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forgot to pay attention to da road marker.
I forgot visual images
are transferable. I
forgot dat I wuz going somewheah. I
forgot every destination is just wun station. I forgot da silver
lining is colorless in its dormancy. I
forgot bad tings only happen wen da devil smiles. I forgot not to
consume grass on da highway. I
forgot da herd stampedes wit titanium hooves. I forgot objects
get mangled on impact. I
forgot wat da paramedic wuz telling me. I
forgot spiraling like wun broken airplane. I
forgot da feel of da emergency room. I
forgot dat I wuzn’t wun cloud. I
forgot to take anadah breath. I
forgot da pitchfork stuck in my throat. I
forgot to open my eyes. I
forgot to see da big red stop sign. GAMBLE IN DA JUNGLE by Joe Balaz Get wun
grip and leap, baby, and swing like
Tarzan through da trees. Five will get you
ten wun wild creature not going leave you hanging. Wish foa three
cherries and wun big jackpot cause it’s all wun adventure in da risky romance play wen
serendipitous chance is mixed wit
emotions. Ride
dat passionate tiger and place wun wager on da thrill. Nevahmind da claws hidden in
da cards. Change partners if you must just like
slot machines and look
at how dat great ape stares at you wit two eyes
spinning like roulette wheels. Dere’s wun whole stack of chips in da
sparkle of desire. Pull
it in or pay it out as all da monkeys
start grabbing da vines. Ace
or joker on da top of da deck. Somebody
new is spying you through da leaves. It’s
either predator or prey so
get anadah grip and leap, baby, and answer all da tom-toms in your heart.
VAGINA by Joe Balaz People go to
places dat dey no like admit to. Maybe it just comes down to stimulation. Dats
da driving force of course but as to how da mind achieves dat
pleasurable tingle is
anadah ting all togettah. Kinky is wun subjective term. It’s
like wun outpost on wun far border— you can visit it from time to time and look out ovah da vast territory of human
carnal complexity. Inventiveness and innovation abounds in da big organ wit big ideas being carried around on wun willing body. Gary flipped da light switch and felt around
in da dark foa his molded soy creation dat wuz lying on wun towel on top of his
mattress. Call it flaky or bizzare or out of touch weirdness. In wun brain dat
doesn’t even give it wun second taught it’s just anadah avenue to wun impulsive sensation.
HARLEY CARESS by Joe Balaz I’ve nevah
seen one of her movies but I tink I know wat da action scenes look like. Her face is just
as sexy as da one on da DVD picture online. Da only difference is dat she’s not wearing red lipstick and she doesn’t have dat same frizzy hairdo. I checked da
photo out on my computer so I could identify her cause my neighbor in my apartment building said dat she frequented da corner pizzeria. I don’t
even know why I’m sitting heah two tables away
from her watching her eat. She no can see
my quick glances dat make me feel like I’m looking through
wun keyhole. I swear I’m not into pornographic pepperoni or extra sleazy cheese but I seem to be confusing myself cause
I kannot take my eyes off of her. I imagine da room going dark and da ghost of
her cinematic exploits materializing in frantic gyrations on da wall behind her. I don’t tink I’m stalking— I don’t even know her. Harley Caress takes wun sip of her soft drink as she finishes
her slice. Sliding da slender strap of her purse ovah her shoulder she stands and den walks
seductively out da glass door. I haven’t
felt dis way since I wuz wun teenager watching my first
X-rated flick. Risqué thrills and tantalizing
frills— looks like dis sexual fantasy ting is wun lifetime gig.
by Joe Balaz
Waiting foa da bus
I saw him wit his
like I did several times before
strumming and
watevah tune did came into his head.
Aftah awhile his musical
blended into da din of da city
until he broke out
wit da title song
of wun popular psychedelic album
from da late 60s.
I wuz struck by his selection
in regards to his situation.
Wishing foa coins
to drop into wun
empty coffee can
dis old black dude
as thin as wun toothpick
became profound
as he
sang line foa line
words dat seemed to justify
how he had become so experienced.
Da circumstantial irony
wuz like da pivotal lines
in some film writer’s
Drifting through my brain
like wun purple-colored haze
Skinny Dentrix
unknowingly stoked
my curiosity
and made me stop
and wonder
how his life had really been.
DAT NO APPLY TO DEBRA by Joe Balaz Wen Debra
realized wun unexpected end it wuz as if she
wuz wacked by wun frying pan wit stars swirling
ovah her head like wun stunned cartoon character. If it wuz just
lipstick on da collar or different color
hair in da bathroom drain den maybe da shock would
have been easier to take. Da fact dat all of her friends knew before she did looking like
private investigators wit dere
incriminating photos of her man taken wit dere smartphones in public showed how blatant da cheating wuz. It’s like dat sad situation of being da last
one to know— it happens moa
often den not. So dere she goes smashing all da china dat he bought foa her in da kitchen sink. It sounds like
World War III and her anger is
advancing on all continents. Da mess wit da lawyer dat needs to be sorted out is going to be wun nasty one cause hurt and ensuing animosity is wun volatile
combination. People get to wheah dey get to by getting deah but if you bow out gracefully den maybe da passion dat held you really wuzn’t all dat real. Dat no apply to
Debra cause she’s
swirling into wun tornado and she’s going to churn and grind until her soon to be greatest romantic mistake gets obliterated into wun disastrous pulp.
plenty guys stay getting busted cause
dey nevah control dere natural urges. Making your way up da ladder is wun pretty cool ting but dat no mean you can invent new kine
rules only foa you wen
you get dere. Sexual
misconduct is da current topic of note and
women are revealing da men dat
took advantage of dem. Look
at all da power brokers falling out of high places getting
fired or resigning heah and deah. Too bad dey nevah approach it da old-fashioned way by simply dating and waiting foa her to invite dem in. Making dere way up da ladder seems to be wun detriment to some cause wit dere carnal actions it’s quite evident dat you can change da location of wun tiger but you no can change its stripes.

Art by Cindy Rosmus © 2019 |
FOA DA PRICE OF ONE by Joe Balaz Da green turns into white and da bills turn into receipts while da cost of
living keeps
moving on like wun millipede wit plenty kine feets. Might as well pull out all of my hair and make bolo head. Moa bettah have nutting on top cause not going have nutting in da pocket. And look at dat inflationary arthropod go walking along steady Freddy as if money grow
on coconut trees. Auwe noho’i e! Most people gaddah pay in some way foa live on dese
islands except foa dose
rich buggahs wit dere silver
spoons and
golden parachutes. In my dreams I like foa go samps but no can cause Mister Buku Bucks not going give me nutting. Shoots den! I guess I gaddah accept my fate and in wun small consequential way tings might be looking up. I wen just find out dat wit dis coupon I wen cut from da newspaper I can get two hamburgers foa da price of
one. PLAN BUT NO REALLY PLAN by Joe Balaz If can can if no can no can it is as simple as dat. Plan but no really plan and wat you may
tink wuz premeditation in hindsight is not so at all. Look to roll wit da unforeseen
scroll dat is unfurling before you. You’re not
nutzo cause it’s wun definite go so slide through
dat door and go foa it. See all of dose
go-go girls dancing up on da stage getting da audience going so much so dat everyone is dancing too and digging it so
much? Da whole presentation is brought about by you. Da passionate
visions, da flights of fancy, da sparking
synthetic stars in wun strange and marvelous
night sky. Add dis to da picture of wat can nevah
be wun total picture cause adahs like
you are adding to it as well like wun
continuous video dat flashes scenes into da reaches
of infinity. If can can if no can no can it is as simple
as dat. Joe Balaz
writes in Hawaiian Islands Pidgin (Hawai’i Creole English) and American
English. He is the author of Pidgin Eye, a book of poetry. The book was featured in
2019 by NBC News for Asian Pacific American Heritage
Month, as one of the best new books to be written by a Pacific Islander. In July 2020, he was given
the Elliot Cades Award for Literature as an Established
Writer. It is the most prestigious literary award given in Hawai’i. Balaz presently lives in
Cleveland, Ohio.
In Association with Fossil Publications