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Dick and Jane, Together Again Marcy Dilworth Dick He wondered how Jane could
look business-like and beautiful with all that’s gone on. He’d only snatched
her image in brief glances; he couldn’t make eye contact with her for fear of breaking
down. They’d each been through hell, although only one of them deserved it. Jane She
gazed across the courtroom and focused on Dick. She hadn’t caught him turning his
sweaty, ashen face towards her once during her three-week murder trial. She had borne
his children–little Ava, who was just like her mama, and poor Joshua, who was
just like Dick. How could he resist a peek at the woman who had captivated him
nearly a dozen years ago? If she could secure his attention, she knew she could
communicate a plan to escape. Look, Dick, look. Dick Judge
O’Neill startled Dick with his thunderous gavel. He presented the jury instructions,
explained the burden of proof, but his glares at the defense table and the
cadence of his words sounded like “and find the defendant guilty.” Jane The jury filed
out, and it occurred to Jane that she and Dick might be seeing each other for
the last time. She could scarcely believe that her cunning, her calculated
charm, and her surpassing good looks would fail her . . . ever. She had gotten
away with so many others without so much as being ID’ed as a “person of
interest.” Of course, the other prey meant nothing to her. These women, whose
eyes lingered too long on Dick and his assets, disrespected Jane. They had it coming.
Who’d have guessed that the loss of a few inconsequential soccer moms would arouse
such an investigation and a mob-like call for justice? She dreaded hearing the verdict read and hated that Dick would consider
it just and the safest conclusion for their kids. And for himself. Dick Elevator
B stood open, empty and cold. As he stepped in, Dick heard shots and screams and the
clatter of furniture hitting the floor resound from inside the courtroom, then “She’s
getting away.” He banged on the Close Door button, certain that his life depended
on it, when a slender hand with perfect fingernails slipped through the last inch. The
automatic door receded, and in strode Jane. She pushed Close Door. It obeyed instantly. Jane “It’s my lucky day,” said Jane. She watched
her Dick, tall, blond and trembling, stumble against the blurry steel of the back wall.
Dick The spatter of blood on her cheek and one torn sleeve
attracted less of his attention than her gleaming blue eyes. He used to see them as a dreamy
spring sky on a breezy day; now he recognized them as flat, frigid pools concealing undertows
that would drag you to the bottom of the abyss. The smell of gunpowder wore off as the
scent of Halston simmered up–it was the smell of the Jane he first craved and who
nearly ever-after had him in thrall. Jane “You’re still such an idiot,”
said Jane. “I can practically hear your sappy poetry by the look on your face.” Dick He knew it was true. All Jane had to do was show up
to throw him off his game. When the ‘guilty’ verdict seemed imminent, he thought
she had used up every option. But he was never safe assuming anything where Jane was involved.
How did she plan to off him, and when? He worked out every day, outweighed her by 60 pounds
and had her by 8 inches. No matter, 99 times out of 100, she could take him. She was
equipped with cunning and evil he couldn’t fathom, much less match. Out of the habit
of love or old-fashioned gallantry, even now he worried that he couldn’t use all
his tools to defend himself. He knew she thought so too. She could detect any person’s
most vulnerable features after a minute of observation, so her years with Dick provided
her an encyclopedia of his weaknesses. Jane stared at him, her sneer taunting him to speak.
One beat. Two beats. Three beats. Come on, Jane, come on. Jane Four
beats. With a sigh, Jane said, “Hey there, Honey.”
She reached over and pressed the alarm button, jolting the elevator to a stop between the
fourth and third floors. The alarm’s insistent bleat filled the space. Dick He
didn’t see a weapon, but inevitably she’d
have more than one. He had heard the bailiffs lose their battle with Jane. With her facing
him, panic set in–whatever this was, was happening now. Jane “I said, ‘Hey there, Honey’.” She upped her
volume to overcome the alarm racket, and to distract Dick in case he could detect the hot,
jangling panic expanding from her stomach into her face. Dick It
occurred to Dick that Jane might be experiencing fear,
a rarity for her, maybe even a first. Surely she knew that any remaining bailiffs, the
police and the FBI would be in pursuit after her grisly crimes. Dick worked to control
his breathing. Jane “I guess you think the cavalry is on
the way?” She took a step back, “Well of course they are. But I’ve got
a plan,” she said, with a quick look up at the panel in the ceiling and a brief pat
at her lower back. “If you think the silent treatment is going to get you anywhere,
you’re wrong,” she said. “You might as well do your part to keep the
lines of communication open,” she went on sarcastically, “just like you always
said when we met with Alice.” Dick Since
he was no longer trying to save his marriage, and marriage
counseling with their therapist Alice had been pointless with his homicidal wife, he didn’t
think her reasoning held up. But he let her keep talking; he needed time. Think, Dick,
think! Jane “You can help me,
one last time.” Always the strategist, Jane knew that he would burn up a few seconds
to consider whether she meant that she’d never ask for help again, or whether he’d
be dead so he wouldn’t be available to help again. Even though she understood
he was anchored by confusion, fear, and latent loyalty to her, she figured he would make
a move eventually, so she’d better get started. Dick Jane reached into
the inside pocket of her blazer, paused, then pulled out a green-lit taser. Jane On
cue, Dick lunged. Dick On cue, Jane pulled the trigger. Jane As
her lifetime of competence would all but guarantee,
Jane’s shot was true. The barbed electrodes travelled the six feet between them and
caught Dick between clavicle and sternum on the right side. She could have chosen the left,
sure, but with the slight chance that she’d cause a heart attack by hitting on top
of the heart, she aimed right. She had use for him still. Dick His
guttural scream joined the alarm and the rising din from outside the elevator; the blast
of electricity lasted a full five seconds. His violent writhing subsided into a rhythmic
twitch as he slumped against the back wall. Satisfied that he was well-compromised, Jane
jerked the barbs out then aimed her pump-clad heel towards the center of his sternum to
pin him to the wall. Her eyes gaped wide as she bounced off his too-hard chest. Dick grabbed her
bicep and swung her around. She hit the floor with a faint metallic clink. Holding both
of her forearms in one hand, he pulled the nylon handcuffs from his pants pocket and squeezed
her wrists together. Jane thrashed. Dick shoved her wrists to the floor, and held her seated
with her back to him. Jane “What the hell?!” Anyone else would have been
afraid; Jane was indignant. How could he be so able after the taser? Dick He
hauled himself up and stood in front of her. Jane There
were two holes in his blue button-down where she had yanked out the taser barbs. Underneath,
instead of the expected white skin with a smattering of curly blonde hair and a
tinge of blood, Jane saw only black. It was a goddamn bullet proof vest. Dick Dick had purchased a bullet and stab proof vest with
this comfort: Trusted by Israeli Security Forces. He flashed the tag at her, and said,
“See, Jane, see?” Lucky for him, as suggested but not warrantied, it also resisted
a taser if the taser happened to hit smack on the vest. If Jane was shooting, Dick had
known she wouldn’t miss, no matter the missile. Jane “How
did you know what I was going to—” Dick “I didn’t know what, I just knew you’d make a
move. And that it would involve something awful for me.” Jane Dick
teared up, which Jane identified as leverage. “I know you still love me, you know
I’ve always loved you, I’m seeing that now—” Dick “Shut up, Jane, shut up,” he said. “You’d
leave me dead and our kids parentless while you started a new life on a beach
somewhere, and never feel a thing. You can rot.” Dick
turned off the alarm, the elevator resumed its trip to the first floor, and he pulled Jane
to her feet. As the door began to open, he slit the handcuffs, pulled the
bailiff’s gun out from Jane’s waistband, and thrust it in her hand. He leaned
down to her ear and whispered, “Go, Jane, go.” He pushed her into
the corridor crowded with guns-drawn law enforcement, and witnessed the barrage of bullets
propel her back into the elevator. Dick huddled comfortably on the floor. He hadn’t
felt this safe since the moment before he met Jane. Bye, Jane, bye.
Marcy Dilworth writes short fiction and
nonfiction. Her stories have recently been published in the Blink-Ink 10th Anniversary
edition and Literary Mama. She earned her English degree at the University
of Virginia, and her sense of humor at the hands of four
older siblings. She lives in her recently emptied nest with her husband and their precocious
rescue pup, Kirby.
In Association with Fossil Publications