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Crimson By BAM Gangsters owned Brooklyn, New
York in 1939. Lister Blunt, the largest money launderer in town, was one of them. He had
a soft spot for his seventeen-year-old, Matilda. Lister Blunt loved his daughter
too much, freakishly. She ran. He had paid off a pair of fuzz detectives, Clyde and Dick,
to find her. “Bring her back.” The two wound up at a well-known
brothel called “Crimson.” It was supposed to be an easy job. “I hate prostitutes—bats,
the lot of ’em,” Clyde said. They marched
toward the door. “Your mother one?” Dick cackled. “Yeah. Ma loved
dope. Some pimp overdosed her. That’s why I joined the fuzz.” “I didn’t
know, Clyde. Sorry. Some are earners. I met a few who was gonna be nurses.” “Lines they told
you to get yer dough. Soulless broads. They’ll murder ya over two dollars.”
not Audrey. Madame here.”
“She’s Madame Larue now. How’d you two meet anyway?” “When
she started turning.” “One
of her regulars, were ya?” “No.
I pistol-whipped her pimp good for leaning on her too hard. She never thanked me. Still
we got history, us two. Audrey’s the marrying type. Trust me.”
Clyde banged on the door. “Keep dreaming, pally. I’d better
do the talking.” A man
twice the size of both detectives glanced down at them. “Got an appointment?” Clyde flashed his badge.
Dick stepped up front. “We need to ask Audrey about a missing girl we heard was here.” “Audrey? Madame
Larue, you mean.” Dick
slicked his greasy bangs. “We go way back.”
They heard a raspy yet gentle voice through a speaker,
“Officer Dick Binghymer? Long time.” “Detective now.”
“Let them in, Hector.” The doorman stepped aside.
Mahogany stairwells spiraled around the walls. Both led to the center of the second floor
where there were red rooms galore. The men were led up to meet Madame. “I take it there’s
tricks in all them bedrooms with a bunch of cheap bats.” Clyde tightened his tie.
Audrey squinted her fiery auburn eyes. Her vermilion dress glistened when she rose from
her seat. “We have demitasses here. They are all syphilis-free and happy. That’s
how I keep the lights on. I pay the bills with happiness.” A man moaned loudly from
one of the rooms. “See?”
“We only care about one of your bats.
Matilda Blunt. You know? The minor you got working for ya.”
Clyde stared Audrey down. Madame
shook her head at her doorman, approaching. “No need, Hector. Back. Little Miss Maddie happens to be eighteen. I’d never hire a minor.
She’s here of her own volition. The girl did live under my protection while she was
seventeen.” “Lies!”
Clyde gripped her arm. “Tell us which room she’s in. Her daddy needs her.”
prove her age.” Audrey yanked her arm away and pulled Matilda’s identification
out of a drawer from her desk. “Here you go.”
Dick confirmed what Madame said. “Well, if she’s doing this
willingly, and is legal, there’s nothing we can do. Sorry to have disturbed you,
Audrey.” Clyde grabbed her thin elbows and shook her. “Tell
me where Matilda Blunt is, whore! I’ll
search every room if I have to.” Hector rushed, then froze
when Dick grabbed Clyde and spun him around. Clyde punched
Dick in the eye and went for his gun. Dick chopped the pistol from
Clyde’s hand, which fell near Madame. He grabbed his firearm. Clyde sprinted
forward. Dick shot his partner dead. “Clyde! What have
I done? Mr. Blunt’s gonna kill me.” He bent to his knees and covered his welling
eyes. Audrey lifted Clyde’s revolver and pulled the
trigger. Dick took a slug to the back, and fell to his stomach.
“We can’t have a bunch of unwelcomed fuzz coming and going.
Return their bodies to that vile child molester, Mr. Blunt, as a warning.” She held
her wounded wrist. Hector nodded. Dick reached
up for Madame. “Audrey, I saved your life. How could you?” “What
you did was leave me on the streets penniless after
you scared my pimp off. And the name’s Madame Larue. Bye now, Dick.” She shot
him in the forehead. “Thank God we have crimson carpeting. Clean that up.”
Samurai Santa by BAM “A
long time ago.” “Like the 1980s?” “What? The ’80s weren’t a long time
ago.” “Ya-huh.” “Geez. A long time ago this local in
Nagano dressed as Santa Claus. His katana sliced through a head.” “Oh, no.
I’m scared.” “Of a pumpkin.” “Hmm.
Uh-huh. And then?” “He cut through intestines.” “Yuck.” “Meaning
naughty children’s present boxes.” “Tsk. I see.” “They called him, ‘Samurai Santa.’ ” “Papa, Japan hasn’t
been doing Christmas long. I don’t believe a word. Tell me a different story.” “You want Samurai Santa to destroy your presents?” “No. Please
tell me his story.” “His name
wasn’t always Samurai Santa.” “You don’t say?” “Smart aleck.” “Whatever. Go on.” “His name
was Purettsu Kurisu. His day job: fireman. Kurisu san was trapped in a blaze caused by
bad children. He died a violent death when an inflamed bookshelf crashed on his skull.” “Would Mommy be okay with you telling me this story, Dad?” “Semantics.
Ever since, his spirit would appear. All of the bad children in Nagano found destroyed
presents on Christmas Day. His blade was so thin you wouldn’t see the steel until
your new bike was diced into pieces.” “Daddy.
Did you say I got a new bike?” “Shh. No. Lie down and close your eyes
while I finish the story. Legend tells he waits until Santa Claus makes his
rounds, then Samurai Claus . . .” “I thought you said his name was Samurai
Santa.” “Eh-hem,
Samurai Santa does his business before everyone wakes up. He’s a fast ghost. No
one sees him. Bad children face his wrath when he mutilates body upon body of
presents. One time, a child found the remains of his box below the Christmas
tree. He didn’t do his chores.” “What’d he find?” “Red liquid and a massacred
gift.” “I’m screaming
for Mommy in five, four—” “No.
No, wait. They were tomatoes from his grandmother.” “Phew. What about good kids?” “The ones
who do their homework, go to bed after their first bedtime story, and study hard to make
perfect grades?” “Yep. What do we get?” “He blesses good children with one more
year of luck.” “Luck?” “Did I hear
an echo?” “You mean not a thing?” “When I was a child, a
blessed year of luck was a huge deal.” “This isn’t the ’80s anymore,
Dad.” “Thanks for the reminder. Go to bed.” “Okay, I love you—Samurai Santa.” “Who?” “C’mon, Dad. You’ve got that long katana sword
in your study and you love anime. The character
is you. This was a trick to get me to be good for another year.” “A coincidence. We’re both avid
sword enthusiasts. Besides, he’s a go-go-ghost. Now go-go-go to bed, or Samurai Santa
will slice away your gifts.” “Merry Christmas, Dad.” “A ho, ho,
ho, and a stab, stab, stab to you, Kiddo.” Bertram Allan Mullin aka BAM's noir
story, “Crimson,” can also be found in Yellow
Mama. His works are with various journals, magazines, and anthologies such
as HellBound Books’ Shopping List and
MacKenzie Publications Two Eyes Open
Anthology. Website:
In Association with Fossil Publications