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Fugett Tuesday. Mostly
sunny. High of 92 degrees. Enough humidity to sink an aircraft carrier. A man has no business
drinking coffee in this weather; it’s murder. But here I am sweltering in this dingy
little truck stop, knocking back coffee number three, waiting on a hot little number who
calls herself Ekko. I’m pretty damn sure that’s not her real name, especially
since I first met her in an internet chat-room. You know how that goes. Ekko is a nineteen-year-old, peanut butter
blonde endowed with a perfect set of 34 C’s. I met her in an internet chat room three
weeks ago. I glance at my watch and
scan the joint one last time. The place is swarming with truckers, bikers, and Mexican
itinerant workers. All of them full of hard looks as they feast upon heaping stacks of
flapjacks and ham steaks. I can feel their eyes on me, probing me, sizing me up. I must
look like a foreigner to them, sitting here decked out in my favorite comic book t-shirt
and camo cargo shorts. Shit, listening to them talk in their cryptic CB lingo about Harleys
and rest-stop whores makes me FEEL like a foreigner. I don’t think we even speak
the same language. Why the fuck Ekko picked
this place to meet is beyond me. I knock back the remainder of my coffee.
Meanest fucking brew I’ve ever had. The shit scours my bowels like a fiberglass enema.
Gonna’ take a quart of Mylanta to douse that fire. I wave down the waitress and order
a tall glass of chocolate milk with a matching donut. A
minute later she shuffles back with the grub, and just
as I take a bite, I notice the woman outside peering in the window. Shit, just to look
at her: the ski-mask, the trench coat, the burgundy moon boots with feathers tacked to
them; it’s the kind of exquisitely creepy fashion ensemble that announces, “Look
at me! I’m psycho!” I
watch as the strange woman scans the place, her eyes
slowly drifting from one table to the next. I try to avert my gaze but it’s too late.
She catches me watching her and the edges of her eyes pucker as if she is trying to place
me. She taps the window and waves. A bit unsure, I point to myself and mouth “who
me?” The woman nods.
I reply with a tense wave,
hoping like hell that will be the end of it. No
such fucking luck. The strange woman darts
for the entrance, eyeing me the entire way, then shuffles inside. As she weaves her way
through the maze of tables and booths, my body shudders with the nauseating realization
that this is Ekko, the woman who was supposed to be here two hours ago. I take a deep breath
and brace myself for the impending drama. Ekko seats herself across
from me, plucks the donut from my plate, wipes off the chocolate frosting, and slams it
onto the table. “Damn, another breakfast murdered,” I remark. “Does
this mean we’re still not on speaking terms?” A tense silence prevails. Then very slowly, she
presses a finger to her lips.
to the echo,” she whispers, tilting her head to the side as if straining to catch
some distant voice. That’s her quirky little way of greeting people. She thinks it’s
clever. I, on the other hand, think it’s annoying. “Come on Ekko,
cut the bullshit charade. Okay? Just tell me what this is all about.” She
stares vacantly at the molested donut for a moment then
fishes a Marlboro from her pocket, lights it, and lets the smoke tumble from her lips.
“Nathan…I have a slight problem.” “No shit? The whole ski mask and moon boot
ensemble was my first clue. You look like a fugitive from the fucking loony bin. Why don’t
you take that ridiculous mask off? “Can’t do that, Nathan.” “Why the
hell not? Is it stapled to your head or something?” “Just
forget it. You wouldn’t understand.” “Wouldn’t understand? Come on babe, try me.” She shifts restlessly in
her seat, takes another hit from the cigarette, then leans in close as if imparting a dark,
shameful secret. “I lost something when we were fooling around at that motel last
Wednesday.” “What do you mean
‘lost something?’ You promised me you weren’t a virgin.” “NOT my VIRGINITY,
you arrogant cockhead.” “What
then?” “My
right nostril.” “I’m sorry,
run that by me again.” “I
lost my right nostril.” I take
a deep breath and hold it for a moment, fighting like
hell not to laugh. “Is that why you’re wearing the mask?” She
nods. Unable to contain my amusement,
I reach across the table and pull the old “got your nose” trick, jamming my
thumb between my fingers. “Hey look, here it is. I found it.” “I’m
being serious,” she hisses, extinguishing her cigarette on the naked donut. “Okay,
fine. Let me see your nose.” “No. It’s too hideous.” She hangs
her head shamefully. “Ekko
honey, you just don’t lose a nostril like you do a set of car keys. It’s physically
impossible. Maybe you need professional help.” “I don’t need professional help. I need YOU, Nathan. Please
spend the night with me.” “Fuck
that! You know I can’t. My wife is onto us, Ekko. She found those e-mails you sent.
Her and I have been fighting for three days straight because of them. I got two kids to
think about. I can’t put them through this. It’s not fair.” “What are you saying?” “I’m
saying you and I are gonna’ have to cool it for a while.” “Please don’t do this, Nathan. I can’t
bear to be without you.” “I’m sorry, but I told you once things
started to get ugly that it was over. It’s not fair to my family.” “Your
family? What about me? Can’t you see I’m pining away for you? Every day we are
apart I lose a little more of myself.” Don’t know if it’s
all the bad coffee or the humidity, but I start to feel dizzy and disoriented and everything
suddenly seems so unreal, Ekko, the mask, the missing nostril, the burly truckers, even
the molested donut. I don’t want to be here anymore. I want this over with. “Listen
Ekko, I got an eleven o’ clock appointment. I really have to go.” I
rise to leave and she snatches me by the wrist, yanks
me back into my seat. “Don’t
leave me,” she says, her eyes welling with tears. She strokes my hand for a moment,
then flies into a nervous rage and begins clawing at her head and pounding on the table. “Shit
Ekko, calm down. People are staring.” She shakes
her head and sneezes violently three times. A rope of
blood and snot streams through the mask, oozes to the table. “Oh god.
I can’t breathe. I can’t catch my breath,” she mutters, fumbling through her
pockets. A bottle spills from her hand, scattering tiny yellow and green pills
across the table. I try to help her, but she pushes me away. Then she cuts loose
with a dreadful howl and buckles to the floor, a motionless heap of trench coat, snot and
blood. A creepy stillness grips
the joint. I can feel anxious eyes probing me from every direction. I plunk a $10 bill on the table, weave my way to the door, and step
out into the stifling August heat. Brian
Fugett is a member of the slacker, fast food generation that has been branded
with an “X”. He sits in his pad all day consuming more oxygen than he’s
worth. He’s been doing it for nearly 48 years now & has become quite efficient
at it. Some day he hopes to be president of the “International Society of Incontinent
Gum Swallowers”, a support group for people who compulsively swallow gum & piss
themselves. Until that day arrives, he occupies his time with cartooning, writing, filmmaking
& editing.
In Association with Fossil Publications