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I’m Not Antonio Garr Parks One
breezy October night, Eddie pulled into the long, nearly empty parking lot that sloped
down to Parham’s Waterfront Club. The route there had taken Eddie through Springfield’s
rough inner-city streets, ones that needed paving and were lined with run-down houses
that cried for renovation. The club sat on the edge of the urban lake called Watershops
Pond and next door to the vacant and crumbling Springfield Armory built in the 1800s. Eddie
parked beside the owner’s 1984 triple black Jag.
Looking at the Jag now, he saw it as a sign of forgiveness, for Antonio Parham was once
a good listener and wise in understanding another person’s perspective even if the
person seeking his forgiveness sometimes wound up missing or badly beaten. More than forgiveness
from his only sibling, Eddie wanted to extinguish the anger he still harbored like an unforgiving
ghost and let the past be the past. After numerous failed attempts, Antonio had finally
answered Eddie’s calls two days ago and he sounded gracious, “Yeah, little
brother, come on up and let’s get this over with. We’re the only family we got
left.” The dimly lit interior escorted Eddie through the back
door, which he found just as it was two years ago when he’d last patronized the bar.
Nothing had changed: the air conditioners gurgled with a low hum, the long oval-shaped
bar took up most of the room’s space, the cracks winced in some of the leather padded
stools around the bar, the center station was stacked like a stadium, the overhead fans
rotated like old men, the scuffed vinyl flooring held onto durability, and the dark paneled
walls along the booths embraced their secrets.
Two stocky young men in jean jackets stood together across the bar, drinking bottles
of beer and tossing back shots between loud talking and laughing about one of them turning
thirty. The lone bartender turned her back to the men and circled around the center
island as Eddie found a seat, alone, opposite the celebration.
“What’s your pleasure?” the bartender asked. She looked about
thirty-five-years-old, with smooth brown skin, a short pixie cut hairstyle, and a warm
smile in her eyes and on her lips.
Eddie suddenly felt exhausted after his four hour’s drive from Harlem to meet
his brother face-to-face again for the first time since the shooting. His heart
raced and he considered getting up and leaving as second thoughts began creeping into his
brain. Remnants of Antonio’s cigar smoke hung in the air, reminding him that Antonio
had a trigger temper and didn’t mind demonstrating it. He adjusted his wire rim glasses
and glanced around, feeling Antonio’s eyes watching his every move. “Where’s
Antonio?” Eddie asked.
“You look just like him,” the bartender said, nonchalantly. “Just
a younger slimmer version.”
“We’re brothers,” Eddie said. “Family resemblance usually
works that way. Where’s he at? His whip broke down?” The
bartender’s smile turned into a frown, as if he’d asked her to surrender her
name, date of birth, address and social security number. “He’s not the only one
who drives it,” she said, as though she’d said it once too often. “But what
business is it of yours?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Plenty,” Eddie muttered. He chuckled to himself. Was she involved
with Antonio? His brother was fifty-five, thirteen years his senior, but Eddie knew he
had an eye for younger women. His gaze went past her to the rows of bottles that stood
at attention. One drink, he thought, just one would help smother the fire still smoldering
in him over losing Kim to his own brother and drown the feeling that life had betrayed
him. Yes, one drink would put a little distance to the proximity of his heartbreak and
anger and maybe then he and Antonio could finally talk like men, like brothers, and end
their bitter estrangement.
The Hennessey snapped its fingers at Eddie. He tried to look away. The bartender
still waited for his order then turned to look in the direction of his gaze. “A whiskey?”
she said. Eddie nibbled his lower lip. “I’ll take
a tall glass of straight tonic water,” he finally said, lifting his eyes to catch
the bartender’s grin. “And a wedge of lime to that and some ice.”
Her eyebrows arched. “Straight tonic, no chaser?” she asked, as if meaning
to say, “You for real?”
“No chaser,” Eddie said, hearing his own bit of impatience. “Straight
tonic.” Why was she still grinning at him?
Both men across the bar lifted their bottles and said loudly in unison, “Here’s
to you, Antonio.” “Tell them
fools I’m not Antonio,” Eddie told the bartender.
“Don’t mind them,” the bartender said, resting both palms on the
bar. “I haven’t seen you here before.”
“I’ve never seen you either,” Eddie said. “My brother’s
expecting me. You must’ve known I was coming.” “Yeah, Antonio talks about you a lot.
You’re the one —” She turned away and went to the bar. Eddie watched her as she
grabbed an eight-by-eleven framed picture or something then returned and set it down in
front of him. He picked it up; it was a news paper article from the Springfield Union News,
framed and matted. West
Springfield, Massachusetts November
21st, 2003 Businessman, Antonio Parham, 52, bleeding
from a gunshot wound to his shoulder, and his head bloodied, stumbled out the rear door
of his two-story home into a pouring rain, calling the name of a neighbor for help.
The neighbor heard the shouting, but so did the man inside the house, who peeked
outside from an upstairs bedroom window. The man was Springfield Police Officer Eddie
Parham, Antonio’s younger brother, who had broken into the house to find his girlfriend,
Kim Jordan, in bed with his brother.
A fight between the brothers ensued, inside, ending after Eddie shot Antonio, hitting
him once in the shoulder, shattering Antonio’s collar bone.
Moments after Antonio Parham stumbled from the house, police officers surrounded
the house.
Eddie Parham was arrested without further incident and taken into custody.
Kim Jordan was found upstairs uninjured and tied to the bed. “And
now they’re married,” Eddie said, pushing
the frame aside. “He’s lucky I only shot him in the shoulder.”
“You were both lucky,” the bartender said.
“Depends how you define luck,” Eddie said. “I lost my job with
the Springfield PD and spent six months in jail.”
“But Antonio dropped the charges which set you free,” the bartender
snorted. “He says you still got a vengeful grudge in your heart, though. You sure
you don’t want a whiskey to tamper down your mischief?” “Nah,” Eddie
said. He liked her Mateuse bottle shape; narrow at the top and wide at the hips, and her
sea-weed brown eyes. “I stay sober now. Whiskey always got in the way of my relationships.
Where is everybody? Why’s the place look closed?”
“We got a plumbing problem. So, what is it you do now, Eddie?” “I’m a bail
agent.” He looked at his watch. “Is Antonio here or not?”
“Then you haven’t heard?” the bartender asked. “Heard
what?” Eddie said.
The bartender folded her arms across her bosom and gave him a sideways smirk. She
shook her head then walked away to get his drink but not before the loud party of two ordered
up two more shots.
Eddie nibbled his lower lip, wondering what information the bartender was keeping
from him. Was Kim in poor health? The mystery consumed him like sinking in deep water.
He gazed across the bar at the booths and remembered the many nights he used to get drunk
there while the place flowed thick with adrenaline, schmoozers and players competing with
the dance music that boomed from the DJ’s station in the back corner of the tight
dance floor.
The bartender returned and set Eddie’s iced-tonic water in front of him. “What you got
to tell me,” Eddie said, “that my brother’s still running around with city
politicians and putting his hand in every pocket? He’s got enemies in every town.
Has he finally gone and got in some shit too deep to get out of and needs his little brother’s
“I don’t think you get what’s going on here,” the bartender
said. She sighed. “Antonio said to tell you to fuck off and have a safe trip back,
and that Kim is pregnant with his child, and you can’t have her back.” She
took a breath. “Now, you got to finish that drink, because I’m closin up.” Eddie
blinked several times, wondering if she was joking. The arch of her eyebrows suggested
she wasn’t. The room got quiet. He looked at the two men and they were looking at
him with deadpan expressions. It was no joke, he thought, like he’d been set up.
He took a healthy swallow then cleared his throat and looked straight in the
bartender’s eyes. “You tell Antonio, I thought he
was a bigger man than this. This ain’t about Kim. Tell him to give Kim a wet kiss
for me, then tell him he isn’t man enough for me and that I’m still not scared
of him.” “Antonio ain’t scared
of nothin either and he’s always happy to prove it.” “Yeah,”
Eddie said. “That’s my big brother.” The
bartender glanced over her shoulder at the two men.
“I got to close up, Eddie. Nice to meet you.” His eyes
drifted to her ringless wedding finger. “If you’re ever in Harlem, I can roast
you a good chicken, make the skin crackle in your mouth. Get my number from your boss.” “Life
happens, Eddie,” the bartender said. “Sometimes it’s best to move on.”
Eddie didn’t like her advice; it sounded like an insinuation, or a funeral.
It rattled his nerves a little bit.
“Yeah, I suppose,” Eddie muttered. He pushed his glass forward and got
up. The two men started talking loudly again.
“Bye bye Eddie Parham,” the bartender
said. Eddie
took off his leather jacket as he walked out the back door into the dark night. He took
several steps then paused, looked to either side of him, perked his ears, saw
no one but heard a choir of crickets chirping in concert down near the pond. The
only light in the driveway was a luminous glow from the full moon. In his mind,
Antonio sat behind a desk watching him on security cameras. As he continued on
to his car, he spit on the Jag and the crickets went deathly silent. He opened his
car door, suddenly heard two snapping-like clicks behind him, turned fast to see the switchblade
slashing toward his face. He ducked, the blade missed, and he tossed his jacket in the
first assailant’s face, which gave him the instant he needed to side-step the second
assailant’s lunge with the other blade. Eddie planted his feet and cracked the second
assailant’s jaw with a vicious right cross that dropped him to the pavement, lights
out. The first assailant slashed again with his blade but Eddie moved briskly out of harm’s
way then hook-kicked him on the medial collateral ligament. The first assailant screamed
in pain and the knife slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. Eddie moved in, caught
two stiff jabs to his forehead, dazed him a little, but he grabbed onto the
first assailant and they fell to the pavement. Two bodies fighting in a clotted
knot, fingers grabbing, fists punching. The first assailant reached for the
knife, but Eddie slammed his fist into the assailant’s family jewels. The first
assailant squealed in agony, cuffed his jewels with both hands and curled into a fetal
position. Eddie hopped to his feet, breathing fast. Iron taste
of blood in his mouth. He reached into his car and snatched his sub compact from the hip
holster. He shot one assailant in the shoulder then shot the other one in the shoulder.
He glanced around, saw no one. His heart beat steady. The only sounds were the assailants’
squealing and moaning. Then a small fish or something splashed the water in the pond. He
dragged the closest assailant by his collar and dumped him on top of the other one and
watched them for a moment squirming on each other like two bloodworms. “I’m not
Antonio,” Eddie said to the two whimpering and bleeding young men from inside
the bar. “Antonio would’ve killed you.” He remembered what his poppa once
told him and Antonio: “Guns beat knives 99% of the time.” Now he was looking
at proof. Forgiveness, he thought, was never one of Antonio’s stronger points of
view. “But I forgive you, brother,” he yelled. His voice carried across the
darkness. Eddie picked
his jacket up then got into his car and cruised out of the parking lot.
Garr Parks (k2garr@gmail.com)
served twenty years as a Corrections Officer in the
Connecticut Department of Corrections, including many years counseling addicts. Retired,
he writes out of Savannah, Georgia and enjoys trail hiking and saltwater fishing. His short
stories have appeared in various literary magazines, including Black Petals (“Flirting
With Desire,” in Summer 2003, and “The Decoy Maker,” in Spring 2005).
In Association with Fossil Publications