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Art by Steve Cartwright © 2015 |
Davis The door of the motel stood ajar, exposing
a darkened Travelodge room 213. Except for a few cars on 101, nothing in Santa Laguna stirred
at this late hour. Fog moved inland sheltering most of the town from view. Mother fucker, Rob
Reese thought as he approached from the parking lot, his car was still there. Cat…?
His wife Catherine had scheduled one of her beach yoga sessions earlier in the evening,
if she wasn’t back by now, she was probably
still fucking the instructor somewhere. Two weeks in the shit-hole tourist town was becoming
a vacation in hell for Robert Reese. Florescent lighting cast odd shadows on the second
floor landing.
First it was those kids, Reese thought,
and now this? He knew that he should report
all of this to the police, let them handle it, but the thought of catching those kids in
his room was too hard to resist. Besides, the little fuckers took his phone. Navigating a sand berm earlier separating the sea-side
Travelodge from a local watering hole, Reese had to empty his pockets for some of the local
hoodlums. The dumb shits settled for a wallet and cards but didn’t think to ask if
the tourist had any cash. Reese had already scolded himself throughout the evening for
not taking his CCW Colt when he left for the bar. Hell,
he was on vacation here right? No need to carry the .45 in this
sleepy little town. “Cat,”
Reese asked pushing back the door of 213. “Cat are you in here honey?” High
pressure lamps cast enough light to make the bed and bathroom doorway recognizable. Whether she was fucking
the yoga instructor or the waiter at the restaurant, Reese knew his wife wouldn’t
be here. She wouldn’t bring them back here to their
His suitcase stood out in the dim light across the room
near the dresser. If I can get my hands on that
Colt, Reese thought. It was one thing to
call the bank to report stolen cards, but a firearm? Something moved in the bathroom dressing area. Reese
dove for the suitcase, hitting the dresser and stopping against the wall. Silence enveloped
the room. Unzipping the Samsonite, his hand felt for the cold of steel. It was still there,
they hadn’t found his gun. Listening for any movement in the bathroom, Reese slammed
the magazine home and stood in the darkened room feeling for the wall switch. An unfamiliar perfume
wafted in on the cool ocean breeze. Was it Catherine? Always
the protective husband, Reese yelled, “Cat, if that’s you honey, stay outside.”
Reese cleared his throat, “I’ve got my forty-five and I’m turning on
the light.” Movement
in the dressing area brought a flash from the open doorway. Reese dropped to the floor
clutching his side as the room spun out of control from whiskey and lead. Fuck. Another
shot rang out, the flash highlighting the figure of a woman in a hooded sweatshirt. “Cat, is that you?”
Reese asked of the figure. “Don’t
shoot,” The voice of a young man pleaded from the bathroom. A woman’s heels
trotted away down the steps outside. Reaching the wall switch,
Reese squinted to focus. Room 213 was in shambles. After two shots from the small caliber
pistol guests in the neighboring rooms were beginning to stir. The bathroom door opened.
A young man bolted for the safety of the open door and the outside world, straight-arming
Reese. Instinct gaining the upper hand, a wounded Reese thumbed the hammer of his Colt
and fired.
His world beginning to spin, Reese felt himself slipping as
a Policeman asked, “Do you know the shooter, Mister Reese?” “Yes…no. No, I don’t think so.” Reese said, closing his
eyes to remain focused. Could the assailant have
been Cat, his wife of twenty years? “That’s
it,” A young paramedic said in a soothing voice, starting an IV, “Just stay
calm.” “Mister Reese, was the shooter a
man or woman?” Another policeman asked, scribbling notes on a yellow pad. “Did
you see the shooter?” “I…I
don’t know,” Reese said, “It was dark.” Some would have truth,
others their lies. Robert and Catherine Reese each had alibis.
The Night
Shift Christopher Davis There
she stood in the aisle, right between day old bread and dirty magazines, my
savior. She must have been twenty-five… twenty-seven? A nine-and-a-half if she wasn’t
a ten. Pretty. Short dark hair and olive skin, I’d never seen her before.
It was midnight. No, it was later than that, the bars were
closing. It must have been one-thirty, two? Anyway
this guy comes in, Puerto Rican maybe? I’m from
California, so they’re all Mexican to me. He mulls around the store by the coolers
for a while. I didn’t like the way he stalled. He was up to no good, but fuck what
was I to do? I’d just started college, first real job working at the all night mini-mart,
ten to six and free hotdogs. This douchebag comes up to the register
with a twelve pack and starts making small talk. I’d
done crank and coke a time or two and I could tell this cat was on a bender if there ever
was one. He was nervous, fidgety.
A car pulls in and some old guy gets out. This border
brother pats the beer and says something I didn’t understand, starts for the
back of the store. So this old black dude walks in and grabs a forty, walks up to
the register and asks for pack of menthols. I thought that shit was a Hollywood stereotype.
Meanwhile this chick pulls up in a new car, stops by the
gas pump. She gets out and then kind of gets back in. Once she started toward
the store, this black dude and I lost track of time man, we both watched her walk across
that lot. Nothing distasteful really, just two guys admiring a young woman’s beauty.
She walks in flashing a smile, carries herself like she’s a
daddy’s girl, you know? This other asshole says something and she rolls
her eyes. She goes into the bathroom in the back of the store.
I make change for the dude with the beer and the smokes.
Fuck, I wish he would have stayed all night. Nice guy really, had just finished
his shift at the plant. After the old guy leaves, my fuck-head
buddy with the twelve-pack comes back to the register,
wants a pack of Shesterfields. I don’t
know what the fuck he wants, I get like three or four hours of sleep a night man.
He points and argues. I give him a green pack and he points
at the blue one. He’s going to rob me, but when?
Finally I say look dude, take the smokes. Take the beer,
it’s on the house. This dumb fuck pulls out this shitty
little pistol, some rusty relic that’s been bought
and sold on the streets of Reading since World War Two. Don’t get me wrong, I knew
it was going to hurt if he shot me, but it wasn’t some bad-ass semi-auto. If he missed,
he wouldn’t get a second shot. Honestly, I would have been surprised if he knew how
to use it. Distracted with the matter at hand,
we had both forgotten about the chick in the bathroom. I saw her come out,
but didn’t really look her way. I’d hoped that she would see what was happening
and call the police. The sound
of a hammer locking into place is a terrible sound man,
when it’s pointed at you. This Puerto Rican crack-maniac puts one into the cigarette
display over my shoulder and starts yelling something I can’t understand. Rust from
the barrel found my cheek. I knew I was bleeding. I tell
him, fuck man…you can have the whole god-damned
store. Over his shoulder I see a beautiful leg peeking from her black dress as she leveled
the barrel and fired. I fell toward the window and a spray of red plastered the cigarettes
behind me. Never did get to really thank her.
It seemed like the cops pulled in as the guy slumped to the floor.
The police asked questions about what happened. Others
walked her to her car and took notes. She drove away and my boss tells me to go
home. Go
home? Fuck that. That was my last
nightshift. End
Christopher Davis
is a central California native and grandfather of three rambunctious
little ones. When not tending the herd, he'll try his hand at writing crime & western
fiction. His stuff can be found in the usual places. Chris lives with his wife and a dog
that has totally lost his mind. Find out more www.christopherdaviswrites.com
In Association with Fossil Publications