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Art by Cindy Rosmus © 2019 |
by Brian Rihlmann If she had bruises and maybe some rugburn or needle marks and wore too much
eyeliner to
brighten a pair of
dead, glassy eyes then
she was my kind and if she’d
been scraped out a
couple of times or
better yet had
a couple of live kids who
lived with their dad— but
she hadn’t abandoned them, no— they were just living
with him because
the schools were better in
that neighborhood than
the shithole she lived in while
she was getting it together going
to beauticians’ school
3 and
dancing (temporarily) in that club but currently on her knees sucking me off after our first “date” at some dark dive then I was a complete goner that’s why it never worked with you and you . . . and
you you returned calls and showed up on
time, sober you
shined too bright your
souls weren’t knives I recoiled from in horror you couldn’t give me the pain I needed to want to seek asylum in your darkness
ESTRANGEMENT by Brian Rihlmann I hope
you understand why I won’t be coming for Thanksgiving this year or ever because
I would have to be roaring drunk to see you again numb enough to forget how you abandoned her at the end while
I spooned mush between her grey lips and
draped a mountain of blankets over
her bones because she was so so
cold but no amount of blankets could
warm that kind of chill how you burned her up like garbage when it was over and collected the money not the ashes I would have to drink an entire fifth of whiskey to endure your hugs and smiles to
return your kind words when you say how
much you’ve missed me these last few
years years that my phone hasn’t
rang once
FIRST WORLD HERD by Brian Rihlmann open the gates and get
the hell out of the way if ya know what’s good
for ya. . . . you ain’t
dealing with starving third-world refugees hungry for sacks of rice here, pal this the first world variety junkies for electronic
distraction from the cushy tedium of
their lives fiends for the things they’ve been groomed to want— happiness on sale for $99.99 they’ll pepper spray
you trample you cut your
throat to get it it ain’t worth it for minimum
wage so get out of the way let ‘em
trash the place but stand back go home
to your wife and kids don’t make this Friday any blacker than it is already
HOVEL by Brian Rihlmann I awake on Christmas morning in a filthy, dusty room to the smell of cigarette
smoke drifting in. . . . So I tiptoe
out, and there he sits at the kitchen table, holding his cig, drinking a beer at 9 AM It’s him, all right: the bloodshot eyes with red nose to match, the deep acne scars, and a faint smile pasted on that monkey mouth of his. I pull out a chair sit down across from him and spit it out: “I do NOT fucking write like you!” The smile twitches, increases ever so slightly. Then he belches beer in my face through crooked yellow teeth, laughs, and says, “What did you think they’d say, kid?” “I had a whole crazy life of my own, filled with dive bars, dope
and whores long before I ever heard your
name, pal. . . . back when the only poetry I gave a shit about were song lyrics I wrote for my band.” He nods, leans back in his chair and squints
at me as though he’s reading some
very fine print scrawled across my face. I continue: “So now I can’t
write about my own agonies just
because you did? Put our stuff side
by side, it doesn’t even read
the same.” He cocks his head slightly, says, “You know . . . I think you must be crazy,
baby. I never wasted time I could have spent drinking to pick a fight with a dead
man.” Now I smile, as his fades. “We all fight with dead men, Hank . . .
just different ones.” He sits
silent a moment, then raises his beer bottle as though toasting me, tilts his head back and drains what’s left in a gulp.
A SEASON OF BAILING WIRE AND DUCT TAPE by Brian Rihlmann Most people will
tell you they are sick of the holiday
frenzy, and yet it continues year
after year. The smashed pumpkins have not
yet begun to rot in the streets, but here comes the parade of inflatable reindeer, Rudolph's nose glowing like a red beacon, leading us to retail purgatory. I must confess, I get dark enjoyment and even laugh at the
videos posted on Black Friday, a day
I seldom leave the house. You'd think
these were starving refugees, grabbing at sacks
of rice, not spoiled Americans snatching
up TVs and video games, huffing and
puffing, squawking and flapping their arms like overfed birds of prey. But I suppose these days being a good consumer is the same as being a good citizen: without the debt-fueled spending spree, many jobs would vanish, like a child's joy at a broken toy, and the
whole rickety framework come crashing down. So let's all hang our hopes on plastic, and keep buying their crap for years to come .
. . every charge like another strand
of bailing wire, or strip of duct tape. Just
slap it on there, It'll hold. . . .
Deer in the Headlights by Brian Rihlmann I met Randee at the same
dive as all the others we wound up back at her apartment on Robinhood
Drive (why do my girls always live in such shitty
neighborhoods?) where we did our drunken thing to forget how
lonely we were because just getting wasted together under the same
roof wouldn’t cure it. . . . go figure of course
neither did being stuck together like a
couple of feral cats for 23 minutes or however long it
took somehow, I found myself home in the morning my car
was intact parked evenly between the lines no dents, no blood no hair
stuck in the grille sometime in the
early afternoon came a knock— it was her and two
little ones a boy and a girl I asked how she
found me bigmouth Tracy at the bar had told her (and how did she
know? I hadn’t fucked her. . . . had I?) Anyway
. . . I thought you might want to meet my kids, she
said she told me their names but they somehow
disappeared into a miniature black hole occupying the two
feet of space between us along with everything else
she said as I stared with tunnel vision shook their little
hands and tried my best Mr. Rogers smile while they
regarded me with wide and leery eyes I have
no idea what kind of expression I wore as we stood there
in the doorway facing each other in excruciating daylight for what
seemed an eternity until she said— Well.
. . . we better go . . . See you later! but it evidently
told her all she needed to know because
she never knocked on my door again
I, Cartographer by Brian Rihlmann an old friend and I are talking and
she comments on how well I know
myself and I guess that’s true, now, although I wish
it wasn’t such a necessity it’s taken many years to learn this
terrain a long and agonizing
process of learning where NOT to step— for it is far
from being a wide-open field a place easily
mapped but is filled with dangerous and
ravenous beasts snares and pitfalls quicksand and
crumbling side-trails that meander
perilously close to one edge or
another but oh my how spectacular the view of hell is from there the stars too are beautiful
from afar
I’ll Paint You a Picture by Brian Rihlmann the editors today say the word heart
is anathema and soul? even
worse. . . . well, fuck you, I say— what do you want
me to call It? It— you know . .
. the It we’re always
talking about . . . the It we point to in so many ways ohhh . . . you want me to paint It for
you? well, I was never very good at
that but I think my mother has some of my
childhood drawings in a box here,
let’s see . . . here’s
a metal band on stage from the makeup on their basketball-shaped
faces I think it’s early
Motley Crue Tommy’s pounding the
drums with his sticklike arms and Vince is
wailing his lungs out shouting at the
devil here’s
a little leaning house its angles all out
of whack it sits in a valley alone no roads lead
to it there’s a dark
forest in the background probably filled
with terrifying creatures that I couldn’t
render but it’s
definitely implied and here, last
one— a battle-wounded
ship floats upon a tumultuous sea in flames, smoke
billowing, but its guns are
still firing at some invisible enemy off the page
Rihlmann was born in NJ, and currently lives in Reno,
NV. He writes mostly semiautobiographical, confessional free verse. Folk poetry . . . for
folks. He has been published in Constellate Magazine, Poppy Road Review, The Rye Whiskey Review,
Cajun Mutt Press, and has an
upcoming piece in The American Journal Of Poetry.
In Association with Fossil Publications