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Like Fish By Paul Lubaczewski
Edward woke up, he did this every morning so there isn't anything special about
that, but we have to start somewhere. He was not one of those people who woke up, woke
up. One minute they're asleep and the next you can have something approaching a reasonable
discussion with them. He was an ease-into-it sort of waker. His eyes would creep open,
but only enough to get him to the bathroom so he could pee. From there he would lurch into
the kitchen with all the grace of manatee on land, grab a cup and put coffee in it. Next,
he would go out into the living room and turn on the TV, the sound of other people
talking in reasonable and pert voices hopefully reminding his own brain what was going
to be expected of it today. Finally, it was
back to the kitchen, to get some cereal, letting the inane morning show chatter waft through
the house. It was just as he was pouring the milk that he heard the TV click off.
“Goddammit John!” he moaned. He didn't bother to go storming out to the living
room, there would be no point to it, really. Especially since he hadn't gotten his spoon
yet, which he took a moment to rectify. Then, breakfast in hand, he went out. There sat John, waiting
for him calmly, “I thought we'd talk.” Edward snatched the remote back and
turned the TV back on, “Well, think again, this is already more conversation than
I want to have before I've eaten and had my coffee!” The matter settled, he tried
to let his temper ebb so he could see if there would be any good guests before he needed
to shower. Same old, same old, B-list actors
smiling like seals begging for fish while promoting their films that would all make exactly
enough money to justify them being in another bland vanilla romantic comedy after this
one. He ignored John entirely as he sat there with his hands primly on his lap, well mostly
ignored him, he couldn't help but notice John was wearing a suit. Breakfast finished, he
got up, and went and got a shower and got ready for work. Not a word was spoken. Edward went out
to his car to leave. John was sitting in the passenger seat waiting, the morning light
seemed to gleam off his receding hairline as he sat there patiently. Edward got into the
car, not bothering to hide his disgust as he put his briefcase in the back and started
the car up. “So where
in the hell do you have to be today anyway?” he snarled. “I'm going with you,”
John replied evenly, his eyes straight ahead.
“Of COURSE, you are,” Edward snarled
pulling out of his driveway. Work was as good
a place as any to escape. Certainly, John was here, but since Edward was busy working,
it didn't matter. Edward was more than capable of ignoring almost everything when he was
working. John wouldn't matter now until lunch at least. Of course, lunch was inevitable,
it happened every day after all. Edward got up and left
with absolute precision. He got up and went out and got a cab every day at this time to
go to the restaurant he preferred. Even though he had his car, his department didn't
rate inclusion into the parking garage. It was just one of those mix-ups when they designed
the place that it didn't have enough spaces in the garage, even when car-pooling was taken
into consideration. In all honesty, what had most likely happened was they had larger offices
here once, and fewer cubicles. The designer hadn't taken into consideration how potentially
soul-crushing the place would become. No one in his department rated a space. He might
have his own office, he might have lunch breaks long enough to allow for eating out, but
his car was still in a lot three blocks away. It was raining when
he got outside, with John right on his heels. But the cabs knew when to be there and there
was still one left waiting. Edward vigorously waved his arm at it to let the driver
know he wanted it before moving as quickly as he could through the rain. He ran out with
John moving alongside of him, step for step. Until they got to the car that was. That was when John
elbowed Edward aside, rushing forward and held the door open for another woman who was
just walking out saying, “Please Miss, I wouldn't dream of taking the cab from you.” In an instant, the
woman was inside, and the cab was streaming away through the downpour. “You jackass!”
snarled Edward, “that was Jane Feldstar, her department has parking, she could have
just driven!” “It
never hurts to be polite,” John sniffed as the pair of them began the long trudge
in the soaking rain to where Edward was parked. Edward didn't begin to
feel truly dry again for hours. He thought for sure he was going to get a cold from this.
The circulated cool air of the building blowing on his soaked clothes put the chill
all the way into his bones. Back at work though, the swing of things carried him away,
and he was able to at least ignore it better. Nothing he could do about it now. Sometime in the late afternoon,
not far from closing time, Melissa Parks came into his office. Edward had a secret
crush on Melissa, that had lasted for years now. He always was looking, desperate to find
that exact right time to ask if she'd like to go out on a date. Today something in him
was telling him to go for it here and now. It was probably only the feeling that the whole
day had been a wash, if she turned him down it wouldn't ruin a perfectly good day that
way. Edward thought that way, some people do.
Once the business end was finished, she needed
some reports looked after for her boss, he tried to make small talk. “So, are you
thinking about running any races soon?” he asked knowing she had run a couple of
little 5k's this last year. She smiled, he thought
coquettishly, and answered, “Well, I'm not sure, I mean I like doing them, but I
never have anyone to run with. I mean my first one I ran with my ex-boyfriend, and since
the operative word is ex....” THERE IT WAS, his chance,
and why he'd opened with that. Edward until recently had been a religious runner, he could
offer to run with her, all he had to do was make the offer.... “Hi I'm John!”
interrupted his thoughts like a sledgehammer hitting concrete. Edward had never heard him
coming but there he was, his hand thrust out directly at Melissa. “Oh Hi!” she
said politely, “I’m Melissa.” “Oh, YOU'RE Melissa, how
nice to finally meet you,” John said happily as Edward died inside. Before he could
get any more control over the situation, John added, “Well we'd best get out of my
LITTLE brother's office and let him finish up. We drove in together, and I'm sure he doesn't
need to stay late!” It
was microwaved lasagna for dinner tonight. Just one of those frozen things you got at a
store. John had his own arrangements, and Edward just couldn't convince himself it was
worth cooking for only one. Instead, he just tossed his little box on to a plate and went
out to watch TV to eat. John was there, sitting quietly. Edward could feel his eyes
on him as he ate. He didn't want to acknowledge it, acknowledging it would be to acknowledge
John himself, and that was the last thing he wanted to do right now. But still, his gaze
was like an itch that just begged to be scratched, or worse. He finished his meal and tossed the carton
into the trash by his chair where it landed with a rustle on top of all of the other containers
just like it, awaiting trash day. John used the gap in purposeful activity to pounce, “So,
why don't you want to just talk?”
“If I wanted to talk, I'd talk. What I
really want to do is watch TV right now. It was a long day,” Edward replied curtly,
his eyes focused intently on the TV trying to block his brother out as much as possible
while fuming inside about him. The overall effect being he couldn't concentrate on the
television at all now. “It's just that
we haven't really talked,” John persisted doggedly. That was enough! That was more
than enough for Edward at this point! Standing up brusquely he snapped, “If I really
wanted to talk to you any more John, do you think I would have killed you? When my hands
were wrapped around your throat, don't you think I was sending you a message?” Edward stormed from
the room without another word. A moment later the air filled with the sound of his bedroom
door slamming. John said quietly to the empty living room, “And that's what I think
we need to talk about.”
This was it, this was the end. Since they were children Edward had done everything
he could to get away from John. He had wanted his life, his space, his world, not John's
hand me down one. But even after their parents died, they had forced him into the shadow
of his brother, they left the house to both of them, meaning it would take both signatures
to sell. John hadn't wanted to sell.
Edward had moved back, friends had convinced
him it was foolish to be paying top dollar for an apartment when he had a room in a house
he technically owned waiting there for him. Within weeks he had seen the folly of it. It
was all there like he had never left, every accidental slight, every annoying mannerism
every degrading aspect of being the “little brother”, it all came back to
him. He hadn't PLANNED to kill
John. It was no great plot, no scheme hatched through hours of trying to sleep enraged,
finally enacted with precision and certainty. No, it was just an average everyday sleight
from his older brother that had sent him into a final, violent, deadly rage. Something
about him not doing the dishes correctly.
But when it was over, when the red fury vanished
from his mind and he looked down on the breathless cold lifelong tormentor, the joy! The
release from bondage, the ecstatic freedom for the first time in his life. Edward actually chuckled when he checked for a pulse or for any even
minor gust of breath. He hummed to himself as he dragged the body down the basement steps
for safe keeping until he could be rid of it, letting John's head bounce on every step.
He slept peacefully that night for the first time in as long as he could remember. John was sitting there when
he got up the next morning. He had died, he even acknowledged
it, but the final darkness had not claimed him for long, and there John was. Just as he
had always been. Edward’s tormentor, his cell keeper, his bane, now and forever. Well, it ended tonight. He couldn't get away from John almost at
all now, he hadn't been in a building in weeks without him. If anything looked like it
might be good or fun, there was John to spoil it. John was everywhere now. If that bastard didn't have the decency to stay dead, there were
ways around it. Like the rope, he'd snuck
out from the garage. Very high ceilings in this house, also, a very sturdy light fixture,
Edward had tested it. Carefully and quietly he dragged his desk chair over so it was directly
under it. He re-attached the rope, as he had every night this week. The noose was already
tied and it fit easily over Edward's head. If John had found a way around death and decided
to haunt the earth as something in between for the rest of eternity, he could damned well
do it without Edward! He kicked
the chair out from underneath himself.
There was pain, he had expected it. There was
even panic, and although he had not prepared for that, the hatred in his heart allowed
him to fight it down. Finally, mercifully, walls of blackness closed off the space he occupied
before closing in until it didn't exist anymore. “Edward?.........Edward?.......Edward?” The
voice seemed to come from a long way off at first, but now it demanded his attention. Edward's
eyes fluttered open to see.... John. His face took
up almost all of the available view. He smiled at Edward opening his eyes, “I
only thank god I got to you in time!”
Edward moaned, not in pain, just in disappointment
and misery, “Why? Why did you have to get me down? Why couldn't you just let me die!” John's face
looked puzzled for only a moment, and then he chuckled slightly, “Oh no,
I meant before you came back. It would be awful to come back and just be hanging there
like that trying to figure out how to get down. I don't know about you but I would just
freak!” John
chuckled a little more and punched Edward on the shoulder,
“No, you're stone cold dead, and what a compliment, if you had died somewhere else
who knows what might have happened. But since you died here, well it all continues safely
“What do you mean? What could you possibly
mean?” Edward gasped. “That's why I wanted to talk
Edward, I thought you knew and were just avoiding the
subject! You were always far more interested in his studies than I was, but just to see
what was there for myself, I went through father's papers. It was their final gift to us,
one they paid for with their own lives. If we died here in our family home, then that
wouldn't be the end, only a beginning of a new life without the threat of
mortality. We'll be together forever now Edward, won't that be grand?”
Before deciding to take writing seriously Paul had
done many things: printer, caving, the SCA, Brew-master, punk singer, music critic etc.
Since then he has appeared in numerous science fiction, and horror magazines
and anthologies. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he moved to Appalachia in
his 30s. He has three children, two who live in his native Pennsylvania, and
one at home. Married to his lovely wife Leslie for twenty years, they live in a
fairy tale town, nestled in a valley by a river. Author of over 50 published stories, his
Amazon Best Seller debut novel, I Never Eat . . . Cheesesteak, is
available from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and fine stores everywhere.
In Association with Fossil Publications