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Art by W. Jack Savage © 2018 |
GAME by Norbert Kovacs The game’s point was to
intimidate a person more often than any other player did. It was scored online through
a social media site where each competitor reported how he variously caused grief
for the game victim. A scorekeeper tallied the acts of disrespect made by the end of the
set period to determine the winner. The players, to hold to a standard of truth,
had to have impartial third parties corroborate each claim that they had “scored
against” the victim. Friends actually accompanied a player when he went to confront
the victim in order later to testify that he had made a reproach or insult. Some competitors,
to gain more credit with the scorekeeper, had friends take photos and videos of a verbal
attack and post them to the game site. Fans and followers could remark online that they
“enjoyed” these items, thereby giving a player bonus endorsements, that raised
his standing in the competition. The game was well known internationally
and played in local versions for towns and cities, even neighborhoods. The players competed
in over 17,000 places; the games in their entirety had a following of tens of millions.
Because the competition called for random, meaningless attacks on a person, the law opposed
it usually, so competitors had to watch that they did not gain a public name if they were
to compete very long. But the legal system recognized the game’s popularity and approached
interfering with the players cautiously. Few people playing or following the competition
voiced concern over the victims’ trouble, treating it like an insignificant given.
A local edition of the game had launched in a small Connecticut town
featuring Michael Truman as the victim. Michael was a respectful, kind, middle-aged person
who lead a decent, normal life, just like the other victims. When he was "selected" for
the game, the local players—disaffected, hard-minded persons eager for the
companionship the game offered—sought out Michael to taunt him. In the supermarket,
they yelled at him, abusing him for his kind and considerate character. Hackers sent him
demeaning emails. A pithy one of these read: Hey Truman: Drop dead. —The Indifferent The younger and
more mischievous players made crank calls to Michael's home phone. In long voice
mails, the callers termed him every putdown listed in a slang dictionary: loser, freak,
weirdo. The game fans chastised him in the street over his quiet reserve and plain speaking.
Knowing victims on the game were not to reply to these attacks, since
it interfered with the helplessness that the players aimed to inculcate. Fans and followers
supposed the victim at some level respected the game was that important in entertaining
them to go along with it. However, Michael, who well understood his situation,
responded one day to some men who called to him in the street. “What have I done to you?” His hecklers replied:
“You’re a moron.” “Shut up.” As if not getting
the point, Michael answered, “Why? Who are you to say this?” “You’re the town victim on the online game everyone
follows.” “I do know. Still doesn't make it right. What if I mocked
you? Called you.... and...” he said inserting the proper verbiage. The tallest of
the young men in the street scowled. “You’re a little angry for a victim, bud.
You act like you think we’re victims and that you can attack us.” The tall man and his companion walked away before Michael might
answer. Michael did not understand how they supposed he attacked them when he had defended himself. He told himself that they had things upside
down. When the angry encounter in the street
gained notice through the game network, the local players bore down on Michael. Rather
than name-calling as they had, they accused him of doing vicious acts about which they
had no proof. “He steals from his neighbors. I know he has taken DVDs and
a watch from his next door neighbor.” “He pushed a man before an oncoming
car.” “He yells at random people in the street.” “He sleeps
with random women.” The lazier players made more
general attacks. They said simply that Michael was “irresponsible” and “dangerous.”
A greasy-faced man claimed Michael was “possessive over
his own things.” The players did not explain how Michael was so. The greasy man
did not go into how anyone possessed his own property more than anything else. With these accusations
of vice, the players went beyond the name-calling that the game conventions
prescribed. Michael realized this was dangerous. Names were names, but the players now
accused him of immorality—worse, crime. He knew accusations of crime ruined reputations
that never recovered. It would not matter if he were guilty or not to many people, once
his name was marred. He did not aim for this to happen and replied to the players to that
end. “I don’t rob anyone,” he told his attackers, confronting
them in a parking lot one day. “I don't push people in front of cars. I don’t
throw myself at women. And I don’t know how I am irresponsible or dangerous. Show
me proof to the contrary! If you have any honesty, prove I did any of it!” The game players
angered to hear him. A group of them cried, “You're getting to be too much. Don’t
you realize thousands of people follow us on the game websites statewide? They
expect us to insult you. You might realize it and get more realistic.” Michael did not believe
their reply. A bunch of low-lifes warn me to show respect?, he thought. His hecklers
seemed much more in line for a warning and now he did not hesitate to give it. “You
undercut me that often I wonder just who you all are." he said. "Derelicts I bet. A
few of you drink too much, I bet. Or can't hold down a job. Am I right? Your bosses get
rid of you once they find out what you're like?” A few of the players turned
away quickly. Michael saw he had struck a point and drove it home. “And you had gone
breathing fire!” The players were stunned. A victim in the game was not supposed
to point out actual faults and issues of the players. Any of the players. Michael's hecklers
walked away half frightened and ashamed. The players' fear made
Michael newly confident; he believed he had defended well against them. I spoke the truth
while they shouted lies, he told himself. He went confidently around town with the thought.
He regarded the players no longer when he recognized them; he walked in the other direction
rather than bother. The game players, for their part, kept their distance. They felt put
in a corner. At most now, they shot a angry glance walking by him in public. Michael felt buoyed by his
success right to the day he spoke to his friend Lawrence on the front steps of his home.
Lawrence set him straight. “I’ve overheard them discussing you around town,”
his friend said. “They’re plotting revenge since you riled them.” “They’re
just talking.” “They didn’t sound it. They mean to do you harm.” “Over calling
them out? They had the idea to harass me.” “They’re angry. No
other victims have talked back and they don’t want to be the first to take it.” “So, are
they planning to gang up on me or what?” “They never said. The
group of them I heard at the diner said they’re ‘going to go after you.’ Then,
I heard some guys in a store say, ‘it was about time to get you.’ They mean
violence, Michael.” “It sounds like
they’re taking all I said way too hard. All any of us did was exchange words.” Lawrence's words
worried Michael. He believed the players in their rash mood might take action,
pointless as it seemed. He decided to act first. The next day, he went to talk with the
police downtown. “These game players have lost any kind of perspective,”
he told the chief officer when they spoke in his office. “They think they’re
proving to be heroes. Their game is that important to them they might do me some real harm.” The town police
chief, acquainted with the aggressive game as too many people were, said he would take
Michael’s case seriously. He sent an officer in a car to guard Michael when he was
in town in the day and at his house at night. Michael went to his job at the local hardware
store, worked, and, in the afternoons, walked home. He went to the supermarket on the day
he did. He had no one attack him. At night,
Michael joined friends for dinner sometimes and went to see the latest movie at the Cineplex.
He enjoyed himself as he did prior to the game. The police guard seemed to work. Then one day he
talked to his friend Joe who was acquainted with Gerald, the police officer protecting
him. “Gerald has met some bad trouble on your account,” Joe
said as they shared lunch at a local diner. “Those game players sent him a letter
saying they’ll hurt his family if he goes on protecting you.” Michael stared.
“The game rules say the players can’t threaten non-victims.” “I know,
but these guys are. Gerald is worried. He asked to be reassigned to other duty. He says
he would risk himself any other time, but he’s worried for his kids.” “My God. Those
dirty players.” In anger, Michael went to the police station and told the police
chief about the threats to Officer Gerald. “Those threats aren’t all
they’ve done,” the chief replied. He opened the drawer of his desk and handed
Michael a packet of letters and printed emails. “Look at these.” The packet included
several anonymous letters threatening the police station if Michael remained under protection.
a message made of huge letters cut from several magazines. “We’ve all felt
the heat over the game.” Michael moved uncomfortably in his seat.
“And what will you do about it?” “Nothing. We’ll continue
to protect you. For now, anyway.” The players did not relent in their attacks
on Michael's local police. Several anonymous letters to them
threatened a riot. WE ARE READY AND WAITING HORDES!, one
angry missive declared. On a Sunday night, hoodlums
overturned an unoccupied cop car at the police station and graffitied it with the messages,
threats to the police multiplied and followers in towns near Michael's, even in other states,
promised angry action against “the cop interference.” Finally, Michael’s
officer guardian told him one day the police no longer would provide him special protection. “No one
came to attack you,” Gerald said. “We no longer believe they would.”
He faced Michael holding firm as he spoke. Michael did not believe
him, but he understood. The police could not manage the storm brewing with the game. He was now without protection. In the evenings, Michael
sat on the swing on his front porch as it grew dark and awaited the players. He
looked into the night at the maples across the street, growing dark as if a mass
with the greater darkness, and strained his ears to catch the last songs of the birds before
there was quiet. He waited for a rustle in the bushes or a light perhaps peeking through
the trees that might have meant men coming for him. When he discovered no sign and nobody,
he went into the house to his bedroom, believing half confidently he would have no trouble
that night. The nights grew colder
with the autumn and there came the evening Michael kept inside studying the scene through
his front window because it was too cold to be outside. When he awakened after a doze in
his armchair, he discovered thick smoke billowing through the front room and flames shooting
from the walls. Michael jumped from his chair and ran onto the porch. As he bolted toward
his front steps, a voice from the dark yelled, “VICTIM! VICTIM!” A stone flew
past Michael’s head. A second knocked against his shoulder. Enraged faces showed
in the illuminated night. Cries sounded: “Fiend! Criminal! Outcast!” Stones
hurtled, hitting his front steps and house. Michael backed into the
house and slammed shut the door. He thought to escape through the back and into
the backyard. However, he made only a few steps toward there when stones crashed
through the back door window and kitchen. Michael realized he could not escape. The
smoke grew in the house and grayed as the fire consumed the walls and the cries from outside
became louder. With the flames rising, Michael thought of the people who had sabotaged
his house and his life. He thought of the misery to which they had put him and their callousness.
He considered the horror they meant to bring. A resolution seized him. He went again onto
the porch into the flame-brightened dark. “I will not surrender to
you," Michael said. He pointed down at the porch. "I'll
stand here. I am the owner of this house.” Stones struck
the side of the front door and smashed a window. “I am no criminal,”
Michael yelled. “All you are!” A stone struck Michael
Truman in the head and he fell on the porch. He lay there unconscious as the
flames rose, destroying his home and the life he had valued more than a score in any
game could figure.

Art by W. Jack Savage © 2018 |
Norbert Kovacs lives and
writes in Hartford, Connecticut. His stories have appeared or soon will appear
in Thrice Fiction, Westview, Squawk Back, Wilderness
House Literary Review, and No Extra Words.
In Association with Fossil Publications