated steak knife that made her do things, things
born of the deepest depravity. He would slide
the blade down the inside of her slick, pale legs and with a few measured swipes free her of her
cotton panties. She would lay there naked as he paraded
around the room in the mask, the master of his own reality. One night
as he played the stranger he again heard a faint whimper.
As he turned her towards him, he watched a tear roll down her cheek. He moved off her quickly, laid beside her.
He touched her cheek lightly, waiting for a response.
He took the gag ball out of her mouth to get a better look.
Perspiration, he reasoned, nothing more. He
was out of shape, and in the warm summer breeze that blew in from the open window of his small bedroom
it was only normal to sweat when one is exerting one’s self. A few months
later, after work one night, he went to the nearest sporting goods store and in
another flash of genius he purchased the sleekest hunting knife he could find. He wrapped it in his coat before he opened the door to his house. He meant to surprise her with it. She
was on the couch, bound at her hands and legs, the gag pushed firmly into place
between her lips. The radio was on to keep her company
while he was gone and as it clicked over to a festive tune, he stood above her to show her his surprise.
He had purchased the knife in an attempt to get her to do what he wanted her to do. He had tried to get her to bathe, but on more
than one occasion, she had successfully fought him off. On those nights, the
sex was forced and she spent the aftermath in the trunk at the foot of his bed.
Now he twisted the knife wildly in the air and threatened her. She stared blankly at the opposite wall ignoring him. He reasoned with her, she in turn refused to meet
his demands. He slid the knife down her cheek and
she flinched, or maybe it was just a slight shift in the couch as he sat beside her, he wasn't sure.
He slid the knife past her outstretched arm to her flank, down to her thigh, past her knee
to her ankle. He was careful, but a momentary
slip of the sharp edge, and a small slit opened near the ball of her foot. He
heard the gasp of escaping air and then a tiny line of blood formed over the cut.
He carefully wiped away the blood, patched the cut, and forced her to bathe. Later that night as they made love on the small deck
of his back yard, hidden away from everything except the pale light of a winter moon, he whispered
his undying love. Exhausted she slept peacefully at
the foot of his bed.
A few days later, during the night, the labored breathing at the end of the bed awakened
him. He tugged hard at the dog chain around her
neck; there was a slight gag, then silence. He lay
back down on his pillow, but was unable to sleep. He turned the
bedside light on and focused on the figure at the foot of his bed.
No longer was her frame slender and beautiful, now it lay across the bed weak and
defeated. Her eyes were pale and worn heavy on her
slack face, no more the pale blue fire that sparked his imagination that night at the sex shop. The harsh reality of their relationship now played across
her face with each strained breath. Even her sex had
taken to a defeatist attitude; it no longer hugged him with warmth. Instead,
it stole away his emotional connection to her, a cold, clammy hand strangling away happiness and
replacing it instead with anger. He took from his
nightstand the hunting knife, the sharp blade slicing into his index finger. He stood above her as her eyes unfocused and her breath stilled the room. He said the Lord’s prayer and buried the knife deep
into her neck.
He buried her the next night in a small plot of land behind the tool shed in his back yard.
Three weeks later he sat on the couch watching the evening news, the knife perched on his
right knee. The reporter bobbed her head as
she told the story of the missing girl. The second
such disappearance in this small city, she said. He tipped
his gaze slightly as a picture showed on the screen. A
faded Polaroid of a young girl with pale blue eyes smiling into the camera that sparked some
far off memory in his mind. He said a silent prayer
for her then turned his attention towards the bedroom. He had
bought another toy at the store. She was waiting in the bedroom for him. End
Drunk by Bill Morgan Drunk Arms outspread Screaming at the cool expanse of formulated brick a panicked study of chemical dependency Shirt
off Summer night after a dismal
rain I had just lost an uninteresting
argument with a
wicked siren I
had bedded for a month Now
she walked out arms
intertwined With
a pretty boy whore I punched the wall hard thick pieces of solid rock refusing to give Imbedded in callused skin To numb to care “Goddamn
son of a bitch!” I yelled “Goddamn son of a bitch.” Pulled back and let fire This time I felt bone give way This
is reality No
butterflies overhead No
nocturnal reprise under
neon bar tops Seventy-five
dollar tab Empty
stomach alone, broken, pissed
off, Drunk Bill W. Morgan was born in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1976. In
1985, his family moved to Carson City, Nevada. His work has been published in Ill Gotten: an Anthology of
Punk Poetry, and the Wildcat Review. Capital Press published his
first poetry collection, When We Awaken, in 2000. His
second book, Showcase: Five Short Films, was
published in 2013. He is currently working on his second poetry collection,
as well as a collection of short stories.
In Association with Fossil Publications