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the horrors of childhood by
J.J. Campbell stuck here waiting for the monsters to take over i’m still the shy kid in the sandbox hoping that isn’t
shit running down his leg they say the
horrors of childhood make you a stronger
adult those fuckers
never do say what happens to the exceptions
to the rule i’d love to pull one aside and tell
them the pain of being older and still inadequate some scars never get the chance to heal
the nightmare of your life by
J.J. Campbell welcome to the
days where you should have just stayed in bed the days where each passing hour
brings yet another health scare is that swelling? is that hot to the touch? does that red spot itch? the days where
your favorite chair says enough and breaks the days where you
foolishly bet money on basketball
games welcome to the
days where the first day of spring brings
snow the days where the cats
are looking at you like a happy meal the days where the
dreams only resemble the nightmare of
your life welcome to the days where any smart
man would be planning the
a haggard old soul by J.J. Campbell the fireworks sound like gunshots late
night restless in bed,
for them to
stop i quickly wonder
did i become the
crotchety old man stay off my lawn you fucking punks i get a glass of water and catch a glimpse of myself
the mirror a haggard old soul i get back in bed and start flipping
the porn channels searching for a wayward angel to bring me home
a harrowing
place in time by J.J. Campbell all suicide notes should be written in blood that way no one can misunderstand the act itself the end of the line is a harrowing place in time stuck in the crease of a world that no
gives a shit that
you exist and when the voice on the other end
of the
phone says think about
your loved ones what do you do when you have no loved ones when no one will accept your love
it’s attached to
cash sometimes this bitter
gets what it deserves
the caress of a gentle wind by J.J. Campbell dance under a neon moon the world is ours tonight a glass of something bubbly and stealing kisses under the caress of a gentle wind heaven must be something like this the woman of your dreams staring into your eyes and suddenly it all becomes real this is usually the part of the dream where that dream woman laughs or gets run over
a car i suppose i still
time to change
catherine by J.J. Campbell say hello to the tattooed goddess with the devilish tongue temptation written all over those amazing lips i can still picture the one night alone endless amounts of alcohol and flesh both of our imaginations drunk with the taste of each other you’re probably right we were never meant for more than that one amazing night though i would have loved each failure along the way

Art by Patty Mulligan © 2017 |
with past lovers by J.J. Campbell sometimes i fall
asleep by
talking to myself it’s usually
about all my failures
with past lovers i
do this hoping that in my dreams those lovers come back to me that never happens but like any crazy person, i keep trying the romantic in me still imagines the
day the
love of my life laughs
with me in the
rain as we frantically
kiss under
darkening skies the defeated monster in me pictures sitting
the rain alone, trying
to hear music that
doesn’t exist my
soul does nothing but laugh wondering
how he can manage
to drown in just an inch of water in your shoes by
J.J. Campbell taste
the anger on the tongue relish this moment one of the few things that are real anymore harness it use it to your advantage let everyone talk about
the crazy fucker going
nuts the
madman rambling while walking
down the street they never bothered to take any steps in your
shoes they
don’t have the guts their privilege makes them
weak, vulnerable take your abused body
and become the weapon they

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2018 |
the only goodbye he
deserved by J. J. Campbell spend a few hours trying to fall asleep by dreaming of the only time you were really in love
and all the fucking pain that followed find your father’s grave and piss on it it’s the only goodbye he deserved step into the nearest shitty bar and ask for
a glass and a bottle of something strong give the bartender a crisp hundred-dollar bill and slink off into the corner a few glasses in, the beauty queens will soon start to whisper enjoy the only attention you’re
going to get

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2018 |
souls by J. J. Campbell night swimming with the distinguished souls in a lazy river at the end of november there were rumors that there was a dead body out in these parts plus, we had a case of beer that was begging to be demolished there’s a rope hanging from an old tree it’s for swinging i suppose

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2018 |
the ghosts
of murdered children by J. J. Campbell broken
angels and lost souls the
ghosts of murdered children marching the streets right before dawn all
the factories have closed their
parking lots are full of weeds and dirty needles these small towns are allergic to the future no one wants to step out of their little utopia this is what happens when you never open a
book venture to the wrong
side of
the town or spend any nights
in reality we’ll all be
dead soon just an endless nightmare broadcast on the
national news an epidemic makes the most unlikely celebrities

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2019 |
someone could be loved too much by JJ Campbell a lazy sunday afternoon soon an old tom waits song slides into
your mind you’ll be finishing off a bottle of something strong before you
know it the woman you are madly in love with asks you to stop
telling her
how much you love her you laugh imagine a world where someone could be loved too much soon the second bottle will be empty and
you’ll look
around your lonely room
still amazed just
another lost, lonely soul abandoned by the beautiful left
to scribble down some madness like a monkey in a cage minus throwing the shit around

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2019 |
a few haunting memories by J. J. Campbell it’s an old song a few haunting memories yet another empty bottle on the floor they
all look amazing
away none of them ever manage to find their way back though eventually, i will die and
the nightmares
can finally
end or dance in the head of another for a change
the race has just begun by J.J. Campbell this is the depression talking how a beautiful woman looks
like misery how the sunshine is
a beacon for pain how endless and deep forever
feels sickens you to know the race has just begun her tears taste as
sweet as death one day you might be able to enjoy this circus
this endless nightmare by J.J. Campbell hatred is this endless nightmare only
the assholes have this need to inflict it
on humanity the bitter souls keep it to themselves and have a bottle to wallow in that misery with them i never wanted to die alone but
most of my cookie crumbled to a dirty floor never
any good at magic by
J. J. Campbell an inch of rain after christmas santa didn’t bring me any damn boots i gave up smoking nearly twenty years ago there are days i go through a carton in my dreams happiness is an illusion and i was never any good at magic my third eye got poisoned by mushrooms tragic isn’t a strong enough word
a soft landing by J. J. Campbell i can still taste your lips sweet
cherry lip gloss as i ran my hands down your beautiful body i
was young enough to be eager and you were old enough to know what you liked i
was an attentive listener and was good at following directions you
were patient and judging from the wet spots on the sheets, satisfied i
quickly fell in love and you pretended as long as the sex was good and
i know you tried your best to give me a soft landing when you moved on that
was over twenty years ago i’m still climbing back
up that mountain
through the motions by J. J. Campbell it’s
a cold sunshine on the fourth of december not quite
winter but certainly not fall either going through the motions of a life full of
pain physical therapy coping with alcohol not enough
sleep rinse and repeat it becomes relentless and eventually breaks
everyone even the
stubborn old fucks like you
the shotgun still rests in the corner by J. J. Campbell destiny got on a plane and was
never heard from again forever
slipped out of your hands over twenty years ago the
shotgun still rests in the corner the
neon angels laugh as you walk by each night alone your
shadow doesn’t even bother to show up anymore the
listless underbelly of a society killing itself go
lay down by the river and hope for a flood J. J. Campbell (1976–?) is
stuck in suburbia wondering where the lonely housewives are hiding. He's been widely
published over the years, most recently at Synchronized Chaos, Ramingo's Porch,
Cajun Mutt Press, The Beatnik Cowboy and Horror Sleaze Trash.
You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)
In Association with Fossil Publications