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Art by Hillary Lyon © 2018 |
Breathless By
Mick Rose Pain. Hammering his skull. Like a Jehovah
Witness’s zealous fist assailing an unanswered wooden door. Drew peeled opened bleary
eyes to an even more unwelcome sight: a grisly pair of shotgun barrels primly pointed
at his chest. Certainly
not the first time Drew had surfaced from the Land of Nod—and discovered himself
aroused with a loaded gun that wasn’t his. (Though he much preferred stiff nipples
brushing hard against his chest.) But if his luck held true to form this wouldn’t
be his last— “You
lookin’ to get killed, Mister?” “Naw,
I’m just lookin’ to find a Starbucks.” “You
got a real long walk ahead of you then—closest one around here is sixty miles east. “Course if you had
yourself an iPhone you’d know that.” Shifting
the shotgun to her shoulder, she strode right out the barn. Abandoning his gear and beer (empties littering
the hay), teetering Drew followed, shielding swollen eyes against the early-morning sun.
Staring at her ass easily made him seasick. But no pain, no gain—and Drew enjoyed
the view. “Kick-ass
place you’ve got here,” he hollered, clawing straw from his hair. “For five-million-two
it’s yours—no more skulking in the barn.” “Why you selling?” “Cuz I’m the
kick-ass realtor who holds the exclusive listing on this private kick-ass place.” That explained the pencil
skirt—and the three-inch pump stilettos. He’d glimpsed a lovely canyon of yawning
freckled cleavage. But that slender finger on the trigger had commanded his full attention. “Not a for sale
sign in sight. And you’re the first person I’ve seen all week. The owners living
elsewhere and just decide to sell?” She
fished a nearby flowerbox. And flipped a key to Drew. Who, much to her surprise, snatched
the silver Yale in stride. Though he fumbled with the lock before the deadbolt finally
snicked. Then they stepped into the kitchen—where the Keurig caught his eye. “What I wouldn’t
do for hot coffee and a shower—” She
leaned the shotgun by the entry and left the back door open, key still in the lock. “Hot
coffee, hot shower—you probably want hot pussy next.” “Do I have to walk
sixty miles to get that, too?” “Depends
how bad you want it. Or what you’re willing to settle for.” “Right now, I’d
settle for coffee.” “Help
yourself—you’re good at it: cups are in the cupboard above the stove; everything
else is on the counter.” Drew snagged a Boise State Broncos mug, selected
a Dark Roast from the Sampler pack, snapped the K-cup in place, and idly tapped Start. “I
like your work, Drew. It inspired me.” Smirking she waggled an iPhone, her back propped
against the fridge; those fine long-legs crossed above the ankles. “Did a magazine
hire you for this here job—or are you freelancing?” Drew stared at his Facebook
Profile. Jesus, how
long had she been in the barn rifling his gear? “Both. Photojournalism’s a
ruthless field. Even worse than a frenzied band of Bargain Basement shoppers—all
hopped on crystal meth when Black Friday rolls around. I learned early: save your best
photos for yourself—everyone wants quality, but no one wants to pay. “And male Greater Sage Grouse are truly
magnificent birds few people ever see. They’re secretive creatures. And outside mating
season, they live in isolation. But late February to April, they gather to court.
Watching these birds perform their rituals always leaves me breathless.” “How did you know these birds were
here?” Drew
shrugged. “I network.” “How
did you get here?” Drew
set the empty mug in the sink. “Hired a ride from the airport.” His propensity
for DUIs had left him bereft of a license. And sixty nasty days in jail had curbed his
propensity to drive without one. “Hot shower’s down that hall,
to your left,” she instructed. Drew shuffled off. Pleased with his good
fortune, he took his time in the pulsing steam. And returned to the kitchen, snuggly wrapped
in a towel, his right-extended-arm gripping balled-up grungy clothes. “I
need your help, Drew.” “With
what?” She
waved a half-liter-bottle of Absolut. “Open this, will you?” Drew
considered his clothes—and tossed them out the door. Accepting
the open vodka, she swallowed a tentative sip, and gave him a tentative kiss. Passing back
the bottle, she plunked her ass on the kitchen table: and delving her blue blazer—suddenly
produced his knife. “I want it rough,
Drew. Starting with my clothes. I want you to shred them. I want you to leave me …
breathless.” Hearing
hinky housewife shit was nothing new to Drew. Slugging
Absolut, he calmly reclaimed his knife. But bit back the growing urge to whistle
while he worked. Setting
the knife and vodka on the counter by the Keurig, horny
Drew leaned forward to twist a tender nipple. “Now this is what I call prime real
estate. Your husband’s a lucky man—” “Stop
talking!” she ordered. And slapped him in
the face: long, artificial nails strafing cheek and neck. Drew’s reflexive backhand
smashed her in the mouth—extracting blood-for-blood. All thoughts of foreplay
vanquished, he ripped away the towel and plunged his cock between her legs—her
pussy even drier than arid desert sage. And just about as cold as far-flung fucking Pluto. “That’s it,
Drew, take what you want. Take it, take it, take it!”
slammed a fist into her ribs: a blow that left her breathless— Drew soon passed out on
the floor. But eventually opened bloodshot eyes to a familiar unwelcome sight: a pair of
goddamn shotgun barrels—pointed primly at his chest. “Congratulations Drew. You left your
jailbird fingerprints everywhere. Your DNA’s under my nails. And your mess lies in
the barn. So when the cops find your corpse splattered around this kitchen, they
will naturally conclude I shot you in self-defense. Once they’re out of my
hair, I will sue the idiots who hired you for endangering my life. I imagine
they’ll offer me several million to keep my case out of court. “Hope
you enjoyed your unlawful stay. And our kick-ass romp in the hay.” All that primo real estate
in all its naked glory. But the last thing Drew laid eyes on was that single slender finger.
that finger left him breathless— ***** A hack musician and photographer,
Mick wanders the United States in search of the perfect pizza. He’s turned his hands
to writing fiction—and dabbling in poetry. The kind folks at Near to the Knuckle
and Horror Sleaze Trash have sullied their pages with his stories. While Black
Petals and Better Than Starbucks have generously published his poetry. Want to
say, “Hello?” You can visit him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mick.rose.56808
In Association with Fossil Publications