Rock the Earth
j brooke
Ray Vaughn knows, what you ask, that women are fucking troubled twists and just
no damn good. Flap those bat wing lids, Lo La, Lo Lo Lo La la Lo la, right man,
I promise my dick won’t flop, sit right here on my lap, my love, like a
whirling dervish candy cane spinning top. Lie to me, promise me, beg me, fuck
you, I am not buying that game no more. Why, because I want to wake up in the
morning and find I still got a set of chrome ball bearings between my weak fuck
legs. Retract that statement. I just seen your eyes, connected to your demonic
angel face, and I'm a fucking goner.
will die for you, live for you, chew my arm off for you, just to touch those
sweet damn lips, with my lips. Whiskey bottle, ashtrays dying with dead butts,
Absinthe, L’illusion verte, green
smoke from the white flake, late nights, ten in the clip-hand gun, cribs set on
fire, a Kansas wheat thresher fighting a forest fire of demons. Loaded blues,
sick and elated, delirium tremors, vomiting on the curb. Why, baby, do you rock
my fucking world?
that ass, hook it up, roller derby in those three-inch heels, rove and dance
and twirl around this garbage dump I call a home. Roam, rake it in, you’re a
damaged slut, a ruthless rock starved I-Pod-power-Player kid. Raised on acid
rock, The Jersey Shore and MTV, sucking off the football team, and now you’re
zeroed in on me. So you want to be a rock and roll star, and a sweet
mademoiselle, why hit me up? I'm a last-ditch artist running with the shit of
the earth. I saw you in that micro skirt, day glow green tank top, drooping
eyes, beehive, heels, cheap shoes, raccoon eyes, all the sex bells and
whistles, a tight bod that can rock the Wurlitzer world.
let’s go there, feeling kinda good tonight. Right buzz, right choice, right
bling, cool high, let’s fly. Lets get down, maybe hip hop dance, hop all
around, oooh baby, stoned, rule, so cool. Maybe we can score a gram of the
white dream, boil it up, bubbles on a silver spoon, white powder percolating in
the last ditch moments before we nod out, right after we forget to fuck. Is
that what you want? Is that what you need? Is my blood, soul, brain and heart
enough to satiate your ego-driven self-absorbed needs? Hop hip-hippity hop over
here, set that small ass right down here.
Buick gassed, chrome grill, top down, engine tuned, let’s take a little drive
down highway 40, see what’s at the end of that honeypot of a gold cunt you have
attached between those sweating, long legs. We'll find Vegas, gamble, get stoned,
get high, I got the suite, I got all the drugs and paraphernalia we will ever
need, right there, in the trunk. Summer night, I can’t take my eyes off of your
flaxen hair, billowing out past the Buick's retro tail fins. Here, take a toke
of this. Sip here, sweet doll, at the J Walker Black, with those go-go girl
lips. That should tide us over until we hit Sin City, get down, get crazy,
wild, hit on the strippers, party like its 1974, go all in, and then, begin the
madness spiral downhill into sex, and finally get into the important things.
they are, see that neon on a needle point, those glimmering lights, on the tip
of the world, she’s waiting for us baby, Vegas. Man are we going to tear it up,
probably barely get out alive, have some fun, and in the end if our bodies and
brains fry, at least we went out like bizarro savages just before we die.
Banshee shrieks, wails, fucking each other until our eyes melt, burning alive
in one another’s arms, sweat, saliva, semen and your hair drenched like rusted
chains, falling down that face, ring a ding, ring a ding ling, do ya hear the
bell, round one doll in screams of flaming flames, bodies burning, getting
ready for our retro rocket entry into the depths of a hook-up hell.
Cool, huh? You ready,
sweetie pie? I know I am. Let’s rock, throw it down, no time like now. So,
let’s roll, my sweet-tasting and ever so
delicious baby doll?
by j brooke
He is a soldier, a Major, a hero, a
Marine, and he is my man and he is near death. Ramadi, Fallujah, now Kabul and
Taliban tribe guys, you see, fulminated from Biblical beginnings, an eye for an
eye, as it was said in the great book.
kids in vest bombs, micro
switches, body parts, Predator Drones, gangbangers, IED's amid suicide bombers,
and every one wanting to be the man. Afghanistan and the egocentric,
cannibalistic cabalism of a President mesmerized with a Jezebel vision of a
Jehovah witnessed-thought, a cataclysmic calling that he is directly connected
to God, a real God to so many, yet distorted by the seismic ego of a drunk
zealot who could never see his beauty, only his ugliness.
can see the heart monitor, the green
blip-blip-blip of the tenuous, fragile spider web of his life.
Blip, blip, blip, a hesitation, a
moment, it is a heart monitor metronome of everything that I am. I am a doctor,
too, but there is nothing that I can do. His hand is warm, not because the
blood is healing, but because the doctors, the nurses are angels, caring, and
every tick of the clock allows me to live. Does he know I am here, whispering
to his bandaged brain, his ripped and torn body? I do not know, but I will be
here until his eyes open, or till the monitor flatlines, which my life will
mimic if it does so.
What was I before him? Nothing.
A vapid illusion of a woman and yes, it sounds vacuous, empty, as if I
was obvious, a transient of a beautiful female abused, used as a vessel of
sperm for ignorant males that use ejaculation as a psalm of their horrid
manhood, brains desensitized from porn, stripper icons of lust and no respect
for women whatsoever. I was beautiful, a power broker, lost and left along the
roadside of life, torrid, enraged, ugly before he entered my world and mind and
he changed for me everything forever that I ever was.
He is a man, a soldier.
Valiant, brave, tough, sweet and kind as a
moth shying away from the burning torch that I was, that had always incinerated
every man that dare to near it. But not
him, he is a soldier, you see. He is warrior, hard, and he saw me, held me, and
heard my weeping and my fears and my words. His penis entered me, sweetly, like
the armor of his pride, as a man, not like a dog or a peacock of vanity, but as
a partner, that never feared me. Wiped
my tears away, and kissed every lie away from lips that had only ever held
illusion within the trembling words that had forever only fallen from them, and
then he forgave me for who I once was.
I felt his penis in my mouth, tasted
the semen. It was beautiful, saline as the sea where all life began, warm and
pungent like him, a memory of his past and his present, between my lips, and I
saw his fear and pain, for he was not egocentric, yet so human, so fragile.
Bravery came in so many different Crayola color pallets of his mind. I remember,
I must remember the moment that I placed my small hips along his muscled loins,
I wept, for he was not ever a hurried man, and I entered him, deep, slow and
lovely and it was a time we shared, of skin, destiny and our memories of love,
which for me was the first time.
We made love, I felt, as did he, and
his body, so lean and muscled, corded, shredded, as did I, and it was real, and
it is real, and at moments he was a cruel man, but it was done with love,
orchestrated of fantasy and my own delights, and on my knees, he behind,
lunging, piercing, so a man of passions hurt me, delighted me, and exposed my
sex and my wants and I loved him so, for doing so.
I remember days and endless nights,
no words, no thoughts, holding in an embrace of desire and knowing as the rain
fell, we were one, really a singular rain drop of such a fusion of souls,
that we felt if there was no other moment that we could choose from to dream
our orgasms, we would deny such a moment. This is the truth of what we are and
what I wish we will be again, if only the monitor, the horrid scale of this
moment, does not flame out as I am here still entwining my fingers within his
own, please, do not take him away from me.
Blip, blip, blip, a hesitation,
a breath
and another blip, and then, I move, take his penis in my hand, I know no other
thing to do, under the sheets, near his life. I want him to know I am present
and I hold it, pray to it, will do anything for one more breath of his life,
for what will I do, oh, what will I do if the only man, the only human man, he,
is no longer there to shepherd me away from the life I only ever knew before
Tears, so filled with salt, acrid,
demobilized and moving from my soul, what am I going to do? “Blip, blip, blip .
. .” Please GOD, I have never asked for
anything before, please, I beg, do not take him from me. This is enough, a
soldier wounded within a lie, and here, now, I will spend an eternity if this
is all there is, for how can I survive without his touch, his breath, his life
inside of me? Oh, please, do not abandon
me, this time, this moment, this last time.
The machine screams, drones, my eyes
panic, search, scream. The sound, nail gunned in my heart, nurses, doctors,
their lovely, they move, I can feel the blood draining from his fingertips, and
the sound, a shrill, a meter of grief and then, finality, a screaming drone
telling me all life has now died.
Flatline, dead time, no time. I
plunge to
his heart, place my ear to the medals he will never see, as I vaporize and
And now, a plunged needle, adrenaline,
panic, and hoodlumism and maniacal madness, and then, nods, tears, words of
solace and in an instant I have died with my soldier.
Within that thread of time, I am dead, numb,
and because of the zealotry of an ignorant politician zealot Biblical King, my
life is over, as I lay my face to his corpse, weep, shudder, shake apart.
I know now that theirs is a secret
finally is exposed, and of course it has been exposed before in this America
Land, for charlatans are forever stripped naked of their bigotry and lies and
that secret is, that theirs is a God—this I finally understand—and he has
taken my warrior to a warrior’s home.
It is a secret place where soldiers are
uniformed in garments of white feathers, and he will finally find a universe of
peace, where once bivouacked to, there will no longer be red blood spilled
along a battlefield of tears, and thus for one soldier, there will never be
another memory of another senseless war again.
Scandalous for the Doll
by j brooke
She’s a
scandalous doll, a harlot, a torrid, twisted, tipsy-turvy top girl totally
jettisoned of any social conscience. She’s one of those bartered bitches: big
doll- mascara eyes, hair so thick it’s been a net trapping men's hearts since
she first took her first fucking breath, a true slut in the image of Madonna.
And those lips, like a Cuisinart, you know: cutting, chewing, biting, kissing,
making men crazed from the pouts that lick from that pink tongue that is just as
sweet as a candy cane.
She’s Jane
or something, some bitch name that just fuels the sex machine and she’s no damn
good. Oh, yes, she is, not set for
sainthood, and I fucking adore her, but what the fuck do I know about water
goddesses that are so sexed-up beautiful they shoulda been taken down like a
mad dog long time ago? She’s a fucking train wreck, wrecking havoc with the
weak fuck men who thought they could run with her, play with her, mate with
her, sex with her, love with her, then were destroyed by her.
Why? Because they were just pretenders,
men, that tried to fool her with a bullshit bravado walk they saw on some
trumped-up reality TV show that was a dream to begin with. Then, after she
melted their nuts off, they wept like the little fucking boys they always were
and always were going to be.
What is she?
I tolja, she’s a babe, a cunt, a trick, a Stephen Hawking-brain genie, her
idol, a virgin in her own twisted mind. She’s a tragic reminder that if a bitch
has one of those cunts like a diamond cut, she can jack up the fella’s, get
what she wants, because she’s just too atomically beautiful for her own fucking
good 24/7—including holidays—for she’s on
all the time.
She’s a
weeper, weeping, purring, demanding. She’s a prima donna street whore begging,
twisting the truth. Disguised as a gift,
she’s lying, creaming, bending skills of the male kind, grim reaping the whole
magilla, all of it, and why? Because she’s intoxicating and genuine and real and
lie-less, and moral-less and has the ethics of a Buddhist Monk and the sex
drive of a fucking Alabama cheerleader.
Men and
man-boys melt when she smiles, wince when she ejects them, rejects them, when
she breaks their blood-soaked hearts. They would walk on their tongues five
fucking miles if they thought they could fuck that sapphire-faceted there, just
between her legs, and all of
it is because she is the REAL, FUCKING DEAL.
That's right, she knows
it. I
know it, most men think they know it, but don't, but of fucking course I know
her: the thoughts, the rage, the fury, the tears, the banshee wails for some
fuckhead to finally see her, throw her down, slap those beautiful legs out to
the rivets of the bed, rack her up, line her up, slam that cue ball deep, make
it fucking hurt, make her body shudder, shake, rattle and roll, make her
scream and rack her fists against the bed rails, and make her plead for it to
stop, make her lie for it to stop, make her mind break apart, make her beg for
it to never end.
something, is better than nada. Anyone.
Scatter, spark, connect it all, slap her in the face, make those lips
bleed, rip her hair back. Look into those blazing, crazed, retro-rocket
Focus, my
man, on those wild eyes, my wild eyes, watching the sweat splashing down her
face. Hair tangles, lips pulsating, vibrating, frantic girl, desperate girl, my
girl, crazy girl, the only fucking girl. Filthy, dirty, sweat, cum, what the
fuck ever, splice the wires from her brain down that tummy to her cunt, smash
the plunger detonating her into an orgasm that rocks her world, over and over
and over again until she finally, once and for all, begs a man for forgiveness
of what she is. For finally, she’s gone too far in a journey that never had too
fars, and baby doll has finally arrived. Thank
you fat Buddha head, I'd give you a blow job if I could, last words from
the whore’s mouth just before she passes out.
Fuck, she
knows pain. Look at all the bobbleheads she’s lopped off: men heads, girly-girl
heads, ’cause they thought they could boogie down with her, jive the jive, do
the tumble, do the dick-cunt dance. But
what, they fucking disappointed her, broke her heart, made her wish for a gang
rape, ’cause why, ’cause they didn't know what to do with a goddamn sex goddess
wearing white angel wings when they finally got their hands on the bitch.
Fuck them,
ten ways to Sunday, for how can they recognize sexual wonder, sexual splendor,
a demented angel with a soul made of gold and peacock feathers gracing as
eyebrows and scales and fins and legs?
And how many fucking times does she have to beg to get hammered, break
out the pool cue, to get fucked like the demonic princess she is, how many
times? Well, for fucking forever, that’s how many times and all of that shit
makes her sad.
That's why
she’s pissed, has an attitude, has a memory, ’cause she can out- fuck every one
of the posers and they know it, and she knows it, and I know it, and fuck, the
world knows it. So break out the dildo,
electric motor time, it’s all she’s got left.
So what? This ocean girl, this head-trip girl, this acid-trip girl,
this devil girl, this angel girl, this friend girl, this demented and honest
girl. Fuck, man, I love this girl.
That’s why I went down to my knees, popped the white rock and begged her
to marry me. The sweetheart bitch said, “YES.”
My World
by j brooke
I had died
once, but still I appeared to be alive, much like a dead star, a solar corpse,
lost within the blackness of the mass void of Taurus, the child Aries, the
Virgin queen Virgo, glimmering to earth, appearing to be alive, but so long
dead of life, just appearing to be of breath to those that might take a chance
glance to the stars. A goddess appeared from the grief and pain that was my
life. She was a secular, solitary, seeking female that knew no greed, nor want,
did not understand a selfish thought, and she took me to her home, and offered
me love and protection I had never known. I was a charlatan, stranger, but that
did not matter to her, no, for her heart, her great heart saw in me a man of
lies, a pretender of life, yet she forgave me for the man I once was. Thus, she
gave me a bed of white sheets, warmth, food and love, and she did it because
she held not a selfish thought in her gifted and gentle mind. She had loved me
unconditionally on a rumor, a mystic idea that I was worth saving, and only I
knew the lie, that I was never worth saving, until she had, and then I was.
There was a
lunar eclipse, a slivered moon, and bathed in moonlight and down she whispered
to me that she was a woman of dreams, and her dreams were elusive as my life
had been to me. We talked within the night-light of new and many things, a glow
I saw came directly from her soul filled me with kindness, and gentleness. I
was a soldier once, and I had seen death’s smile, inhaled the essence of the
rotting and bloated corpses of the genocide in Africa and I felt those memories
were the final words of an epitaph chiseled into my headstone.
I was a
white paper whore until she saw me, understood me, realized that what I did,
the woven and tangled words I created, might be the answer to her dreams, my
dreams. After an odd lifetime of delusion, I saw clarity, as did she, and we
realized that our destinies had been crocheted into one mind, one heart, one
vision, and we became one as lovers, searchers, partners we never had, all
woven along a single tapestry, called love.
Man has
always been a mistake, for the Peacock surely is more beautiful, the Dolphin
more elegant, The Cheetah faster, the great Elephant more powerful, the King
Lion more stately and then what is to become of man, unless a woman finds his
heart and soul and mind and holds it in the down of her gentleness.
She is a gay
woman, filled with laughter, smiles and pain, and of course I see every nuance
of who she is, sometimes pretends to be, and I love her for her greatness, her
generosity and especially her fragility, and her way with me, a lost vacuous
vagabond that never had a home, was never safe, was never nurtured, until she
choose to love me, an enigma that only a dreamer could ever comprehend.
We are at
the beginning of our journey, my sister, friend, lover and I, a mad man and a
serene, savant female that is the rudder of our ship, and I will drain my blood
for her. I will peel my skin, the chameleon skin I have forever lived with for
her, as she will give me every ounce of her passion so we might see together,
through the fog and the trawler clouds of our lives, finally the golden sun we
both know has forever been a wayward child, bare feet, moss and rivulets of
running water, running, wandering just at the tip of our fingertips.
I dream now,
not of sorrow or pain or the burnt flowers that I have always known, for she,
my dearest, gave me that gift: the gift of hope and life and to see the dream,
filled no longer with my screams, and she has become the cerebral axis of my
life and her name if you must know it is the earth child, the cloud mistress, a
star gatherer or more simply said, she is my friend, my benefactor, my blood, a
simple name, she is, my wife.
Naughty Niña
by j brooke
Medellin, Colombia
Early 1990s
She was a
stone-cold stunner, a paradoxical creature of violence,
nut brown, tall, thin, no tits, boy hips, a mahogany shoelace stood on end, a
small head, and a massive neuron count all Vogued-out
with those green Pisces eyes, “fragged” out in silk skin, covering blood and
bone. She was one of those deep impact bitches, so fucking exotic, beautiful,
you know, step off a plane in Cannes, no money, no clothes, zilch, a
tricked-out twist, then gold bangles on her wrists, diamonds, caviar,
vodka-silver screams, Benzes, Beamers, Côte
d'Azur, rides in motor boats.
She had opted out of the
bling, had other things on her twisted mind. She was an enigma, Columbiana,
wrong time, wrong place, it was as if God had, in one of His trick moods,
almost as if a failed abortion, had strung her out, jettisoned her, created
her, into what, what, a violent and injured child, that was what. She had
become an oracle of bad news, and none of it was any damn good.
Blood soaked nineties had arrived, The
Colombian Government, maxed out, fucked up, pushing blood out of its dying
corpse like a neck wound, no more resources, no way back, no hope, a fucking
monster had come, Pablo Escobar. A massive paramilitary, Medellin Cartel, power
provocateurs, cocaine, money, ware houses of it, bitches, whores, guns, lots of
guns, C-4, Centex, oxidized body parts, street tombs, cop jackets, vermin,
thugs, death squads, car bombs, a war, a war Colombia knew they could not win, nor
ever win.
Desperate times, black nights, blood
running in the streets, the odor of cordite, they needed it stopped, drug
terrorists, terrorizing the weak, hook up, turned to the Shadow World of the
USA military, CIA, DEA, super covert Delta Force, NSA, for help.
The US cowboy-ed up, the posse arrived,
ghosts, maniacs, berserk zealots, Bible in one hand, knife, gun, axe in the
other. “The war on Drugs” fighting the last war, changes were needed. A new
American policy was implemented, let’s rage, and they did, their new fetus
“Target Assassination.” Cool name, juke and jive, would be the final nail in a
long over-due casket lid for Pablo Escobar.
CIA, DEA, backed up by thugs, the Delta
Force Rangers, prowled the skies, night stalkers, vampire bats, thus, “Centra
Spike” was born. Linguists, spooks,
state of the art radios, telemetry eavesdropping devices, electronic wizardry,
tricked out, triangulation and high frequency radios, probing, seeking and
destroying. A paramilitary outfit: covert, plainclothes police, soldiers,
grooved with anonymity, murdering anyone, wives, children, lawyers, bankers,
everything else remotely associated with “The Medellin Cartel.” Cats, dogs,
goldfish: they killed them, too.
Primeval ooze of war, evolution, piano wire
garrotes, nail gunned nurturing, torture, blowtorches, bolt cutters, lost
finger digits, dicks, balls. Men talked, screamed, gave up their mothers, died,
no mercy, no survivors, kill them all, more Darwin and, then another odd
creature materialized.
The driver was a dangerous man, a
violent man, 9-Millimeter Glock slotted in his waistband, eyes agitated, mouth
ticks, for he felt fear, not for himself, but for the girl in the back seat of
the black Mercedes.
She sat silent, tinted windows, black
Mercedes on the prowl, down the stylish Avenue Calle, upscale Poblado section
of the city, Medellin. Thoughts, test patterns, lots of them, trying to suss it
all out, who, when, what was she? The usual suspects, nada, praying, no more
God, no more dreams, try to forget it all, can’t, a tattoo, blood tines
stitched into her eighteen-year- old mind, heart. She was fucked, everyone knew
it but her.
She was known as Niña, “The Child”:
exquisite, graceful, ocular, beautiful, fragile, remarkable. She gave the
appearance of a delicate young girl, yet Niña was not her name.
Back of the Benz, peering out of the
tinted bullet proof window, pretty neon, boutiques, shops as well as dead
bodies bloated, left as garbage in the alleyways. A hundred meters, glistening
lights, the grand whore, The Hotel Intercontinental, it was her destination for
the evening. Dangerous men were waiting, circling sharks, protectors of one
man, an important man. He wore “The white hat;” she was about to fuck him. He
waited; he never waited, but for her, he did.
As always, it sickened her, this trick, he
was grotesque, so was she, whatever. Prostitution was her thing, no other
choice, ply it as she always had, play it out, maybe a handgun tip in her
mouth. Later, arterial spray on the walls in the morning.
She fought vomiting, kick in the stomach,
as the driver: shaved head, black leather coat, her protection, fondling the
Glock, jacked into the driveway, parked.
Two men, black men, ferret bright, Tech
Nines, locked, loaded, ready, open door, they see her, relax, recognition,
knowing who she was, why she was there. Exchanged glances as she whispered in
and educated soft Spanish dialect. “Sit Carlos, I shall return soon.”
wore white—no virgin, this angel—skintight skirt, cut high, way high, clinging
silk blouse, slender arms, wide shoulders, strident collarbones, nothing like
her now or ever before. Three-inch stiletto heels, calf muscles exposed, long
legs appear even longer, guards’ eyes like blood rivets on her torso. Draped
over her wrist: an expensive, black leather valise. Both men ignored it.
Blink, blink, blink, her white smile
blinding, perfect, they wanted to fuck her, not now, maybe one day, chew yourself
through the corpse maze of the Cartel, dreams, men have them, why not,
everything is possible when a man has a gun.
Nods, grins came, returned and, then many holas, Niña, megaton girl smile in
return. In the door, business at hand, Manolo heels click, click, click across
the stylish lobby of the Hotel.
The Hotel InterContinental’s foyer was
stylish. Stares, leers, gawks, as she moved to the bank of elevators at the far
wall of the lobby. Once there, she paused before a burly man, traditional black
leather coat, scarred face, shaved head, hand under his jacket, skin like his
coat, black like being buried alive.
Face was covered by old scars, broad
African nose, he looked as if it had been broken by some other loco hombre’s
fist. He was mute,
bloodshot eyes, backed by cocaine, alcohol yellow. He leered at the whore as
she stood before him.
“¿Que estas?” He growled in street
Spanish, jerked his head at the valise on
her wrist.
No hesitation, she smiled, unsnapped the
hinge, opened it, tilted it at him, waited. His breath reeked of bad rum and
cigarettes; she didn’t mind.
Diligently, he nudged his thick fingers
inside, checked out various implements of sexual trade: lingerie, odd pieces of
clothing, a large black dildo, which embarrassed him. He was a man of honor,
Hispanic. She smiled again, he wanted to kill her, maybe later.
Swallowing his shame, he dropped the
dildo in the valise, pressed a button on the wall. “Ca-ching” the
door opened as he growled, “Pasale, puta.”
Smiling, he had called her a whore, no
problema, she was. Into the elevator, door closed, his hand into his black
leather jacket, past his .45, found a small walkie-talkie, growled to someone
high above that the whore was on her way. Later, a hit of coke, rum, lots of
rum, some street bitch. Life was perfect for he was a man of respect.
The elevator whizzed, whined, moved up
towards the top floor of the hotel, eyes cemented shut, pulse flatlining, mind
a mercury switch, ready to click to life. Moments gone, time moved, eyes
opened, stared as if in a trance, reflection, wall mirror, images, of who? The
creature, who is it, now staring back at her, she had no clue.
Life ravaged, shredded,
everyone dead
now, last survivor, no lifeboat, dead heart, soul, and now, what? Disgusting
act, practice makes perfect, a semen shower, vile was good, it felt natural to
her. She needed it, wanted it, it was something she now knew she was destined
to do. Peddle a girl’s ass, soon the mind and soul follow, whatever.
Time passed, quickly, she supposed, yet
was really something she was never able to control. Elevator, ring-a-ling-ding,
jerked off, it was, what it was. Play it, dress up, pretend, little girls love
pretend, games, white pearls, no memory of ever being a little girl left, so
the fuck what? Life ain’t perfect; deal with it.
elevator, at the end of the corridor were two more
bodyguards, black leather coats, slabs of beef, standing vigil to her client’s
room. They looked like a casting call for a Tijuana firing squad.
First look, the two men tensed, then seeing her, a beautiful
swatch of teak silk strolling towards them, they relaxed, postured, grabbed
their balls, their theeng, machismo,
men from south of a burning border.
Low on the totem pole of such delights, they were the legions,
bodyguards for one of Pablo Escobar’s most important lawyers, Bernard Munoz, a
jefe the whore had fucked before. Seduction, smiles, that walk, all of it, an
important tool of her trade. She glanced at their handguns, silencers pinched
on the barrels, smiled more, that always worked before, purred, “Hola gigantes,
Senor Bernard listo?”
The men, posing, loving being referred to
as “giants,” shot back grins, spoke to her as if they adored her, assured her
that Senor Bernard was indeed ready.
They opened the door, almost drooled as she click-clacked into the room.
Door closed, she hesitated, for in the
foyer was another brown man: dire, hard, dressed in a black suit, white shirt,
red tie, holding a pistol with a silencer stitched to the barrel. She stalled,
as the obviously powerful man rippled toward her, looked her up and down, then
at her valise. “Open it,” he seethed in Spanish.
Her heart began to
pound, his bullet eyes seemed to rape through and into her brain.
Rummaging around the contents, he
swallowed in disgust at the sight of the dildo. Boss had a proclivity for
depravity, young girls, prostitutes, as he pushed around a pair of black boots,
other garments and, then roughly shoved the valise back into her hands.
“Go, puta.
He waits,” he said, wishing he could kill the whore, as well as the deviant
waiting for her in the bedroom.
Coy, little girl sweet smiles, she took
her valise, walked to the door, hesitated, did the twist, stared at the
silenced nine-millimeter, inventory time.
Inside the room, she
stalled, peered around at its opulence.
Nudged against a massive bulletproof
window, a view of the dying glimmering city behind it, was a massive bed. Next
to the bed was a silver tureen on chrome legs, nice touch, a bottle of fine
champagne, Crystal, chilling in ice within it.
The suite was decadent: green suede
couches, loungers; stylish art decorated the walls, no Tijuana velvet paintings
anywhere. On an English oak desk lay stacks of money, rubber bands, mostly
Benjamins, a laptop computer, various pens, pencils, papers, leather valises, a
gold lighter, a can of hair spray, brush, comb, and a chrome-colored .45 Smith
& Wesson Python. Americans, they made them right.
Taking inventory of everything while the
shower ran, she smiled as a joyous voice filtered out of the bathroom off to
her left. “Una momento, Niña,” the
happy voice said.
She dropped her bag, snapped it open,
leered at its contents, dreamed for a ticktock of time, turned, wandered to the
expansive window, gazed at the beautiful city lights down below. Girls like
pretty light, police sirens, she wondered how many innocent civilians were
being shot, bombed, and shoved into wood chippers this night.
Hearing the shower stop, she turned, and
there he was: horribly obese, short man, dyed-black hair, paste-white skin, big
gut, hiding his dick, walking from the shower naked, towel in his pudgy hands,
drying his dyed hair as he did.
Smiling, the lawyer walked over to her,
leaned in, Don Juan now, kissed her on the cheek, backed away a half step,
allowed his fingers to trail down her porcelain face, her small breasts. Money
buys gold slag, penthouse suites, cars, a dick in an angel’s ass, he was one
happy guy.
His lips were thick, bulbous, his eyes
small, she thought, like rats. Folds of skin dropped over his lascivious eyes;
he was a walking, breathing pig, so what?
Strutting, standing still, he said in
Spanish, “My Niña, you are lovelier then ever before. So childlike. So
beautiful. A blonde, tonight. I approve. I am truly blessed.”
Lowering her eyes like some Asian
courtesan, she lifted them, touched his sweating face and, then whispered, “Senor
Bernard, you honor me. It is I who
am the lucky girl tonight. Thank you.”
Drinking in her impossible elegance,
beauty, fragility, he smirked, smiled as the light glinted off several of his
gold teeth. “No, Niña, it is I who am honored.”
Kissing her on the lips tenderly, he lit
up, snapped his fingers, turned to the bottle of bubbly iced in the tureen.
“Where are my manners? Champagne, darling,
for an angel.”
He was her daddy, he liked it like that.
Old men, vampire hearts. She pouted, smiled sweetly, nodded in approval to his
wonderful suggestion. She’d drink a glass of piss if he had asked her to.
Showtime, daddy’s surprises for his little
senorita, erection poking from under the folds of his enormous belly; he could
still get it up, barely. He felt playful, sexual, winked at her, turned to the
champagne, scrutinized it, looked back at her and, then began to unlock the
wire mesh from around the cork.
In Italy, he would have been a made man, but he wasn’t. He was
though the most important lawyer of one of the most powerful drug cartel
corporations the world had ever known.
Humming to himself, rat eyes taking a peek, she was unbelievable,
thoughts of love, back to business, poured champagne, crystal flutes, Tony
Montana stuff.
She slipped off her high heels, allowed her skirt to billow to
the floor, then her body shirt, she stood before him naked, her back to him.
Barely able to control himself, he kept peek-a-booing at her,
marveled how God could have placed such a delicate creature on his earth, one
he felt he owned.
As he struggled to control his shaking hands, the ones holding
the tulip glasses, she casually edged a half step to the desk, looked at the
various implements on it, ignored the .45, took two objects from it, then turned
just feet away from him, her muscled and slender back facing him.
Sexual wiring spark plugging, stared at her so thin, perfect
“My God, Niña . . . My. .
. My . . . God. Are you ready now, my angel?”
Moments passed, her body
hummed, she was silent, remembered everything, every instant of her life. She
whispered, “Yes, Senor Bernard, I am
He smiled, perfect world, perfect girl. And at that moment, as
she had been trained, she turned, a different girl now: odd eyes, black
bee-bees, and with a fury and hatred unmatched by any creature on earth, she
swung her muscled arm out, lifted the can of hair spray, ignited the lighter,
and exploded the flames into his mouth.
Suspended times, smoke,
flames, lawyer’s
gawking eyes, his naked angel standing before him, a look on her face he had
never seen before. No stutter steps in her eyes, his lips, tongue, mouth
melting like dripping plastic. She smiled as the fire and heat stifled the
screams he tried to force from his throat.
After his nose melted, she smiled, dropped the hair spray to the
floor. His brain, still functioning, he gawked at her odd smile, and with smoke
pouring from his mouth and nostrils, he tried to scream again.
Instantly, she moved to him, she could see through the smoke that
his brain was still working, for his eyes were stark naked, mad in pain and
terror. Placing her lips to his ear she whispered, “My name is Pilar. You
murdered my family and now I have murdered you.”
Knowing no Angels of Death named Pilar, his eyes jerked off, he
tried to say something, vocal cords incinerated, parts of his brain were
wasted, gone bye-bye by the pain that serrated that piece of filth. As his body
crumbled, Pilar guided him to the bed, laid his twitching body on the sheets,
watched now as his central nervous system flamed out.
Eyes closed, happy girl, efficient girl, humming girl, she stood
motionless. Then she opened her eyes again to stare at the pile of suet on the
bed: his body pulsing, his melted lips trying to say something, yet failing for
though he was not dead yet, his brain, like cheap wiring in a Coney Island
tenement flop, was still lit.
Moving to the bed, she pulled the sheet and duvets back, stuffed
his legs and torso under them and, placed the sheets and blankets just so under
his obese jowls, right under his chinny-chin-chin.
She stripped off the blonde wig, untied her black hair, and
allowed it to fall down her back. Quickly, she tied her hair into a convenient
knot, moved to her valise, opened it, reached in, and relieved the black
plastic dildo from it.
Scrutinizing it, she smiled, quickly unscrewed the tip, withdrew
a six-inch ice pick, more like a stiletto, from it.
Turning, she walked over to the man who had smoke stacking out of
his mouth and nostrils, bent, crawled upon him, pinched his melted cheeks
between her fingers, lowered her flawless face and stared into his dilating
pupils. She thought she saw some life in his eyes.
Smiling at him, she took the ice pick, inserted it into his eye
socket and, then slowly, filled with pay back, pushed the blade past his
eyeball and into his brain until he twitched once. His body bucked, then it
stopped, and she supposed that he was dead.
Still naked, for she used every weapon at her disposal, she
gathered her senses, calmed, lowered her pulse, crawled off the dead attorney,
and barefoot—she had such tiny feet—she moved to the bedroom door.
Ice pick firmly in her hand—girls liked presents—she placed it
along the small of her back, opened the door, and stood naked before the
Hard hombre, disciplined soldier, every man has a moment of
weakness for a real sweetheart, found it hard to resist such a beautiful, naked
girl; after all, he was human. Fragile, available, alluring, smiling at the
huge man, she purred in lovely Spanish, “He wants you.”
Like a Jap Geisha, she blushed as he scrutinized her, fondling
the 9-millimeter with the silencer in his hand as he did. Nodding, completely
disarmed by the naked whore, he must have thought for a moment his boss was
going to share the puta with him.
Looks of desire, the handgun dangling along his side, he walked past her into
the bedroom.
Acrid smell, smoke, what the fuck, fucking on his mind, he
hesitated, staring at the boss resting under the sheets.
His nostrils flared from the acrid odor and smoke. Nothing smells
like burning flesh, and his brow crinkled as without hesitation, Pilar/Niña
moved behind him, placed her hand along his forehead, which for a moment, for
he was still fantasizing fucking her, he thought was a term of endearment.
Strengthening her grip like she’d learned from her Delta Force
Ranger buddies, she placed the ice pick just above his spinal cord, and slowly
shoved it into his brain.
Surprise, surprise, no pretty ribbon on this gift, he tensed, his
eyes flicked everywhere, Kinko time, she held him strong, whispered into his
ear so he could hear one last thing before he flatlined. “I am Pilar, not a
He slumped, and she guided him silently to the floor. Quickly,
she moved to the door and closed it.
Looks: calm, serene, totally deranged. Dead bodyguard on the
floor, pool of blood, she took his nine millimeter, gave the silencer a tug.
She popped the clip out, saw it was full of friends, rammed it back in,
chambered a bullet into the slot.
Turning, she skipped to the lawyer still breathing, twitching on
the bed. Crawling on top of him, she straddled him, placed her forefinger and
thumb on his cheeks, leveled his eyes to hers.
Whether he could fathom what was happening to him, she neither
cared nor knew. Placing the silencer in his mouth, she saw some movement in his
agitated eyes. Umm, so something is going
on in there, she thought.
Enjoying herself far too much, she realized she was on the clock,
smiled into the lawyer’s eyes, thought she saw a tick of recognition, raised
her eyebrows in curiosity, pulled the trigger, and the gun went, “Psssst.” Red,
like paint, the fat man’s brains and blood exploded against the white cotton
Pursing her lips, humming, brow crinkled, stark raving loco, yet
in control, she crawled off the lawyer, gun buck, two in the chest, moved naked
to the bodyguard, shot him in the forehead—always plan ahead—and she had to
Adrenaline streaming away, she sat on the
green suede couch, pulled out a pair of black trousers, slipped them on, added
a black T-shirt, a pair of white socks.
On her small feet, she laced up a pair of heavy black boots.
Spent, like a used cartridge shell, she placed her face in her
hands, begun to hum, something that always allowed her to calm and focus. After
a moment of humming, inventory again. She moved to the desk, took the
forty-five, popped the clip, saw it was loaded, and deciding just in
case—because a girl never knew when she would need more star power—she laced it
along her back into her waistband.
She moved back to her valise, grabbed it, and returned to the
desk. She emptied the valise onto the floor, and because she was a Loyalist,
she packed the bag with the stacks of hundreds, the laptop, and various documents.
In the pile of sex props, she found what she was looking for, and
walked back to the dead man on the bed. With extreme prejudice she placed the
sign on the man’s bullet-ridden chest. It simply read: LOS PEPES.
On autopilot, eye tics around the room: no one left to kill.
She decided there were no more men to murder,
picked up her valise, turned and walked from the bedroom, closing the door
behind her.
At the blue door, entrance to the room, she hesitated, trying to
calm her racing mind. Silenced pistol braced against her back, she whispered, "uno,
dos, tres." She opened
the door and now an onyx-haired beauty, she whispered sweetly to the two
remaining body guards, “Hola, Gigantes.
Senor Tyson. Queren Ustedes, por
Loving her to death, they both smiled at her playful way, and
thinking nothing of her hair or clothes change, for they had seen other
versions of her, they entered the room, hesitated for a moment, turned to their
princess, asked.
“A Donde, Niña?”
Nodding at the bedroom, she smiled; the men smiled back, began to
walk towards the closed door.
No blink, pulse like a canary’s heartbeat, she lifted the
silenced automatic, it went Pssst
twice as she drilled both men in the backs of their skulls, a single bullet for
Dead before they hit the floor, both had forgotten the oldest
lesson in the whore handbook: “Never trust a fucking whore, no matter how
fucking sweet she is.”
Hardly giving the men a glance, through the door she cruised,
carefully peeked down in the direction of the elevator banks, saw nothing,
turned right and made her way down the hall.
Moving to the fire stairs, she opened the door, entered, and like
the athlete she once was, took three steps at a time until she was on the
ground floor of the Hotel. Covered with sweat, she opened the heavy fire door,
peeked out into the night, edged outside.
Carlos stood in the dark alley next to the Benz. He held a .45
caliber handgun, silenced, he saw her, finally breathed as he saw her. Pilar
walked up to him, looked up into his eyes. As their gaze locked, she whispered,
“It is done.”
Words dripped from her full lips, no more power or strength,
spent like the copper shell caps back at the room, she began to slump,
adrenaline sucked out, completely exhausted. Carlos wrapped his powerful arms
around her waist, enough garbage in her life, no alley filth now, she was done,
at least for the moment.
She trembled. As he had done before, he felt respect
and pride
that he knew her, but as always, pity and love, pure and simple. That she was
incapable of loving anyone or anything any longer, was legendary, and broke the
hearts of hardened men. He held her, she pushed away from him, handed him both
guns—she seldom gave gifts, no one to give them too—simply bowed her head,
whispered, “So tired, Just so tired. Please, can we not go?”
Nodding, Carlos opened the Benz’s back door. She moved into the
back seat, slumped, eyes closed, thinking whatever assassins think when they
are done with a night’s work.
Carlos slapped his gun into his shoulder
holster, black leather jacket furrowing in the wind. He opened the front door,
slid in, peeked at his silent passenger in his rearview mirror. With bile in
his throat, spike in his heart, ignited the Benz, slotted it in drive and drove
off down the alley.
The cleaners would take care of the
refuse, mops, buckets, hacksaws, no worry, no looking back. He found Avenue
Calle, began to cruise down the festively-lit street.
had been a privileged child from a wealthy military and political family. At
twelve she had been a gymnast, a swimmer. She’d studied the piano, languages,
music, culture, and her life at one moment had held such promise.
First, her father: a judge, a man of bravery; ethics; and morals,
had been incinerated by a car bomb directly in front of her grand house near
the beautiful area of the El Tesero
She had heard his screams and saw him literally burned alive. At
fourteen, she lost her beloved uncle, Louie Galand, a Presidential candidate,
from the bullets of several of Pablo Escobar’s assassins. After that, two
cousins and another uncle had been brutally murdered in the Avianca Jet blast,
along a burning mountaintop. Her mother and sister were murdered, as well as so
many other innocents entombed along a mountainside outside of Medellin.
Strangled with grief, she went insane, showed up within the
jungle camps of “The Colombian National Army” and their lethal offshoot,
“Search Block.”
It was not uncommon for females—fierce, crazed loyalists—to be
within this cadre of soldiers trying to wrench their country back from the
violence of the Medellin Cartel. Yet, what was she? So beautiful, so apparently
frail, yet still so young, barely fifteen and from such a prominent family, she
was searching, what for? Revenge, of course, at all costs. Beginnings . . .
where does a girl start, go? An orphan?
Get a gun, learn, understand, become a savage.
At first, deception, illusion—what did
she want?—and confused by her beauty, physical elegance—they were men after
all, men who still judged beauty by definable standards—they didn’t get her.
But there were dudes that got it, got her, dug her vibe, and it
had taken the resourceful men from the CIA and Delta Force to see just how
valuable she might be. Under the wings of their knowledge, tutelage, they
processed her, a new product, into a new and unique education. She was perfect
for Black Opts and they knew it.
It would be a remarkable journey—she was raw clay, malleable,
eager to please—that would make her many things, especially a cold-blooded
The Delta Force guys adored her, respected
her and, then feared her. They beat her, pushed her, prodded her beyond all
borders of human endurance, she gritting her bloody teeth through all of it.
“Is that all you have?” she asked. More,
she always wanted fucking more.
The trainers dug her groove and besides knife, poison, gun, coat
hangers, and of course something as common as a can of hair spray, taught her
how to kill with everything imaginable and in every way possible. A gift from
Great future for her, everyone agreed, “Black Covert Ops,” a
night stalker, octopus suckers vacuuming in information, a very disturbed young
woman, perfect, they liked them that way. Whisked her off to Langley, summer
camp for her: disassemble an AK-47, blindfolded; pressure car seat cavity
bombs; Rican- tipped stilettos; poisons; bullets; knives; hands; hatchets;
tennis racquets; electronic gizmos; computers, all of it. Camp counselors were
awed; they gave her a merit badge.
The Agency became part of her young life as a new prom dress is
to other girls of her age. She graduated; no prom, no pimple-faced kid with a
corsage for her wrist. Her graduation present: a cheap, gold-plated locket with
a cyanide tablet in it, just in case, just because sometimes bad shit happened.
Ready, Betty to go, zoom-zoom-zoom, ready to climb the dead body
ladder of success, two years more with “The Agency,” moving in and out of
places such as Serbia, Lebanon, Damascus, Bogota, cities in The Middle East.
Dark skin, black obsidian eyes, she could pass in those cultures, that’s where
the bad guys were
Then, time to abort, go rogue, a night finally came, she packed
her various documents, passports, and toys. She turned the key in her lock,
moving now from her world into another. Vanishing would be simple, and it was,
no one ever missed her when she was gone, no one was ever glad to see her when
she arrived. When she did visit, standard last question out of man’s mouth was
“Am I dead?”
Magic trick, no face on the milk carton, people don’t mourn when
a hoodlum vanishes. Then swoosh, gone into an ecosystem of criminals, intrigue,
death, special talents (Few had them).
For almost the next decade, she would be paid generously, as well as
appreciated so very much by men who understood such unique talents.
Then, the assassin was gone, not knowing that ten years later,
she would fall in love with another cold-blooded female killer named Mandal.
needs somebody to
love them.” Old Blue Eyes sang that. Fucking go figure.
J. Brooke
ONE more fucking
cigarette in an eternal white
filtered head trip of tobacco surreal dreams that is what I am. A genius ex
glamour girl, a gay girl, my IQ is frightening, hovering around 160, real cyber
link interfaced brain politics, Stephen Hawking like. The gimp psycho cerebral
wanderer is my idol as well as violence, my hero, and pain, as much as I can
get it whenever I can get it.
My brain is
either-furious or weeping, happy or
irate, stoned down, or amped up and I revel in the ghetto life. My moniker is
Jane and what kind of glam girl game name is that? A penny for your thought's,
lets rock baby, I am so fucking ready, bring on the rain?
from a platinum spoon UV, Dartmouth,
MBA at 26, Wharton, business freaks and hit man killers rumbling on Wall
Street. You know Bond Traders raping pension funds from pensioners, widows and
orphans eating baby food. Retirees in plaid pants, cringing along golf course
tombs, preconceived death squad communities, just before they die, wasted away
data banks of rotting trash, battle field earth, a golf ball and par their last
pathetic living annuities before they go.
Now me, I'm
28, once a bi-sexual ginger girl,
switcherooed, some time ago, only girls now, it was in my DNA, I have light
white scars on my white face. I like to rumble with the boys, pretty girls to.
I use my beauty as a tool, what great looking girl doesn’t, I'm just being
honest. I never took what I was born with seriously, beauty is so destructive,
so evil, so shallow, vapid. I can’t take responsibility for my look’s, just use
them like I use my guns, knives and steel toed boots to get the job done, here
in degenerate Vegas.
Put me in
a wheel chair in front of my computer
with a pencil in my mouth, that’s what would make me complete.
I choose Vegas
as my sex-capture the bad guys
patrol, for I am cognizant, know exactly what I want, who I am. I by choice
became a hard edged backhoe of the trash of this human garbage disposal city.
One might call me a PI, a bounty hunter, I work for pay, but that’s just how
fucking Hollywood depicts it. Because I'm smart and have all the bells and
whistles, I decided to opt for fun, danger, so that’s why I got my PI license,
my gun license too. Work for the casinos; find runaways, bail jumpers,
sometimes sneak around catching cheating lovers. You know the whole litany of
sordid stuff people do when they cross over the edge.
Many of my
true friends are cops, love cops, where
would we be without them.
I opted for
the hard life, pimps, whores,
degenerates, gamblers, bail jumpers, wife beaters, dog fuckers; kids stuffed in
to the micro waves, drunks, junkies, strippers, perverts, pedophiles, priests
and bent dolphin trainers, all with a price on their heads. Though money means
nothing to me, I'm a thrill girl, a violent girl, a genius girl.
I'm an anemic
thug, twine thin, purged in the
toilet once, vomit blues, no longer though, 5-10, 118, blonde, razor sharp,
close to my scalp, blue eyes, game over, small face, sharp chin, ripped up and
full lips, my hormones are boiling inside of my like chicken soup.
a whippet street fighter, blond hair cut
butch short, leather because I am very aware of the roll I'm in, image baby,
cut arms, long and lean. We live in a society that cherishes the emptiness of
beauty. For me it’s all about who you are, what is in your heart and soul,
brains turn me on. Again, I have no ego about my looks, they just are, they
mean nothing to me.
I have a coupla
black belts in Tai Kwando,
Judo, Kaaaaa-raaate, choices you see. I'm hard core, tough, sweet, any bad boy,
wayward girl wants to fuck with me they better bring their A game. It has to be
real for me, no bullshit, just honesty
All right,
let's crack it, let’s get real. I’m
a lucky bitch, my society parents were vaporized in a car accident over there
near the South Hamptons. Their death shattered me, but made me realize how
fragile love is.
After, I became
a mistress of about fifteen or
so million bucks. I got these Merle Lynch vampires making me rich day by day
and I had to choose, a life of hanging along the cat walk during Fashion Week,
watching misplaced bulimic train wrecks, waltzing down the Cosmo world, eating
disorders old and young, or choosing this brutal life, of bullets, hand cuffs,
kicked down doors and a criminal world. It was a no brainer for me, because I
was born a silver slut, it’s in my DNA.
not selfish and I really do care, and have
a soul. Most of the interest from my money, about a million bucks a year goes
to Doctors with out Borders, The World Wild Life Fund, and those valiant
Hebrews at Green Peace. Save the animals, wipe out the human’s that is what I
would do if it were up to me.
click, click”, I'm loading my Old
School 357 Smith & Wesson Python Magnum, cause that's the kind of girl I
am. Don't like progress or new stuff, so that’s why I opted for a six in the
chamber, hollow point hand gun and girl pouts, kisses drenched and wet, craven,
lethal, I'm a dreamer, a stylist, a hopeless romantic. I like the feel of
copper and lead between my finger tips, as I like some girls tongue stuffed
between my pouting bitch guava lips.
I slot the
iron whore into my Velcro shoulder
holster, it feels good. I hear Bono in my IPod, U-2 is just the best. I check
my twelve-gauge Mossberg, over and under, its loaded, lead pellets, red
cartridges, copper caps, fuck the Swiss make great scatter guns.
I can be ruthless,
manic, cranked, connived of
stumbled truth at times, weep every time I see Breakfast at Tiffany’s, as I
make sure my gun license is in my sleeveless black leather vest. I make sure my
black savage leather hip hop baby crushers are layered tight along my narrow
hips. Plopping my Boston Socks ball cap on my head, into roll play now I
whisper, lets stroll as I purr, I am so demur, I’m ready to create pure and
unequivocal havoc.
I'm looking
for a bad girl named Tina Flicks, a
muscled criminal, of Boston trash, migrated to Vegas, dangerous, vile, ultra
butch, a real piece of twisted, violent work. She's a sweetheart heart breaker
of 3 dimensional murder, pushing dope, a hard biker chic and seek and destroy
car jacks, whores and girls of a last resort. She's just a blip, a 6ft,1,
muscled, bout 175 lbs, filthy blond, tattooed, homicidal chic, sexy in that
street crew way.
I'm such a
thug as I take two steps by three's
down the stairs. I live on the top floor of a Chinese laundry, real film noir
PI stuff, all by choice of course, image remember. Great digs, it's really an
artist’s loft conversion I built myself of grief stricken blues.
N. Vegas,
It's a bad part of town, and I'm
street wise as I slide into my 59, 308 V-8 Buick car, turquoise and white, tail
fins and big chrome bumpers, leather seats, I love this ride.
I check my
extra 38 stitched inside the glove
box; slap my hands onto the big round Plexiglas steering wheel, smile and, then
twist the key. The Richard Petty carbs fire up and then the rumbling Detroit
engine of real steel and iron and an American dream of ex real freedom rumbles
in a throaty purr, she's my RPM machine. She was made in a time when a gal
could cruise across a nation that still had a heart, wasn't run by computers, a
time when a girl could be a free bird.
It was a time
when smoke belching out twin
chrome pipes meant prosperity. It was a bullet-hole moment in time when the USA
was an amazing nation. Was no political correct corporate palace of a tripped
out country that has lost it cool as it is now from K-Street lobbyists. I dawn
my black leather knee coat, pet my handgun, I am ready to drive, which in this
lovely machine it is, real driving.
It's time
to get down to business.
Serious is
serious, Tina Flicks has killed some
men, some girls too so goes her cop jacket, she is dangerous and I have to be
smart. As I cruise down Las Vegas Blvd in my old convertible Buick the summer
wind feels good on my pale skin, chattering along my buzz cut, making me happy
that I am alive, so I began to laugh.
"Wake up Maggie,
I think I'm falling in
love with you." Old School Rod Stewart is ripping an octave from his soul,
meandering down the wires from my Apple music machine, into my elfin ears. I
kick a work boot on the dash, slink a little, time for a cigarette. So I slap a
Marlboro between my lips, flick my chrome Zippo, fire it up, inhale and like
I've seen in all of those movies, I mentioned I'm into Image, let it pearl out
of the holes in my Christy Turlington nose.
I'm heading
for the "Bent Club" N.
Vegas, tough turf, graffiti, paint and blood on the stucco walls, Hispanic men
of respect, MS-13's out of Managua City, black bangers, Asians motor cycle
gangs run down here. Even the cops try to avoid it, not me, I love it. None of
those folks at the "Bent", no not there, it's a private club. It has
a completely different clientele, odd and strange and wonderful, if anything is
left wonderful in this twisted and depraved city.
It's also
a Blood Bar, people reserving dark
corners, drinking each others blood, everybody has their thing. I don't judge,
though it's not something I participate in. It's one of those rare places where
nobody ever makes judgment on me for sucking down some young show girls cum,
live and let live, that’s what I say. What happens at the club, like Vegas
says, "stays at the club" including your semen, blood and your life
if your not careful. You better be reborn hard to hang there or some dude or
gal will skull fuck you dead.
The Bent Club
is filled with queers, dykes,
bi-sexual youngin's, freaks, transvestites, murderers, thieves, dopers,
druggies, queen doctors, sissy lawyers, and dominatrix’s, submissive and girly
men. There are straight power player violent men, society women hitting on
young, stupid platinum body strippers, goofers, stick up guys, and girls like
me, though there is only one of me. It is where I'm hoping to hook up Tina
Flicks. Once she jumped bail, well the sex there, and the smell of sex there,
well she is a hard girl after all, her nick name is Tina “Dildo” Flicks, in her
belt, all the time, like a car tie rod, the girls at least say. The bouncer
there, a mountain black dude named Mike, who I layer from time to time a
C-note, whistled up my cell phone, telling me she's been hangin' there, and I
love that place. It's one of the few places on the planet I feel at home in.
I park the
whale, tilt my head, check my face
in the mirror, I'm so vain. I wear no make up, don't need any, ruffle my short
cut, smile, teeth white as chalk, eyebrows feint. I feel pretty, what a messed
up human being I am. Yet a girl likes to look good just before homicide, or
fucking, or what ever, maybe a good beating, if she’s lucky. They got guys and
gals at The Bent that excel in such things.
I never know
what mood will travel down my
spine and "a go for the gusto kinda a slut girl" I feel kinda
excited, cunt beginning to sewer up.
I walk down
the alley, see Mike at the door,
smack a hundred in his catcher’s mitt of a paw, and get a Kong sexy handsome
smile from him, a kiss on the cheek in return. He's so huge, 6ft 6, I feel like
a noodle just anywhere near him. Man, I can't help but wonder about his
magnificent dick, that will have to wait for another night, a better night, I
am a curious kinda girl, would even opt for Mike, just to you know, see what
that was all about.
Through the
iron door I go.
One A.M. just
beginning to fire up, quite an
elegant place, Private Club, I think I mentioned that. No tourists here, just
regulars, kids tired from pumping up the casinos with their life blood. The
place is decked out in all leather, rich woods, chrome and smoked glass,
amazing crystal hanging from the bar racks, back blue lit neon bar, best of
everything here. It's a respite for the loco loyalist locals, love this place,
let’s go.
Lots a black
Vegas Cops hang here, super duper
well styled out in kick back money Armani suits, check their badges and Glocks
and attitudes with Glenda at the coat check cubicle, I do the same. Layering
off my black trench, my shoulder holster, handgun, I slip them to Glenda. She
doesn’t blink, nothing fazes her, what can, she’s seen it all.
She's a Goth
Girl, white skin, black
everywhere, mascara, tattoos, arms, breasts, neck, stomach, inside her cunt I
imagine. She's topless, black mini skirt, gold rings in her nose, ears,
nipples, studs driven into her forehead, she loves me, whispers of fucking me,
eating me, were tangoing around that idea. I stuff a hundred into her hip
hugging waist band. She kisses me, smiles, two diamonds are inlaid into her
teeth, she’s so young, so Betty Boop stunning, I almost forget why I'm here. I
nudge my memory, remember, wink at her, later for that sweet little sugar cube.
I turn and walk into the neon club.
I make sure
my hip huggers are low, just above
my lasered cunt, every girl likes a little attention. I'm looking good, skin
tight black crew, bare arms, my black heavy stitched work boots on my small
feet. I have gold hoops on my ears, a thin gold chain with a gold cross falling
down my flat chest. I don't believe in God but I love the Latina image of it
No Tattoos,
avoided that, though I would have
dug the needle tine of pain. Just sorta of lolly lagging around as I look to my
left, a small dark room, people in the shadows, a private place, that’s where
the blood suckers are, nice people. I don't go there, doesn’t give me the
creeps though, everybody needs somebody to love them, Sinatra crooned that. I
have all of his CD's, I have eclectic tastes in music.
Its early,
the booths have a few debutants
sitting around. Well dressed women flirting with semi clad, semi naked vixens
constructed of perfect young skin, pouting lips and nothing between the ears.
Everybody is drinking champagne in flutes, martinis in crystal dishes with long
stems, smoking pot, Xing, coking, smiling and laughing as the con is going
down, bargains of cunts and dicks being auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Lots a rich looking older men, expensive suits, hanging with gay boys decked in
leather, road bump abs. Their like the hunnies, perfect bodies, nothing in
their brains, the kinda sweet kids older men adore, pay for, fuck in the ass
and then jettison in the morning before they return back home to the burbs and
the wife and 3 kids waiting for them at their suburban cribs.
The parquet
dance floor is semi jumping,
Ludicrous on the speakers. A stump of a butch dyke, maybe 250 lbs, crew cut,
Donna Karen black suit, black tie ups, white shirt and red tie, very stylish,
holding a skinny brunette semi naked play toy, maybe 20 or so. The sweetie pie
is tatted, pierced from head to toe, naked except a green g-sting, really a
postage stamp covering her shaved cunt. No body has hair below their eyebrows
anymore, including me, I like that.
The young
twist has those small baby girl tits
dykes love, tats everywhere, a Chinese dragon stenciled down her arms, Japanese
calligraphy on her stomach and breasts, three inch stiletto heels, towering
over her Lesbos protector. The girls are in love, love is a wonderful thing.
As I sidle
over to the classic bar, I lean in.
Sparse crowd, check out two 18 year old strippers, silicone tits, blonds from a
bottle, perfect hard bodies, gym rats I suppose, dancers from the Spearmint
Rhino or one of her cousins I suppose, pressed against each other, swaying to
the bongo drums, kissing, more love at The Bent. It's always that way. Imagine
their runaways, find always, incest survivors, uneducated temporary bleeders of
beauty, until that runs it gamut, then slashers of hash at Denny’s. It's
usually like that, unless an overdose kicks in, and peace finds their once
golden bods, putting them out of their misery finally, once and forever. There
completely naked, except for gold rings stabbed into nipples, ears, noses, belly
buttons, cunt lips, studs in pink tongues. There slender white frags of skin
fabric, high heels on the dance floor, two bull dykes at the bar checking them
out, respectful though, it’s a respectful type of place.
Two politicos,
older men, graying temples, well
dressed, gold and expensive togs, are dancing with two leather clad boys. Bare
chests, muscles on muscles, slow dancing, mind dancing, kissing, holding, money
buys everything in Vegas, love, sex, an old mans dick in some young studs ass,
or the other way around. Sex and love dispels denial, makes people happy, as
well as miserable. I see no misery with the boys, girls and men and women here.
I just see honesty, happiness, lots a lip playing, eye dancing, lies whispered,
promises broken and kept. Of course all that is usually jettisoned within the
first motel curtain piercing of the morning sun.
Stitched along
the black smoked glass and
chrome bar are the usual suspects of decadence and mirth. Semi nude girls, lots
a stiletto heels, piercings, their all bullet proof, leather clad boys too, a
few older men, and I'm getting whispers from two dykes, decked out in men’s
threads. I like the attention, for like I said I’m an ego driven glamour girl.
I smile, then Jerry, my buddy bartender slopes over, asking me how I am. I purr
that I'm cool and how are you? He winks, tells me he's all good, a Grey Goose
up easy I say, no olive would be fine. He winks, turns, racks a stem on the bar
top, gets busy mixing up my silver dream. I feel it now, that wet tinkle, tinkle
in my cunt, the buzz starting to over come me, which means either sex or
violence will soon begin.
My moon beam
vodka scream is delivered. I
smile, sip as Jimmy turns, flirts down the bar and chats it up with two naked
waifish blonds, as my eyes roam everywhere around the stylish haunt. Everyone
is having a good time as moments pass and I am ready to drop the dime.
An hour passes
one martini, two, kids and
whores and hitters boogying on the dance floor. Then through the door Tina
Flicks noodles in the club, built like a 6ft 1 car cylinder of iron, black
leather coat, white t-shirt, no make up, dirty blond pony tail, she’s a kinda
pretty broad, black jeans, she looks like a VEE, rock abs, set above Levi hip
She's got
those gym small hips, muscles
rippling through her black tank top shirt, sharp cheek bones, about 35, blue,
hard cool eyes, WOW; I'm a lucky slutty frivolous and serious gal. She looks,
like she could be lots a fun. I don’t know her all up close and personal and
such, but I, got her pic right next to my leather wallet with my PI card in my
jacket pocketetes. I giggle thinking how Gollum asked Bilbo. "What’s the
nasty Hobbit's gots in its pocketeses." My brain works that way; I wish I
could just give it a rest. I look at Tina Flicks winding across the club,
moving towards me. I am kinda like a human sex magnet for dykes. She doesn’t
know me, but I am excited that she soon will.
I lean against
the bar, both elbow’s welded
against it, work boots planted to the floor at the end of my mile long legs,
stretched out long and lean, that’s what I am, I laugh, a tall drink of water
born of acid rain. I'm sipping my martini and counting the ceiling tiles, a
little aloof. She walks up, peeks at my face, smiles; my she's a handsome boy.
She doesn’t know it yet, but she's mine, whenever and how ever I choose the
moment to take her down.
I smile back,
that always works. She edges in,
clicks a nod a Jerry, who sidles down the bar, gang shakes her iron fist as
they chat it up. On her hip is a leather scabbard, and there IT is, a foot long
dildo, and that baby is thick, I begin to dream. I listen to her street chat to
Jerry, you know, yeah, all is good, how about you man. Tina Flicks nods,
assures him shit couldn't be better, orders what ever the blond doll is having
next to her and one for her.
She smiles
at me, slips off a hundred dollar
bill from a folded bevy of them, flicks it on the bar making sure I've seen her
big money roll. I raise my white eyebrows, pretending to be impressed.
Finishing my Grey Goose, I thank her and then the mating dance begins.
"Where ya
from Doll, ai'nt seen ya here
before" you know the usual crap from a street player. I have to admit
she's damn good looking, weathered face, some eye brow scars, all of it oozing
sex appeal in that street raw filth way and as far as boiler hoods goes, she's
a sharp kid, I assume a panic under the sheets. I can smell the violence
exuding from her skin. She offers me a smoke, I accept, and then slow like, I like
the effect, pour it between my full lips, pout a little, end her life with my
blue eyes.
She flicks
her lighter to flame. I inhale, let
the smoke all woozy and so drift across my face. Perfect effect, I'm waiting
for her dick to explode out of her Levi pants. Every time she speaks I giggle
or laugh, or nod and purr. I'm an actress, a player like her, as I giggle like
a school girl at some nonsense she babbles, you know to impress me, crap she
says, to make me want to fuck her. I touch a lot, her muscled arm, then her
face. You know, coy teasing stuff bimbos see Brittany do on MTV as my IQ
engulfs her limited brain matter. She's so easy I almost start to laugh, at
nothing at all.
Blah, Blah,
Blah, back and forth we go. I doubt
she's ever read a book; I'm really not interested at the moment in her I.Q. My
adrenalines burning off the Vodka as fast as I consume it. My eyes and brain
are focusing, for though this is fun, I am a pro and know exactly how dangerous
this Tina Flicks is. This is not a time to get confused sex thoughts rampaging
through my brain, though my eyes are pin balling all around that huge dildo
strapped to her hip. So, I know, we both know, or she thinks she knows what is
going down here. So, we mate standing there, as I lean in, grab a swatch of her
Blond thick hair, kiss her lips real soft like, back away, almost go Mae West
on her, you know. "Why don't you come up and see me sometime big
girl". I almost giggle, there's that brain again.
But I don't
as her hand moves between my legs,
I don't complain. I'm hoping I'm not leaking through my leather pants. I know
I'm wet, I can't help myself, been some time since a Genie Girl has rubbed this
lamp. Then a new plan short circuits my mind. I lean in and whisper that maybe
we should hit the road, and see what happens. You know, cunt girl meets cock
girl, wrapped in skin and dildos and pussies anywhere but here.
She offer's
me a little coke, I decline, say
maybe later mister man, I have other things on my mind. She nods, says she’s
got to scoot, you know doll, just a little pick me up, a bathroom toot, be
right back. I smile, squeeze her knee, she grins, turns and walks across the
dance floor towards the rest room.
Perfect. I
flip a c-note on the bar, smoke a
kiss towards Jerry at the end of the bar. He winks and flies an air kiss back
to me, perfect again. Now, I can get to Glenda, maybe kiss or two, get my coat
and concealed handgun before stud fella returns.
Glenda is
looking good, real good and I almost
strike a time of girl romance later, but remember business is at hand, as I
feel my magnum pressed against my ribs, very edgy and dangerous stuff. So I
sharpen up for here come’s Tina Flicks. She’s licking her lips, grinding her
jaw from the coke, man I can see that she's totally amped up from the spook
look in those azure dilated eyes. I smile as she gleams her black leather
jacket from Glenda, pushes a twenty into her tattooed hand, she looks a little
jealous. I wrap my arm around her waist as if it always belonged there and
before you know it were out the door, hoping Glenda understands.
I exchange
cautious see ya laters with Mike at
the door. He knows me and what I'm all about, I see caution in his eyes, no
matter. I slip him another hundred dollar bill, get a "be careful little
girl" from his eyes. Turning with my stud fella, I walk down the alley,
just for a little bit.
I seldom mix
business with pleasure, but I'm
really feeling it. Like I said, I haven’t been laid in dog years, so as we walk
through the filth of the alley, we reach another off shoot of a dumpster world.
I pull her in to the semi darkness, under the single light bulb struck into the
mortar of the bricks.
Slamming her
against the red squares of the
alley wall, I crush into her, feel her dildo pressed against my cunt, she’s quick,
it’s now conveniently strapped around her hips. My, I was right, that is a huge
one, lucky me. I stitch my fingers into her blond shock of hair, rip her head
back and drive my lips into hers as well as my tongue down her throat.
Her pincher
vice hands are slapped against my
tiny no ass, as we detonate kisses, grinding bods together, tearing at each
other, sucking down each others saliva like two dogs in heat. Me, being the
bitch pooch that I am, I need fucking so bad, I forget for a sec what I am doing
and where I am.
This bad ass
never heard of Viagra, tee hee,
she’s built like an iron coffin. Street toughs are like that, girl testosterone
replaces blood in their brains. She could fuck all day and all night no matter
where she was, no matter what she was doing, probably while eating breakfast at
IHOP, or even sleeping. Man, she's strung hard and tight.
I'm heated
up, decide to mix it up. You know,
business and girl pleasure, any mistakes I make getting off, well I can fix
those later, I hope. So I drop to my knees, frantically wrap my thin fingers
around her silicone dick, huge, thick, the girl whispers were right. I’m
crazed, an actress, Emmy later, pretend to suck her off, you know just to get
her amped up and me to get in the mood.
got both cable hands around the back of
my head. My cheeks are expanding, I have a small mouth as I plunge my mouth
over her dick, lips expanding, cheeks puffing, eyes watering, feeling the tip
of her pretend dick banging against my tonsils as I roam up and down her foot
long cock. I’m enjoying myself, never doubted that I would.
I'm hoping
she has a smidgen of reality in that
good looking skull, and then cause she's a rough boy, she tightens her grip on
my short blond hair, then rams her cock down my throat. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle,
as her hips whip out and in, each time that huge knob going PAALUMP as it
smacks down my throat and I don't want her to stop, for I still need fucking,
badly. So I stand, grab her hair with one hand, smack her against the bricks,
hold her cock in the other. I can multi task, and then smash my lips against
Were not really
kissing, more like lip and
tongue’s smacking down, as we chew at each other like were both red meat and
were caged lions in that Zoo over in N. Las Vegas. The one where they got those
frustrated big fucking cats pacing back and forth on edge, ready to eat some
poor mother fucker who turns his eyes away from them for a sec.
She does not
like being controlled, especially
by some skinny pencil of a bitch blond. She's a control dude; I like that, as
then she violently twists me around and slams me against the wall, my cheek and
forehead violently banging the bricks. I boohoo and get weepy for real, for I
like rough play, and she is my man, and I’m usually the fella, but just for
pretend being the girly girl for the evening. I like the way she handles thin
me as my breathing sweeps out of my lungs. I'm so turned on and needing it, I
feel hot liquids splashing down the inside of my thighs, my cunt is ready and
so am I.
My white unpolished
fingernails scratch against
the bricks, my back arches as I plant my heavy work boots on the alley concrete
floor. I want to be ready, I want to be solid, I'm ready to mate with this
turbo charged kid, grind us both into dust and she's not gentle. I didn't
expect that she would be, as she rips the snap of my leather hip pants, slashes
them down along my knees and still she hasn't focused on anything above my
hips. That's good as I wave my tiny butt at her like the cute girl that I am,
groan and moan for real. I don't want her just yet to know I am a girl with a
I tweak a
peek over my shoulder, see her jeans
are spooling around her cowboy boots, they all wear them, though there isn't a
fucking horse anywhere near Vegas for lot's a klicks. Then I feel the massive
knob of his dildo at the lips of my cunt, her arm, like one a those geared
"Come along's" you know those wire thingys truck drivers use to
secure their flat bed loads is coiled around my naked tiny tummy. She smashes
her thingy into me, not slow like, but violent like, as far as it can go, even
farther. WOW, she's everything that I ever heard she was.
gust of air whacks out of my lungs,
that banger she carries is bigger than I thought, but I can handle it. I feel
the pain, gulp for air, moan like a bitch, feel more pain, Christ's it’s huge,
it’s every thing I ever wanted, for this moment that is. She begins to cylinder
my like a fucking jack hammer, me going haywire, moaning, ooohing and awing,
groaning, using profanities. You know like, shit, fuck, oh baby, come on, fuck
you, come on, don't stop, don't ever stop.
My back bends,
my butt tilts up, I whip my head
back and forth and then scream as I orgasm and then orgasm again. I rip at the
brick with my hands, trying to claw my way through the wall, as suddenly I feel
something pooling in my boots. I can't be that wet, can I? Expecting her to
stop, she does not. I remember the crank she snorted in The Bent. I know my
luck has held, as she kicks it up a notch.
My entire
little 118 flails and shakes, whips
back and forth as she pounds me relentlessly for fuck of a long time. I'm
hoping my little head isn't going to revolve right off of my neck. I scream,
grind my teeth, bite my lips, everything is a blur as again I feel fissures of
orgasm slit my cunt. But then, she whispers that I am a bitch, how does she
know. She's into it now, as she vacuums out of me, finds the entrance to my
rectum, teases the knob against my asshole, as I gulp, smile and coo to myself,
OK, why deny myself anything at this moment.
To make a
long story short, and not going into
the gory details, she sodomized me for those dog years I was jabbering about. Swoosh,
Swoosh, my breath explodes. I'm
groaning, moaning, breathe bellowing, she's holding me hard, way hard. There will
be lovely bruises tomorrow.
Finally, I
throw my head back as I feel a
ripping orgasm. I go rigid, throw my arms into the air, and then go limp, bend
at the waist, my fingers touching the filthy alley floor. I sort of blacked
out, and can only remember my forehead banging against my shins, you know,
“Boing, Boing, Boing.”
I guess she
used some kind of ESP, don’t know,
and I guess finally got tired or bored, don’t know.
I'm a smart
girl, so I stand remembering that
just because she paid me once that doesn't mean she doesn’t have to pay me
twice. I giggle thinking about that.
She has her
palms on her knees. Somewhere in
the fracas she managed to get her jeans back on, so I stand straight, wet my
forefinger tip, and you know, do one of those eyebrow straightening gigs, still
wanting to look casual, look pretty, for I am me. I want to make sure she knows
how lucky she has been, especially after the bad stuff goes down.
she stands. I imagine she
doesn't want anything else to do with me, for she, as I am sure as is usually
the case for her, gotten just what she wanted, gotten off, yet she is smiling
at me. I'm hoping she's not one of the romantics that wants to take me to
Denny’s and have breakfast after they fuck the light out of your cunt, igniting
your eyes.
I chit chat
her up a little. She seems relaxed,
and wants to see if we can maybe hang some, and have an encore at her place
later. I pout, smile, I'm a sweet bird, and I say just one more thing baby. I
take her hands, press them against her back, then lean in and kiss her softly
on her beautiful lips. My hand snakes under my coat. I withdraw my short snout
357, raise it, back away and then press it into her mouth, a very different
look in my eyes now, as well as his.
She don't
know if it's more sex play, or I'm
something else. I whisper that she's under arrest, that’s what I do, as I dig
in my jacket pocket, get the arrest warrant, hold it close to her bulging eyes,
just above the black iron tit pressed into her denying mouth.
She's not
happy. I'm sure she thinks this is a
joke. I promise her it's not, and if she does not fuck up, I won't have to hurt
her. "Click" my thump chambers back the hammer, as her eyes dance
around my forefinger exerting pressure on the trigger mechanism.
I could of
cuffed her, but where is the fun in
that? I'm pretty sure she wants to make some move on me, which besides all of
the sex play, is exactly what I want.
After the
fucking, the sucking, like a great
olive topping off a great martini, violence fixes me, primes me, satiates me,
and satisfies me, what ever. Now her blues are ticking to my greens, the cocked
hammer, the pressure on the trigger, my greens, my dripping cunt, the smell of
the oil I use to clean my magnum. Because I'm a big brain, and she’s a little
brain, I read her, and know exactly what she wants and how she sees it going
Never in my
blue life would I be so close, but
I of course want to test it, all of it, so I smile, Christ I'm just a slender
girl, how can she loose. So I let her slap the magnum, and I go Oooops, geeeze.
My hand purposely swings wide and I drop the black iron on the pavement, wide
eyed now, as she leers at me, sadistic payback in her smiling eyes.
She knows,
and I know that she really, really
wants it slow now, lots a hurt, lots a pain, lots a madness for me. The way she
is leering at me, smiling at me, tasting the blood from where my hand gun cut
her gums, that it is in her mind and it is going to be fucking beautiful what
she is now going to do to me. I am so thin, cute really, I am wondering if that
is her thinking? Maybe she is considering murdering me as she fucks me, this
time violently rapes me. You know a grocery store plastic bag ground along my
head as she hammers me with her play dick. She has a limited IQ, and I almost
laugh watching the thought ball bearings revolve around her head.
One second,
two second, three potatoes three.
She lunges
at me, which in a street fight is a
no no, and because I know exactly what I am doing and what I have been trained
to do and can feel the pressure of my white bunched fists, I do a little bunny
hop to the left. Then, with as much violence that I can conger, and that’s a
lot, I explode my heavy work boot into her knee.
Crack, Poppity-pop.”
sickening sound echo's through the canyon of the alley. You know, when you’re
the delivery girl of a well aimed kick, there goes the cartilage as she
screams, twists around and because I'm a thorough girl, I swing my leg around
in a Karate kick, screaming my boot along her cheek, mouth and teeth.
Bang, or something
like that pops through the
night. Her beautiful white teeth tumble on the felt like dice at a craps table,
geeze I liked those pearly whites. Falling to her hands and knees, she's
moaning, bleeding, swearing, wheezing, and then because she’s a tough
character, she lunges out, grabs my legs, all most chewing at my feet.
Because I
am a Judo Master, I bend, smile, want
to kiss the blood from her mouth. I twirl her wrist; bend a little at the
knees, then snap back, breaking her wrist away from her hand as she screams, a
defeated girl. I never thought it would ever be any other way.
She's pinned,
but I'm a smart gal, so I
release, and with full force stint back, and then kick her in the gut with my
steel toe boot. SWOOOSH, grief and woe, she falls to the alley floor. I kinda
feel sorry, remembering the good time that she gave me.
I remember
that rumor was is that she murdered
two 16 year old runaways.
But heck,
it's just a job, as I reach in my
jacket pocket, find my chrome bracelets, slap the cuffs on her wrists, reach
over and slap my magnum back into its cage, stand, think of other things.
It's really
a pretty night, so I dig a smoke
out, do one of those flip things, lucky tonight, my lips catch it in mid air. I
spark my Zippo, light it up, inhale, Christ all Mighty, I love life, this life,
my life.
I think of
Glenda at the check booth stand and
Mike at the door, and kinda excited I'm wondering which one tonight I might
choose. Lots o adrenaline still, you know a tryst here and there. I'm never
just happy, contented, I'm so railed up I'm ready for more, bingo, whamo, I am
such a little whore.
Lets see,
2 AM, get Tina back to Hank at the bail
bond place, fire up the whale, buy some cherry Chap Stick, just love Katy
Perry, return to The Bent and see if Glenda is ready to go.
Just fucking
Gun Buck Before
j. brooke
Absinthe struck life, fucking Vegas, gun buck before dawn, another night
boogying on the dark side, my side, jimmy the casket lid open, crack an amyl
nitrite cap, drag the corpse of night out of the coffin, slap it on the floor,
see what this twisted morning brings.
Vegas hot, it’s always fucking hot, like flames fluming out of the tip of a
handgun barrel.
Jane, PI here, have this NWA (Niggers With Attitude) RAP mix mastering in my
head, all morning, you know, degenerate, stunning, violent, down with the
truth, I guess that cop jackets me, I’m not going to fib about it. Most of the
bent deviants in hard N. Vegas know me, well in the demonic dark side of Vegas
that is.
a blonde, carbon dated, misplaced in a modern world, twisted demur demon, with
the preverbal whore’s heart of gold. I’m queer, love girl’s lips, skin, cunts,
blah, blah, blah.
been a fashion model, but I detest beauty from birth. Beauty is a prison cell.
You deserve no privilege ‘cause you were born beautiful. You don’t earn that
booby prize, because you’ve done fucking nothing to deserve it. I work hard on
my brain, my feelings, my emotions and try to be cognizant that I am lucky and
most people aren’t.
chose to be a Vegas PI/Bounty Hunter; a super-duper-sweeper-up of the human
offal that populates N. Vegas. I love my two rescue pups, my two gold fish
Stella and Stanley, menagerie of kittens, and my .44 Colt Defender as well as
my 16-gauge Mossberg shotgun and the smell of gun powder after I take care of bidness
slapping bad people in jail.
Harry had a .44, no mistakes with that baby.
to move, get that skinny frag body moving, a cup of Joe, maybe a smoke, work to
be done, great night, great time, violence, sex, a beat down, the usual
trifecta of glee that makes me phat. Stop bitch moaning, time to move.
a great day, I’m very excited, my Guns and Ammo magazine comes today. I’m a
girl with a gun, lots of guns, can’t wait for tonight, I’m going to clean my .308,
over and under Remington carbine.
jacket, just to remind those that have forgotten my MO, gay, 5-10, 120, on a
bad day, love thin, body dysmorphic disorder, among a host of nut-so mental
illnesses. Nobody is perfect, don’t pretend to be. Love the image, alter boy
hips, no tits, chain-sawed white hair, cripple, cripple greens, don’t do drugs,
can’t afford to.
get a girl a one-way ticket to “Palooka Ville.”
like one a those cluster-fuck Quasars rumbling around in deep space, damn,
Einstein is dead, the good ones die, we all die, no one gets out alive. And what
replaced a genius, those jag-offs Kardashians. Like fucking vampires, those
fuckers are going to live forever.
ain’t fair; no one ever said it was.
Back to last night, beautiful, The Bent Club, N Vegas, and it was the usual
wonder world, my world. I had a marvy time, doing my Styx around the stilettos,
piercings, blood drinkers, rich-doctor gay men, bi-women, etc., looking for the
usual suspects, some perfect girl or boy giving them a smile for an evening. It’s
a shooter, slammer, “E” and melon ball world, then in the end, the Casino kids,
after burning out, catch the next bus back to Kansas and never, never, never go
back to Vegas again, for that terrifying berg could scare the white offa Count
had a contract from Hank at the bail bond place, me being a PI/bounty hunter
and all. Hank always hangs me with the hard stuff ‘cause I’m a street-smart
chameleon, gotta be street-smart, choices you see. I love to mix it up, love to
test myself, combat, hand to hand, steel toed boots, always wear them. I’m an
illusion, black belts Judo, Karate, I usually win the night. I need them all,
just like last night, when I took down that real hard dyke named Tina (Dildo)
Flicks, at The Bent, of course.
go into detail, but it was a blast, and fulfilled most of my “Special Needs”
for the night. You know, the truck-axle felon had a dildo like a dick of one of
those Cape mother fucking Wilder Beasts, like you see over there in Botswana on
the Nat Geo show. Before I beat hell outta her, cuffed her, she hammered the
moonlight outta my cunt out in the alley, very welcomed. I thought I would need
a liver transplant afterwards. I like it rough, wild, maniacal, she fit the
always keep the takedowns fair, meaning I use my combat skills like other girls
apply their lip gloss. I’m like that stud Tom Hardy in the amazing flick “The
never see you coming, do they Tom?”
me, they never see me coming.
of course, kind of got off kicking shit out of the Flix kid, it was mano e
mano, a fair fight, always is, could of gotten killed, never asked her to break
the law.
gotta pay the VIG; gosh, every gambler knows that.
may a fucked my tonsils to oat meal, but I didn’t owe her nada, and come on,
she was a criminal, a murderer and I was just sucking up the lint, that’s what
I do. I’m sorta a violent white angel keeping the balance in this hell.
I coulda given her a TOE TAG, but I didn’t, see I really am a sweet girl.
I dropped the kid off at Hank’s at the bail bond place over there in Henderson.
Hank was grateful, glad to see me, most of the dudes are. All the hunters think
I’m a crazy doll, a pretty gal, like that, what girl doesn’t like a compliment.
my 35 Gees, nice payday, though I don’t do it for the dough re me, but I like
being a pro, appreciated. Later I will off load the cash at the Vegas Homeless
Shelter, cool guy there, Father Bob, buy lots a cup a soups, maybe some
Saltines, I hope. Hard times, bad times for a lot a folks, especially after
Wall Street butt fucked them, stealing many of those good folks money, lives,
futures in that fucking Sub Prime Mortgage grift, which fortunately my millions
never went anywhere near.
parents died, car accident, shattered me, left me millions, I try to do good
with it when I can.
to say, my adrenaline was pumping testosterone, way out of whack, like one a
those Top Fuel rail cars over there at the San Berdoo race track. You know,
those super duper, Ether sucking muscle car machines, with fire belching out of
their ass holes as some maniac pushes the envelope at 400 MPH down the track,
hoping the chute opens, so he doesn’t become a human deep fried pretzel if it
had the top down on my beloved 59 turquoise, white custom tricked out Buick,
loving the summer wind on my blond mop. Loved how the wind whistled past her
tail fins, slouching on my tuck & roll seats I got done in Tijuana, I-pod
cranked, boot on the dash, smoking, always smoke after sex, or violence, or
getting my ass kicked, which are all and the same thing.
plugged in to my elfin ears, every thing is tiny about me, but my big brain,
music ripping it up. “Trina” rapping, me singing along.
love that bitch, un-manicured fingers tapping on the big Plexiglas steering
wheel. Once, Detroit made them right, feeling ALL OF THAT in my black leather
hip huggers, smoking, fucking life, perfect.
over err, that’s my attitude, still the baddest bitch in the game, that’s my
attitude, talk to ya man wen I get ready, that’s my attitude, have him blowing
stacks, ain peti, that’s my attitude (yea) and I feel like im the shit, that’s
my attitude (yea) that’s my attitude, that’s my attitude, I feel like I run
this shit, that’s my attitude.”
Trina is the bump, she’s all dat, strong, positive, she’s my fucking girl,
ghetto, love all of it. There are many different versions of me, not all good,
but what the heckeroo. I’m always trying to be a better girl, what ever.
had finally found The Bent, parked, gave big black Mike at the door a cheek
kiss, a c note; gave him two like their cousin uncle Benjamin earlier. He
appreciated my classic style, got that huge smile, he is one sweet black man,
entered, and wrangled up Glenda the coat check girl. I needed more, fuck I can
be insatiable, go figure, and after all I did promise Glenda some girl action
later, that’s how I roll.
So I
scooped her up like the white cream cup cake that she is, held hands like BGFE,
and we vacuumed out of the place, I always keep my promises. I’m the fella for
the night. I can do the switcheroo, be passive at times, but not tonight, she
being all girly Goth and all and so fucking young, so I am mister man for the
evening. I can do that.
drove, summer char in the air, she sat nice and close, Goth head on my
shoulder, as I threw down some “Sade” “mood music”, smiled as the wind kissed
her multiple tattoos, piercing, first dates are fun, we fit nice. Thought about
buying the princess a chocolate malt, naw, Glenda is even thinner than me. So
we whizzed back to my massive artist’s loft, the one stitched over Chang’s
Chinese laundry. Fuck I love that movie China Town, “Jake, come on, it’s just
China Town” and then we got down to girl stuff, the important stuff.
Glenda there, white washed on my sheets, a white dollop of whip crème, raccoon
eye make up, black hair like night, not a hair on her bod below her forehead, a
lot like me.
she’s stunning, a real bullet proof baby doll. I love her tattoos, Chinese dragons,
the way they swirl down both arms, wrap around her back, all connected to that
Japanese Calligraphy needle pointed into her small back, blending into that tiny
butt. She’s got enough hardware pierced into her bod, ears, tongue, nose,
nipples, belly button, clit, those little eye bolts in her forehead, enough
chrome to open an Ace Hardware, and they’re sexy for now. But wait, ten years
will whistle by.
ya whistle, Nick?”
she will be serving the breakfast special at I-Hop, wondering what the fuck she
was ever thinking about. Kids, they never think past the moment, go figure.
spanked a hit of “E”, offered me some, I declined, respectfully, but didn’t
mind, don’t do drugs, love reality, can’t afford not to. It kicked in, and then
we were two naked girls, she burning, you know “E”, love everywhere, senses
expanded, touchy feely. I could a been a bent backed Burundi Gorilla, didn’t
matter, man I can still taste our first kiss, feel that little stud on her pink
tongue, kissing my tongue. Like I said I’m insatiable, though my insides ache,
hurt big time from the lynch fucking the Flicks kid had administered to me in
the alley earlier.
like pain, need pain, part of my cerebral makeup, don’t know why, lots a people
do. Black and blue welts for some girls, dinner, box of popcorn, a movie for
others, don’t ever judge, can’t afford that either.
guess I needed some TLC, and Glenda was perfect, soft, sweet, wild and velvet
skin, lots a kissing, touching, and I needed that. I am a girl after all, and glad,
real glad she was enthusiastic, a bit frantic. You know when you’re a kid on
Christmas Eve and you’ve been watching those presents for weeks under the tree.
Bingo, its Xmas morning, and there’s the pop gun and I was feeling beautiful,
for I was the present she had wanted to open up for a very long time.
was a real muncher, me on my back, breath break dancing out of my swollen lips,
blood flow spilling down my blue blood veins, tummy swelling, hitting my spine,
her finger nails, black paint like her mascara, on my thighs, me groaning,
fingers entwined into her hair, feeling that tongue, that gold stud, roaming,
chewing me up. Me, babbling like I got Turrette’s, I think. You know, oooh,
aaah, fuck, real sex gibberish, winces of pain, delight, wonder, then one, two,
three, orgasm, more than one, she doing all the work. “E” is like the Energizer
Bunny, a girl can go on, on and on, thank goodness for the chemists at Eli
not a selfish girl, so I reciprocated, good manners are important when a girl
has guests over. And, what the fuck are they putting in the water in Vegas? She
tasted like burnt copper and bee honey, that tiny little cunt, a real miracle
of engineering. Me peeking, leering over the edge of that lasered little mound,
at her tummy, tattoos, little girl blues, watching her get off, squirm, dance,
vibrate there on the white sheets, telling me that she loved me, that will
never do.
us dynamite bitches have heard that shit before, for you know. “Cuming” makes
people engrave promises that they can’t keep, ever, and we’ve all heard that
crap in the dead of night when the fucking is over. Geese, maybe doll, we can
see each other again, ride the bumper cars, usual bull shit from some guy as he
sneak thief’s out before the crack of dawn, only thing left, a salt deposit he
pix axed into your cunt as a reminder that once again you didn’t get off.
thank heavens I am a lesbian.
get me started.
we went back and forth, around and around, up and down, dildos were involved, they
sell them at Wal Mart with nifty little motors in them. It hurt like fucking
hell, I needed that pain, cleared my mind, orgasm after orgasm, both of
us. Then, bubkus left, sapped, brain
sparking fire like frayed wiring in a cheap Beth Stur tenement flop, those
little white sparks in my head, you know when you stand too soon.
a trooper, leered at me, sweat everywhere, me, her eyes rolled into the back of
her head, muttered something in Swahili, then passed out. Down goes Frazier,
down goes Frazier, she was out for the count, thank fucking god.
was hours ago, and now I’m in my usual get up, black hip hugger jeans this
time, no leather, got blood on them, Chang’s dry cleaners down below later,
Mrs. Chang is a Zen master at getting blood outta my clothes. Lace my small
feet, white gym socks, into my black work boots, black body shirt, shoulder
holster, gun hanging on the bed post, can’t forget that. Don’t want Glenda
messing with my gun, maybe put a hole in her ear.
grab it, sleeveless arms, cut like copper cables, glances in the wall mirror. I
groan, god, fucking vanity, I’m a slave to it, but have work to do, an early
morning sit down.
I know, daughter went missing; nothing new about that in Sin City, and so, I
gotta scoot. Glad about Glenda snoozing, I’m not one of those gals who likes to
hang around, you know breakfast, chit chat, reminiscing, holding hands, making
promises I can’t keep. Fuck, it’s my guy traits; I can be very butch at times,
I’m working on that.
my PI office on an off-shoot of this 4,000 sq ft loft, will leave Glenda the
standard girl escape note. You know, fab, marvelouso, magnifico, let’s hook up
next time, no mention of love, can’t get the words out of my throat. Presto
chango, tip toes, coupla a c-notes too on her pillow, just in case the kid
needs a Uber, she can find her own way out, I’m gone.
sleep, no time to sleep, I feel pretty good, except ever step I take hurts,
hurts a lot. I feel like I have a drill bit stabbed in my cunt, brings smiles
to my face, proves I’m alive. I’m always willing to pay the VIG for a good
time, which I had on multiple levels last night.
stroll in to my PI office. Stylish place, twenty foot ceilings, sky lights,
like the rest of my loft tattooed into the ceiling, pine floor, couple of old
Persian rugs, two Kileems, a Bokhara, I love old stuff. I scavenged some old
English pine antiques, desk, chair, comfy cushion for my tiny ass, thank god,
armoires, tables, love Steuben, Dom Nancy lamps, got three of them, bright
lights hurt my eyeballs. Place looks soft, bathed in morning mauve, low golden
light bulbs, soothes my hectic mind.
need coffee, bad, light up my Mr. Coffee machine, smells sweet, pour it in to
my “Visit Las Vegas” mug, take a sip, the door bell buzzes down at the bottom
of my private stair case.
laugh looking at my little bamboo back scratcher I got in Thailand with the
words stenciled on them saying. “Thanks for Visiting Thailand and fucking our
twelve year old girls, come back real soon.” I had that thing custom made when
I was in Bangkok.
don’t wear a watch, keep breaking them on some mug’s teeth, digital feed on one
of my two Apple machines says 8 AM. Perfect, Ginger is right on-time, I
appreciate that.
at my monitors street video feeds, N. Vegas is a treacherous place, street
people, drug addicts, gang bangers, a girl can’t be too careful. I see Ginger,
good, smack the button, my security iron gate clicks, watch Ginger enter, time
to go to work.
to her on the phone, got some of it, her gorgeous thirteen year old daughter
Missy, a waif, seemed like a real sweet kid, bad roll of the cubes, her ending
up with Ginger. She’s gone missing, seen her once when I was peddling my bike
around Vegas, a Shimono, love that ride.
Ginger, I heard, had a bar maid gig over there at “Jasons”, the only other club
in N. Vegas that is worth setting your boot heels in. Special, elegant, a real
class place, private, very private, fabulous bar, kitchen, top chefs, booze,
real silver, china, crystal, nice little cozy dance floor. It’s Cuban cool,
locals only, run by one of the most stunning and spooky females on the planet.
Bitches name is Mandel, a real stylilist, she owns the place, no tourists,
ever, you only get in if she OK’s it, and I guess if she digs your vibe. This
Mandel, well, she’s got a heart a gold, they say, lots a rumors, lots of echoes
pinging of who she really is, rumor is she’s killed men, lots of men. Guess she
hired Ginger because she’s got a big heart, lots of last chance broads show up there,
most flaming out in the end.
walks in, I internally gasp, she looks ravaged, strung out, blue welt kissing
one closing eye, lip cut, she’s about forty two, meaning she’s pressing a cold,
hard sixty, in Vegas years. Youth evaporates real quick here, like one of those
leaf mulchers eating tree limbs you see those Mexican gardeners using all the
time on the street.
thin, not like a healthy thin like moi, but more like a meth thin. You know,
sunken eyes, black circles, dirty blond disheveled hair, once pretty white like
mine, but not anymore. Her clothes don’t look right, blue jeans stained with
something, flip flops, dirty feet, emaciated arms struck out of an old lime
green tank top, hands noticeably shaking, eyes darting everywhere like some
kind of lab rat. She pulls out a pack of smokes, generic, looks at me, I nod
OK. She can barely find the tip of the smoke with her plastic Bic, smoke
stacking out of her small nose. I nod at a chair, she sits; I don’t like any of
it, any of it at all.
is, of course, the poster girl for every young stunner that ever got off a Grey
Hound Bus from Bangor, Biloxi or Fresno. You know, once tall, beautiful,
stupid, having dreams of something, anything; anything better than being
sodomized by a drunken uncle Chester, as then, her dreams turn into horrific
night mares. They might as well give these hopeless girls play sheets when they
abort the bus, you know. First comes a job as a show girl, if they have any
talent at all, then the drugs, clubs, nude dancing, you know Rage, Tao, Badda
Bing, Ghost Bar, Voodoo Lounge, and then the predators set in, and its all
about the Voodoo, a black world that suddenly becomes these girl’s reality.
men, older guys, clothes, gold chains, Benzes, Porsches, Beemers, goblets of
dough, lies, bastards, palatial cribs over there in “The Lakes.” These
ignorant, insane girls usually end up with these werewolves, if their lucky,
most are not.
the fringe characters that eventually get IM.
gamblers, sweet talkers, road bump abs, drugs, booze, thugs and sketch artists
of crime, pimps, real garbage, that’s what they do. Then, the girl’s burn out,
turn out, next step stripping, then whoring, in call, then cocktailing,
followed by corner rendezvous off of Fremont Street. Then, death or a bus
ticket back home, dying locust, lives over, nothing left but bad memories of
their one minute of fame. That is Ginger’s MO, so let’s crack it. I do not like
those bruises on her face, but I’ve seen it all before, so I get to it.
what’s sup? Something about Missy, talk to me?”
can see she’s crawling out of her skin, jonesing, yellow stains on her fingers
from letting too many dying butts burn down too low. She kills the smoke in my
ash tray, mouth tics, eyes tics, she looks at me; I drill her straight with my
yeah, I ain’t seen her for three days. I been busy Jane, got in a little
trouble, lost my job at Jason’s, you know Vegas, needed a little time, so I got
Bobby to babysit her, ya know, he’s her dad, thought she’d be fine…fuck, I
don’t know…”
I murmur audibly.
O’Brien, a real dirt bag, a piece a filth, runs the night shift over there at
that den of inequity “The Spearmint Rhino” a notorious strip club here in a bad
part of N. Vegas. A true drug addict, runs in call whores, drugs, a habitual
liar, criminal, runs numerous scams, addicted to the crap tables, a cop jacket
as long as my arm, alright, time for the gruesome facts.
don’t know what?” Where the fuck is your daughter?” I bark, like the pissed off
Doberman that I am.
bark wakes her up, she lights another smoke, I want to shove it in her nose,
and scream.
Jane, I fucking don’t know, aaah, uummm, seemed OK, when I done it…Fuck, Bobby
said he lost her…Said she was playin’ with a doll or somethin’, she just was gone,
he don’t know where…What am I gonna do, she’s my baby, I fucked up, please, can
ya help me, I need her real bad.”
I groan again to myself, as she starts shaking, tears rolling down her savaged
cheeks, mascara running everywhere, just making her look more hideous, smoke
screaming out of her running nose, me knowing the truth. The darling kid could
be on a fucking Jumbo Jet to Saudi Arabia, sittin on some Sheik’s lap, wearing
gold bangles, eating humus cheese burgers between fucking all a the Emi’rs
brothers, cousins and uncles 24/7.
white sheet set will pay a fortune for trafficked sweet young girls, top
dollar. You know, suppress your own women, keep the boot to their necks, trick
‘em out in wool “Snuggies” eye slits, a hundred and ten degrees, servants, wash
the dishes, pick up the camel poop in the sand, pump out the kids. Their
virtual slaves, the men, sit around in the souk, sip mint tea, smoke hashish,
fuck around all day, but I don’t think it went down that way; Bobby’s just not
that bright, connected, though he can be a dangerous little weasel at times.
lost her, Ginger? You’re fucking kidding me. What is she, a set of keys? I’m
assuming you didn’t call the cops, right?”
ashamed, terrified, lying, I think, nods that I am indeed correct, and then
Bobby said she’d turn up, stop moaning all the time, then he beat on me. I
guess I deserved it, you know Jane, he’s been real good to Missy and me.”
want to rip her lungs out of her chest, I don’t.
sniffle, sniffle.”
want to reach across the desk, and beat on her too, knock some daylight into
her brain. Fuck, how many times have I heard this same story, in different versions,
well, I can’t count the ways.
I feel gutted, the last forty or so hours, finally catching up. I pretty much
know what I’m going to do, whether she gives me the green light or not. Two
things I hate more than anything, guys who smack women, without permission of
course, me being a permission girl when the mood is right, and some fuck-wad
hurting an animal or a kid, who at the moment is probably disappeared into the
cesspool Vegas is, and always will be. So I have to be coy, smart, because she
loves this creep, and all it will take is bunch of dead red roses to turn her,
even give up the kid, if it came to that. Drug addicts are like that.
Ginger, you want me to ask around, look into it a little, you know discreet,
Bobby doesn’t have to know, how’s that sound.” I ask, me taking inventory of
what kind of weapons I will need when I visit Bobby O’Brien, hopefully in the
next half hour.
yeah, Ok, I ain’t got no money Jane, can I pay ya later…ahh.”
doll, no problem.” I lie. “Now scoot, I’ll ring you up when I find something,
Jane, you’re the best, I can’t tha…”
I seethe, trying to keep it together.
sees it, the blood fury in my melting eyeballs, commits a homicide on her
cigarette butt in my ash tray, stands, sways, looks at me one last time. She
flip flops down the stairs, out the security iron bars and is gone, into what,
I can only fucking imagine.
know she’s lying, I know there’s something else, there’s always something else,
and when I got the bit in my perfect teeth I can be a bit edgy, focused, like a
Great White zeroing in on a seal. I need to make a call, get an update, news
from my buddy over there at N. Vegas Metro, a homicide dick, a Lieutenant, one
Victor Garcia.
a big roly-poly Hispanic cop, big smile, big personality and I go back a few years,
met at Jason’s of all places, serial killer, killing the homeless. He figured
the Mandel babe knew something, for she hung with this very hard, brilliant
artist dude, named Mal. He has an old bakery he converted into an artist’s
loft, just a couple a blocks from mine. Vic thought he was the killer, I didn’t
think so, told him that. This Mal character is one handsome stud of stone; one
of the few men that actually scares me.
knew my rep, asked me if I could snoop around, I did. Shit went down, Garcia
got hurt, hurt bad, turned out the perp was some insane real estate mogul,
bought up the slums, murdering the homeless, so property values would sky
rocket, which they did, then they didn’t. It’s a long story Mandel, Mal, maybe
a later day, maybe a better day for that story.
to say I’m amped, pissed liquid mercury melting my brain, and no time like the
present, time to roll, time to hit up LOU on the cell.
dial, “ring a ding ling.”
seeps out of the speaker. I get right to it, no small talk left in my mouth.
it’s Jane, I need a little help, you offering?”
cops call their Lieutenants Lou, love that.
Jane, some time, I miss ya. Yeah, sure, what’s up sweetness?”
Girl, friend of mine, gone missing, I was wondering if you had any paper on
her, any info.”
no problem, what’s her name, how old, MO if you got it, let me have it.
Garcia, totally professional, right to the point, he knows me, digs me, DITTO to
a Missy Smith, thirteen, blond, pretty, daughter of a sick head case, Ginger
Smith, I’m sure you got stats on her.”
a sec, let me see if a she’s in the box.”
wait, need a smoke, light up a Marlboro, puff, puff, I’m starting to act like
Ginger, agitated, manic, except I’m enraged, nothing new about that.
her, yeah, this Ginger, lots a busts, shoplifting, drugs, peddling her ass,
usual stuff, a coupla weeks here and there in the clank, nothing serious, you
want me to bring her in?”
Lou, it’s my thing. If you don’t mind, run her kid through the system, see if
she pops up, ring my cell if there’s anything, do you mind?”
at all Jane, what else, anything for you Jane, you know that.”
know that, I’ll send over a pink teddy bear for that doll daughter of yours,
just to say thanks. Gotta scoot.”
job with the Flicks take down, saved me and the boys a lot a grief, boys here
have big shout outs too ya, we all love ya, ya know.”
back at you, thanks Lou, my pleasure, more later.”
careful, ya hear.”
real careful, later.”
kill the cell, grateful for friends like Vic, stand, its all about “street
creds.” Lou’s got ‘em, I got ‘em, so I move to my pine gun cabinet, spinaroo
the dial on the heavy combination lock, open the door, smile; I always smile
when I see my guns.
love my guns, respect my guns, and glow looking at my AK-47, banana clip, a Saw
hanging next to it, you know the kind those radical dudes in the Special Forces
use killing bad guys in Afghanistan. I need something light today, ignore my
Glock, Walther PP-K, my Smith & Wesson Viper and my lovely old school Colt
45, focus on one of two Berettas hanging on the hook. Still have my other Glock
in my shoulder holster, but its Beretta time. So I grab it, fondle it, grab a
thirteen in the clip bullet cage, slap her in the bitch, ratchet a slug into
it. It’s the little things in life that make me happy. I then retrieve a black
silencer, screw it on the tip, give it a tug, my baby is ready too.
grab my 16 gauge Mossberg, over and under shot gun, a fist of shells, turn,
grab my other Glock, put it to bed, close the door, spinaroo the lock, sit, and
do one of my most fav things. I love the feeling of those red copper cap shells
revolving in my fingers, they almost make me cum. I slot six in the scatter gun
and now am ready to visit Bobby. He doesn’t know me that well, but he soon
I check out my six inch switch blade with “Tampa Bay City” stenciled into the
handle, love that too. “Click” back in the handle the blade goes, stab it into
my boot, have one last caffeine hit, make sure my PI gun license is in my jeans
pocket, turn, down the stairs I go.
players often go “On Tilt” when shit goes bad, I don’t go there, but I am close
as I cruise down Northern Ave, then pass MLK Blvd, check my GPS machine. It
tells me to hang a left. I move down the block and moan. Tract houses, part of
the new morgue Vegas has become, for sale signs everywhere, houses abandoned,
garbage, lawns overgrown, fucking raccoons, coyotes, cougars prowling the
street, almost. It’s tragic what’s happened to Vegas, but that’s evolution at
work. Darwin, that brain wizard was right.
Street fucked these people, with that subprime mortgage scam, and not one of
the corrupt pukes went to jail. I should visit Goldman Sacs and put an air hole
in that fuckwad Lloyd Blankfein’s forehead, he owns the whore house, and walked
away with about a hundred million buckaroos.
way down the street, I see it, Bobbie’s dump, same deal, except his Caddy Escalade,
black of course, is parked in the driveway, three houses on each side of his
are vacant, perfect. I can use my Mossberg, no eyes, no worry; gun shots are a
part of N. Vegas, as elevator music is to Trump Towers.
rip the Buick into the drive, kill her dead, no open door, melt over the
chassis, 16 gauge nestled in the cleft of my bare arm. I lift it, one hand
ratchet a cap into it, love that action. I feel my shoulder holster holding my
black Beretta, stiletto now in my hip hugger belt. My teeny tummy is sucking
air, I’m amped, eyes like lug bolts, chrome and hard. I feel like I’m on acid,
you know, you can see a pin at five hundred feet, move across the corpse of a
lawn, get to the door, no time to hang around, truth time, time to move.
one of those polite girls, you know,
knock, knock, knock, lets have a conversation, that only ever works in the
flicks, bad celluloid and since a little
angel’s life is at stake, I lift the Mossberg and “KABOOM.”
blow a foot-square hole into the door knob, the plywood blasts open. I re
shoulder the shot gun, lift my Beretta,
and cruise through the door, hallway, and then with my 9mm poking straight
ahead, both hands, head into the living room.
place looks like a poster for “Panic in Needles Park” one a my fav flicks,
ripped up couch, over stuffed filthy lounges, torn up curtains, soiled clothes,
old food cartons, Cheerios, Oreos, open packages of Little Debbie, the usual
junkie foods scattered every where. Carpet ripped, burned, stained, I see empty
bottles, looks like he’s a Dewar’s and Gordon’s freak. The smell of burnt eggs
stinks up the place. Junkies always
revert back to eggs, it’s all they can handle when their done nodding out. My
eyes are acute, scanners, miss nothing, can’t afford to. I see a .38 on a
table, a user’s shoot up kit, dime glassine bag of heroin, a cell, some other
shit, make note of it, important that.
see him; he’s bare chested, sitting at a desk, what, he didn’t hear Mr.
Mossberg? I see the ear phones, I-pod, on his ears, I get it. He’s a skinny
dude, all sinew, barefoot, filthy Levis, computer monitor staked into it, thick
red hair, freckles, he’s just about to take a snort from a pile of coke, could
be meth, on a mirror on the desk, straw half way up his snout.
surprise, he knows me, my rep, I hope. He sees my gun stabbed at him, he drops
his straw, stands, takes a step towards his 38, I drop the hammer.
Psssst.” “Thump Thump.”
drill two into the wall, about eight inches from his running nose. He freeze
frames, mumbles
the fuck.”
I’ll show
him what the fuck.
a human Flex straw, druggies you know, eyes like hub caps, all the usual face
twitches. He moves towards me, this ain’t a home invasion, steps before his
couch, fists bunched. I smile, pistol whip him in the cheek.
Sounds right,
blood erupts, moan, moan, moan,
and cause I’m in a bad mood, I whack him again, forehead time, just as he’s
going down to the cushions. I do a little bunny hop, spread eagle ‘em, grab a
tuft of hair, rip his bloody face to my stainless, hard eyes. I pry his bloody
mouth open, stick my silencer tip down to his tonsils.
gurgle, gurgle.”
hammer back, he looks crazed,
terrified, I guess he has a right to, as I seethe.
where is she. Fuck with me, I’ll bury you in a junk yard in Barstow.”
googly goops me, he’s a born loser, liar, doesn’t fit my mood, snot running
down his lips, eyes spilling tears. I pull the silencer out of his mouth, pop
one in the wall, then jab it back in his yap and ask this time, not nice like
the fucking kid? It can be easy, or hard, you choose?’
head, like one a those Dodger bobble head dolls over there at the ball park at
Chavez Ravine bangs up and down as he sees I’m all serious and such, as he
mumbles words I can’t understand. I want the kid, can’t afford to whack him
yet, so I rip my baby from his mouth, stand, point it at one of his blue
eyeballs; cock her. That “Click” usual brings the truth, as he touches the
blood on his face, mouth, jerks eyeballs at his red fingers, and then glares at
me, not so nice.
can see the Kinko balls rotating in his head, measuring me. I am a shoelace
after all, but I don’t think so, usual coward, whack some broad around, be a
man, but he can see I’m a hard kind, different than other girls, as he mumbles
some bull shit at me, which makes my hormones boil. I glance at my jeans.
“Fuck” more blood, thank god for Chang’s dry cleaners.
Chang is a genius with a bar a soap, always getting blood outta my clothes,
like her for that. Drives me nutso though, always jabbering about her cousin
Ming, a great guy. I think she said he raises rats to feed to pythons, a real
success story, wants to hook me up.
say, Naw, don’t have a snake, well I do have a pair of snake cowboy boots,
don’t tell her that…WHAT EVER.
Jane, you fucked me up, why ya gotta be that way, I don’t know what the fuck
yer talkin’ bout.”
pour two into the pillows, dust, feathers fly, he jerks all around, bitch
yelps, yips, fucking pathetic. I take a step, pistol whip him in the side of
his head. He screams, moans, face in the hands, blood everywhere, bare feet
jerking off like a motel quarter in a slot vibrator bed. I step back; he’s
weeping, leers at me, my eyes, Beretta, as I seethe.
one in the cabasa, amigo. Where’s Missy, now, not later.”
will they ever learn? I like to think sometimes, but not really. He’s measuring
me, but he’s a coward, as he spits out some words at me, so I listen, just
praying to some Buddha head that he makes a play at me.
Ok. Jest don’t hit me no more. Fuck Jane, I ain’t feeling good, I need a hit,
come on, just one, I’ll tell ya everything, please Jane, I feel sick, real
really.” Simonizes through my mind, knowing exactly what is going down.
jerk my silencer at the crank on the desk, nod once, whisper, “Go.”
the fuck not, I got a lot of violence, like battery acid pumping through my
arteries. Maybe I can get off, before he finally let’s go of the truth. Fuck,
I’m selfish like that at times, can’t help it.
stands, he’s right, he looks strung out, he’s got tracks on his arms. I can see
he’s got the heebie jeebies; he doesn’t look that good, courtesy of Mrs. Beretta
and the bitch at bat with her.
He moves, all
wobbly and such to his desk,
eyes jerking over at his .38, his partially open drawer, then moi, then at the
coke, and I figure he’s got a piece in the drawer; I’m hoping he goes there.
have a plan, always think head, Bobby Fisher knew that, so I ask and I mean it
this time.
Missy. Last time I ask.”
Jane, jest a sec, why ya gotta be so hard…Just a sec.”
shoves the straw in his nose, hits the pile, I move to him, rip a tuft of red
hair, lift his head, slam his face into the coke, breaking his nose as I do,
white flake memories dozing in the air, straw protruding out of his nose, stuck
somewhere up there. Those things are always a mystery to me when they happen.
screams, bounces real good, falls back in his office chair, blood, coke, other
shit splashed on his face, as he leers at me with terror in his eyes, then
wails again, as I see his hand reflex into the drawer. I immediately kick it
shut with my boot, shattering his hand, as he bellows. Fuck that had to hurt,
twitches, jerks, weeps, balls all over; he’s totally fucked up; I never planned
it any other way.
get real close, put the silencer tit to his forehead, there’s that “Click”
again as his eyeballs revolve to the back of his head, return to sender, and he
gawks at me, finally finds the mumbles I
was looking for.
ok, ok. Sheeeet, pleeeease, don’t hit on me no more…she’s good….The fucking VIG
Jane, bookies…ahhhh my nose, fucking Kansas State, was a sure thing, missed the
fucking spread…I’m sick…rented he…he…her out…gave her to this guy…she’s all
I go
Polar, feel like a sheet of stainless steel has plated my body, and then his
words absorb. I straddle him, rip his head back, and this time not soft, like
before, I break three of his teeth as I punch my heater into his mouth, and
ROAR, wanting to pull the trigger, bad, real bad.
rip the silencer out of his mouth, he begins to babble, and I can smell, as
well as hear his own urine drip, drip, dripping on the floor, telling me he’s
on page, fucking finally.
know ‘em Jane…Sure…Sh…shes all good…Ed…eddi… Eddie Jett, gga…gave me three
grand…sa…sid…said he’d treat her Ok…Yeah, she’s at Eddie’s cr…crib…jeese,
thin I…I’m dyin…I.”
JETT, my brain hemorrhages, not that deviant, ex Rocker, has hit on me a
zillion times, no way, so I pistol whip the words right out of his mouth, he
whimpers, groans, as I stand, shaking all over. My blood, boiling like lighter
fluid, I face him, hand shaking, I want to kill him, one more cockroach off the
face of the earth won’t be missed, I don’t.
not dead yet. If you’re lying, if you pick up a phone, write a fucking post
card, I will come back and FUCKING put a bullet in your ear, CLEAR?” I bellow,
he nods.
turn, take a step, and then stop from a single word.
always the magic word for me as my lips tick, I turn, find a smile, you know
the kind, look at him, tilt my head, look more, smile more, perfect,
Ooops-a-daisy, I can see he knows he’s made a boo boo. I am a biatch, and know
this is the perfect time, for him to see just how big of a bitch I am.
walk over to him, smile, then.
hammer two in his knee caps, he screams, blood, bone, sinew, splashed on the
white walls behind him, he thumps to the floor.
time to take out the garbage, I snarl. “You want more, I’ll be back.”
said that.
turn, walk to the front door, don’t look back, move to my sweetie, hop the
door, fire her up, lay two tracks of rubber out the drive, hit drive, mimic
more rubber, I’m gone, a heat seeking, fire breathing Predator Drone on tract
for one thing, and one thing only, Eddie Jett.
knows Eddie Jett, fifty eight, dyed black hair, gone to suet, an ex rocker
star, like one of those Metallica, Dee Snyder, acid rock band guys. You know in
the eighties, nineties, ripping it up, talent, drugs, groupies, power in their
music, not my kind, but lots a kids went off on it. Then what, fame, stardom,
two much booze, drugs, girls, everything gets twisted around, and they can’t
get it up any longer.
then make the leap, for the big Casino money, end up looking like Wayne Newton,
Elvis, Liberace, burn outs, pretenders, ghosts of the past, two shows a day at
the Bellagio, echoing their past hits by rote to a legion of semi comatose
fans. You know, the plaid clothes, motor home set, broken down old broads with
busted dreams, panties on the stage, you know the types, hitting the feed bag
at the smorgasbord over there at Caesars Palace, one last orgy before the
Celebrex and Lipitor Circuit kicks in and a concrete casket lid, which finally
ends the pain.
Jett, well, he’s the worst of them, a real degenerate, leans towards the bubble
gum set, that’s his MO, makes sense, Ginger’s kid now. He knows me, man he
knows me really well. I see him at The Bent, and the Mandel babe’s joint,
Jason’s and cause I’m a stick blond, a real beauty queen, he’s forever hitting
on me. You know, come on doll, come for a visit, dinner, Crystal, some toot and
a roll in the sack with a bag of sick, sagging skin, no thank you very much.
I’d rather fuck a Zebra over there at the N. Vegas zoo.
sorta have an open invitation to his crib, that’s good for my play, and have
his number, am certain it will just a take a ring a ding ling to get an invite,
which I’m going to do, right after I get a cup of black java, right there at
Dunkin Doughnuts, just there.
now I gotta chill, for just before I murder a man, I gotta get my heart beat
down, my mind straight, so the top of my head doesn’t vaporize.
see, get a cup A JOE, a jelly doughnut, remember to get Lou’s kid that pink
Teddy Bear I promised.
it, I can’t get past it, I got killing on my mind, Eddie Jett’s killing.
to roll.
j brooke
Come to Vegas
baby, you’ve seen the pull, the
tube ads, Madison Ave spin run amok, gym rat dudes, road bump abs, all the
country club models dancing, stilettos, skin and mini-skirts, boogying the
night away, strobe light neon, Long Island Ice teas, Margarita Ville, shots,
hits and slammers, a hit of E, a line of coke, sniff a little H, fuck and suck
the night away. Morning like a black dwarf dead star, crash at the casino
swimming pool, tan, lithe bodies, banshee madness, it’s all there, just at the
tip of a girl’s fake fingernails. Hit up the casinos, Bellagio, MGM, Paris, the
green felt, stacks of black chips, Black Jack every time, hard eleven as the
cubes dance on the green felt, zing, zing, zing, bells, whistles, jack pot,
another fucking winner, why not you?
Why not you?
Because, it’s
all hideous bull shit and all
about the fucking Voodoo in the end.
Behind the
hype, the pretty neon, Vegas is a
fucking Warsaw Ghetto genocidal holocaust of pain, death, pulverized dreams, all
fueled by perversion, deviance, decadence, seduction, addiction, gambling, sex,
extortion, drugs and insidious big Wall Street money.
Oldest story
ever told.
arrive in a 40 gees Benz with the rent money, your kids College dough, ya leave
in a pool of blood and vomit in a 250 grand Greyhound bus, that’s if you
fucking get out alive at all.
North Vegas
is the worst, gangs, junkie whores,
homeless, meth dealers, the end of the line, no pretty hype for that sewer. No
posters. No TV, no U Tube, Face book ads, no pretty colored posters exposing
that place. Just police chalk outlines on a slab of asphalt, red, blue, red,
blue coroner lights, exposing some teenager’s last exposure after a life of
They come
like lemmings, 16-year-old runaway
girls, gobbled up by the predator men as they get off the bus, Mickey Mouse
back pack, cheap shoes, a crap Walmart leather jacket, as they escaped a
drunken bourbon breath step-dad that sodomized them, out of Oklahoma City, or
Bangor, or Tampa Bay City they come.
Their fucking
award escaping nights of
nightmares, a life as a junkie, in-call whore,
nude dancer, drunk, some young girl, turned out, raped, murdered, final resting
place, The Ice Tombs over there at
North Vegas Metro Homicide.
sitting here, all 5 ft-11, 120 pounds of
me, in my tricked-out 59 turquoise and white convertible, flared tail-finned honey,
big chrome smiling grill, Buick, at another Dunkin Donuts on the final journey
searching for a 13-year-old abducted angel.
I am Jane,
Vegas PI, bounty hunter and that’s
what I do and I’m in a violent fucking mood.
As of yet,
I don’t have any blood on my black
leather hip huggers, or my Nordic buzz cut cropped white hair, but I figure
that’s gonna change at the drop of a peso. My eyes are blue/green, that turn
purple in rage, like they are at this moment.
on a case, have the scent and I’m just
about to nail-gun a dart into the last question left, of where this little
innocent princess has gone; gone missing from this tragic burning fucking
Anyhow, I’m
a queer girl, thank Jehovah, from
the moment I sluiced outta the womb.
I love fucking,
sucking, kissing girls, I’m so
lucky, and there’s no shortage of these goddesses in Vegas, thank the folks at
the K-Y Jelly factory for that.
thin as a whippet, Mensa smart, once had
eating disorders, no longer, not to mention moi being so bi-polar, so OCD
struck, IQ solar, like a meteor’s flaming tail whizzing by the rings of Saturn.
I have these
martial arts belts, which offset
my expertise with guns, have tons of them, also knives, hatchets, and my fave,
my steel-toed boots that I usually kick ass with. I love hand to hand combat,
no matter how big some puke is.
I get my ass
kicked, so what, it’s a part of
the VIG
considered beautiful, Nordic-like in
feature, which means absolutely fucking nothing to me. Luck of the life dice,
beauty, more of a curse if you let the bitch grab you by the balls, rule your
life, not me.
If all you’ve
ever been is pretty, well you’re
fucked, cause that, like a vat of muriatic acid eating iron, changes in an eye-blink,
and then what do ya have? Nada, zilch, just a fading photo of you when you
thought you were ALL THAT, ya peek at, between serving the breakfast special at
Since my parents
died almost ten years ago,
drunk killed them and left me millions, well, I spent almost every waking
moment educating myself, helping others, trying to be the savior of the poor,
kids, girls and animals. I try to remember every day how lucky I am, and how so
many millions of good people struggle everyday to keep the heat going, put some
chow out for the kids, as the government continues to cut any food aid for the
poorest people in America.
I work the
homeless shelters, the food lines,
do what I can and trust me, I’m no Joan of Arc, no poster girl for an average
American PTA life, perfect, I ain’t, but I try and think I have a good heart
and that’s why I became a Vegas PI/Bounty hunter.
I can’t
save the world, but tonight, just maybe
I can save a lost little girl, that’s why I’m here, at the donut place, sipping
coffee, eating a donut, you know, the kind with a hole in the middle.
chilling, earlier, had a meeting with this
meth-addicted mom of the year in my office, Ginger was the bitch’s name, just
fucking perfect, a sit down at my 5000 sq. ft. loft I built over Chang’s
She gave up
her 13-year-old kid Missy to her
drug and gambling-addicted father, a scum fuck named Bobby O’Brien, you know,
just so she could get fucking high again.
I visited
Bobby earlier, uninvited, shoved my
silenced Beretta tip into his mouth, he tasted the gun oil, ya do that, a puke
always digs the truth out of the stucco. After, I was in a bad mood, so I put
two, psssst, psssst, Beretta caps into his knees.
He gave the
kid up to a real deviant, to pay
off a gambling debt. Apparently, he missed the spread on a B-ball Kansas State
game. He gave his daughter to a heavy metal rocker child molester, Eddie Jett.
You know the
type, once a power in acid rock,
now a casino whore, going through the motions, a 60-year-old burn-out, dyed
Elvis black-haired puke, turned to jump suits and suet, sucking up the big
hotel casino money for screaming women, tossing their bras and panties on the stage,
closer to the end now, than the beginning, one last conga line at the Caesar’s
Palace smorgasbord, before they die on the golf course from a fucking heart
My fucking
blood is boiling like fulminated
I gotta cool
Anyhow, Eddie
Jett knows me, I bump a rub into
him sometimes when I’m out at the clubs, on Case, hunting, and mostly at this
fab private club called Jason’s, owned by this stunning blond doll named
Mandal. She’s the only woman I’ve ever feared, rumor is she’s killed before,
like me, killed insidious men.
More on her
later, another time, a better time.
still waiting for a return ring-a-ding-ling
from my best friend, Lieutenant Victor Garcia (Lou the cops call their
lieutenants) from N. Vegas Metro Homicide.
running paper on this Ginger over there at
the precinct,
Most a my
friends are cops, or hard and
beautiful people, criminals, super thieves, like my friend King, a black super
guy, who runs the biggest Gang in N. Vegas. All of us one-percenter’s have something
in common. We never lie to each other and we see the world as it is, like it
was washed in an acid bath. We have a bond of loyalty, speak to truth and know
sometimes the truth comes from a bullet, when all else fails.
Anyhow, because
I’m a stick blonde, actually kind of pre-pubescent type, Eddie Jett’s forever
hitting on me.
‘Come on
doll, come for a visit, my crib, some Dom, dinner, Crystal, some toot, I love
ya Jane.’
I’d rather
eat my own puke than roll in the sack with a bag of sick, sagging degenerate
No thank you very much. I’d rather fuck a Zebra over there
at the N. Vegas Zoo.
I never
said that to him, kind of tortured him, always leaving the sex door open.
I sorta
have an open invitation to his crib. That’s good for my play, and I have his
cell number. I’m certain it will just a take a ring a ding ling to get an
invite to a night of debauchery. Which
is exactly what I am going to do, the phone thing that is, right after I get a
cup of black java right there at Dunkin Donuts, just there.
“Blink, blink, blink.”
I pull
into Dunkin Donuts, kill the 357 power house engine. I Check my lips in the
side mirror, (vanity again) I find my cherry Chap Stick in that little pocket
in my jeans. Slapping some on, I feel better. I then begin to move.
The neon
hurts my blues, but gotta have some caffeine or my head’s going to boil off of
my long neck. I hit the kid up for a jumbo, tip him 5 bucks, and get a smile
filled with braces back. Out the door I go.
I’m about
to leap the door, when I see two bulls
from Vegas Metro, in a Blue and
White. They’re eating the usual vitamin-enriched breakfast of donuts and
coffee. I know them, smile at them and get waves, smiles back.
I so dig
cops. They’re underpaid, no respect and misunderstood. Could you imagine a
world without them? The fucking deviants would be lined up eight blocks long, at
your house, raping your wife and daughters, even your dog and your fucking goldfish.
Not my Gumbo, Stella though. There would be pure chaos without cops holding the
Thin Blue Line.
Anyhooo, I
sip some coffee out of that little hole in the Styrofoam lid. I am about to
fire her up when my cell buzzes on the seat next to me.
I grab
her, and see its Lieutenant Garcia. Good. I was hoping to get a shout out from
him before I visited Eddie Jett.
“Hey Lou,
what’s sup?”
I can hear
something in his voice that sets anti-freeze in my veins, none of it in my
tired brain is any good.
sorry, can ya get to Metro quick like, meet you in the parking lot.”
“Sure Vic,
be right there.” I shoot back at him.
questions asked, none needed, as I read the dire meaning in his voice.
I know
none of it is any good. I could tell just from the dark gravel spilling from
his quivering, hard voice that bad news is coming.
It’s a
tinsel steel world, Vegas. No one has to tell me that. Anything ever happens
good in Vegas, is usually a mistake.
As I drive into the bowels of N. Vegas, I feel
like one of those dudes on Death Row, days, hours, minutes spitting away. Next
stop an Alcatraz Electric Chair or a gurney with a needle. You get it, just
before a last meal of pork chops and eggs.
minutes later, I pull into Metro. As promised, there is Lou, looking the usual
tired and stressed out. He’s wearing his usual rumpled-paper-bag brown suit,
which he probably slept in. Cops have long hours, desperate hours, hard lives
and bent Id’s. That’s why so many eat their guns when they retire over there in
that ex-cop grave yard, Coeur de Leane, Idaho.
I make the
walk, face him off. He looks at me, and you know, that look when a cop shows up
at your front door, is hesitant to tell a mark the bad news.
“You sure
you want this, Jane?’
“Yeah, I
want it.”
He sighs,
nods and tilts his head at the precinct. We turn and begin to stroll. I follow
him as we walk into the three-story building. I feel like I have an iceberg
shoved up my ass.
We make
our way through the various precinct rooms, Homicide, Gang Unit, Bunco, Fraud
and Missing Persons. Everywhere there are guys, girls, plain clothes, gold
badges, shoulder rigs, hip holsters, hand guns and blue uniforms. They’re doing
what they do best. They’re trying to keep a tidal wave of vomit from breaking
apart a city already on the edge of a moral-less abyss.
Neon everywhere,
faded green walls, we move down the stairs, one floor, an open door and, then
we move. We are silent as we walk along a cold hall, way past flickering neon,
mimicking my dead, dying heart. We pass the CSI
kids, geeks, smart, microscopes, telescopes, DNA, blood, semen, hair and fiber
analysis machines humming. They’re mesmerized with electronic gizmos,
computers, lots of computers, state of the art snoop machines.
These are the medical sleuth ghouls.
You murder
someone, leave a toenail, a hair follicle, they will get YA. Normally, I’m
fascinated by all of it, usually, but not now. I have a sweet little girl on my
~ ~ ~
The ICE Tombs, Crypts, The
Ice House, cops have a lot of cool names for the place at the END OF THE HALL.
Usually, I
dig hip lingo, smart talk, but not today, not now, not this day. I hate smart,
hip words at the moment. The innocent never deserve the big sleep along a stainless
steel slab, especially some little bird
that never had a bad tweet one day of
her short life.
We stall
out at a massive, stainless, hermetically sealed door. Garcia stalls out, looks
at me, my head ticks as I seethe. “Do it.”
he hits the big lever.
“Swoosh” the door
I exhale
and follow him into the other name the cops gave the morgue, Blue Moon Heaven,
for the entire place
is bathed in blue neon. I don’t know why. Maybe because blood looks blue under
a full moon, don’t know.
We stall
I feel
Why not?
I also feel like vomiting.
I peek
across the room, center cut, see the Doc, know him a little, from Jason’s. Doc
Reynolds is his name, Danny.
He’s a
Jake guy, straight shooter, smart, coroner by trade. He’s decked out in blue
too, neoprene gloves, space suit, booties, apron. He’s standing right next to a
stainless bed that has a blue tarp on it. Blue seems to be the fucking color of
the day. When I get home, I’m going to burn every piece of blue togs I own,
including my Levi jeans.
We walk
up, my eyes roam, I see a tiny toe tag on a miniature toe. Exactly like the one
I’m going to put on Bobby O’Brien, most likely after I visit Eddie Jett and put
one on him, too.
Lou looks
at the doc, looks at me, I look at Reynolds. He nods, understands, says.
some time, you a part of this?”
Danny, I’m a part of this.”
“Guess you
want to see her, yeah?”
“Yeah, I
want to see my girl.”
Doc looks
at Garcia, they exchange something. Lou nods. I exhale my grief. Off comes the
tarp in one swoosh.
Cobalt, Rhodium, they are the hardest elements on earth and at the moment, like
me. But, there’s nothing tinsel hard about me, no. I’m a female looking at a
dead angel.
waif-like, blond hair, white, almost translucent and transparent skin. There
are purple, blue autopsy scars, I think, in a “V” trailing from her
larynx. Uninterrupted, they are running down
to her sternum, ending up at her hips. The cuts are all sewn together by purple
twine that matches the color of her lifeless lips. Right near where her womb
would be, I see red catgut. I fight bile in my throat. The catgut looks odd,
don’t know why. Hair is bristling on my arms. That’s my usual TELL,
letting me know that something is
out of whack here. Way out of whack.
I take a
step back; want to vomit, fight it, fighting my tears. I am stunned as I stare
at a little girl, ninety-five pounds of her and now a dead slab of white chalk
as silence thunders through the room.
I begin to
stutter, mumble, can’t get my mind right, wrapped around this mortal sin. My
eyes are watering as Lou takes my arm, rears me in, whispers.
Jane, what did you say?”
I snort it
back in to my nose, brain, jaw clenches, I’m coming back now, back to life.
There is a:
wait attitude blow torched in my mind now.
I turn to
Garcia, whisper back at him. “Nothing Lou, nothing at all.”
happened here Doc? Talk to us, Danny.” Garcia asked.
Really, in his heart, I knew he didn’t want to
“Sure Lou, sure.”
exchange glances, me and the doc. I nod. He nods back.
you know, detective over there in homicide, found her under the underpass, over
there by 6th and Northern. You know the place Lou, homeless, card
board houses, drugs, the end of the road, for most, that is.”
nods, and tries to swallow his grief back into his stomach.
I know the
sewer; don’t want to go there. I shut up, as Doc continues.
“We toxed
her, CSI found a baggie on her, cocaine. Blood
tox came up clean, stuff lasts for a month in the blood stream, still
trying to figure that out.”
looks at me, I look at him. Doc is almost hesitant about continuing. The
lieutenant nods for him to go on.
“You ain’t
gonna like this, Lou.”
takes a deep breath, looks at me
He nods at
doc to get on with it.
“Tox says
she was pregnant. Figure from her uterus size, about seven months.”
jolt it out.
My teeth
draw blood from my bottom lip, I don’t feel it.
ABC’s now put together in my head.
Mother fucker. They’ve been pimping the kid out for months.
That’s what this is all about.
My mind
bellows as Garcia twists me around, gets hard in my eyes, asks.
Jane, what?”
No mood
for small talk, he sees it in my eyes. I feel it in my temples. I sorta snap at
him, turn to Reynolds, and ask.
“Later Vic,
you got more Danny, I’m guessing?”
Jane, there’s more, all bad.”
He nods,
starts pointing that blue rubber finger, this way and that, up and down at the
blue, purple ski trails stitching up my angel.
what killed her, Jane, Lou. Ya know the arteries pump bout 50 pints of blood a
day. Hepatic arteries carry
oxygenated blood to the liver. They missed that. Portal veins, big guys, feeding
the fetus, also intestines to the
liver, missed that too. What killed her, my opinion, we’ll know a little better
later, was that whoever cut her, my guess was to snag the baby, hit the Umbilical
arteries. Those lead along the
umbilical cord to the baby’s heart. So, she bled out.”
Well that’s just fucking great. My brain seethes, as Reynolds scratches his head for a
sec and continues.
“No baby
at the crime scene, so they, though premature, I guess got the kid, seems
that’s what they were after. It’s fucked up, LOU. Don’t know how much longer I
can do this shit.”
groans, as I stay silent. All of it made sense now, way too much sense. All I’m
doing is hoping I have enough bullets to take care of all of it after we’re
done counting sutures here.
ain’t all. It gets sicker. We CAT-scanned her head. You see the blue around her
swollen eye sockets and forehead, her eyeballs ruptured. We’ll know more once
we get inside, but to me, it’s real clear. They cut her Thalamus away from
her frontal lobes. They gave her a lobotomy.
Lou, my fucking God.”
I turned,
moved to a stainless steel door, hiding another crypt, another victim in it.
Smashing my fist into it, big dent. I felt nothing. I jerked back to Reynolds,
leered at him like I wanted him dead.
“I’m just
the messenger, Jane, just the messenger.”
Yeah, a fucking messenger of doom. What else is new in
~ ~ ~
My brain
felt like one of those fucked-up reactors in Japan, melting, and I tried to calm,
but not really. It wasn’t Doc’s fault, as I calmed, for real, pulse down, mind
blister clear.
whispered to him to continue. “Go on.”
“Was quite
the fad, turn of the century, later even. Old way was to cut the forehead, and snip,
snip, snip, you’re a vegetable,
well to some degrees anyways. Body stays alive, mind dead, guess they were
makin’ a sex doll, don’t know. Any ways, later in the century they used an adrenaline
solution, real, real
primitive stuff. Who ever cut her, knew their stuff. They went through the eye
socket, used a Lucoton, kinda sharp spoon gadget, and after a clip, you have a
passive human being.
They call it “Trans Orbital Inclusion,
very technical. I see it going
down this way.”
closed, imagining all of it, eyes open, looking at Garcia, Doc, he then pointed
at two red dots on her small breasts.
“I figured
they Tasered her, lobotomized her and then went for the baby with a simple
C-Section. They botched that, hit an artery, she bled out. If he wasn’t
a doctor, then close to it, lotsa deviant
ex-doctors in Vegas. Real sick stuff, Jane, but what’s new about that.”
Dan…Fucking nothing is never new.” Garcia, pain in his voice, whispered.
more Doc?” Lou asked.
I peruse
her, time stops. I look at her blue painted finger nails, gasp inside. Fuck, she
just wanted to be pretty. I
see a missing nail, move to her, take her cold hand, look again, look back at
Danny, ask.
about this, where’s her fucking fingernail?”
“Oh yeah,
almost forgot. Kids at CSI saw that,
no sign at the perp’s scene. Just guessing, maybe she fought before she died,
just guesses.”
“Oh shit,
I forgot one thing. When Detective Carol found her, she was still frozen stiff.
Homicide thinks they kept her in a freezer for a while, don’t know, found ice
in her tissue, blood, urine, that looks right to me.”
you mean like a popsicle.”
Jane, like a Popsicle.”
I’m so
deranged, I throw my head back, begin to laugh, maniacal, crazed.
I don’t know how many people are going to die tonight, but
the list is growing.
Finally, and mercifully, Garcia wraps his bear
of an arm around me, draws me in close. Instantly I morph, begin to sob
uncontrollably. Seconds pass, tear ducts Spackle
up. Molten lava eats water, I move away, as Vic begins to pull me towards the
I jerk
away, no more tears, there will be more later, as I leer at Doc, as my voice
trembles, not a weak kind of sound, but that kind when you feel fury ripping
apart every cell in your body.
“I need a
moment with her, alone.”
Both cops
get it, nod, walk to the door, scram out of it.
I jack the
breath back in my nostrils, my head jilts. I look at the kid, walk over, and
stare down at her. Her eyes were once blue, now they’re opaque, almost white,
death, no one gets out alive in the end, but, not this. Not now.
I take her
hand. It’s cold, as cold as mine. I don’t mind, and, then see her blue finger
nail polish, the broken nail. My heart explodes. Tears, drip, drip, dripping on
her finger tips, the ones she had painted,
so she could be a pretty little girl. That’s all she wanted in life, was just a
chance. One chance just to be a little kid, a child with a teddy bear.
I reach
forward, close her eyes, they’re cold too. Draping the tarp over her naked body
to her chin, I want to give her dignity back to her. I just want her to know
someone loves her.
I feel
sick, cheap, no glib, no smart remarks and no vanity in the revolver any more.
I feel ashamed, more tears, bouncing off her dead skin, stretched like plastic
over her lifeless corpse. I cut the tears right out of my face, for the moment.
No more tears, not just yet. I lean down, close to her tiny ears, she smells
like embalming fluid. My nose wrinkles, the odor clarifies my mind. My lips
move close and then I whisper as softly as I have ever spoken any words in my
“Its okay
baby…you rest now…the white angels are waiting for you, you did your best…it’s
not your fault…” My throat constricts.
It feels
like it has concrete packed in it. “There, there sweetie, you let Jane take
care of it now…I’m going to make everything right. I love you doll…I really
straighten up, get right and look at her one last time. Pulling the tarp over
her face, I smile, swallow and then look one last time at her. Moving to the crypts
door, I look back, nod once and
I’m gone.
~ ~ ~
“OH, POWERS from Hell, grant me Nero’s wish, that all women
have but one head and that head belongs to the screw who tyrannizes me: then
grant me the pleasure of chopping it off!”
Paris, 1700’s, DeSade wrote that, in his own blood. It seems reasonable to me.
I’m in a head-chopping-off kind of mood.
Once I was
out of The Tombs, Garcia cornered me.
I could see stark concern on his brown, Pudge
Rodriguez of a face. He knows me, and he also knows I sometimes can nudge
my toes over the Blue Line, well, sometimes way over that line.
It sorta
went like this.
Come on Jane, you know something. Naw Vic, it’s just the
kid upset me. I know you Jane, let me and the boys help. Naw, it’s all good.
Don’t fuck up Jane, blah, blah, blah, and blah, blah, blah, back and forth.
blew him off, not like me, I felt bad about it.
understands, but I had other things on my mind, more important things.
I know
where Eddie Jett lives, once went to a bash he had going down there. Like I
told ya, he’s hit on me, more times than I can call up right now. I’m going to
use that now. Yes, I am.
entombed over there at The Lakes. You know, super-rich planned community,
gated, keeping the poor at bay. It’s laid out with palatial mansions, man-made
lake, oldsters whacking a white ball around and a boat marina.
The Lakes Club is super private, exclusive,
old widowed broads fucking the tennis pros over by the ball machines. You know,
a living graveyard, a place to hang, just until they kick dirt in your mouth.
I’ve got
everything I need. Mossberg in the trunk, loaded, my walk-around chrome 38 in
the glove box and my Beretta, extra clips. I figured I might need those.
still in my boot, a load of melting bb’s
in my brain, dry mouth, lips, mood, dusk is coming, soon night following. I
like night, that’s where this shadow girl
works best, does her thing, a beautiful thing.
down Tropicana, could a taken I-15, no hurry, it’s building, death, blind fury,
life, it’s really not about me. It’s about the kid.
I haven’t
eaten really solid food for two days. I like that. I like the hungry wolf
feeling, sharpens me, tightens me, an hour til midnight. Seeing a Winchell’s
donut shop, smooth like, I drive in, park and sidle over the door. I need a cup
of coffee, maybe a donut with some pink sprinkles on it. That should set
everything strung tight. You know, like a cue ball melting the black eight into
the corner pocket, game over. Except my game is just about to begin and it
involves guns; lots of guns.
Donut time
over and night time is here. I take the cell, scroll and hit the button.
Why make it hard, when it can be so easy?
I know the
guy thinks with his dick, many invites to party with him. Let’s take him up on
it. Man, I am so ready to fucking party with him.
“Hey baby
doll, it’s Jane, what ya doin’? You been dreamin’ about me?”
M-7, Bingo.
cranked, voice all a-stutter, molars grinding, coked out, loud music, voices,
tinkle, tinkle of glasses, he’s real happy to hear my voice. We flirt back and
forth, you know me. It goes like this.
thinking about ya a lot, Eddie baby, heard you’re dropping them dead over there
at The Venetian. What ya doin’ big boy?” Mae West, why the fuck not?
“I been
thinkin’ about you, Jane,” I can hear
his dick getting hard. “Geesh Jane, ya want to come over?”
baby doll, in the neighborhood buying donuts, where are ya?”
“At the
Voo Doo Lounge Jane, be home later. I’ll call the guard, at the gate, go on in,
you know where my crib is, don’t ya?”
sweetie, I’ll just make myself at home, till rock boy gets home to mama.”
He bellows, I giggle, fight dry vomiting.
“OK mister
rock star, see ya.”
The phone
dies as I am certain that something else is going to die tonight. Maybe me,
just don’t care.
That was
easy. It’s always easy when cranked hormones battle testosterone. Every bitch
worth their salt knows that.
minutes later, I cruise up to the guard gate, see a LVPD cop I know. He’s just
one more cop working the night shift, trying to keep his kid in Kobe tennis
sneakers. He grins, I smile back, we chit-chat back and forth. He got the
message from Eddie, it’s all good.
The pylon
red and white striped elevates. In my calm mind, I know it might be a good
thing a cop’s at the wall, might need that later. I make a mental note of it.
It’s the little things that can keep a girl from the silver table with a
syringe duct taped to her arm.
Give my
pal a wave, I drive through the gate and cruise past the last-ditch palaces of
the elite. Blocks later, manicured lawns, opulence, Mexican guys with rakes,
leaf blowers, lawn mowers have made the place pretty. You know the hard working
campesinos these white folks detest
and whose privileged lives would be totally fucked without them.
I hang a
left, stall out before the gate. Eddie gave me the code and I stab the numbers
into the little box. The gate swings open, up the long drive I go. See a black
Bentley, ditto on the color Escalade parked in the circle drive. No Ferrari,
guess he’s not home yet, that’s a good thing.
I’ve been
thinking about all of this and I have a plan. I don’t think I will need the 16
Gauge, so I grab my .38 from the glove box, stuff it into my back waistband.
Not needing my shoulder holster, I stuff my silenced Beretta into my front
waist band, stiletto in my boot. I feel pretty good. I open the door, real
lady-like. I’m practicing for later, step to the bricks and look at the moon.
Umber yellow comes to mind. It’s full, and I’m feeling like I want to bay at
it. Move along girl, I do the stroll in.
I stall
out in the entry way, peek up, way up about thirty feet, nod, then look
straight ahead. I’ve been here before, remember most of it. The whorehouse
looks like you could land a B-17 in it, huge, a real mausoleum of bad taste.
It’s obvious that some crazed Peyote strung-out interior decorator pulled out
all the stops decorating it. You know, nothing personal, warm, everything
expensive, no style and no heart. There are loungers, couches, tables, lamps,
chairs, desks, nothing with a pulse to it, everything new and nothing old. The
place makes me want to vomit, again.
I don’t
figure he will be home for a while, so it’s time to snoop around, my favorite
thing. I’ve got this one word in my head, blinking on and off like red neon,
and that word is:
For the
obvious fucking reasons.
Since I
had a donut for dinner, I’m not hungry. So, let’s see, where do people keep
stuff frozen? It’s not like they got an ice house back there near the Jacuzzi.
Oh yeah, the kitchen.
Out comes
my Beretta, I dangle it by my side. I sleuth to the edge of his vast living
room and groan, for bad taste run
amok is everywhere. Money can’t buy style, class or friends. It can only buy
people that pretend to be your friends.
The place
is huge, all kindsa crap as my eyes fly across the room. There’s an
entertainment center, massive flat screens, two of them, CD, DVD players,
gadgets, racks of CD’s, DVD’s, popcorn machine. I see bowls of nuts on the bar
top, draft beer, bottles of booze everywhere. I’m not here to see a movie, but
I might have a martini later if everything grifts out OK.
I move
down the white tiles, find the kitchen, big chopping block and think of DeSade
again. Good place to chop off a head, or some guy’s fingers, if that’s what gets
ya off. The place looks sterile, bags of Doritos, Fritos, couple a bags of Ho
Ho’s on the counter tops. The guy likes sweets. I see a big stainless steel
fridge, freezer, GE I think. I got
one too, though I can barely boil water. Cooking
is not my thing.
I move to
the fridge, pry open the door, usual suspects, beer and an apple.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but not this time. There’s Tupperware, old food, a couple of bottles of
wine, red, white, pink, nothing there. So, I jack the freezer open, a few
steaks, frozen TV dinners, too small of a place to freeze an angel in, never
thought it would be. There’s got to be another freezer, I’m certain. So, I turn
and walk into the pantry, sans utility room.
Stacked to
the left, floor to ceiling, are these blue ceramic washer and dryer machines,
GE again, and there’s that color blue again. It matches the color of the blood
pumping, raging, screaming torrents of my own blood through my Sapphire, hard
veins, directly into my head.
I glance
left, there it is, I thought it would be. One of those floor freezers, eight
feet long, four feet high, planted to the white tiles. I really don’t want to
open it. I really don’t want that. What if there’s another kid in it? Don’t
think I could handle that, would have to go berserk. That would never do, just
not yet, that is.
choices sometimes are easy, this one was not. I move to the freezer, lay my
hand on the chrome, open it, take a step back, cold kissing my cheek, face,
lips. It feels like a radiator, cooling down the burning nuclear reactor that I
It is
empty, cold, like her hands. Going to close it, I see something in a corner,
~ ~ ~
I’m hating
the color indigo these days, so I bang my forehead with my silencers tip, just
to stop from going completely nuts, my heart thumping. I calm, exhale, reach
down, and pry my baby’s fingernail from the ice. Swallowing my own bile, I lift
it to my eyes, focus and, then my bod begins to shudder, shake and vibrate out
of its pinions. I go down in a crouch, whack my face in my hands,
hyperventilating. I’m trying to get it together, for good times are coming. I
am positive about that.
Hammers my brain.
Don’t have
a watch, but I can hear the Tick, Tick,
Tick of my violence clock. It’s counting down, thundering in my temples,
throbbing in my neck that is so filled with blood, it just might detonate
before I do.
I could
call Lou; tell him what’s what, and then what?
uniforms, homicide dicks, swat, crime scene kids, tweezers, hair, particle,
fibers, DNA, Luminol, vacuum cleaners, maybe an eyelash left over from the kid.
Maybe they would find traces of her blood, too, and a blue finger nail.
Bull horns blasting.
Sure, right, OJ all over again.
Could ya see
it, big money lawyers, graphs, charts, DNA
guys and spin doctors pointing at charts with pointers.
Up is
down. Down is up, pathologists and maybe get Alan Dershowitz, maybe that Jap
guy again.
If the glove don’t fit, you can’t convict.
Yeah, she was just visitin’, sellin’ Girl Scout cookies, a
dirty little whore. Tole me she was eighteen. Who me? She slipped on a banana
peel. I bought her a ice cream cone. Weren’t my fault, drugs, never touch them,
who me?
And on and on it would go.
that’s not the way I see it going down, that is if I’m not violently snuffed
tonight. Anything can happen, it usually does, there’s no delusion left in my
life. I guess ya know why. It’s better for me to fight for the kid then to wimp
out like a pussy, not doing my thing for her. I do know that.
I think
I’ve figured out the Eddie Jett play, how it will go down. If it all goes down
like I’m figuring, then I will send Lou a post card, you know.
“Dear Lou, on vacay, the lakes, been kayaking, eating
donuts, having a great time, wish you were here, check the freezer out at Eddie
Jetts, I think he left a blue popsicle for you, lotsa love, smooches, Janie.”
Yeah, I
could do that, because I’m not gonna kill Eddie, I mean the hard way, the easy
way. Why? Because I need to get the docs name, you know. I need to get the
fucking savage who sluiced out my little sweetheart’s lobes like he needed them
to make a pizza.
that’s later, if there is a later.
So, I
move, and a minute later, I’m in the living room, sneaking around, Beretta
banging my knee. I’m hanging around the entertainment center, that’s what they
call them over there at Wal Mart. All the guys have them. You know, flip flops,
pizza, Tom Brady jerseys, big guts, case or two of Bud, NFL Sundays, with the
guys. Ego-centric, done-nothing mucks, with massive snout egos, no lives, no
futures, no reason to be anything.
cause their mommy’s been telling them from the time they squirted outta the
womb, that little Jimmy is fucking perfect.
Then they moan that no bitch will give them play, which one eventually
will, because she’s stone cold desperate. That’s another tragic American story.
Because my
brain is basically an OCD hard drive, I see stuff, in the margins. As me and my
silencer move down the rack of DVD’s, CD’s my silencer click, click, clicking
on them. I see he’s a porn guy, a Disney
flick guy, too.
Little Mermaid, Snow White, Dumbo, kid’s stuff, why am I not surprised. I
fucking cringe, thinking about Missy.
Maybe he
showed her a flick, just before, you know, he cut the fucking life outta her
head hoping to make a human Barbie doll out of her.
tip stops, some custom CD’s, black marker scribbles on them, some kinda code on
them. There’s a about a dozen or so. I get it. I get it real fast because
that’s how my fucked-up brain works.
I see one,
YSSIM, clever, know exactly what it
is. My blood runs cold. I pull it out and it feels like a slab of ice as I
violently inhale a hit of oxygen through my nose.
open the DVD machine, I slot it in, fire her up. Then, the big screen stutters
to life. It’s shadowy in Eddie’s tomb, most of the lights dead in the room. I
grab the remote, stab the button, step back, knowing some horror movie, don’t
like them, is about to debut. It’s one I really don’t want anything to do with.
The movie
comes on. It’s a home production. All I can feel is the flickering lights
burning on my eyeballs, my face, lips twitching, as I watch, watch it all.
There she
is, the kid, on his bed. Uncle Eddie is there too. She’s holding a doll, blond
like her, you figure it all out. I can’t talk about it as I feel my donuts
coming up.
I fall to
my knees, vomit and dry vomit again and then, fingers pressed to my eyeballs,
peeking through them. I see horror, pain, agony blow-torched to my screaming
eyes. Standing, I have to support myself
against a sedan as then:
I blink, blink, blink again.
Turning, there’s Eddie standing there, 6ft 2,
faded jeans, all sinewy and such, cosmetic surgery run amok. He’s bare chested,
bare foot, gut, dyed black hair, holding a plastic bag in his hand. Maybe he
bought me some donuts, don’t know?
He looks like
Keith Richards on a bad day, a very bad day. I reflex, just a little, still
stunned, as my Beretta, on its own accord begins to lift and, then a PISSST”
whistles through the room.
literally can see the tiny wires as they rake towards me. The Taser darts, two
of them spit into one
of my breasts, two red dots appearing; Missy kinda dots.
I yelp, vibrate, shake, my eyes go static,
my brain too, white lights, pain, lots of it and I fall, KO’ed, count of ten.
Then, there is only darkness.
~ ~ ~
“When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you
Anything your heart desires will come true.
If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme.
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do.”
I CAN hear
music, sounds familiar, like from that Pinocchio flick.
You know,
that puppet stick kid with the long schnoz, had big dreams, you know like the
kind Missy probably had.
As a kid,
I liked that fairy tale, I guess most kids do. Life lessons, we all need them.
Lying gets you Zinc. I always try to
tell the truth, learned that lesson long time ago.
I don’t
feel that good and then my eyes blink open and take a sec to focus. The TV is
on, a Disney film, liked most of them too when I was a youngling.
I try to
move, zilch.
sitting naked, in a chair, wrists, ankles duct taped to it. My bare feet are
dancing a little. I’m already enraged, doesn’t take long for me, as I’m all coy
and such, peek straight ahead through these little slits on my frosted eyes.
Eddie, near the table, pacing back and forth like a lab rat. He’s edgy,
completely cranked, mumbling to himself, my Beretta in his white knuckles,
plastic bag on the table top. There’s my .38, stilletto, Taser pistol, a
mound of coke, I think, on a mirror, a teaspoon is
sitting next to some DVD’s. Guess we were going to watch a video later, kinda
sweet that. You know, after he sodomized me, fucked the neon outta my eye
sockets, could of been a hoot, I
I want to
be prepared, so I spread my thighs, so he can see the star light exuding out of
my cunt. That usually works, as I kinda clear my throat. He jerks his head to
me, and I purr all demure and such.
“Hey baby,
what’s up, sweetness?”
He stops
pacing, bolts his eyes on me. His jaw is grinding, licking his lips, eyes
stark, wild and wired. His eyes dance all around naked moi, especially that
special place that a man spends nine months trying to get out of, and the rest
of his fucking life trying to get back in.
He stutters.
Eddie, chill, what, you mad at me? Thought we were going to play some tonight,
do some kissing, fucking. What you don’t like me no more?”
I can see
he’s really confused, flipping back and forth between hatred, love, anger and a
dick that in the end will make the final decision for him.
He walks
over to me, leers at me, reaches back.
viciously slaps me in the face, cutting my lip.
My head
whips to the side, I see stars and clarity. I whip it back, blood in my mouth.
Grinning, I like the taste of it in my mouth. I need that taste and then purr
baby, now don’t go teasing a girl, handsome.”
He grins,
real wide-like at me.
He likes
my play.
He reaches
back, slams my stomach with his fist.
I feel two
ribs break, I fight moaning, no one likes a moaner. I smile, wet my lips with
my tongue, purr.
“Oh, you
charmer, you.”
If I don’t
get it right, he may beat me to death. So, I chuckle, just a little, tilt my
head, then real cute-like, wink my right eye at him. You know, blink, blink, blink
telling him that’s
where I want it next.
“How about
a little fist action, you big super star stud?”
He nods
out several times, giggles. I know he thinks I’m a doll, then:
He fists
me in the eye, no bone cracks, I’m glad about that. My head rams to the side,
my chin falls to my tiny breasts, and I see red balloons, 4th of
July fire works, sparklers and a blue
finger nail in a floor freezer.
I can feel
blood, it’s warm, straight out of the vein, spilling down my eye, cheek, melon
ball time. I’ve had worse. I actually feel pretty good, but know I, even me,
can’t take much more. So, I lift my chinny chin chin, give him my best blood
stained smile and, then go to work.
“Wooo, I
think I’m in love…Come on Eddie, I’ve been dreamin about this, you going to
fuck me, or what? I thought you we’re The Candy Man? Come on, my cunt feels
like it could bake a tray a chocolate chip cookies in it. I want it Eddie, I
want it real bad. I think I love you.”
The magic
word, the lie always gets the diamond ring, as his brow crinkles, and I see
love in his cranked-out blues. I make sure my knees are spread wide, as he
kneels, puts the Beretta next to my vibrating feet, leers into my eyes and
touches some blood from my lips.
Jane...."I…I didn’t mean to hurt ya…Ahh…I’m sorry…Th…The TV…it…was an
accident…We was playing, things got outta hand…You believe me don’t ya Jane.
Bobby said, you was pissed…real pissed…You ain’t mad at me Jane…You really like
me…I…I mean really.” He pathetically spiels me like Sally Field at the fucking
baby, I’ve been dreamin’ about this, long time. I believe ya, I know, the
little shit balls never shut their yaps, probably got what she deserved. No
problema, are we going to party, or not?”
I want to
vomit, but I’m close. Queen takes king every time, if a girl is clever.
not lying Jane, you really love me?
Blah, blah, blah.
The last thing
on earth I told I loved were my fucking gold fishes Gumbo and Stella, and I
force a tear from my eyeball. You know, just for effect. Guys are saps for
A, I’m ready, shit happens. Hey baby, (I am so into talking street) you gonna
Bogart that coke? Who’s a girl gotta fuck around here to get a toot?”
brightens up, nods manically, slaps his thigh and kisses me on the blue bruise
and blood on my balloon eye. He forgets my Beretta.
Fuck, I wish I could
shoot it with my toes as he stands and says gaily, “Sheesh, where are my
manners, be right back.”
“I’ll be
waitin, sweetie.”
He skips
over to the coke, stabs a teaspoon in it, takes a snort, punches his static
finger into it and pushes it all around his gums. I watch as he seems to
vibrate all over, leers at me, walks over and kneels.
He puts
the powder to my nose as he shuts down my other nostril with a finger. I
inhale, jolt, jolt, jolt, perfect, a
little pick me up, I needed that. He does the other. I’m feeling better by the
minute, let’s get it over. Falling on his bare heels, he lifts my Beretta,
looks of a honey moon soon to come in
his bleached eye balls.
“Come on,
honey bunny, let’s do it. Let’s fuck. I gotta go see my sick sister at the
trailer park over there in Barstow manana. I think she ate some bad donuts. You
know Eddie, wash cloth on her forehead, hand holding, some chicken soup.”
I figure
his brain and dick are warring, me knowing which will finally win. He looks at
me long, hard, then grins.
“You ain’t
lyin’ Jane, ya ain’t mad at me…Promise.”
I look at
him in shock.
Moi lie, never. I’d tell him GWB was a fucking genius if
that would get the goddamn duct tape off my purple feet and wrists.
Tarzan, me Jane.” I say real sweet. “Let’s party, mister man. Let’s fuck.”
“Come on
Baby, if you cross your heart and hope to die and Boy Scout me you won’t pull
the trigger, I’ll let you fuck my ass with that Beretta, maybe some plastic bag
action too. Come on, let’s rough it up. You just tippy toe over there, get
my knife, hit that little button, and
let’s do it, pleeeeease, I’m melting here.” I whine, more tears as I start to
Guys love
that shit.
Jane, you’re just the best.”
I go all
shucks on him, giggle and tilt my head at the table at my stiletto. He kisses
me on the lips, I smooch back. He stands, moves to the table, picks up my
stiletto, looks at me. I toss him an air kiss with my cut-to-shit lips. Simply
adoring cute me, he catches it.
Fucking perfect.
Love will fuck you every time.
sweetheart knows that rule so very well, as the tune Love is in the air, air conditions
thru my cabasa.
Mating time is soon. I can hardly wait.
~ ~ ~
Though I
hate coke, it was the right thing to do. For I have to remember, he is a man,
sorta a big man, fueled by drugs, a hard dick, and I feel super duper alert. I
smile, as he kneels before me and cuts the tape from my wrists and ankles that
feel numb.
Fucking free at last, thank god, free at last. A great
black dude once said that.
Now, he
may be Dracula reincarnate, but he’s no dummy. So he stands, backs up, fondling
my baby in his hand as I let the blood COD
back into my feet and hands.
A moment
or two pass and there, I’m set, ready.
I hope he remembers that I said I like it rough.
I give him
the Full Monte, stretch real high and hands thrown above my head. I do a little
spineroo so he can see the whole
package. Facing him, I purse my lips. Little girl time, he likes it, a
I sluice
over to him on my tip toes, press my package
against his junk and touch his face and that hideous black painted hair. I then
give him one of Jane’s blue light special
kisses, which pretty much sets everything perfect.
His mouth
tastes like ashes from a barbecue, don’t mind, a street fighter needs to know,
as my fingers do a cop pat down checking out his muscle structure. I can feel
his cock pressed against my cunt, as his free hand finds my bump of an ass.
Men, girls just love it.
He’s a
burnt-out bag of guts, good. I back up, just a bit, smile, blood on my teeth,
cheeks and, then purr like the kitten I am.
“You read
to party, mister rock star?”
I’m just
so fucking adorable, like I mean what could possibly go wrong? He grins at me,
and then wheezes, all happy now and such.
“Hell yes,
I smile,
rear my head back and skull fuck his
nose with my forehead.
everywhere, as he shrieks, throws his hand to his face, blood everywhere, slams
back into the wall, moaning and weeping. Of course, I simply watch because I
have a secret.
I’m in no
hurry, for I’m a gal with a plan, a sweet plan. So, I wait for the weeping to
stop. Dropping his bloody hands, he leers at me all rabid and so on. I look at
the blood on his hand and I feel hurt, for all the love is gone from his face.
He snarls at me, lifts the Beretta and points it at my nose and seethes.
fucking bitch, you broke my nose.” He evilly grins, payback in his face.
I smile
and, then:
you.” I giggle, cause I have this little safety secret button on my Beretta.
You know,
in case some kid like Glenda, a Goth girl friend of mine, is playing with my
gun, don’t want her to blow a cute little toe off.
I can see
he’s not happy. I just wish I had a little red flag sticking out of my
Beretta’s snout, saying “Bang.” That woulda been perfect.
“I thought
you said you liked it rough, honey bunny.” I chirp.
as he keeps pressing the trigger.
Now Judo is
a beautiful thing. It’s all about pressure points, joints, and such. I have a
third-degree black belt in Judo, and can take one of those NFL walruses down by
bending his pinkie back.
Of course,
Eddie doesn’t know that, not just yet anyhoooo. I haven’t erupted yet, because
what I am about to do is going to take a long time. It is going to take a very
long time.
So, I
simply reach out, grab the silencer connected to my heater. His finger is still
in the lock as I violently rip down, multiple fracturing his finger, taking him
to the ground. He shrieks in very
cool pain and, then begins to whimper like the bitch that he is.
I take my
gun and head-bang him with the butt, very controlled. I don’t want him out. Not
just yet. Splitting skull is fun as he shrieks
again, yips and yelps, gawking at his
finger that now looks like a pretzel.
Blood is
everywhere. I intended that, mop time later. I do a little dance backwards and
whirl with my hands thrown into the air, teeth grinding, eyes screaming,
feeling wild and crazed. Facing him off as he finally stands, and I lift his
head with my gun barrel tip.
My goodness, if looks could kill I would be a dead bitch,
but they don’t, yet still my feelings are hurt.
I can see
his eyes darting at my walk-around .38, then back at me.
Oh really.
I wag the
silencer back and forth at him, reminding him not to be hasty. I figure
decision making has never been his strong point. He gets it as I do one of
those little backhand finger curl
invites to him. I’m a stylist after all, can’t help myself. Drama, I love it.
He snorts in his rage, blood too, remember I’m a pixie. I mean how hard could
it be to choke the life out of a skinny fairy? I see it in his plate eyes.
I do the
finger curl again, you know, Bruce Lee style, which enrages him. He screams,
shrieks, and rips towards me, enraged.
He round-houses
me and I do a little steparoo to the side. With controlled force, I fist him
three times in the chest, once in the nose as I Judo chop him in the larynx. He
instantly coughs, sputters, wails, or tries to as I grab his wrist, twist, break
it in half and violently flip him up and around smashing his back into the
plate glass of this nifty coffee table his interior decorator got him.
The glass
explodes, shatters, as he bellows in pain. The throat shot was perfect. It always
is, as he’s trying to suck O-2 in, wheezing,
weeping, moaning, mumbling, wining
about something again. I hate whiners.
Me, well
I’m doing one of those The Rock WWF
struts. You know, you see those Hulk Hogan dudes do in the ring, as I watch him
hyperventilating, for my throat chop was controlled and perfect.
Heck, I coulda crushed his wind pipe, killing him
instantly. But where would of been the fun in that?
Coke is a
power-packed fuel, and I watch as he struggles out of the glass. There are
bloody shards staked in his arms, chest, feet, forehead and I can see he’s not
that happy with me.
Well, join the fucking list, buckaroo.
I smile,
air kiss him again and feel sorta shunned. He doesn’t grab it this time, which
hurts my feelings. He then roars, I mean it’s prime evil and there he goes
again, bull-rushing me.
Oh, me oh my, I’m so scared, tee hee, hee.
He reaches
me, arms extended, hands like claws, which I move between like a shadow. Feet planted,
I take my palm, and ram it into his nose again. He screams, as I then, fingers
pointed into a Judo wedge, give him a liver
Not a
pleasant thing, for if you’ve ever gotten one, well you know, it feels like a
branding iron is melting your liver. Ask Oscar De LaHoya about that.
I hear
lots of shrieking, spasms, screaming and
moaning as he goes down. I straddle his arm, take his arm and snap it
completely in half at the elbow, which blasts a bellow of pain from him. I step
back, smiling as I do. So far, so good.
I figure
he’s done, but I am surprised that he’s not. Maybe he’s been trippin’
on TCP. That would be an unexpected gift. I hope so.
My cop
amigos have told me that they’ve put six
into a guy’s bod usin’ TCP, just kept coming. They finally had to unleash the
big artillery on the dude to finally put, lights
I don’t
know how long it took for his liver to smile again, but he stood, looking
really bad. He still looked angry with me, and in truth, I was getting a little
bored with it all.
I had
gotten something off the table, so I had to let it out. All of it.
the color blue, I then lost it, shrieked, as my heart, mind finally blew up.
I shrieked
as then I ran completely insane at him, screaming as I leaped on him, wrapping
my legs around his waist, glass digging into me. I didn’t mind that at all.
I head
butted him again, just because I could and tried to eat his nose off his face
with my teeth. He went down as my legs spread-eagled on his waist.
instantly bellowed to the moon, wrapped the plastic bag around his head, snuck
around to his back, wrapped my legs around his waist. I then slashed the
plastic tight, real tight, as I calmed, and his body bucked. He flailed with
his one good arm, slapping at the bag as I seethed into his ear.
“For that
little girl, you fucking puke, for Missy.”
out, like I said, I didn’t want him dead, just yet that is. Because I still
needed a name, which I was certain when me and my pals were finished with him,
he would give up.
So, after
I duct taped him like a Xmas present, I took a shower.
My cut
lips, body and eye hurt, a lot. But it was a good hurt. As I sat there on the
teak bench, just letting the hot water soothe my aches, every ache in my body,
except my mind, of course, ached.
My clothes
and boots felt good, white gym socks, too, I like being naked, but only when
I’m trysting between the sheets eating pussy with some gorgeous vixen.
I found a
dolly in the garage, loaded Eddie onto it like a sack of turnips. I grabbed my
stuff, and a few other things, loaded him into the Buick’s trunk. I lit up a
smoke, ouch, my lip hurt, didn’t
the door, I stared at some stars. They looked pretty.
my Boston Red Sox hat on, some shades, I fired up my “Betty.” I drove to the
barber poles. I smiled at my cop buddy, he smiled back. Giving him a wave, I
drove away a happy girl.
I was
gone, my mission still not completed. Next stop, a little desert hideaway I
know about, where a man’s secrets can and always are exposed.
Work for
the night finally done, I felt pretty good about everything, except my dead
girl sleeping in the Tombs, now and forever.
~ ~ ~
I DID send
that post card to Lou, as well as a CD,
and everything went down pretty much like I expected it too.
Lou and
the bulls, CRIME SCENE too, swept
down on Eddies crib, snooped around, picked up some of the kid’s hair, a drop
of blood, too. They matched them to Eddie’s semen in her, had the CD, it was a
real feather in Lou’s cap.
He got a merit badge for it, gold star on his cop
jacket, too. You know, super cop of the
year stuff.
Lou made a
speech, kissed some babies, shook the mayor’s hand, and of course never let out
a peep about moi.
I also
sent along ten grand, fat envelop, c-notes
for my cop buddy at the gate.
Lou chatted him up, guy was glad to be mum. US
cops stick together. Hope it kept his kids in sneakers for a long time. That’s
the least I could do for the hard-working dicks
in blue.
What about Eddie Jett?
Well, that’s another story, a better story, mostly
involving a blow torch, tin snips, copper wire cutters, and a 6ft 6 black
mountain of a man, a dude named Earl, my gangster friend, King’s number one as
an enforcer, and it was fucking beautiful.
Stay frosty, over and out.
Jane, Vegas PI.
j brooke
Jane…Vegas PI Bounty Hunter, a queer-girl blonde, 5-10 or 11, thin like a
stiletto, a wood-chipper kinda girl, and you, WTF ever, for sure not Tarzan.
I am
forever caught in combat defending my LGBTQ soldiers, animals, girls and women,
the weak, and disenfranchised who are forever being butt-fucked by an odious
Corporate America that has been perverted by a new self-admitted deviant in the
White House.
get me started, for I’ve been completely messed up from my last case, a
13-year-old little girl that was murdered by men, sexual perverts.
been feeling bent cold lately, like a rolled iron loop-de-loop bitch, you know,
like a Coney Island roller coaster, curved in a leap of death, near the pier
pilings, rotting, wasted away from the salt tear drops of an unrelenting army
of a sea's vengeance, crewed by ocean soldiers, no memory, no pity, corroding
soul killers as old as ancient time. I’m
a lost smart-Alec cunt, lately that is, feeling leaderless, no general to guide
me. I’m usually very fucked up, in a good way, but not now, it feels bad this
time and that’s about it. I’ve been feeling like that ever since I seen the
kid, Cissy Smith, 13-year-old dead angel looking like a 98-pound dead, grey
block of lead, over there at the stainless table, in The ICE Tombs, at N. Vegas
Metro Homicide.
I dig it here, the dumpster world, my massive loft, just above Chang’s laundry,
levitating high above the gunshots that wrack this part of bad N. Las Vegas and
the garbage-strewn alleyways where the dead bodies splinter, decomposing near
the dumpsters, near the gang cribs, shoot-up houses, city block thug empires,
held, fought and died for tooth and nail, for no other reason at all, except that's
all they got and that's all they’re ever gonna get.
I wouldn't live anywhere else.
keep having these night terrors, you know, it’s summer, I’m on the boardwalk in
Coney. I’m from the East Coast, originally, know it, you know, snow cones, blood
as the neon that lights the coaster timbers, screeching iron wheels in the big
dip, near the cotton candy vendors and the bumps of the bumper cars. I keep
seeing this 13-year-old angel, white dress, white hair, showing up, then
vanishing, crowds, Ferris wheel, throw a dime on a dish and win a blue moose:
she’s there, then she’s not.
a summer night filled with strolling Chechen's, Uzbek’s, Russian mob guys out
of Perth Amboy, Brighton Beach, The Jersey Shore, ex-cannibals out of the
savage gulags of Siberia, shooting the water pistols for a pink teddy bear for
their screaming kids. It's a surreal world of death, life and pain, and
normally I dig that kind of vibe, but I can’t wake, claw my way out of this
nightmare thing, mostly cause a the kid keeps calling my name, you know.
Jane, Janie girl, come find me if you can.”
move through the crowds, filled with the usual suspects, ghetto gang- bangers,
street hitters, kinda dudes that chat it up with zip guns, duct-taped pistol grips
of Saturday Night Specials gone bad. The place is puissant with Wise Guys,
Mick’s, Greeks, gangster wannabees, Haitians, Hispanics of every ilk and duck-
tailed Puerto Rican pimps turning out their girlfriends for the street life,
and the hard men and bitches that run with them.
know I’m dreaming, can’t abort out, then I see those bare feet, a swish of a
white smock, white hair moving by the carrousel, wooden horses, camels,
elephants, kids on them, gold ring, if you’re quick, gangsters watching, proud,
and there she is again, moving out, and I follow her. I can smell her scent, it
smells like white cut roses, she’s still gaily calling me.
Janie, come find me.”
be a sweetie pie, if she wasn’t stone cold dead.
track her, out of the amusement park, see a light flash of her. I move past the
throngs strolling on the Board Walk, strollers, kids, dogs on leashes, tattoo
parlors, places selling Coney dogs, foot longs, mustard jars, relish if you
want it, kids are eating pink cotton candy, there she is, on the white sand,
moving towards the decaying pier, I follow.
Janie, come find me.”
can feel the sand, quenching between my toes, zingo, she’s gone, underneath the
pier, some guys dropping lines in the salt, above me, guess they don’t mind
mackerel stuffed full of Mercury. I can smell her, there’s that flower scent
again. It’s kinda dark under the pier, salt water on my toes, as I move into
little blond girl, in the shadows, don’t blame her, lights are bright in the
Ice Tombs. I see her, I think, and then my mind goes bright, illuminating her,
my eyes dead bolt open, as the light, that fucking light exposes her, the new
smiling, and she’s white, dead paste white, naked, purple, red cat-gut holding
her tiny womb together, her forehead is missing, brains spilling out like
worms, stacked in her hands is a bouquet of burning black flowers. Why the fuck
is she smiling at me, as I try to suck air into my thundering lungs, can’t
stand, fall to my knees, salt water, not the sea, spilling down my cheeks. I
raise my arms to her. I want to hold her, protect her and then she whispers to
me, driving a bullet through my heart.
Jane, why Jane couldn’t you protect me? Why did you let them do this to me?”
lips mumble, tremor, body vibrating, I shriek, bend, pound the sand with my
fists, then I wake, in my loft, the skylights high above, it is raining, eyes
stark like bullet casings, hyperventilating, terrified, irate, slapping at my
bruised face with my hands, clawing at
it, trying to rip her face out of my brain. My two zipper dogs stare at me, 3
cats too, Stella and Stanley my gold fish at the glass, hoping I don’t self-immolate
in flames.
stay alive because they love me and I love them.
dead angel with burning wings was my last case. I couldn’t save her, but I’m
already down the ABC’s of men and a woman that did this thing to her. Two I
already put in a coffin, there are more, I’m working down the list.
evolution will come full circle, it always does.
moves, I calm, it’s a Zen thing, reach to an old pine table, love English
antiques, next to my old iron rung bed, can barely get a Marlboro out a the
pack, do, find my Zippo, tough girl stuff, my image, am so sick of image, light
it up, shove it between my bruised lips, ribs, black swollen eye, broken nose.
Eddie Jett the ex-rocker pervert that butchered the kid did that to me when I
took him down. He left me beat to hell, but the real pain comes from the
futility in my mind.
wince, drag, watch the smoke filter thirty feet up to my skylights, rain
banging on them, get it together, just a bit, throw the white down comforter
back, then groan, seeing all the blue welts, black and blue, on my no breasts,
tiny tummy, legs, arms, and the two red dot Taser dots on one small tit, just
like the ones on Cissy over there at the cop’s morgue.
nightmares, they mean something, I think they’re telling me I have to do
something, something else with my crapped-up life. I love who I am, toe to toe
with life, take no prisoners, rumble, mix it up, generous with the poor, I
give, but maybe not enough. I screw the pooch, get a beat down, so what, but
it’s a fucking honest life, my life.
look around my five-thousand-foot loft, it’s filled with the stuff I love, pine
floors, grooved, pegged, sanded, did it myself. English pine everywhere, armoire’s,
tables, benches, over-stuffed couch, with leaf green cushions, Persian rugs on
the floor, big bay windows showing the Vegas Strip, lights off in the distance.
Antique lamps, one a Tiffany, a Dom Nancy, another a Handel, others from the
twenties, strung beads falling down the base, blown colored glass, vases,
flowers, got this sweet Hispanic doll of a cleaning lady, Armida. She brings
flowers, puts water in the vases, makes my clothes clean, puts tulips in my old
vases, makes the place nice, she even feeds Stella and Stanley, my gold fish,
puts out the chow for my two dogs, three cats, probably the only thing I will
allow myself to love, my animals.
to fall in love from the numerous girls I fuck, that’s how fucked up I am.
a stuff about me, folks in Vegas don’t know.
a white queer girl, was a vacuous beauty doll once, not really by choice, just
to see what was what, you know, use what you have, still have pics of me when I
was a young shallow thing. I glance at them sometimes, you know, just to
remember when I could break a girl down from a single glance from my blues,
still do of course, have an insatiable sex drive, try not to mix work with sex,
fail sometimes. Am a pro, which is important.
I love fucking girls, eating pussy, was a shallow free bird once, until I woke
up, got out of the self-induced coma I was in.
is an ass-fuck thing, so what, so temporary, do fucking something with your
life, except tweaking your eyebrows, doing your nails, mirror gazing, ya know,
feel, hurt, help the disenfranchised, the poor, the homeless, that’s what I try
to do.
someone besides yourself. I’m really, really trying to be that girl, I really
time to kick it, avoiding my duty, my pleasure, to make things right for the
dead kid.
feel like Manny Pachio thumped on me all night, can barely peek-a-boo out of my
swollen right eye, cuts all over me, every bone, 2 semi-cracked ribs, muscle,
aches, really aches, every time I move, which turns me on, geez Jane, just get
yourself committed.
eaten in three days, thought of maybe a donut, maybe one with pink sprinkles on
it, am down to 116, that’s even thin for 5-10 moi, secretly I love it, still
fighting the eating disorder wars, once binged, purged, wanted my smile intact,
gave it up, smart thing to do, teeth are important.
the dead kid got me thinking, why I can’t commit, why I can’t fall, you know in
love, egads, it’s hard to get that word past my lips. You know, get something
real in my life besides my beloved gold fish, my pooches, my meows, but I
cringe thinking one day my gold fishes, flip on their sides, their bug eyes
opaque, like Cissy’s.
detest myself right now, self-pity, questioning who I am, needy, pathetic, and
almost crippled, for my body feels like it got hit by an ice crème truck, aches
everywhere, sore, inside and out.
really could use some softness in my life, maybe a little love, gag thinking of
that word. I feel girlish. Pleeeease, geessh I’m blubbering, maybe I need love,
I don’t know, but something meaningful, TLC for real, man I hope this mood
jets, like real soon.
I got to get out of this damn bed, didn’t sleep, checked for the pea under my
mattress, no pea, so I move, wince, jeesh.
feet on the floor, face in my hands, “Ow, ow, ow” I stand, weave, blink, “Ow”
even that hurts, grab a smoke, fire her up with my guy Zippo, inhale. I’m
smoking more lately, who cares, decide to skip the gym, riding my bike, move a
few steps, my ankle hurts like fuck, look down, its swollen, when in the hell
did that happen?
limp to my armoire, full length mirror, groan looking at me, which mimics the
white smoke trailing to the ceiling, thin, wispy-ish, cut short white hair, giant
green eyes. I love making up words, wispy-ish, tee-hee, unconstructed of form,
pale and pallid, this is as thin as I’ve been in a long time, fuck I look like
a teenage boy, sans acne.
I still get carded when I go to the liquor store.
INSIDE, not really bitching about that.
little steps, I turn, limpidly dick click across my loft, move into the shower,
bathroom, I built myself. Went to Home Depot, talked to this cool geek, love
geeks, was one, still am, just hiding in this shallow eco-skeleton of gorgeous
skin, sure does me a lot of fucking good. Which reminds me, I’ve promised ME,
that I am going to work on my potty mouth, you know, make me a new girl, a
better girl.
know for sure that I’m going to fucking work on that.
bought me some home improvement books, a tool belt, two actually, if you
include my handy dandy sex tool belt.
Chang’s pickup truck, love that dude, rustled up some Mexican honchos, love
those folks, speak fluent Spanish, they appreciated that, I’m kind a proud of
that. Loaded Chang’s banger, tiles, lumber, all the stuff, then had the Mexican
guys drag it upstairs, gave them two hundred bucks in tips, got those white
smiles, fuck where would America be without them?
I was done, I looked like a frosted sugar donut, shit all over me, but look,
she’s a beauty, huge stall, black tiles, grey tiles edging all of it, as well
as two stripes of grey tiles, double brass nozzles, two teak benches, lots of
room to wiggle my tiny toes.
like to sit when I shower, masturbate, jerk off, (Jill off?) love the feeling
of hot water after I’ve forgotten to bathe for a week, shave under my arms, it’s
always a girl retreat for me, you know shave the legs, clean up down there, had
that lasered, so that’s never a problem. Got a toothbrush, some shampoo, you
know in those plastic squirt bottles, some soap on a rope, and now, MAN, that
hot water feels just so fine.
I always
love washing blood offa my body
with good manners do that, I know I do.
of the shower, feel better, a little, ankle totally Whammoed, grab a black
towel, have them layered in the black cabinet I made, black, grey, black, grey,
looks cool.
the steam from the mirror, lean in, groan, my eye looks like a black and blue
mushroom cap, lips swollen, cut, eye brow too, Eddie Jett packed a punch, think
of Eddie, wonderin’ how he’s getting along with his new coyote amigos in the
desert wonderland I planted him in, don’t know, am sure it will all work out in
the end.
out of the bathroom, “Ow” my ankle, move to a pine armoire, avoid mirror
gazing, grab a pair of cut at the ankle white dance leotards, Danskin, pull
them on like a second skin, grab a white hoodie. I’m into white this morn, feel
all virginish, all new and such.
it on, exhale, hear the rain smacking the skylights, need coffee, it’s cold out
this morning, limp to my kitchen, same deal, black, grey tiles, big pine
chopping block, four gas burners set in it, cabinets, stainless steel sink.
can’t cook for fuck, moi built all of it, there’s that horrible, horrible
vanity again.
to my coffee machine, pop the lid, put one of those white things in, move to
this stainless towering fridge, GE, I think I mentioned that, wizards there
make great stuff, open it, groan. I see two ancient cartons of Chinese takeout,
dim sum something, noodle zingo something, see the green kiss has arrived;
groan again.
grab a can of coffee, Brazilian, back to the coffee machina, that’s Mexican for
machine, load her up, hit the button, lean against the chopping block, watch
the drip, drip, drip of the golden-brown life-saving liquid as it fills the
my “JANE is RAD” coffee cup, had it made special at this little souvenir clinic
over there, across the street from the Venetian, they do t-shirts too, you know
like with “Shit Happens in Vegas” stenciled on them, boy does it ever.
I said, I’m in one of those chill moods, so I limp out of the kitchen, grab my
smokes, Zippo, the one with the Jar Head insignia on it. I move to this set of
double massive ceiling-to-edge bay windows, set into the chassis of the loft,
facing the alley, and another artist’s loft, two-story affair just about a
hundred feet from mine, alley separating both of us.
open the windows, the cold feels good on my face, rain is sweet, rare in Vegas,
set my tiny, sore ass on the stoop, bring my knees to my chin, light a smoke,
sip my Joe, then take a peek-a-boo at a very magical place, the open window at
this African-artist-goddess’s loft across the alley from me, more about her in
a sec.
glance left, look down the alley, no dead bodies, no crack whores, that’s good,
then see the once-vacant lot, where a Mexican circus has staked their claim to
a piece of Vegas sod. Showed up a coupla months ago, economy had tanked, and
they somehow got a license, guess some commerce is better than nothing. They
threw up the red, white tents, lots a games, booths, you know, throw a ring on
a coke bottle, roll a softball, make tic, tac, toe, something only some grand
yogi from Tibet could do, no harm, no foul.
got this miniature Ferris wheel, lots of neon blinking, a loop de loop, kids
puking, screaming, having a hoot, a pony ride, I think they’re ponies, not like
the kind I see at the track. But, the kids like them, guess that’s what counts.
moseyed over there one night, lots of Hispanic kids, parents, tios and tias,
the Hispanic community is tight, God, religion, family, food, never can figure
out what all the brew ha ha is about these fine people. They’re the backbone of
this racist nation, won’t go into that now, though I can go off on the subject
at the drop of a Peso.
a blind elephant, that fucker could eat some peanuts, also a camel, two humps,
not three, some sheep, goats, a llama, a donkey, in a pen, they call it a Kids
Zoo, don’t know about that. They had a lion in a cage, he seemed like most of
the residents in Vegas, pissed, stoned, wasn’t roaring, just kept pacing back
and forth, leering through the bars, big yellow eyes, angry eyes. Thought of
sneaking over there late at night, springing him, get him a one-way ticket back
to Zimbabwe, make him happy, maybe fuck the other girl lions, something like
that, but didn’t.
got a thing for clowns, and it is not a good thing, they give me the spooks,
you know, grown men, make up, sandals, wearing funny clothes, hangin’ with
little boys and girls, making them laugh, touchy feely stuff.
that’s it, I get it, that’s where all those defrocked Catholic Priests go,
after they get bounced from the parish after they get caught with their frocks
down around their ankles. Don’t know why I never put two and two together
before, makes perfect sense to me. Anyway, back to the black artist Ghanian
goddess across the alley.
secret, I have this sexual current running non-stop through my blood veins,
complicated as they are all trying to connect to my cunt, a screaming Mimi,
hey, that's funny, fuck even that hurts when I
giggle, for I'm tired of jacking off lately in my new blue mood, where
did I put my hand gun.
I have to get out of this self-pity abyss.
though, there is only one woman I want to fuck me blind, well a few girl types,
you know like Glenda the stunning young tattooed Goth check-stand doll at The
Bent Club, but that didn’t count, because well, she was Glenda.
could eat pussy like some kinda Belize jungle Jaguar that just chased down a
Boa and that did go a long way with me. I did go nuts, when we rolled in the
sheets a few days ago.
course, that's her, the artist across the way, over there in another two-story
loft, top floor, Kiko, is that a cool name, a black sculptress, stone and
granite, marble too, welder artist woman so obsidian black beautiful she melts
my mind. She’s corded muscles, thin, shaved head, about 6ft 1, maybe 140, white
teeth like the marble she blasts her chisel into. She has this tribal scarring
on her face, back, fuck, I wet up just watching her, which I do every moment I
showed up about a year and a half ago, which was a very good thing, voyeurs,
god I’m ashamed to say I am, but I am, there said it, are sick girls. I mean I
don’t sneak around looking in windows, you know like Chang down stairs at the
launder mat.
think I would die dead seeing Chang fucking Seshi, I know they do it, four kids
to prove it, but some things are better left to my imagination, like what Kiko
would look like totally naked.
not like the fucking God woman doesn't have a boat load of female beauty type
girly-girls hanging around her cut, muscled bod. Christ I've seen them come and
go, come and go, none of their tooth brushes ever stay the night, see the dawn.
often lay in my bed at night, windows open, listening to Monk, Miles and Cole
Porter creaming across the expanse from her loft, making the summer cool,
bearable, nice for me. Christ, I love that black girl, really I do, cringe as
that word again clanks like an anvil to the floor.
on Kiko Later.
finished my smoke, gotta snooze, more updates in a bit, will dream about Kiko
tonight, YAWN, I’m out.
hoooo, boooohooo hooo”, just kidding.
passes, it always does, hidy, Jane, been feeling pretty good lately, lots a
reasons for that scenario.
here on my window stoop, again, big window doors slotted open above my alley,
smoking a smoke, sipping a tulip of Burgundy, French of course. I’m feeling
summer coming, you know, like that purgatory haunt, that place those bent
catholic priests always told the kids they were going to burn in for weenie
wackin’ after they watched that Paris Hilton porn tape, for the bizillionth
a little sad, but not really, no Monk coming from Kiko’s loft, the place is
locked down solid, you know like Mother Teresa’s womb. Like magnets, we hooked
up one rainy night, she staring at me across the loft expanse, curling her
finger at me.
is so fly, I was helpless, obeyed, me figurin’ I’d be the good little passive
girl for the moment.
an eager puppy, I hippity-hopped right over there, and even my body was bruised
and beat to Sodom, we had sex for like, a week, and I may have fallen in love,
a no no no for me.
one moment we almost used one of those Amazon drone thingies to same day drop
off a gallon of K-Y Jelly, but we made it through.
she got me off the hook, by exiting stage left.
off to London, the trendy wharfs, to show off her statue at a private show of
her bling, cool thing, one being gorgeous half women/dolphin holding a world
globe on her head, stunning that. Then she skipped off to West Africa to see
her kid brother. He’s another brilliant wedge of white teeth, black skin, and
big brains. Helped her crate her thing up between volcanic sex and many dildos
were involved.
used a lot of bubble wrap, not for sex, though I did think of her wrapping it
around my head as she fucked me, but to pack her art, love that stuff, can sit
and pop ’em for hours, don’t know why.
been going swell with Kiko, for the last weeks or so. I guess we’re girlfriends,
me still the girl, she being the fella, found some feminine traits I had lost,
but it’s just role playing, me being still a hard doll, more like me every day,
not in her arms though, it’s been a hoot.
sex is nuclear, we throw the word love around, a bit, you know, cum, sweat,
gritted teeth, torrid, banshee insane, lots of fist fucking and such, say
anything when a gal is like that. But, we know it’s a kinda love, the only kind
two super independent, genius savages can have, and that’s all good with us, no
owner ship, lots a down time from each other.
really does make the heart grow fonder, but I do miss her.
I’m nursing my wounds, on down throttle, waiting to sew up this Cissy case.
Meaning there still are men responsible for the little girl’s murder.
will take care of that soon, big fucking time.
got my new Smith & Wesson catalogue, that’s it right there next to my bare
feet on the ledge. Sent me a calendar too, big sucker, put it up in my PI
office, had this babilicious doll on it, g-string, huge tits, Dow Chemical made
‘em, lots a blond bottle hair, hard body. She had these two cartridge
bandoliers, 9 MM slugs in it, I think, covering her tits.
was holding a 50 caliber semiautomatic Saw, Seal rifle, near her collagen lips,
a coded message there for the guys. You know, (buy this machine gun, this girl
will suck your cock). It’s the most powerful weapon in the world, might get
one, though the recoil could break my wrist; gotta ask my Seal buddy at the gun
range about that.
giggle again, cause my toes are sneaking out of my most fav faded Levis, broke
my promise, didn’t get rid of them, even though they were blue, like Cissys
dead fingernails. They’re just too comfy, am sure Cissy would understand. I
think of her blue fingernail I found in the freezer of the guy who raped her,
then murdered her.
still have that, part of my plan for later.
got ripped up knees, gained two pounds, now 118, so they’re not falling off my
stick hips, that’s good, feel warm, cozy in my black hoodie, no virgin white
while my girlfriend is away, I’m saving that for her.
No. No. NO…Geeesh, no girlfriends Jane, pleeeease.” I mumble to myself.
riding my Japanese mountain bike to Gold’s gym again, pumping iron, watching
these young tricked-out show girls, boys too, running on treadmills, doing
Pilates, a zillion crunches, lifting weights, trying to keep the grim reaper of
age from killing them with his sythe, which of course fails, for he always gets
YA in the end.
time I was there, I was forced to take care of a little bidness, you know for
Sandy at the reception desk, a real looker, who I totally dig, and she digs me
too, vanity again, eeeks, I love it, why not. The manager Todd there, a pal
too, loves my mojo, geez, can’t help if everybody loves moi, I’m just loveable,
can’t help it.
a sweet stud, and runs a tight ship, and he’s put these signs up everywhere,
that say, “Please don’t drop yer weights.”
reasonable to me, but there always has to be this GUY, you know the type you
always see strutting around the gym like a cock-a-doddle doo rooster.
always about a 5ft 5, or 6, pumped up on steroids to about 175 LBS, always
decked out in the latest gym togs ya get over there at the Sports Authority,
great place, got my tennies there. They’re always lifting big, black iron and
such, grunting, screaming out shit, then slamming down the barbells on the
black rubber mats, huge thuds, gym rattles, then they bang their chests, pose
in the mirror.
they’re looking at, but don’t know, is a real asshole.
Todd talk him up, Sandy too, he blew them off, did a fuck you whatever thing,
went back and did it again. I want to go over, kick him in the nuts, grab him
buy the ear, slap him to the mat, get in his face, and say something like, “Fucking
wake up, read the signs, try to be a decent fucking human being for the first
time in yer life”, but I don’t, cause I respect Todd and Sandy.
chit-chatted up Sandy last time, she said the dead beat was late on his rent,
wish they could do something about it, but lawyers and such, everybody litigates
for anything these days, said I got it, maybe I could help. She smiled, gave me
the secret decoder Buck Rogers hand shake, we were on the same page.
I lit up my Apple machine, Photo Shopped up a picture of the gym, made this
bogus card stock, and then wrote him this note.
you fucking ego maniacal little dwarf, (Nothing against dwarfs, there cool
people too) get off the juice, grow your tiny dick back, stop dropping the
weights, WAKE THE FUCK UP and get a life, or we’re going to bury ya under a
cactus in the desert.”
signed it the LVPD.
was obviously bogus, so I covered my bud’s ass at the gym and well, me being
real sneaky at times, slid it through the crack of his locker, went and straddled
a stationary bicycle, peddled a little, then just waited.
immediately texted my cop buddies in the parking lot.
human plant went off, went insane, came out of the locker wearing a white
towel, dripping water, screaming at Todd, Sandy, threatened to kill them,
everybody else in the gym, just as two plain clothes “Bulls” from N. Vegas Vice
walked in the door.
best friend is Lieutenant Victor Garcia, Las Vegas N. Metro. Cops call their
lieutenants LOU.
told him about my little situation at the gym, he said, no problema, Janie.
had the Bulls parked outside, ready Betty to go.
know me, I know them, they love my street creds.
these two huge black cops, decked out in kickback Armani saw what was going
down, tried to calm the fuckwad, he called them “Pigs” might a whispered the
no-no word Nigger and you know, he’s got rights and such. Well, the cops kinda
smiled, and then chopped him into kindling wood, real hard like.
don’t like being called “Pigs”, don’t blame them.
then levitated him, one on each arm, his towel fell off, and there were lots of
giggles, for I was right, the guy’s dick looked like a licorice stick, the
juice does that to a punk.
called a blue and white, threw him behind the cage, cuffed him, got some
hosannas from Sandy and Todd, went in to slaps on the back, lifted iron, seemed
happy about everything, for once again they had set the rebalance back to life.
course, I got tons of gratitude from Sandy and Todd, said aw that ain’t
nothing. Two days later Sandy told me the puke had about a million warrants out
for his arrest, and I guess she and Todd got a gold star on their work sheets,
that made me glow.
gave both hard working kids envelopes with 500 bucks each, you know, just in
case I had caused any problems.
like it when good things happen to good people.
I’ve been thinking a lot about life lately, you know, what I do, why I do it,
Cissy did that for me. I try to be a good person, don’t run red lights, litter,
got these blue trash recycle containers, put cans, plastic bottles in some,
card board in others, try to help the poor, which reminds me, got to take the
fifteen grand Flick’s bounty, a monster Lesbian with a bounty on her head I
took down the other night at The Bent Club over there to the homeless shelter,
run by this stud, real good lookin’ priest named Father Bob. He’s a Jake guy,
like him a lot, ditto, he likes me too, feel good about that.
never lie, well almost never, you know, Chang’s wife down there at the laundry
might ask me for an update on her new hair doo, that looks like she’s got a
coven of crazed bats nesting in it. I smile, say something like, gee Seshi,
(that’s Mandarin for totally fucking insane) ya look great, lost ten years,
gotta give me your hair dresser’s name, which makes her feel pretty good, me
too, nothing wrong with a little white lie, nothing wrong with that at all.
what’s really got me wired, is the really ghastly men, women I take down, me
being the fixer of such things and all, and why I do it, came to the decision,
if I don’t, who in the fuck will. Figured it’s a Kafkaesque world now, spooky,
eerie, lots of evil, up means down, vice-versa.
figured most of it out and everything is just too fucking politically correct,
makes no common sense at all.
sick, perverted old degenerate, living in an Air Stream outside of Tulsa,
eating beans out of a can, steals some sweet little kid, terrorizes them,
brutalizes them, rapes them, then puts them to bed alive in a homemade coffin
next to his double-wide.
fucks up because he’s run out of crystal meth, the cops get him, he spills the
beans, than fucking what? The system swoops down, they lawyer him up, get a
bunch of psych heads, show ‘em some ink blots, have him touch his nose with his
finger, ask him if his dog died when he was a kid, hold his fucking hand, cop
an insanity plea bargain. Then, the puke goes to a fed lockup, gets three hots
and a cot, hangs with other vermin, lifts weights, plays B-ball, watches Oprah,
and has never been happier in his life.
that don’t fix it, for who’s talking for the kid? Who’s holding the kid’s dead
cold hand, like I did with Cissy’s? And, what about the parents, they don’t get
an all included paid vacay to Danbury, they get a life of pain, tears, grief
and nightmares, just ask John Walsh about that.
why I took Eddie Jett down, like I did.
it was violent, even gruesome, use that word, cause this doll I know, real
bright light named Fawn, met her at some party one night, turned me on to it
when I was pissed off about all those little girls wearing vest bombs over
there in Iraq. You know, in a coma, pushed, prodded by the elders, then blowing
themselves up in a fire ball of shame.
didn’t quite get it. I was ranting, and she said, chill Jane, it’s a party,
don’t be so gruesome. I went off because I figured someone should stand up for
the kids, tell their story of pain, for what’s more gruesome than some little
girl vaporizing herself for no reason at all, that’s another story, never a
pretty story, to be told later.
chide myself for going off, again, back to why I do what I do.
I like it, I like fisticuffs, testing myself, mano e mano stuff, fucking
dangerous, and do this thing cause someone has to stand up, like I did against
Bobby O’Brien and Eddie Jet,t the deviants responsible for slicing up a 13-year-old
has to say enough is enough, and yeah, it’s ultra-violent, ugly, messy at
times, but I don’t do it because I’m a sadist. I do it because if I don’t, who
will, there.
my fucking duty to do it.
SAID, there’s still more to report.
after Eddie Jett, I was hurting, big time, then I was kickin’ it with Kiko. Hey
Kickin it with Kiko. LOL, hey I like that, could be a rap song, you know.
it with Kiko, in mah crib, she’s my Ho, she’s my Ho, she’s my Ho” sounds like the
dudes, NWA (Nigger’s With Attitude) got all their CD’s, will roll with their
sound later, can’t wait.
moi, thoughts of pay-back and visitin’ the other doc, you know the guy who made
an omelet out of my little girl’s frontal lobes. I wanted none of it, just
because I was exhausted, enjoying the mud wrestling with my black godly stud
woman. But time heals all wounds, or most of them, and after many days, me
having my womb rearranged by Kiko and those powerful black fingers, and those
lips, I’m swooning.
felt it was time to roll, get it right with my little dead girl.
then called Lieutenant Garcia, my best friend, turned out the murdered kid’s
drug-addled dad and mom to him, Ginger and Bobby were their names.
Garcia was grateful for that, got a judge warrant, took the bulls, busted them
bold, got Bobby out of the hospital. I had earlier put two psssst psssst
Beretta rounds into his knee caps, as Garcia dragged him and Ginger to the
white room. They blasted a bright light in their faces, yelled at them, a lot,
got Ginger to roll over on Bobby, got the DA down there to slap a conspiracy
Murder One on their deranged faces.
worked out pretty good.
Garcia got another merit badge, an upgrade to head guy of his own division,
looks like Captain next. Lou really owed me, but we never keep abacuses on that
kinda stuff, we’re family, cops and me, don’t ever know when I will need a
favor from Lou. He sent me a thank you note too, for the pink teddy bear for
his kid I Fed Expressed to him, that’s the kinda guy Lou is.
didn’t take long for me to sober up, had that itch, you know the kind, that you
can’t get rid of, even if you got one of those Bangkok souvenir thingy’s at the
airport, your know, a hand on a bamboo stick that says “Thanks for fuckin’ our
twelve year old girls, come back soon” on it.
finally had to rent Earl again, like a U-Haul from King, who wouldn’t take a
my other best friend, a super duper stud black gang king pin, who runs most of
the turf in N. Vegas.
on King later.
was all grins for me, remembering how I had planted the fifteen Gee’s in his
blood-soaked apron in the desert as he cut every limb and digit off of Eddie
Jett, last to go were his dick and balls, with a hack saw, tin snips, etc. over
weeks. All attended by this meth-ravaged doctor I know with a sewing machine,
you know, to keep him alive, real slow and all and frankly, I was glad to roll
with Earl again.
2, the guy who cut Cissys womb from her body, was a real degenerate, obviously,
a real piece of work, all smoke and fractured mirrors. He lived in this mansion
over near The Flamingo, off the Strip, a real pillar of society, you know,
selling coke, oxycontin, steroids to the rich fucks of Vegas, a real semi-celebrity,
a card-carrying, god-fearing member of the new racist, anti-LGBTQ, immigrant,
woman, pro-Nazi and Klan Republican Party.
guys are so fucked up, I won’t go there.
Mike Pence wants to put millions of queers like me in fucking conversion camps,
you know, to terrorize the gay out of us.
got a lot of stuff to do, but you can put the pieces of that fucked up puzzle
remember, it’s 2017 not 1917 any longer.
I didn’t want to kill the doc that cut Cissy’s womb outta her body, but I
didn’t want him to scoota-roo on some cruise ship to Barbados.
Earl’s got this nifty 34-inch Louisville Slugger black baseball bat, a Rod
Carew I think, and we cruised over there in his black SUV, tinted windows and
such, havin’ a good time, all ghetto and such, grooving,’ be-boppin’, singin’,
gettin’, it up with some Biggie Smalls rap, Mr. Notorious himself.
trust nobody: your moms’ll set that ass up, properly gassed up-Hoodie to mask
up, shit, for that fast buck: she be lyin’ in the bushes to light that ass up.”
stuff and then found his fancy-dancy neighborhood he was slimed in. The street
looked like a line of whore houses, rich, opulent, earth, an acre here and there,
walled gates, the usual bullshit of wealth, hide and seek, peek-a-booing out of
the venetian blinds before you get in the Bentley. You know, making sure some
dark-skinned Mexican or black guy isn’t waitin’ fer ya with a piece a pipe, to
high jack yer stuff, that you ripped off from the hard-working backs of a naïve
American people.
Jane, lighten the fuck up, OK.
had this black iron-barred jail ringing the “out house” about ten feet tall,
but no problema for me amigo and moi.
figured the gate was hard wired, an alarm and such, so holding a bouquet of
red, blue and yellow helium balloons, you know that kind that makes yer voice
sound like Wayne Newton’s, and wearing my black sex leather hip huggers, Chang
got all the blood off a them, a skin tight red sleeveless body shirt, showin’
off the muscles in my arms again, I’m hopeless, I know. I scampered up on
Earl’s aircraft carrier shoulders. I hopped the fence, landed on my steel-toed
boots, smiled as Earl, like a fucking black Panther furrowed over the wall,
landing right next to me, huge smile on his lips.
I mention Earl is six-foot-six or eight, shaved head, skin the color of an
Ebonite bowling ball, bout 280 lbs, pure muscle, gold teeth, a true he-man in
every sense.
course, I had a plan, having no dummy in me, and knowing that men think with
their dicks first, and me being so cute, adorable and so irresistible and such,
we moved through the park like setting, towards the front door of the fucking
we got near the front door, and pretty much knowing that there were CCTV
cameras somewhere, we did some whispering. Earl got lucky, found a shrub big
enough to hide behind, about six feet from the door. And me, well I stripped
off my top, took a red ribbon from my pocketess, love The Lord of the Rings,
tied it around my no tits, held the balloons real high like. I walked to the
front door, played ultimate bimbo to the hilt, heard country music coming from
the house, won’t go there, then hit that little button, and then smiled real
slutty like, no problema.
I am
slut, while the little bell went ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling ding.
what could go wrong, I’m me, cherub-looking, in a sexed-up way, a gorgeous
twist, all skinny, semi naked and all, and I figured if I’m not on the camera,
then he’s gonna be looking through the peep hole, seeing a knock-out blondie,
holding party balloons, a red ribbon tied around her, probably a present from
one of his degenerate show biz buddies. I also figured, he ain’t gonna question
how I got here, cause the dick theory comes into play, always, which always
supersedes any common sense any asshole has left in his brain.
the door cracks open, I am not surprised.
60-year-old Vegas degenerate. Body turned to suet, 6ft-2, flapping jowls on a
burnt-brown face. Capped white teeth, dyed black Elvis hair as I see these sick
vacuous eyes leering past this little door chain, which Earl could chew
through, if he had an inkling to do so.
I think I mentioned I never fib, but this is one of those special occasions, so
I did, and it went something like this.
are you, I’m Jennifer, what a ya want, yer doc Phillips, right, yeah, well blue
eyes, I’m yer party treat for the night, Wayne sent me, Wayne, yeah, you like
balloons don’t ya, yeah, well what ya waitin’ for good looking, you want to
fuck me, or not.”
rolled the cubes, figured he knew Wayne Newton one way or the other, but it
didn’t really matter, he was a goner at “Hello” and the cubes rolled good, on
the green felt.
chain moved, the door opened, and then he was surprised, not in that I’m a
lucky guy way, but in a bad way. For, lurking there, patting a hand that looked
like twenty pounds of Chorizo with a ball bat, was the biggest, baddest,
frightening, scariest nigger he had ever seen, just like the kind he had built
that prison wall to keep out of his fucked up, privileged life.
with a continual loop of a DVD of the dead Cissy on the gurney running in my
head and my manic state now red lining, well:
sounded like that, as I viciously skull-fucked doc’s nose with my forehead. I
saw those little stars, a good thing, for I was irate, savage, to say the
least. With blood spurting through his fingers, I smiled as he stumbled
backwards into a wall, blood squirting out from between his out stretched
fingers, gurgling about something.
Judo and Karate Black belts, did the stroll, then grabbed two fingers, leered
at him like a fucking King Cobra and, then violently ripped his fingers down,
breaking them in half like broken pretzels.
screamed some bee-yotch response, me feeling his warm blood on my tits from the
eruption from his bloody mouth.
ripped a tuft of dyed hair back, leered into his screaming eyes and whispered
through the smoke boiling past my lips.
fucked up Mengela, ya killed my girl.”
gurgle, gurgle.” He said.
I screamed, just barely hanging on.
winced as his eyes looked like dinner plates, and I felt like my brain was
melting, and unable to help myself, I brought my steel toed boot down on his
arch, shattering it.
screams, as I leered at him pretty much going now on rote, for it felt like
Fulminated Mercury was eating my brain.
I had seen Cissy’s dead body at the Police morgue, I whispered into her dead
don’t worry sweetie, you let Janie take care of it now. I’ll make it right.”
I always keep
my promises.
it fucking right indeed.
I levitated him up by those two fingers, released them, then with a straight
fist Karate punch, Bam, bam, bam, bammed his chest as I slammed him into the
wall. He leered at me mumbling something, his eyes like eye bolts staring at
his fingers.
I shrieked
then viciously kicked him the nuts. He screamed, bent at the waist, just in
time for me to bring up my knee, decimating his nose, AGAIN.
heard a woosh, as more blood splattered on my face and bod, as he fell to the
floor, groaning and weeping.
well I can’t tell ya.
I looked
at Earl, who smiled at me. I smiled back.
then, you know giving out the silent baseball signs, you know, grab yer balls,
pull yer ear, blow yer nose, dragged doc by his shoe laces like a bag of
turnips into the living room.
like my entire mind and body was incased in Napalm, I followed.
then went to the plate, got no bunt sign, as Earl nodded at me to swing away. I
straddled Doc, sat on his chest, and then went blood lust insane as I shrieked,
my spittle splattering his face.
Boom, “MURDERED.” Boom, “MY.” Boom,
“GIRL.” Boom,
his face with my fists, I then went completely manic, screamed and howled and
the only thing that saved Doc, as I was covered in his blood, was Earl dragging
me off a him, me howling like a she-wolf, my crazed eyes looking like fucking
was fucking beautiful.
calmed me, which I was grateful for. Somewhere in the mayhem, we chatted to
Doc, found he was the last link in the chain, that was good. Didn’t want more
blood on my hands, then took a hot shower, felt better, put on a pair of black
leather gloves, returned to the party.
was tired of it, killers buyin’ lawyers, you know like OJ.
also I mentioned this before, didn’t want doc DOA, because I had other plans,
better plans for the deviant. I figured once we got the final poop on what he
did to the kid, I mean did he have help slaughtering a 13-year-old girl, I’d
call Lieutenant Garcia at N. Vegas Metro Homicide.
figured once convicted and in a Fed Lockup, those Arian Brotherhood guys at the
pen, with tattooed tears on their eyeballs, named Luther, Orvis, and Arvan,
love guys who fuck up kids. I figured why snuff him, when he could get his ass
blistered, reamed out for the rest of his life, probably drive an M-Rap in his
asshole by the dudes in the Brotherhood.
It was the right
thing to do, I figured.
feeling all attritious and so benevolent, I guess, I had Earl duct-tape him to
a chair, gag him. I was up, so I took the b-ball bat and KAPOWED him.
POP rang through the night, his screams too, both of his knee caps exploded,
and by gosh I was right.
gave up the truth, for the second time, two is always better than one, stories
matched as he mumbled through his blood-soaked mouth, that didn’t look right,
so a BOOMED him in his mouth with Rod’s bat, and like dice on the craps table
green felt, his fake teeth tinkled, tinkled to the floor.
another winner.
felt better after that.
nosed around, found a couple of steamer trunks, lots of Louis Vuitton matching
luggage, need a herd of African porters to get the stuff to the airport, a 1st
class ticket to Rio, a pic of the doc, sitting on a 65ft Bertram Motor yacht,
some brown-skinned Brazilian, stunning honey giving him a pink drink, little
blue paper umbrella in it.
looked happy, I kept the pic, liked the girl, would tack it to the wall of my
PI office mas listo.
like nice memories.
can be sentimental that way.
around some more, found a Halliburton aluminum briefcase, had 100 thousand
large in it, gave half to Earl, figured I’d add my half to the fifteen large I
was gonna give to father Bob, well what could be better than that.
hugged me out, almost broke my back, he was one happy God Man, couldn’t help
thinkin' about his dick, how beautiful must that be.
bad bad queer girl.
back to good girl time now, benched that thought, snuck around some more, as
doc moaned, groused, bitched something about needing a dentist in the living
a bunch of colored cardboard bank boots, red, blue, yellow like my balloons.
Saw that doc had millions squirreled away, Swiss, Caymans, Panama, Bermuda,
have some of my loot in the Caymans.
a computer geek buddy of mine, works for the IRS, take him about five minutes,
all the bank codes were there too, to wire the dough anywhere I want for a
coupla grand of course. Rescued his teen-age daughter from a drug dealer, he
was thankful for that.
I’ll drop
some serious coin on him, always do,
love smart guys who bend the rules at times.
fan of those Whale Guys, keeping those bastard heathens in Japan from killing
the most elegant and largest creatures to ever habitat the earth, “Sea Shepherds
Society” that’s their name. Already sent them a hundred grand, got a nice TY
note back, an invite for a sit down dinner on the boat. I declined, figured
they didn’t need my skinny ass prancing around, me knowing what a distraction
that can be, especially I figure for sailors, they being away from TRIM for so
long, so far out to sea.
idea, I’ll send a mil of Doc’s slag over there, know Doc would have been proud
of that, sprinkle, sprinkle the rest around to various charities, feel good
about that.
I found this like, binder hidden in a shoe box in the closet. I didn’t want to
open it, seeing my head felt like it had a hive of hornets in it, but I did.
after page of young girls, dead or not, gussied up like whores, plastic surgery
run amok, the card of the day each had these fake huge silicone tits. Hand
shaking, I turned the last page, my mind screamed, there was a naked Cissy,
sitting on a bed, teddy bear in her hands, terror painted into her eyeballs,
looking like she was staring at a fucking vampire.
shook, felt vomit in my throat, screamed, impaled my fist into a wall mirror. I
thought my heart exploded for a moment, but I held it together, as I threw it
on the bed, knowing L. Garcia and his team of CSI crime team sleuths would find
it once I gave up the doc.
tears streaming down my cheeks, I grinned, don’t know why, felt like some kind
of Lioness, just before she attacks and devours a Caribou.
Earl had duct-taped the Doc to a chair, gave him a “Boing” on the head with the
bat, just because he could.
viciously slapped him at least 4 times, womp, womp, womp, womp, why, well like
Earl, cause I could.
then remembered he was a doc. And what do Docs need to operate.
fingers and scalpels, of course.
bent down, reached in my steel-toed boot, found my switchblade, with the name
TAMPA BAY CITY stenciled on it.
flicked the little button, the eight-inch blade flipped out.
was gagged, as I smiled, touched his eye lid with the chrome tip.
fer an eye Doc, would ya like that?”
kept mumbling something, as tears rolled out of his eyes.
think I was levitating by my still pent-up rage, don’t know.
like fingers doc? Ya know, usin’ scalpels and such on little girls?”
is he speakin Chinese, I thought.
couldn’t understand a fuckin thing he was sayin’ as he shook his head back and
forth in denial, as I took the blade, sliced three of his fingers off. He shrieked
and his eyes like hubcaps leered at his hand that was duct taped to the chair
smiled as I asked him to get me a towel from the John.
moment later he was back, and wrapped up the stumps real good-like and I guess
we were done.
to help myself, I viciously back handed his bloody face and, then put the blade
to his eye ball and whispered.
killed my little girl, and now I’m gonna kill you.”
looked real upset and like, as I reared back, shrieked, and plunged the knife
down towards his chest.
the last moment, I pulled up, tweaked his nose, ruffled his hair, smiled and
said with a lot of mirth, “I ain’t gonna kill ya doc, but when the Aryan dudes
get done with ya, yer gonna need an asshole transplant.”
looked at Earl, I felt a blush seeing a look of admiration on Earl’s face, you
know, for me being so street right and right on pitch, knowing it’s always
better to do the right thing.
in a festive mood, we cruised back to my loft, kisserooed cheeks, ooooh, a
little lips like Kiko’s, tempted, but no, maybe later, not now, waved good bye,
skipped to the loo to my office,
fired up the cell, whistled up Lou Garcia, told him what was what.
once saved Garcia’s life, that’s how we bonded, just so ya know.
he’s smelling Captain, he thanked me, said don’t worry about anything, and then
a bit later, after he nabbed the Doc Lou told me he was bitching about some
crazed blonde, who looked like she was an eighteen-year-old UNLV cheerleader
with a switchblade.
blushing, tee hee, still got it.
told Lou there was some behemoth that looked like King Kong that home invaded
him, just stood there grinning like Kong as the blonde beat the shit out of
him, then cut his fucking fingers off.
pooh-poohed him.
Cops stick together, we promised to pow-wow soon.
slapped the Cissy case shut, another job well done, knowing a good time was had
by all, ‘cept doc of course, it didn’t go so nice for him.
the next day, I got another call from Lou, telling me how it went down.
after about a thousand guys in Swat, Vice, Homicide, and of course CSI had
decimated the gate, snooped around, found Cissy’s blue finger nail in a
freezer, the one I found in Eddie Jett’s freezer as well as the death folder on
the bed.
and with bull horns blaring, battering rams, multiple high ballistic weapons,
they nabbed the Doc, threw him in the paddy wagon, zipped off with about fifty
news vans tagging along, to document all of it.
no fool, good press gets a good cop his gold bars, faster than arresting jay
walkers, Lou knows that.
did get those Captain bars and the keys to the city, God I love that man,
finally some payback for thirty years on the Force.
case closed, but not really.
hoping the nightmares end soon. Don’t know, but I’m hoping.
there, over and signing out.
Vegas PI
VEGAS, NAPALM STRIKE… j. brooke It’s Sunday, and I’m beat to
hell. Last Case, missing 13-year-old girl, Missy, went all bad. Drug addicted
mother, off-loaded her to her meth-ravaged daddy, he sold the kid to a deviant ex acid
rocker, Eddie Jett. It all went down bad, the sweet angel was brutally murdered; that’s
another story for another time. I coulda
burned down Eddie Jett, but I didn’t, cause death was too good for the fuck. Anyhooo,
that’s another story, a better story, but just a hint, a blow torch, tin snips,
and wire cutters and desert coyotes were involved, and it was fucking
beautiful. Last on that. I have the
mother, the sick dad and the doc who butchered her on my CAN’T WAIT LIST. I’m
looking forward to that. Got a butterfly stitch
on my eye, a cut lip and multiple welts and bruises covering my bod, two broken ribs or
close, was almost murdered. So, I’m kicked back, comfy couch, PJ’s, feet on the
coffee table, beer in the cooler, popcorn ready, my goldfish Stella and Stanley facing
the huge LCD flat screen. Angel and Bijoux, my two golden zipper dogs, my four cats are
pumped, Lebron and the Cavs are going mano-e-mano
against the Kings, can’t wait. I got a
bidness thingy with King tomorrow night, and none of this thing tells me I will be alive
after. King, being one of my best amigos, a super-stud black guy, who runs
the largest gang over here in the super-dangerous part of N. Las Vegas. OH,
MOI? I’m Jane, a Vegas PI/Bounty hunter,
Mensa smart, 28-year-old, 5-ft 11, 123 lbs, YEP, a few eating disorders, white buzz cut
blonde, queer girl, hip hugger, steel boot savage, martial arts expert. I respect guns,
their relevant friends, for they usually fix most problems with the insidious men I deal
with, last wall against the bad guys that abuse women, kids and above all the animals,
that make our lives bearable and beautiful. Love kissing,
fucking girls, satin skin, velvet cunts, multiple orgasms that make a girl’s toes
curl. Though most of my friends are cops, and men, hard, real and unusual men, my MO is
why fuck a baboon for five minutes, when you can spend hours with a dolphin girl, cum about
a zillion times, then cuddle up, watch a flick, giggle up, do it all over again until a
girl’s blue sapphire eyes, and all she dreams of, is in nirvana as she falls asleep
in her girl friend’s silk-skinned arms. I have the
sex drive of a sixteen-year-old Mississippi Pom Pom girl. MY
BAD. Anyhooo, My folks died in a car accident when I was 19, some drunk
rich Hamptons kid over there on the east coast, fueled out on coke and E, vaporized them
in a head on. I was left with millions, and a solar black hole in my heart,
especially since this vapid, never-take-responsibility spoiled kid, rolled on
the charge with probation, you know, cause the judge was a frat brother from Harvard
with the puke’s billionaire father. A few months later, I
went to Boston, had a gun, my first, got all dolled up, hit the club, let the mother fucker
pick me up. We went back to his crib, I stripped naked and, then with my new silenced Beretta,
I shot him dead. Pssssst, psssst,
psssst. One down the gullet, two in the heart. It
was the first gun I had ever owned, and the first man of pure evil I had ever
killed. Neither would be the last. After,
tortured in so much pain, I moved around the world, Europe, The Middle East,
Africa, Asia, fucking every girl I could find, doing every drug imaginable, trying to
kill myself with sex and drugs in an orgy life. I also educated myself
every chance I got, learned languages, hit up museums, read hundreds of books, until one
morning I woke ashamed. I had so much, money, beauty, brains, opportunity and what in the
fuck was I doing drowning in a self-imposed sewer of pity and woe is me. The
being beautiful thing, created a fury inside of me. Yeah, it was fun, but it is
a fucking false narrative. Your birthed that way from a lotto pick of genetics.
You did nothing to earn it, get it, and as evolution goes, it lasts an eye blink
of time. A girl spends her life star gazing in the fucking mirror, eating men’s lives
up like a Kansas Wheat threshing combine, self-absorbed, ya end up with zilch, including
a dead heart and soul. So, I WHAT’S SUP WITH THAT me. I
hit up Vegas, of all places, and got my PI license, gun permit, bought a 5,000
ft upstairs loft, ex-bakery over Chang’s laundry, they’re experts at getting
blood out of my clothes. I decided to become Jane, The Avenger, meaning I would fight blow
torch and anvil for abused women, kids, animals and especially the poor, the ever- growing
legions of the abused, mostly at the hands of men. So,
there it is, and trust me I’m no Mother Theresa, no Betty Crocker nice girl by
any bullet shot in a wall or any kind of poster role-model girl. I like to think
I have a great heart, I actually care in a lobotomized world of turned-away glances of
the ills perpetrated against the weak. So that’s who I am. I’m
always trying to be a better girl, a nicer girl, often fail, but I am trying. Anyhow, back to King. I got King
legit, almost. He’s almost there. In that run of the Tarot Cards, I found
a mega-intelligent, dead-handsome stud with a great wit. He’s solid and a stand-up
guy. Above all, a dude who gives his word, keeps it, is honorable, and would be there,
if I ever needed some help, 24/7, which he has before. I
respect him, of course, for he’s never run whores, hurt kids, women, or dogs.
He has this kinda loco honor system about broads. OK, to make a long story
short, never my strong pin point, I got him, like I said almost legal. We’re deep
into The Market, Futures, Currencies, Derivatives and the fast food joints and also a laundromat
here and there, other stuff I learned at Wharton. Tonight,
he’s got one last sit-down with some fucking killers from the Zeta drug cartel.
None of it seems right to me, none of it at all. I’m a little concerned
and that’s got my Zen head worried, for he may a peaked
a little too soon. Meaning I got the feeling he’s dream in’ a little too much about retiring. Why, because I don’t
want King to be the main-ingredient in some plate of Carne
Asada at some taco stand in Nuevo Laredo Mexico. And Moi
blowing bubbles and looking at some of Stella’s friends with a pair of concrete
stilettos on my cute feet at the bottom of Lake Meade. Which is the whole point
of me internalizing all this crap I have in my head, for It’s my job to always
plan ahead. I think I mentioned that before. So,
I had a sit down with King at a Starbuck’s
he half owns, me owning the other half. Having a partner like King, well I don’t
think a quarter has ever gone missing from the till. Real
light-hearted and such he said it was his B-day. He also said. “It weren’t
nothin’”, the little soirée we was going to because he’s dealt with these mooches before. He casually mentioned there had never been
a glitch before. Except, (I hate that word) they were a little late with the do, re me,
meaning they still owed him a million in coin, since they reneged on the last shipment
of coke. What in the FUCK was he thinking?
They were going to weasel the slag through
one of about a thousand tunnels they got going under the border fence. That always gets
tons of chuckles from me. Seems there had been a
delay, another word I hate. Because one
of those fucking Predator Drones the guys at the DEA use was floating around the night
they were going to use the choo-choo train they got
down there below the border, to deliver the slag. So,
King, being in his festive mood, and with the promise, (that always works with
homicidal drug maniacs) that they will refund
his dough tonight, asked me if I could throw
down some reservations, at some glitzy joint eatery on the Strip. Seeing I know everybody in Vegas, he wants me
to dress to the nines and take
Carlos, FUCKING PERFECT, and have
some cocktails and vittles with him and King. Make it a fancy evening,
you know. Eat fine grub, maybe do a spin on the dance floor, you know at some vampire club
like Plumb. Then later, have a nice sit down
and get his money so he can sleep happily ever after in his new dream world. Of
course, all the rockets, flares and Hydrogen bombs detonating in my big brain,
tell me that nothing is ever as it seems. I then ask him. “Why
not just take Earl?” Earl being a real asset and the kinda guy that bullets look like
they could bounce off of his gold teeth, might be just what the meeting needed. He NAWS me, chirps. “Chill doll, it’s me
B-day, let’s keep it easy, fun, light, it’s his birthday, just tying up this
one last deal.” Maybe, his last in my mind. “But
King, they’re fucking monst…” “It’s
all good, Janie.” He says, if he brought 6ft 7, 300 lb Earl,
well instantly the monolith, just by his very presence, might make some folks edgy, a bit
un-comfy. He might bend everybody’s good juju.
So, because he wants these maniacs to have
some eye-candy for the night, he asks me. “Can
ya Janie, look all dollish tonight? For me?” King, no
dummy, wants me there for another reason. Janie, just be there. You know, with that
secret you’s carry in yer rhinestone clutch, just in case. I
like none of it, but what’s a girl to do, he’s my bud, and well, I just can’t
say no. I reluctantly agree, feeling my tiny toes
curl in my steel toed boots. I tell him not to dress just yet. Over
the years I’ve weaned him from the gangster togs, and now he’s gone all
European, shirts, suits, shoes, and such, I’m not a fashionista diva for
nothing and I have his B-Day gift in the Buick. “Come on, I have
something for you.” I kiss him on the lips, he likes that. I’m
creaming, just waiting to give it to him. Earlier
I skipped over to that massive indoor den of inequity mall thingy they got goin’
down over there at the Venetian. You know Cardin, Lauren, Baroni, Marc Jacobs, Dolce &
Gabanna, Tiffany’s, etc, etc, etc a few days ago. Then,
I had copped him a black Baroni suit. Two
gees baby. Added on a Calvin Klein pure white linen
shirt, a red Steven Land neck tie, the kind you can make a Contrast Knot with, very chic. To put the
cherry on top, I bought him a black pair of Crockett & Jones, English Half Brogue’s,
tie-ups. I topped the Sunday off with a solid gold tie clasp, with a small 38 on it. I
pre-ordered that from Tiffany’s. Since
I’m only good at tying knots into my boots, and pretty much nada else, I had
the store folks put the stuff in boxes. They tied a lot of colored ribbons on them
and they even made bows. I was grateful for that. And, then, if you can
believe it, they got this store there that does nothing else but sell cards, and stuff.
They got ‘em for every occasion. You
know, birthdays, births, weddings, abortions and even had one for condolences. You know when some insane
kid gets jilted by a cheer leader from the pep
squad and, then decimates about twenty
of his class mates with an AK-47 at the
local high school. And that got me to thinkin’,
me being the entrepreneur that I am. How about a card for fucking, you know. “Dear June, great fuckin’ last night,
just the best. A night to remember. You’re an awesome bitch, amazing piece a
booty. Best and big love. Buster, and all the guys from the Lacrosse team.” Heck, you could do every sport. It seems
like a swell idea. I will call Hallmark when
I get home, see if they bite. King was
smiling as I slopped the presents right near the tail fins. I saw that my Mossberg over
and under was there, a box of shot gun shells, resting right near my baseball bat and machete. That’s
stuff that I usually have at hand just in case bad shit happens. I
make a time for the meet. I hop the door of the Buick, fire her up, plug in
some Dr Dre, and hip hop
all the way home. So that brings me to Moi,
always a very important thing, especially for tonight. I
jettisoned style, I mean that slavery to fashion thing dog years ago. But that
don’t mean I still can’t get it up
when I want to look like a super doll. Which I can drop a dime on it at any time. I
need to go shopping, because as I mentioned before, a plan is paramount to a girl
thing being a reality. Use what you have, so I need to get sexed out. I
mean really, really look solar, do some shopping for some super rags. Just, you
know, props every pro gal with a gun needs at times to make a first impression
stick like epoxy to some guy’s eyeballs. I grab my
PI, drivers and gun license and get my American Express Platinum Card. I turn and jet down
the stairs, out the iron security door. “CLANG.” It locks. I’m
pretty happy, and why not. Me Jane, and that’s a good thing. “YIIISH.” I’m
fucking traumatized, as six hours later, I’m lugging all this stuff back,
bags, and bags of the stuff into my loft. The elite
mall was packed with grazing herds of Japanese tourists, cameras everywhere, Chinese, Taiwanese
and European tourists shopping. There were tons
of Saudi women, sans black sheets shopping, wearing makeup, jewels, clothes, high
heels, lip paint, all the stuff that would get ‘em an ass-stoning back there in The Kingdom. Back at the loft, I grab
a bottle of Cuervo, sans salt, lime, I throw two shots down. Adding one more, I take the
bottle, adrenaline main lining the alcohol out of my system as fast as I absorb it. Shopping
has traumatized me. I really don’t want
to do this tonight, wanted to watch a game 2 Cleveland/Kings game, what with Lebron being
such a stud and all. “GULP.” Tequila,
being the great leveler, nerves bending back, calms me a little bit. I
have to cowboy up. Though it’s not Wednesday, I need a shower, shave the legs,
pits, make sure my perfect teeth are white, my ragged mop looks nice. So, I guess I’m going to wash it, blow it out, and make it all
fuzzy and cute. I’m not in the best of
moods, you know, the madness of shopping tied my brain in knots, but I am coping. I look over at Stella and Stanley swimming in
the tank. They’re reading A Streetcar
Named Desire, which I turn a page on
every day. I see Bijoux and Angel, my super pups lazing on the couch. I know
they want a ride in my 59 convertible Buick, and I laugh, for I know when their cruising,
and yapping their saying. “Look
how phat I am. I got the ride, the dog collar,
the license and the babe. She’s got a gun, so don’t fuck with us. Three squares
a day, and a bitchin’ crib to live in, and to boot, two rad gold fish as my new buddies. “Yelp,
Yelp. Yelp.” That’s my girls. Gotta scoot, get ready, see ya in a few. ………………………………………….. “CARRYING a bouquet, and handkerchief and gloves, proud of her height
as when she lived, she moves with all the careless and height-stepping grace, the extravagant
courtesan’s face”….… That’s
right, that fucking maniac, drug addled, Absinth struck bad boy Baudelaire wrote that,
and how does he know…”LOOK AT ME.” Vanity, vanity, vanity. But,
I’m working on it, as I pirouette on my nifty, sexy, new 3 inch, zip on the
side, black Marc Jacobs ankle boot heels. Legs never looked better,
long, lean, bod like a whisper. I like being nearly 6 ft, a real tower of power. I’m
decked out in my eight-inch above the knee, little black Betsy Johnson cocktail dress.
I read in Vogue, French edition that every gal should have one; A Little Black Dress. I also have my brand new Dolce & Gabbana
black silk jacket on. Normally wouldn’t wear one but, I might need to conceal
my extra Beretta clip. So always thinking ahead is Moi. No jewelry, except my
dress-up gold Latina-cross on a chain. I love that look. I don’t believe in god,
there are so many, but working on that too. Have
a dynamite super friend, gun dealer, named Cindy R. Doll, is a brilliant writer,
tough, sweet, passionate and she’s a God woman. I think about that all the time. I
figure if she likes me, maybe her God will like me too. Don’t
know. Anyhoo, my hair kinda looks like Bijous, fluffy, soft, looks like
I care. I check out my makeup,
which is kinda fun. Eyebrows, hair snow white, hate using clichés, but that’s them,
heavy mascara, blue, black, tints of orange. I kinda look like a blonde Glenda. She’s
a doll Goth girl over at my favorite hangout, The Bent Club. See,
I can still learn, looking at my mascara-silhouetted indigoes. I have wheat-colored
lip stick on. I look ghostly, pale, eyes stark. I look almost invisible. Of course,
no panties, thinking ahead, you know, might need a last sec distraction. The pink pearl
always works. OK, have to kick it. I open my
super duper slender Rebecca Minkoff, black satin clutch, the one with the real moonstones
beveled everywhere around it. The perfect clutch, the one that just fits my Beretta, silenced
of course to a tee. OK, Katy Perry cherry Chap stick there, silencer, Beretta too. I
don’t figure I’ll need an extra clip, but just in case I’m bringin’
one. I giggle, giggle, no extra make up, no
brush, comb, no golden rings, just a loaded hand gun which is another of my favorite things. Am
thinking of getting my Mood Ring out
of the card board box that holds my baseball card collection, but nix that
idea. I grab my Apple I-Pod, text King that I’m on my way. I click, click, click, (love the sound of
heels on pine) and move to the steps, take two at a time, then “Damn.” I forgot
to do something, almost always do. So, I click
back up to the loft, hit it to the Aquamarine-colored water world of the aquarium. I do
a tap, tap, tap on the glass with my paint
less fingernail. Stella and Stanley swim
over, you know, with those little fluttering oars they got on their sides. I turn the page
on Street Car, smile at them and give them
the thumbs up. I smile, tap dance back to the stairs, feeling better. I hope Stella and
Stanley are enjoying themselves, are happy. I sure know I am. Signing
off, JANE, VEGAS PI. VEGAS, off of MLK, near the freeway
underpasses, staked over a cardboard box world, black alleyways, a dying, dead
universe, the red fluid pumping from severed arteries, urine and semen. Blood
neon splintering off of the chrome of a needle point and desperate people, lost
within an illusion, a lie, drug addicts, homeless, hopeless, it’s the new America,
a tragic world, my world, Vegas Jane PI’s world. Dusk,
onyx clouds, color of cordite, gun powder grey, last lightning strikes of the
storm, mimicking flames fluming out of the tip of a hand gun barrel. I see the
Vegas neon, a carrousel of colors off there, on the Strip, not far from King’s
palatial crib now. I always make the cruise past the destruction of the human soul.
It’s just a reminder, life nudges that I got it all, be grateful for it all and I
am. “My mama said, that yer
life is a gift, and my mama said, there’s much weight you will lift. And my mama
said, leave those bad boys alone. And my mama said, before the dawn. And my mama said,
you can be rich or poor. But my mama said, you can be big or small. But I’m always
on the run, always on the run, but I’m always on the run.” Top down, Buick is running fine, three inch heels, ankle boots on
the shot gun seat, I’m driving barefoot, toes on the gas-pedal. Lenny Kravitz is
speakin’ the truth, exactly how I feel,
moods, lots of moods, I have them all, music to fit every occasion. I take peek-a-boo at
the Space Needle casino. It’s a tall fucker.
Sometimes folks take the Big Louie off of the
top, make the big splat on the asphalt of their busted-up lives. I can understand that,
yes I can. Sometimes life is just too fucked up. I’m
not comfy at all with what is going to go down tonight. There is nothing I like
at all about the night, nothing at all. I am wondering if I should have brought
an extra clip? Nope, its either thirteen will
do, or not. Because if one clip doesn’t do it,
no time to reload. That is if it comes to that. Which King assures me it will not. Famous fucking last words. “Don’t worry about
those INJUNS, Colonel Custer. Indians, what Indians?
Just kick back, have a good time.” EXACTLY.
That’s what I’m talking about. “I’m
just saying.” Take anything for granted in this violent wonder world, and yer
dead, case closed, story over. No, thank you
very fucking much. I have too many loved ones depending on me. Bijou, Angel, Stella,
Stanley, my meows, they need me. I need them. Now Vegas
is a shit hole, no doubt about it. But it is also an illusion and can be
solid, glamorous at times. That is if you hit up
the right folks, know them, like I know them. That’s
why I opted for eatery Olive over there
at the Bellagio. All the great eateries have landed in the grand hotel/casinos. They’re
like a shadow secret world, service, food, ambience no different than their sisters, brothers
in Berlin, Paris, Rome and London. But, you gotta know someone, which of course
I do. I know Mr. owner Todd English over there
at Olive. I also know the cook, and one of
my buddies is the super neat French matre de,
Pierre over there. He’s one of those guys. Sophisticated, classic, a real comfy
pro and because I speak the lingo, and do the kiss
thing on the cheek and am always approachable, (many beautiful bitches are not) well,
he is always filled with smiles whenever Janie lights up his life, with that smile
of hers. I gave him a ring-a-ding-ling earlier, for some Rez’s.
“Jane dahling’, vas missing
zee so, merci me amore, of course, nine tonight, vee are honored.” I’m
starving. I haven’t really eaten a decent meal in days. So,
let’s make it special times and anyhooo, I’m dying to be adored some more. Why
the fuck not, I almost died trying to save an already dead little angel. DURING King’s Transformation from gangster to gentlemen/businessman,
I, me being the center of the world, tee hee,
dragged King out of the ghetto. Why? Because
he needed some new digs, for we almost had him out. Because Vegas had been
gutted by the depression, and prices had been halved, we wheeled and
dealed, diddled and doodled on the 20,000
square foot Spanish Villa off of Desert Inn Dr. The
villa was one-point-three mil. It was
two acres of primo earth, and we got the joint for five-fifty five, cash money,
on the barrel head. Now, because I am a Mensa member, I have
this little off-shore account in the Caymans, which we funneled King’s dough through.
It’s a nifty place of illusions, where his dirty cash came back like a clean whistle.
Anyhooo, my buddy at the IRS
can fix any snafus, which I never expect. So, all of this is great, except like I said
before, King might have lost that one percent edge that keeps a bullet hole
from finding a dude’s ear. It’s like the flick
Prizzi’s Honor. What
the Prizzi’s have is forever the Prizzi’s, especially their coin. In my
burning head, why would this Carlos monster
ever give up one million large, when
a brass cap can erase that debt, in a Scooby-Doo
minute. Chit-chatted King up earlier, just checkin’ facts. I had to
groan. I couldn’t believe my ears. King wanted all of us to drive over there, Jamal,
one of his lieutenants driving his bullet-proof black Caddie Escalade. NOPE, SORRY. I can already hear two 9 mil pssssts, pssssts and see the brain matter on the tinted windows. Told
King, rent a limo, tell Carlos we will meet up at Olive and
he better be fucking alone. King had foo-fooed me. I held strong. He acquiesced. So tonight, its limo time and there
it is, King’s Street. I hang a left, pulse calm,
temples throbbing, that Bangkok itch again. What’s
wrong with this pictureroo? Street, like I remembered it, elegant, stylish, old Vegas was you know,
before the godless heathen corporations raped it, made a pyramid for the tourists to gawk
at. Gate
open, pull in, circle drive, cruise past the Yosemite Park that came with the
crib. Park, there’s King’s Black Escalade, a Black 364 Beemer, black Hummer. Fuck, the color black. Reminds
me of the color when you are restin’ permanent in a lead coffin, for fucking ever.
Parked to the right is a black stretch, white guy in a black suit, smoking,
wiping the windshield, ready to be our driver for the night. Would have preferred Rudy,
or Jamal driving, but I didn’t figure bad stuff was gonna go down in transit. I figure the shit will happen, if it does go down, at the payout,
at the Mexican guy’s super sleek, expensive crib at the Tower Condos, where he has
a million-dollar crib set. Anyhooo, grab my Marc
Jacobs ankle boots, slip them on, six-foot two, grab my gun clutch and open the door. Practicing
being lady like, I step out, slip on my jacket, feeling beautiful, sexy, pretty, slutty,
edgy, aware. I get a big smile from Jamal. He’s this tall, black dynamite looking
kid, who is one of King’s main posse dudes. Jamal is one of King’s Lou’s. Cops call their lieutenants Lou. Jamal’s
a trusted guy. He’s holding a tech nine, alert, now smiling. We’re buds, loves
me too. Gosh, love seems to be everywhere
tonight. Do the high heel stroll, eight inches of
thigh staking out my turf, grab Jamal’s fist, gang hug him. He bangs his chest. I
grin, conversation goes something like this. “Jamal
you are such a stud, lookin’ fine my man.” “Back at you Janie,
you lookin’ all THAT. You goin’ take care a him?” “Yeah
Jamal, you happy with what’s goin’ down?” “NAW
Janie, its fucked up, it’s what it is.” “YEAH,
it is.” Like Lieutenant Vic Garcia, my cop buddy over there at N. Vegas
Metro, Jamal and I both have hard street creds.
Nobody has to drop a beaver on our heads, tellin’ us that bad shit happens to good
people. So, I get a nod, bang my chest with my
fist, telling him. “No problem Jamal, nothin’ is gonna happen to our King tonight.”
I take a step, on the red bricks, stall out, there’s King, walking
through the door, smiling that megaton smile of his, in MY suit. He’s looking like a younger, better-looking Wesley Snipes with
a black fedora low on his forehead. I like that, a little ghetto for my tastes, but it
works, a lot. Were eye to eye, he takes
my hands, does some stellar gazing from the tip of my pointed toe heels, then way, way
up my legs. That’s a long way I assure you. I have my gold Latina cross on a thin
chain as he looks at my new makeup styled-out face. Which I mentioned is so featureless,
wheaten lips, except for my Glenda Goth eyes, heavy mascara, a little green, some oranges
and black silhouetting my blues that are like cannon blasts, detonating straight out to
the world to see. We hug, do the cheek kiss.
I am glad I never fucked him. That would have complicated stuff, big time. We exchange
words, look at Jamal, he looks worried, me too, nods, he nods back, and then date night begins. We walk
to the limo, get the door-opening treatment from the guy, I sit, eight kilometers of skin,
driver notices, vanity. Do I love the attention and adoration? You fucking bet I do. King
sidles in, door closes, chauffer back in the cab, engine ignites. We make the turn and,
then sluice out of the place, me wondering if I will ever see Jamal again, alive. The
drive is kinda silent, few words, I don’t want to wig out King. Yer packin’ Jane? “Yes,
I fucking am.” “Ya prob won’t need it.” IS THAT RIGHT? Trust
is bantered around between King and I. JUST FUCKING GREAT. I
will always trust some homicidal maniac named Carlos from Ciudad Juarez, who
would butcher his mother with a garden hoe if it meant one more suit case of
money, in a long line of suitcases of it. Already gave Pierre a honk, told him about
this Carlos. I can’t wait to see this piece of work. Pierre said, “No problem
Mademoiselle Jane, zee friend of zee, is zee friend of moi.” Great,
there goes my reputation down the drain. No problema,
will go the distance for King and I am hoping he is right. I don’t know. Time will
tell. It always does. We swing into the Bellagio, circular drive with green-coated valets
burning it up, everywhere and alerted. We are VIPS,
so far so good. I see a bunch of plaid RV folks grazing all around. Casinos
want their money; all of it. They are the masses, probably
good people, wouldn’t know a Kobe Beef Tartar from a Big Mac. That’s OK, I’m
not judging, life is hard and all these folks want is a moment in the glitz. Anything is better than Biloxi, Trenton, Kansas City, anytime. Lots
of tourists and, then I imagine as if a space saucer just landed, and exiting
are US, these bubble head aliens, oddly beautiful. You know, Avatar, nine-foot
blue people. As the driver springs the door, I step out, a zillion yards of legs,
followed by King. A hush, along with jaw drops
stun the tourists that are gawking at Moi, hopefully. I literally see cell
phone flashes detonate all around us that make me tick my
hand on my clutch, thinking they’re muzzle
flashes. No bullets whizzing, thumping, no odor of cordite,
thank fucking god, and we have to be someone famous to these folks, especially ME. King again looks like either a Rap magnet, or a movie star, and
then Pierre is there, smiling, two security guards with him. I
smile, THAT SMILE. Pierre takes
my hand, kisses it. I throw down some of those brush kisses on the cheek, do the intro
of King and receive Hosannas from Pierre for me simply being ME.
In the door we go, my fanny burning, one because I’m wearing no panties and two I can feel the heat from all the fucking flashbulbs searing it. No
complaints from Moi. I am, for the moment, the axle that the world revolves on. LOL. I’m such an idiot at times. PLEASE,
Jane, just get through the door and shut your brain
like Uma Thurmond’s prettier, younger sister, and with our phalange of guards,
Pierre leading the way, King and I holding hands, we cruise through the Casino And, then everything gets like, well you know, gets all slow motion and such. I kind of silence hits the place, you know,
like in the flick Un-forgiven when
William Mony walks through the bar doors to kill Little Bill. SILENCE almost, for King and I, well what can
I tell you, right out of Show Biz tonight, which me being me, simply adore. We get to Olive finally
and enter to the sound of china, crystal, real silver tinkling and pinging. We drop the
security at the door. The bistro is astonishingly elegant, old Milan world, as a hush
falls over the Palace. Pierre leads us to the bar. Now, I’m either a fashion
super model, a famous actress, or the most expensive hooker in the world. Which of course are all and
in the same thing. We finally hit the bar,
which is festooned with hanging glasses, chrome, teak, all the bells and whistles, backlit
by blue neon, hate that color. The best, best
booze on the planet is racked everywhere. I gasp,
for there he is, Carlos. And why am I not surprised. I could have picked him
out blindfolded at an Isis mass murderer line up, and in my mind he looks like the lead
slicer at the N. Vegas MetroTombs. I do the
kiss-cheek thing with Pierre and tell him to hang for a sec. He bows. I love to be bowed
at. I hand him my black blazer, and of course that cements every stare in the joint at
me. I am not surprised, but I am Jane and don’t take it seriously. That’s not
saying that I don’t dig it. I still love the fact that I can turn multiple eyeballs,
just because I’m me. Back to Carlos who’s about five-seven, obviously in his elevator
black Cholo cowboy boots, that without he’d
be five-five, on a good day. I can see his black eyes, back-dropped by shades of
red, yellow and that he’d drop a kilo of pure crank
on King, if he could fuck me, which is exactly what I want
him to think. Plan ahead, remember. Two plans are better than one, three is better
than two. I could go on and on, but I am sure you get the idea. Internally,
I am groaning, for he’s got this Tony Montana white suit on, a black shirt and
a white tie. REALLY. Is this how their dressing down there across the border? I think
I could help him, like I did King. But, the guy has so many gold chains on his fat, sweating
neck, and a thirty-grand solid gold Oyster Rolex on his wrist, well I stab that
idea. He seems like a lost cause. He’s got this stalk
of black greasy hair, for Mexicans are blessed with DNA hair. His forehead is perspiring,
and it looks like you could re-fry frijoles on his
forehead. And then because his eyes haven’t left my bod or my legs,
and now my face and I want to be polite, I don’t mention it, as King makes the intros.
I smile. Made
YA blink, tee-hee. He takes my hand, you know, seductive like, for I’m sure he’s
a hit with the putas in the barrio. He grins
at me like Ricardo Montalban. There are those Earl gold teeth gleaming at me. Speaking of Earl, I wish he was fucking here, man do I ever, but
he ain’t. So, because seduction
is my other weapon, use them all and may need them mas tarde,
I smile all dollish and such, feeling his meat in my
fingers. I smile more and, then speak his lingo
to him, which gets more gold, and we, as King watches, literally seduce each other. As
he oils on, I ooooh and aaaah and
call him jefe. That is the word for big fucking shot in Mexican. As
the spud tells me what a big PLAYA he is, how phat he is with money
I’m wonderin’ if I can get my tuna tartar down with him anywhere near me. I’m
also thinking that King has lost his fucking mind, trusting one percent of this
monster. I know this dude, do I ever know him well, especially after King
gave me a heads-up that he’s a player
with the Zetas over there in that no-man’s-land,
Nuevo Laredo. They’re
a band of homicidal, sociopathic Mex-Tex
maniacs, that have murdered in cold blood, at least thirty-five thousand of their fellow
citizens, every year just across the border. You know the one that looks like a yellow
ribbon of water. He’s into everything, drug trafficking, thank God King is
one step away from that hideous world. The muck moves weapons, pot, meth, ludes, X, dogs,
cats, snakes and tweeters, everything that can make him a buck; especially young girls.
The campesino is into people moving, his
people. He’s a coyote leading a hundred sweet, desperate Mexican folks to melting
desert deaths. They’re hard working folks that just want a better life. Their moms,
dads and kids that cross a burning hell of a desert, half dying of thirst, rattlesnake
bites, just for better lives. While their
relatives get jobs as dish washers, gardeners, maids, that’s if every bone in their
body isn’t broken, flying over the wall by catapults, if they live long enough to
even do that. Then about three make
it because most are scooped up by the Border Patrol. Those that do make it, end up cleaning
house for some fat fuck doctor for the rest of
their lives. No gratitude, no kindness, no sweetness, as they break tensile steel backs for the rest
of their lives doing work that no elitist Americano would ever touch. I’ve
had this conversation with Lou Garcia before, and I can make bet on the fact
that this Carlos meat is into female
human trafficking. That’s another grift the
lieutenant told me about that just about broke my heart. The drug
lords, scour the interior, border too, and then find these fourteen year old Mexican stunning
peasant girls. They lay a coupla thousand pesos on their dirt-poor farmer parents, make
the scoot and, then take them to a cutter (Plastic
Surgeon) usually along one of the border towns. Then
the doc pumps silicone bags into them. They get ‘em to the beauty parlor, cut
their locks, pluck their eyebrows, blond them out, get ‘em in the gym, ride the
bike, starve them down and stuff them into Tijuana brothels. With the really gorgeous
ones, Lou said, they ship I’m out to The Middle East, COD, where they spend the rest of their lives living in a tent, sucking the
dick of some degenerate wearing a white
sheet. The other girls, tricked out, stunners
too, get pretty shoes, for the first time, tart whore clothes, then become border bar girls,
fucking ten Americans a day. Most of the ignorant peasant girls have never been happier,
because they’re getting three squares a day, don’t have to shear corn, milk
a goat and live on a dirt floor. And, then when their youth is gone, they’re buried
in the desert, fucking forever. SO, anyways,
after the fuck released my hand, I gave Pierre the nod. He chaperoned
us through the glitz, all eyes on Moi, thank you very much.
He set us down in this leather booth, me not in the middle, I don’t
like being in a cage. Carlos sat between King and me. I was waiting for the sop’s
hand to fall on my naked knees. That didn’t happen, thank god, because I didn’t
want to gun him down in Pierre’s place. It could ruin a good time had by all if I
did that. I, of course, was starving, been eating
donuts while I was hunting down the missing girl, and a nervous tummy before what? What?
I do not know. Then, and presto-chango, there’s a waiter and Pierre, like a hawk in his tux is
standing at attention next to him. Next to Pierre there’s a silver tureen, ice chips,
and a bottle of Crystal chilling in it. Something
I wish I was doing at home watching the CAV game, with my animal family. Out
comes the crystal tulip flutes, bubbly is poured. I can hear its sizzle, hope I
don’t sneeze, and then Carlos, kinda rude, asks Pierre for a Corona as I
groan. I heard their peeing in
it in Mexico, hope so. Pierre gives me the, are you fucking
kidding me look. I shrug,
smile at Carlos, he grins back. His breath smells like a burning tire. Pierre turns, back
to the bar, King and I wait, toast time coming. King seems oblivious to everything. I don’t
get it, could he actually be enjoying this sit down? Fucking MEN, I’ll never get it right. Pierre returns with the yellow bottle and
sets it down. Carlos lifts his brewsky, we
clink. I sip, exhale, delicious, my head feeling like it’s got a nest of scorpions
in it. OK, the dinner went down like
this, me trying to keep down what I did eat. King
and I shared a scrumptious duo of Pan Roasted Foi gras Steak. YUMMY. It was decked out with spiced quince &
apple chutney, caramelized shallots, brioche points, amaretto froth, seasoned
with a sprinkle of Balsamic. We were in a delicate beef mood, so we
added an order of Beef Carpaccio, decorated in polenta, Roquefort crema, shaved parmesan,
and of course these delicate little cipolin onions, which were out of this world. I
almost came eating all of it. Carlos opted, for an order
of fries, and a bottle of ketchup, which he wolfed down like the human-sow that he was.
No one is perfect, and actually, Olive is famous
for its fries. BUT REALLY, is this what King
wanted? I couldn’t fucking believe it. He
seemed to be enjoying himself, so not wanting to put the screwy on HIS night I pretended that Carlos was Javier Bardin.
I rodeoed up, and tried to enjoy my meal, that’s
the least I could do for my black stud, me being such a special piece of arm candy for
we ordered some Tuscan Farm House flat breads. You know, looking like a Monet painting,
shaved Smithfield ham, asparagus, provolone cheese, caramelized, which again King and I
shared, me feeling the cum gathering it was so dreamy. Carlos
had a shrimp cocktail, and he being of good manners, diligently wiped the
cocktail sauce off of his chin with a linen napkin, before it hit the collar of his ghastly
white suit. Because I have the smallest tummy on the planet, King and I shared
a Pan roasted Chilean Sea Bass. Protein keeps the brain sharp, also a guy’s dick hard, which I was hoping King’s
was, at least. The fish reminded me of a bigger, blacker, deader Stella, came with
baby artichokes, seasoned vegetable ratatouille, garlic whipped potatoes, shaved fennel,
sweetly graced with a citrus glaze. I think I might of cummed after
the first bite. Our guest, of course, had a Char Grilled
Rib eye, with ash-roasted fingerling potatoes, sweet onion jam, Piquillo peppers, a port
wine glaze, and of course set off perfectly with a garlicky broccolini. The last thing
the pug needed was more garlic on his breath. It was quite
something seeing the guy chow down. He did use a knife and fork on the Rib eye, which I
am sure many patrons around the restaurant were grateful for. Now, because I am a smart
girl, I kept toasting him, making sure a new beer was there every five minutes, for the
obvious reason. All the while I was pretend sipping
at the Crystal, just to keep my brains clear. I wanted to stay Seal frosty, sharp, in a killing mode. I never
said much during the dinner, and King and he talked a lot, mostly about bidness.
Carlos’ black pea eyes kept darting
at me all the time, to see if I was impressed, which I smiled that I was. That seemed to please him, a lot. His hand finally found my knee and
I didn’t flick an eyelash, smiled and raised my white eyebrows. I shook my blond
hair like a whore, laughed like a French Poodle,
knowing if bad became badder down the
line, he might just hesitate before murdering me. You know so he could rape me
later, fist fuck me while he wrapped a plastic bag around my head. Which I was sure was coming up next on that menu called life. Anyhooo,
I can’t help but not think that I am the main character in one of those Greek
Tragedy thingies, you know like Homer’s Epos “Odyssey”.
Me of course being Odysseus.
The hero, cunning, a killer, warrior of the Trojan Wars and the
oracles predicting that he would never see life, home again, thus sending him on a ten-year
journey. A perilous trek through hostile lands, enemies, and I am hoping like
Odysseus I will finally reach Ithaca, alive, intact, which is my beloved loft
over Chang’s laundry. Once there, finding safe those there that love me, as I
love them. But not NOW, so I get bright, for the journey is not done. Not done
by a fucking NY minute. Focus. OK. Sooo,
the dinner, disguised as Hades, finally ended. I kept expecting King to abort
the entire thing, for you know, what was he thinking? Those warning hairs on my
arms were like a Springer-Spaniels and what the fuck was going on in his cabasa
hit up my brain. NADA. Obviously. Of
course, Pierre copped for the meal, all of it. You know. “Jane daling’,
zee money is no good here, you are zee moonlight of our simple eatery. Vee love zeee Jane.” I of
course blushed, hand kisses, cheek kisses, six C notes in his tux pocket, for
him, waiters, solmolaires, from moi, smiles, gratitude, whispers, me embarrassed
for bringing two hundred and fifty pounds of sweating sausage into his chateau. But
he understood, business was business and so we scooted. King, I
think it was King, wanted to go dancing at the Voo-Doo Lounge. I had bad Cissy memories
from that name. COME ON. Let’s get it done
so I can get rid of the acid burning a sink hole in my tummy. So,
I did one of those backhand things to my forehead, sans white gloves, pretended
I was a southern belle, instead of a gal with a heater in my
clutch. I promised much dancing, maybe fucking later and corralled them
to the front door. Once there, I did not see anything that I liked; nothing at all, once
out the door. Parked in front of the
joint, was our guy, the limousine, and behind that was a Black Cadillac Escalade. Loitering
there we’re two six-foot, 250-pound thugs, obviously Zetas, wearing the standard
mid-thigh, gangster black leather coats. Three
guesses what those chest bulges were? I needed only one, as I looked at King,
who was laughing at something clever Carlos had just said, you know like, I jeeest am going to keel all of you
bendaho pinche white assholes, as soon as I can. NOT. King cruised up to me,
still thinking of cocktails, dancing, and I guess showing me off, spinning on heels around
the disco. I grinned in absolute terror, pretending all happy and such from a conversation
that went like this. I said nothing as he spoke. “Come
on Janie, were kipping to Carlos’s crib.” OH, REALLY KING?
Yeah doll, take care of bidness, get it done, my man wants to make it
right.” IS THAT SO? “Yeah,
finish up some bidness, so we can dance the night away. Come on, we’ll follow
‘em to the Towers Suites, won’t take a minute, let’s go.” ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, I did not say, but the words were thundering in
my head. SO, in the limo we go, and I sit on my tiny ass, wonderin’
about that extra clip, King’s hand on my thigh, like buds, nothing sexual, me wondering
what I can say, to advert this madness. I decided
to keep my yap shut, me staring at The Towers, super glitzy Condo sky-scraper just a klick
away, me thinking it’s going to be our tombstone and hoping it’s not. I
gotta believe King knows what’s what. I mean he has too. He’s a little drunk,
moi, feeling like I have a cattle prod shoved up my ass. I am amped up, alert
and sipping at the bubbly. Let’s get it over, one
way or the other. One mil large, well its nothing, certainly my diamond bod isn’t
worth that much, it is what it is. OK. We prowl into the big circle, park in front of everything that is
wrong in Vegas. Big glitz, sky scraper tower place, lots of empty cribs, 2007 inflated
prices plummeted during that Sub Prime Mortgage Grift. It was the big bubble real
estate float, movie stars, directors, high rollers, directors paid a mil for a
couple of rooms. Great views of the Strip and street hookers, real estate
prices tanked, twenty-cents on the buck, didn’t matter to thugs like Carlos. They
got money growing on Marijuana trees, mules lugging in crates of Cocaine. We
park as the black limo parks behind us. I have a plan, a last plan, as I see those gold
smiles. All three of the Zetas have gold teeth. WELL that’s just fucking SWELL. In
a chorus of good will we hit it through the door, the
doorman grinning, valets parking our rides, chauffer parked off to the side. Fuck, I miss Earl, Jamal and Rudy too. Where’s
the love? It was supposed to be a simple sit down, easy, casual, Carlos, King, me being the stupid arm candy. Mexicanos
like that in their slut women. I keep peeking
through my raccoon ringed eyes at the slabs of meat, King doesn’t seem laid back.
Too laid back. Up, up, up we go, elevator music, The
Velvet Fog, little lights blinking floor levels. Each ping, ping, ping is drilling a bullet hole in my burning mind. “CA-CHING.” The door opens, down the
hall we happy people go. We enter the whore house, me last, of course. It’s
just as I imagined, a real rectum of
bad taste, black leather couches, sofas, loungers, chrome everywhere. Slotted
along the bar there are lots of crystal, bottle of booze, huge window facing
the Strip lights, really dramatic, big screen TV, CD, DVDS, stuff, lots of DVDS.
I think of Eddie Jett, wonderin’ if Carlos has a cool collection of SNUFF
movies. I’m sure he’s into that too. About
two feet from the big plate glass, there’s a backless leather bench, a small
coffee table, chrome, black leather, glass top, and there it is, a silver
aluminum Halliburton brief case. There’s always a Halliburton briefcase that
now is separating another comfy little black leather bench, rimmed in chrome. We take
our seats, and everyone is smiling, which sends a forearm shiver into
my cunt. I am in a completely no-kinda-fuck-around
mood. I move to Carlos, squeeze his arm. He leaks
a look up and up at me. I smile, squeeze a bit more, ask him about the powder room, you
know like Holly Go Lightly, almost ask him for a fifty. I’m
giving him all the signs, you know, fucking, sucking and sodomy later if he’s a
good boy. He gets it, gurgles out. “Jest there, me beautiful senorita.” I
grin and almost vomit. I tell the boys not to start without me. Wink,
wink at the body guards.
They like me a lot as I lift my boot to a couch arm, hike my little black dress to the
hilt, exposing a hint of my tiny butt, and laser beamed cunt. That’s other naked
little jewel men think that they cannot live without… All
eyes jerked, lascivious glares, I look at the guys, King’s amused. I seem to
blush, straighten and with little clutch in hand, sway into the bathroom, close the
door, slam my back against the door, hyperventilating. Hands on my knees, breath
blasting and me trying to force blood into my brain. Moments
pass, I move to the mirror, want to splash water on my face. Wake up, get sharp. Get it fucking together, I berate myself. Black mascara
masking the fear in my eyes and opaque face, lips. I’m not afraid of death, never
have been. No one gets out alive in the end, but not by these ghouls. Not now, not yet, not never. Flush
the toilet, couldn’t pee if I wanted to. Get ready doll, yep I am, hopin’
it ain’t so, so I do. “CLICK.” I prime my silenced Beretta, shove it into my back waistband and
out into the grand living room, see the sit-down. Carlos is sitting on his
bench, coat off, behind him, black leather thigh jackets, the evil giants on
either side of him, Vegas neon twinkling innocently behind them. Thought it was going
to be a fun evening, just an exchange, loot owed, why the muscle? King
is sitting on the bench in front of them. The Halliburton is on the plate
glass, me knowing when that damn thing opens there maybe will be a tuna in it,
or a phone book. You know the kind the CIA used whacking those guys in Iraq with,
after they water boarded them, which that ghoul
Rumsfeld, his Dracula buddy Cheney
said wasn’t torture. Unless of course, it was being done to you and, then it is
horrific torture. Drowning
really is a horrendous thing. I twirl to the bench, light the room with
my smile, sit, plant my three-inch stilettos, wide stance, teasing a hint of cunt, bare
legs. There goes the skirt, eye ticks, the Zetas like us lean, us towering All American
blonds. King grins, loving the
show this Vegas show
girl always brings. He then chirps. “Let’s get it on,
Carlos buddy, we have dancing to do.” DANCING.
REALLY? All I can think of is they will be dancing on King’s grave,
as then Carlos grins, that grin, and then the world falls to complete slow mo. I take a deep breath, as the grease ball’s hands lay on
the aluminum, and two “CLICKS” reverberate through the room. As the Halliburton lid rises, as planned, I uncross my legs, do
a little attention drawing cough, as my heels plant harder on the floor, and my legs part,
showing the solar, naked flare glowing out of my cunt. Tick, tick, tick. The
clock moves as the thugs’ hands hesitate, moving into their coats, their eyes
locked on moi, HER, that pretty golden
bauble between my golden thighs. Carlos distracted, leering too, as the
briefcase slaps open to the glass, and there it is. It’s not a tuna, but lots and
lots of newspapers, and everything is closed down, by my exposed cunt, Carlos’ hand
moving behind his back. “Tick, Tick, Tick.” Time
is dead, maybe for a sec as King looks at me. I look at him, everybody looking
at my magic pussy And then “Pssssst, Pssssst, Psssst Pssssst, Psssss,Pssssstt” sizzles through the
room, me in a crouch holding my Beretta with one hand, prefer
two, didn’t have time. Zip,
zip, zip, six bullet
holes in their foreheads, chests, Carlos slammed back onto the floor, on his side, the
lug nuts behind him dead before they hit the
floor. The stunning view of the Vegas lights is now abolished by blood, brain matter, arterial
spray from a throat shot and shards of skull as they paint the window opaque red. King
looks at me, I smile, blow the smoke from my silencer tip. Cute I am as I do an
Annie Oakley twirl with my Beretta and stand. I look at King, with you know, my
usual perfect, ego driven smile, saying silently. I WAS FUCKING RIGHT! LOOK!
Not wanting to rub it in, It’s King’s b-day after all,
but a little mirth never hurts, as I purr. “Well,
who’s your daddy now, King?” King grins, looks at me, smiles. “I’m
your bitch doll, you are the Bong,
how’d ya know, Janie?” I smile, say something
like let’s gab later. I
call King over as I move to Carlos and hover over him, Beretta still ready. And
absolutely not wanting any more blood on my hands, or my Marc Jacobs, we might
go dancing later, still want to look pretty. I kick Carlos over. The fucker
groans, Psssst, Psssst, two in the forehead, som dude lotso killing. Link
smiles, I blush. BINGO, just as I thought.
There’s a 45, military US Marine issue, stuck in the back of his waistband. The Zetas
love those gats. I actually want to Boink King on the top of his noggin, just for
gettin’ US into this mess. But
I don’t. Birthdays should be fun, as he whispers to me. “Geesh, they was goin’
to whack us.” NO FUCKING KIDDING. I
nod to and move to The Muscle, flip their jackets open with the tip of my
silencer, exposing silenced Glocks nesting in their Velcro cages. King looks
at me, I look at him. He leans in, grabs me, gang hugs me, a lot. I’m happy, as he
whispers some respect, gratitude and love to
me. Which as the bitch queen of the world that I am, I accept, for I love hosannas, especially
after a job is well done. I break
away from him, and without any smug, I say. “Get on the cell, get Jamal, Rudy,
some cleaning guys, get ’em here pronto. You know, mops, buckets, hack saws, some
plastic, some golf bags, come on, let’s snoop. Bet ya there’s some presents
in the bedroom.” I love presents. King
nods, I’m in charge, hits up his cell and gets the machine moving as I click
into the bedroom, loving the sound of my stilettos on the faux paux pine floor. As mentioned before, snooping around is one of my fav things. Let’s see, where do gangsters keep their
slag? Duh, under the fucking bed
of course. OH MY GOD, no one would ever dream of looking under the bed, which now on my hands and knees
I am about to do as King moseys in. With my
skirt hiked around my waist, bare ass shining to the world, I turn my head and see King
staring at my ass. I am complimented, give him a wry stare. He smiles, shrugs his shoulders,
me thinking, because I am so jacked up, I might give him a birthday fuck later. I will
think on that, and there they are, two aluminum Halliburton brief cases. Geeesh, I gotta check Halliburton’s stock on my online Schwab
trading account. I
pull them out, stand and slap them on the bed. King
sidles up alongside of me. I wish there were red ribbons on the briefcases, me remembering
those folks at the mall, with the ribbons and cards and all. “Click, Click, Click, Click” Both
cases are opened, and my goodness that is a lot of hundred dollar bills. I figure a million buckaroos, and OH
MY GOODNESS, there must be about ten kilos of pure Colombian crank in the
other, in sealed plastic bags. Just the kind I am sure Carlos and his buddies
were going to wrap my face with as they gang
raped me and, then murdered me. King looks at the slag,
me, the slag. He places his muscled arm around my bare shoulders. We’re
really good buds, and because he knows he’s breathin’ because of me, and I
swear I see a tear. I realize that man it’s
time for him to get out. I mean NOW. I
know he’s lost his edge as he whispers, “Shit Janie, I’m sorry, I fucked up,
what was I thinkin’? Fuck baby, what can I say, thank you doll.” I go to the fingers, hands clutched, extended, staring at my black
beauty. I ditch the attitude, no one is perfect, were friends, more than that, bro and
sis. I nod, smile and, then whisper, “Are you going to take me dancing, or what the
fuck?” I see real tears, as he
smiles, nods, and roars in laughter. “Your fucking ALL THAT, more, come
on, lets scoot, I love ya, you know that, right Janie?” “Ditto
baby, lets boogie, I feel like dancing tonight.” He grins.
We slap the Halliburton’s closed. King takes the drugs, I take the money. He
doesn’t say a word, he knows I will do good with it. We turn,
move out of the bordello, to the door, peek back at the dead, know the world, MY world, KING’S world is
back in balance. We exit, scoot down the hall, smack the elevator button and see
the hall security video cameras, not a worry in the world. For after King’s crew
is done sawing, packing, sweeping, mopping up the trash, no one will ever know zip, about zip. Which of
course is how Moi saw it all going down from the get go. For after all, I am Me, Jane, Vegas PI.
a shit box illusion, rock n’ roll, Mariachi bands, Carlos and Charlie’s, primo
pot, meth, cocaine, what the fuck, that guy Juan at the bar has suitcases of
it. Tijuana is a lead hollow point, a truth serum, and what’s behind the pretty
neon façade, some cartel hombre with a hatchet, bolt cutters, lost balls, screams,
shrieks, blood, lots a blood from a bullet in the fucking head. What’s
sup with that? It’s like white
flake percolating on a silver spoon, blue veins, needle spike, nod out, a crinoline blanket
coating nerve endings, that’s TJ, baby cakes. Drift into dreams, abort life’s
pain, wake, demons, wraiths, puke in the toilet, end up in a Tijuana whorehouse, horror
story, the fucking most dangerous cesspool on a burning slab of earth. She
was an American girl, 18, Hispanic, Maria, bullet proof, stunning, straight-A
student, promised mama no TJ for spring break. Where’s the fun
in that? She lied. Everybody
from U of L Vegas was partying there, a rad place, you know, a coupla tokes, margaritas’,
maybe a hit of “E.” What could go wrong? What
could go wrong? A lot could go fucking wrong. She was
abducted, human traffickers, part of the Zeta Cartel, cocaine, pot, meth and young America
beauties, top dollar, maybe jettisoned off to The Emirates, Damascus, Beirut, New York
City. Those insidious mother-fuckers paid top dollar for Grade A beef-fed American girls.
call went out. The phone call was made… Favors
asked. Favors repaid. Mal was a hard man, a
fair man, a six-foot-two slab of muscled chrome. He had killed a lot of bad people, men,
women too, none ever taking the leap to a coffin that hadn’t deserved the final pile
of dirt stuffed into their mouths. He had been a young man once. His
young Costa Rican wife had been murdered, butchered in Rio. They had murdered
him too, but he had returned, a new man, a different man, a violent man and
killed every one of the sons-of-bitches, the cops that had cut his wife’s head
off in a botched robbery with a machete. Decades passed, diamond smuggling out of Pretoria, arms
dealing in Somalia, he had run a hashish empire out of Ketama, Morocco into the UK, that
all ended in more death. Time passed, it always
did for killers, men of ethics; it did for him. He
had moved to Vegas, a man could disappear there, perhaps hide from a life of
pain and death. An artist of paint, gold, and weld, he wanted it over,
his past. “Everybody needs someone to love.” Some
bastard sang that, never knowing a man like Mal existed. But there
was someone and he fell in love with another killer, ex whore, thief, grifter, a stunner
of a gal named Mandal. She was a girl with a violent past mostly concerning guns, lots
of fucking guns. Birds of a feather flock
together, and he thought a hideous past life of distorted images was over, he really thought
that. Well, if it was over, then why was he in fucking Tijuana, heavily
armed, a sixteen-gauge nestled in his lap, Beretta in his waistband, hunting the abducted
girl, Mandal’s Mexican housekeeper’s daughter, with another killer more dangerous
than he was? Her name was Pilar, a Colombian waif, a stunning teak-skinned girl.
Beauty confuses, distorts men’s minds. A hard dick makes men forget beauty kills.
As a teenager, her entire family, mother, father, brothers
and sisters, tios and tias all brutally
murdered by the cocaine cartels. She went insane, wandered into the jungle, hooked up with
the Colombian National Army, then the CIA and Delta Force dudes, one thing on her disturbed
and brilliant mind: revenge. CIA, Delta Force, dug
her vibe immediately, her abilities at languages, violence, weapons, disguise, and ferocity
to kill on demand. They knew a great asset when they saw one, signed her up, a perfect
weapon holding no fear in her demented heart. No blink.
She signed on the dotted line with her own blood. Whisked her off to Langley,
languages, including Arabic, computers, guns, knives, hatchets, Ricin pellets, poisons,
hands, teeth, and she used them all over the next few years. When
she graduated CIA U, her present was a cheap gold locket with a Cyanide tablet
in it. Having a maniacal beauty queen as a Contract Killer paid dividends
as she moved in out of Bogota, Beirut, Mogadishu, Paris, Bremen, and other places, a stunning-young
pixie killer could kill evil men. Then one
night she went rogue, vanished into the nether world of death, becoming a paid contract
killer to the highest bidder. The one question a man asked as she stepped out of the
shadows was… “Am I dead?” And
now, she was repaying a debt to a Mexican drug lord. He had pulled her out of
Nogales, Mexico years ago, when a job went south. She was honorable, and
now this new man, this Mal, she had met earlier in the evening, he was something, special,
lethal and she saw it immediately. Two people that had basically few if any friends had
liked each other instantly. Favor asked,
a favor repaid and Mal had called the Mexican drug dealer, called in one of his own. Thus, the hook-up hours earlier in downtown TJ had been
flawless. Both killers knew each other’s STREET CREDS were impeccable. The Mexican Drug dealer’s word was sacrosanct, beyond reproach.
Earlier, Pilar, using state of the art computers, had
with Mal moved into a Zeta owned nude club, a favorite haunt for campesino, illiterate abducted Mexican young flesh. They
flashed a photo to the bartender and then disappeared to Pilar’s safe house.
Tapping into the world of the Zeta Cartel had been a snap. She eased in on the
bartender’s call, nada, no problema. Blood, bullets, arterial
spray, carnage, death were always one phone call away. Hasta la vista
baby, they were ready to rumble. They had found what they
were looking for, at least the first drop of blood moving down the vein into tracking the
girl Maria. They were going to visit two of the Zetas’ lower tier street
soldiers, corrupt cops and now, sharing a pizza, both Mal and Pilar were ready to roll
hard and straight to the cop’s house. Sitting
in Pilar’s armored and tricked out old American sedan; both new buddies laughed,
chatted and ate pizza. Time passed slow, it always did for assassins. Pilar’s
plan was dead simple, death is always a simple plan. They
would cruise over to the corrupt Zeta cops, she would deliver a pizza, no one
ever said no to her stunning beauty. Through the door they would go, reach down the pukes’
throats and rip the truth out of their gullets. Mal
liked the plan, they were both armed to the teeth. Pilar smiled, broke Mal’s
heart with that, hit the numbers on her key board ignition pad, the car rumbled to
life. The armored ‘89 Caprice, with multiple weapons in the trunk
seemed to growl. “Meant to ask you
Pilar, that engine sounds radical, what ya got in there? Beaming,
for what hit woman doesn’t love a compliment from a handsome stud, she said, “Pilar
do all work herself. 327, bored 409. Magnesium lifters, fuel injected all
running on an Earnhart, custom
aluminum block…Neat, yes?” “You running Nascar,
is that it?” Can’t count a dead corpse as a friend, never having a friend
in her life to share her genius, she blushed. Punching him in the shoulder, she blushed
again. “A girl thing. Sometime
have to drive fast…You know…This business, funny at times.” Nothing
funny about their business to any normal human being, but they were who they
were, and Mal smiled. “Yeah, a hoot.” Quite
magically she felt happy for the
first time in her life. Leaning her hand to the floorboard, she peeked at a CD
case. Finding a piece of music she loved, she withdrew the CD, flashed it at Mal.
He nodded his approval. She
injected it into the player set into the dash board. CD
machine searching, first track and liking his reply, gloved palm on the gear shift,
found first, gunned the engine because she liked its power and as she roared off she asked,
“You like the pepperoni, Mal? Laughing, he grinned with pure enjoyment. “Love
it doll.” She loved the doll remark, though once she had shot a man who killed
women 12 times with her silenced Beretta for calling her a bitch, she smiled. Coming
to a curve, downshifted from 2nd, found 3rd, roar in their ears, she
whispered. “Me too.” Haunting music of The Calling fell into the car, almost mystically matching the moment of their
lives. The words fell along their ears, as if prophetic while doing so. “When I’m gone we make love to light the
shadows on your face…Way up high or down low, I will go wherever you will
go...If I could, then I would go wherever you will go… Maybe, I will find a way
to make it back alive someday.” And as the ghosts of their
words mimicked what they were about to do, that was it. Two
lost killers existing in eco-systems that could never understand them were on
their way munching pizza, just two new friends kickin’ it. Two pals
out on a night of the town, their murderous town. They would live or die,
the song told it all. “Maybe, I will find a way
to make it back alive someday.”
***************** THE AGUAS brothers, basically
illiterate street mook field hands from Chiapas, had struck golden ore in Tijuana. Being
low-rung foot soldiers in the Orta’s Cartel, it had been phat city for them. They
had a cool little house with hot water, a kitchen with a microwave, toaster,
coffee maker, a machine that kept their beer cold, and even macinas to wash and
get blood outta their clothes, as well as an indoor toilet and shower. No
more shitting in the fields for these dudes. All of it
blew their primal minds. They also had a 56-inch LCD flat panel TV, a DVD and a cassette
machine, a silver, paper thin CD player, and lots and lots of weapons. The latter was cool
too, for they had needed Ruger’s, Tech-9’s, shotguns, knives and other sharp
implements to continue to do their thing, hopefully rising along the Orta’s
totem pole as they did. When they weren’t raping and getting blow jobs
from hopeless victims like the Hispanic American girl they had kidnapped from the Disco
earlier they were pumping iron at Gold’s Gym. They
loved fucking gabacho Vin Diesel, cause he always got the senorita. Bolted
on racks of their pale green walls, were a Remington pump shot gun, two
Tech-9’s, two AK-47’s with full banana clips stuck into their chambers, as well
as two military 45-caliber handguns. Set against the wall below the guns, were
two razor honed machetes. They were WTF fab toys of the boys when they were in
gnarly moods. Life was sweet for the muscled puke two-hundred-pound slabs of chorizo. Sitting on their nifty
overstuffed red couch, they giggled to one another as they watched one of their fave flicks
on their nifty Toshiba LCD TV, snorting a little crank as they did. The
flick Blow was, besides Scarface, one of their favorite drug movies
and they could not help but chide each other with many jokes while watching it. The fact
that drug guys always came to a bad end in the flicks, as Johnny Depp had in Blow, continued to make them loopy with laughter. That
they somehow had wrangled jobs as sergeants in the TJ Police Force, always
amazed them. Nobody understood better than they, that Bad Guys and
they were Bad Guys with a badge never got caught,
fucking ever. Earlier, after they had delivered the beautiful girl to Senor Maccas
they had been awed that their generous Jefe
had given them an unexpected bonus, five hundred C-notes for a job well done. Neither of the lads being rocket scientists, their chat with the
bartender on the phone and the meeting with the cops over at Mexico Linda a little earlier
had more annoyed them, then had confused them. They had boogied over to the motel where
the tourists were, to murder them and find out “What’s Sup?” No tourists, thus, no red flags had flared within their basic minds.
Then there was a knock at the door, and of course that
didn’t cause them any worry. Nobody would ever fuck with the men of the Orta’s
Crew, ever. Pete looked at Johnny.
Johnny looked at Pete. Pete grabbed the remote, the one sitting next to his automatic .45,
clicked pause and mumbled, “What the fuck.” Johnny shrugged his broad,
bare shoulders as again they heard a fist knocking against their door. Tilting his head,
Pete rose, ran his fingers through his thick black hair, turned and moved towards the door,
.45 in hand. Fucking destiny was like that. Kickin’
it with your bro, watchin’ TV, feeling all good and such, could change in a
bullet rapport as a new journey was about to jerk off the boys’ mojo. Soon
the Aguas brothers would learn, that all Hollywood drug movies were not filmed
the same and that some of them indeed, involved the Bad
Guys meeting bad Karma as the final credits rolled and the
popcorn box was empty and blood rolled in the aisles and the directors of that
movie were blood curdling homicidal maniacs. ……………………. PETE and Johnny Aguas wanted to be just
like their gangster-rap heroes on
MTV, they loved their hip-hop life style, they talked in broken English, gangsta style, most of the time. That’s how
they rolled. Cause everything was so Phat
in their lives, Pete, as he stared through the small, brass square hole in his door at
the beautiful biatch, holding a pizza
in her hand, smiling a twenty-megaton smile at him, he never even questioned
it. He thought the Pizza Gods had opened a door in heaven, sending some
gorgeous slag with a pie for them, when they needed it most. Turning to his brother Johnny,
who was spread eagled on the couch, he said in his broken, best gang banging
voice. “Hey bro, you order a pizza? Some radical bitch got one out the door?” “Fuck no. Fuck, I’m starvin, man. Let her
in.” “Right on,
dude.” Peeking out the square slot, he saw her smiling white
teeth. Because everything was so sweet in his
life, he smiled back at her, as he said. “Just a sec, beautiful.” He
opened the door, as a huge smile plastered across his face. “What
ya, got doll?” “This.” Instantly,
a real tall guy with a shaved head, who didn’t look like any pizza delivery guy
Pete had ever seen and holding a black shotgun in one hand and an iron gray
automatic in the other hand, seemed to appear from nowhere. With a force
that rocked his world, the tall guy lifted
a heavy work boot, exploded it into his chest. The force of it, for the guy was like a
truck piston, sent him flying across the room. He crashed into a tall glass cabinet, shattering
it. Stunned,
gasping for air and sitting on his ass under the racks that held his weapons,
he watched as some kind of black shadow
seemed to spin and crouch, and there seemed to be something clutched in her
black fists. Not the fastest thinker in the gene pool, Johnny, on
the couch, squinted his heavy eyelids at the pizza girl. He began to rise, leaning towards
his gun in its holster lying next to his gold badge on the glass coffee table. In
the movies, a guy carrying a scatter gun, not intent on using it, usually does
some cinematic posturing, usually before he rams the butt of the shotgun into
the guys forehead or gut, for that makes great drama, and great flicks too. But
as Johnny Aguas leaned closer to his weapon, the tall guy, who moved like some
kinda Tiger he and his brother had seen hunting a deer on The Discovery
Channel, wasting no unneeded motions, was on him. Outstretching the shotgun, he
violently ripped the shotgun barrel’s iron tip into his forehead. Instantly
he felt the pain, saw stars as he rammed back into the cushions of his couch.
Then the guy, who neither smiled nor said anything clever, like in the movies,
pressed the barrel tip against his lips, and simply, very slightly, shook his
head back and forth. The look on the guy’s face was something Johnny
had not remembered ever seeing before. It was emotionless, hard-pressed with a serious
intent. The radical dude’s blue eyes never seemed to blink. That was a bad thing; that, he was sure of. Regaining
his composure, Pete Aguas got real mad. He focused his mind on the girl, who was crouching
in some kind of Oriental Ninja pose. She wasn’t smiling either. Her eyes reminded
him of a Cobra’s he had seen on Nat Geo Channel. Because
Pete was one dangerous Hombre, and because he was afraid of no biatch, he went
to his knees, jerked his hand up towards his weapons, ready, very ready to
rumble. As his brown meaty hand crawled up the wall, the black wizard ninja seemed to twirl
and came to her knees in a throwing stance. Something flashed out of her hand. He screamed
as a six-inch, razor-honed knife split into back of his hand, impaling his open palm and
fingers to the wall. Screaming, he fell to his knees, his bloodied hand stuck into the
wall, keeping him from falling back to his rump. His Bro moved towards his handgun on their
beautiful smoked glass coffee table. That quickly faded into a bad idea. With
a pistol aimed at his withering brother, the tall guy poked his head with the
shotgun barrel again, lowered it into his mouth, and whispered. “Tsk, tsk,
tsk.” Knowing it wise to be good now, he slumped back into the couch,
felt his blood curdle, for the tall guy’s eyes scared the living shit out of him.
on the other hand, knew it was time to get on with business. She
moved to a standing position, peeked at Mal, was appreciative of his solid ways.
She looked at Pete Aguas, who now was literally weeping from pain from her skills with
the throwing stiletto. “Where is girl? Is she dead? You hurt her? Where she is?”
snot and tears running down his face, Pete looked at her with stricken eyes,
then at his bleeding, impaled hand, back at her as he wheezed. “My
fucking hand…Man, what girl…Who the fuck is you?” Turning
to Mal, she outstretched her hand. “Mal.” Knowing
exactly what she wanted, for they had already rehearsed how it was going to go
down, Mal tucked his Sig Sauer and silencer under his arm. He with-drew the photograph
of Maria Juarez from the pocket of his sweatshirt. Without ever breaking
his gaze on Johnny Aguas, nor moving the shotgun tip from his eyes, he outstretched his
gloved hand. Pilar took it, moved in front of Pete Aguas and shoved the picture of Maria
before his weeping eyes. “This girl. Maria Juarez. She a friend of us…Where she
is.?” In disbelief, he gawked
at the photograph, then at the beautiful demon standing before him, back at the photograph,
back at the demon. “I don’ knowed what you talkin about, bitch. You knowed
who you fuckin with? I don’ knowed nothin’. Fuck you.” Pilar
blinked, smiled, glanced down at the floor where the machete was set below the
impaled hand and gun racks. Not the kind of girl that suffers nonsense that
well, she bent, picked up the machete and tightened her gloved fingers around it.
She turned and, then slashed it into the wall, slicing all of Pete’s fingers off
as she did. Pete shrieked as his eyes bolted wide. His dipped as he stared in
shock at his fingers rolling along the floor. He shrieked again. His
eyes darted at his brother, who was now paralyzed in terror, wondering just who
these Pizza people really were. Smiling, Mal held nothing but pure admiration,
for not only her creativity within the moment, but her diligence in expediting
matters. With Pete hung out to dry
on the wall, and bent at the waist, Pilar moved the bloody machete’s blade under
his chin. She lifted it slowly. Staring into his eyes, and as he blubbered about this and
that, she whispered, pressed the photo before his eyes again. “Now
you remember, Girl? Where is girl? What you do to her?” Weeping
in pain and now knowing the face of the devil when he finally was presented with it, he
began to blubber. “Yeah…I knowed her…She…She ain’t dead…My
fuckin fingers.” He wept again as he lowered his face, only to have it propped up
again by his own machete. “You rape girl…You lie, I know, do other hand.”
ain’t lyin’…She gave us blow job…she liked it…Man, I…I
don’ knowed where she is. Man, I’m bleedin’…real bad.” Unhappy
with his answer, and still holding her other knife, she leaned down, placed the
tip of the other knife in her hand against his lower eyelid and pressed, just a
little. “Last chance. Tell where girl is, or I take eye.” Pete’s
eyes kept jerking off at the blade just a centimeter from his eyes. He leered
at his fingers on the floor, back at the Pizza delivery girl, then back at the
blade tip. “Maccas got her…We just delivered…That’s
all…Where she go from there…only Maccas knowed…I no lie…Please,
I’m bleedin’. Pilar saw a white T-shirt flopped along a chair’s arm. She
reached for it, moved to the wall and unplugged her throwing knife from it as well as the
now weeping Pete’s fingerless hand. He flailed
around on the floor as Mal casually watched Johnny and his brother as she wiped the blade
clean of blood. She tossed the T-shirt to Johnny’s weeping brother. “There,
use that, stop blood. Address, place where girl is…Tell now or you die…” After
a moment, she tapped him on the back of his head with the machete. “You,
no fingers, no more time, talk.” He didn’t
like her voice or anything about her. Though extremely macho before with every girl he
had ever dominated, he wasn’t in the mood for any more of her fucked-up attitude,
so he rose on his knees and whimpered. “562 Avenida Armistice…is condo…near
airport…number 4…He there…maybe girl too…” Turning
to Mal, she smiled. “Take Sig Sauer…Shoot big man in knee.” Just
as Johnny Aguas was going to protest that suggestion, Mal, without hesitation
rotated the Sig Sauer away from brother Pete’s head, aimed at Johnny’s knee and
pulled the trigger. “Pssssst,”
whizzed through the room as well as a bullet. A howl shrieked from Johnny’s lips, he leered
at the exploded bone, blood and cartilage of a once very fine kneecap. Looking
at Pilar, Mal waited for further instructions. He got a nice nod from her. He
nodded back at her. He returned the Sig Sauer on Johnny’s crouching
brother Pete, turned, looked down the barrel of his Mossberg at the writhing Johnny, who
was now on the couch in a fetal position, clutching his knee in his hands, crying and moaning.
Johnny, crunched in a ball on the couch, kept crying and moaning and his brother was
doing the same thing, which disgusted Pilar. Reaching
under her leather coat, she withdrew her 9-millimeter. She took a black gloved
hand and cranked the silencer tight, just making sure it was cozy snug on the barrel. Placing
the tip under Pete’s chin, she lifted his contorted face, so he could leer directly
into her lovely brown eyes.
“Repeat address.”
“Aaah…por favor…aaah…562 Avenida
Armistice…big condo…the whole second floor…number 4…por favor…that’s it,
man…please I have my fingers back…please.” Stepping
back, Pilar looked at Johnny who had his blood-soaked fingers wrapped around
what was left of his knee. She glanced at Mal, who’s shaved tan head was
as dry as a bone, not a drop of sweat on it. For
the briefest of micro-moments, she wanted to walk over and affectionately run her hand
over his head like he had done to her, for she totally dug his vibe. Getting back to business,
for head rubbing could wait for later, she looked at the weeping Johnny, whose eyes
were bleached wide open leering at her.
“You big man. With bad knee. Repeat number.” Sniffling
and with fluids dripping out of his wide nostrils and his eyes crushed with
tears, Johnny tried to remember, he really did. Seeing the man with the shaved
head and a face that looked like it had been carved out of brass, he did remember. “Yeah…yeah…562 Armistice…yeah
that’s it…Number 4…Please…I gotta see a doctor…Please lady.” Grinding
her teeth, Pilar seethed. “I no lady.” Of course,
that reply did nothing to calm the Aguas brothers. Johnny was now certain by the way the
pizza delivery girl was staring at him that he’d probably never have a pizza again. Turning
to Pete Aguas and placing the tip of the silencer against his forehead, she
whispered, “He have guards…How many…?” “Yeah…no…maybe…yeah,
lots, he’s Mister Maccas…sometime…nobody fuck with him…He with
Orta’s…He got drivers…man who the fuck are you?” Pilar,
silencer still pressing against Pete’s quaking forehead, inhaled deeply,
lowered the Beretta. “I…just like girl you hurt…I…am
girl who going to kill you.” Lifting
the Beretta, she leveled it off about two feet from his forehead, his eyes
gawked, he began to plead. She squeezed the trigger.
“Pssssst,” sizzled through the air as well
as Pete’s brains and the back of his head, which stippled the back wall with
all of it. He crumpled to the floor, dead. Turning to Mal, she said.
“Use Sig Sauer, now. Kill man.” Like his brother, Johnny Aguas wanted to say something.
Mal lifted the silenced handgun, aimed it coldly at his forehead. Johnny’s tongue
felt like a bale of cotton in his mouth and that was the last thing he ever felt. “I…I
don’ want ta die, man.” Mal stared
at him, growled. “We all die, no one gets out alive.” “Pssssst,”
Smoke plumed out of the barrel of Mal’s handgun. The
bullet produced a small hole in Johnny’s forehead as it exploded out of the back,
painting the couch even redder than it was before. Nodding, Pilar walked
over to Mal. Standing next to him she laid her arm around his shoulder like good buddies
often did. “You best man Pilar ever know. Good work, we do well, yes
Mal?” He peeked his eyes a little lower and there it was again, her most
amazing delicate and beautiful cinnamon face. It was a face that could not possibly
belong to such a cold blooded killer, but did. Reaching
out, he touched her face with his gloved fingers and smiled. “You’re remarkable.
Simply remarkable.” Blushing, she punched Mal in his arm. “You
make Pilar feel like young girl…Me like it.” “Me
too.” Mal giggled. Remembering where she was and what they had just done and what still
needed to be done, she escaped the moment. “Maybe,
we live still, we talk more. Now business still.” Mal nodded. He was a simple
combatant waiting for orders. “Mal, you got money, still? Flash at club?” “Yes.” “Good give to me, all please.” Mal
dug into his pocket, pulled out the nine grand in hundred dollar bills he had
in a nice fold, looked at it and handed it to her.
“Nine Thousand.” Raising
her eyebrows, another notch of respect grew in her mind for the tall, muscled man with
the lines in his face and the shaved head and the now, she was positive, very sexy smile.
He was a no questions kinda a guy. “Good.
Better more, this for people I know.” She moved
to the smoked glass coffee table and tossed the money on top of the glass surface. She
looked at Mal. “Men come, cleaners, clean…for them.” She
swept up both cops’ leather cases and gold badges. She flipped them to him.
Much like a cat, he caught both in his hand. “May be good use,
later.” She found a small silver cell phone. Flipping
it open, her leather-clad thumb punched a button. As the phone buzzed, she
smiled at him. “Pilar…Yes,
you have number…Come clean…Thank you.” Slapping
the phone shut, Pilar pocketed it, rubbed her high cheekbones, looked at Mal. “I
guess we ready. One hour, dead men never here. Okay, we go see now this Maccas.” Mal
looked at her for a moment. “Cold work, yes.” Looking
deep into Mal eyes, she thought for a moment. “Yes
Mal, cold work. Men like these, like rabid jackal, hurt girl. Pilar never take work
for girl or woman. We, Mal, just help these animals where they go anywhere, understand?”
I understand.” Needing no more words,
Pilar turned and passed Mal, and as she did she allowed her gloved hand to trail along
his broad shoulder. “Come, handsome…Maybe, we finish this. Now.” She
playfully winked at him as she passed. Feeling totally awed by
her, he watched as she reached the door and exited. Shoving the Sig Sauer into his waistband,
Mal gripped the Mossberg and looked at the two dead deviants. As
within all businesses, the Aguas brothers had been simply down sized
after a corporate takeover. As Mal reached the door,
he looked back at the dead men. He normally felt nothing, but he did feel something. He
thought of Mandal, and how she would love Pilar as he did. Mal held
no sexual desire for Pilar, Mandal was his woman, but he knew Pilar needed Mandal, her
love, her compassion, and he thought they would be perfect together. There
was one problem. Could he get her back to His and Mandal’s world
alive? He knew death was now waiting for them in the darkness of the night. He
was ready now as he nodded to himself, closed the door and walked into that
darkness. A darkness that could kill them
THOR’S ANVIL J Brooke Strap a man naked to a chair, cinch a copper
cable around his dick and balls, run that copper to a Sears Die Hard, fire it
up, watch the fire erupt, strike like roaring, fucking flames from the Hammer of
Thor, blasting the anvil, ignore the screams, ignore the teeth cracking, that man will
claw the truth out of the bricks with his bloody finger nails. That is Most Men. Not one
Man. Not Mal. Mal
endorsed the pain, reveled in it, for laying in a stifling
ditch with the only woman he had ever loved outside of Rio, a young Costa Rican girl, her
hands and feet severed from her body, by the cops, to get the gold, rotting, bloating in
the Sun, well that changes a man. Three
years earlier he had not yet become Mal, for his first
step into Mexico, then the drive to Rio, 3 years, so many deaths behind him had changed
him. A pimp in a Panama casino had adopted him, thought the Crazy American Gringo was a
radical dude, and after the dead man in the trunk, he had renamed Jamie Brooke, Mal. The three cops had then recaptured him when
they found out he was still alive, had taken him to a warehouse and had
tortured him in a prison cell, for they wanted the money, from the Golden VW
van, but of course a dead man tells no tales. The cops
fucked up, didn’t murder him, they set him free,
forgetting that some men have dangerous, fucking ogres for friends, lethal, gabacho loyal
maniacs, killer amigos that have a sense of loco honor, and don’t take it lightly
when fucking cops hurt one of their friends. Thus, the Panamanian gangster, Bobby Caton, and
his enforcer, the 6 ft 8 enforcer the black Mako shark Lewis, had flown into
Rio, kidnapped the cops, took them to a warehouse, and watched as the new Mal
put bullets into their heads. That was 25 years earlier,
and Mal had killed more than his share of evil men and
women and now settled in Vegas, where an Artist of unimaginable talent with a lethal past,
could dissolve and he had thought all of that had been behind him. A lifetime diamond thief,
hashish smuggler out of Ketama, Morocco, arms smuggler, killer, well that was behind him
he supposed, but if it was, then he wondered what was he was doing in Tijuana,
sitting in a armored ‘89 Caprice, with five pounds of C-4 in the trunk, Ak-47’s,
shotguns and Ar-15’s, not to mention loads of automatic hand guns all owned by
the most stunning and dangerous teak-skinned ex-CIA Contract Killer ever
aborted out of The Agency, named Pilar. Like the women Mal loved in Vegas, Mandal, the gorgeous
blond ex-whore, hit woman for the New Jersey mob, Pilar was a stunning teak-skinned waif
ex- contract killer for the CIA. The
hookup in Tijuana had been clinical. Mal’s
woman, Mandal’s Hispanic housekeeper’s 18-year-old
American daughter, had been abducted in TJ, by Zeta cartel human traffickers. Help had been asked for. Help had been given. Mal called his ex-Panama
gangster friend, now retired on a beach in La Paz Mexico
and called in a favor. All Bobby Caton had said
to Mal was: “What the fuck bro, I thought you was done with the gabacho
fucking shit life, you sure you want this?” Mal has simply said. “Yes.” Bobby told
him to hang tight, he’s call back in ten. The call came, Mal took down the info, fired up
his dual prop King Air, loaded it with weapons, passports, a ton of cash and
flew into Tijuana International airport. Once there,
he connected to one of Bobby’s friend, the head
Mexican Immigration official, all smiles, waiting for him. 20 grand layered into his hand, he passed right
through, weapons, cash, false Id’s and had, as instructed, hooked up with
Pilar, the stunning, teak-skinned, assassin for the CIA, at a local club, whore
house, highly stylized club, Live Lula. Since they
both spoke Arabic, they presented themselves as an Arab
couple, looking for their lost friend. Mal flashed the photo of the abducted Maria to the
bartender, gave him a grand, his motel room number across the street, then with Pilar in
tow, vanished, knowing they had just set the gears in play to a world of death and homicide,
perhaps their own. Unique,
lone wolf killers, Mal and Pilar fit that bill to a
tee, had bonded together instantly. Great whites are solo hunters, but in each other, they
saw valor, truth and above honor. That
honor told a story. Sometimes a bullet in the
head, or the threat of one, wakes a dude up, gets the truth out faster than
all the courts on the planet. First thing
first. Pilar had tapped into the
Live Lula phones, found the two corrupt TJ cops’ home address. They had arrived,
Pilar holding a Pizza, Mal a shotgun, a Walther PPK, silenced, down the door went, both
Cops surprised, for Pizza delivery girls usually didn’t hold Berettas, and didn’t
have an amigo that looked like a six-foot- two slice of granite, 16-gauge
nestled in his arm. Pilar and Mal were no-nonsense
kinda killers. They went to work, got the info on Maria,
where she had gone, on the food chain, they then shot the cops dead, shared a slice, and
moved on. Great Whites don’t
linger after the kill, they cruise, going for the next meal and they had
done their work, and now were sitting in Pilar’s armor-plated sedan, in an alley,
next step, well, more death, maybe their own. Ten minutes earlier, they had
cruised the condo, saw the armed cartel guards, Pilar had done some snooping, chatted them
up, got what she needed. Mal and her were ready to roll. “Okay…Time now” She reached
back, found her shoulder holsters and guns, slipped them on, secured them along her black
body shirt. Finding her black, double-breasted, leather coat, she threw the blanket into
the back seat, struggled into the coat. Back to normal, she looked down at the
closed laptop that was lying on the console between them. Opening the laptop,
she began to type as she whispered and pointed. “Alley in back of building.
Quiet, good. Pilar talk to guards. Men, typico, Mexicano. Rooster chests, macho…Like
Pilar, much. Brag they important men. Guard important jefe. Second floor. They talk
tough, big ego…want to fuck me…I tell them meet me at Mexico Linda, later…Maybe
yes, maybe no. Maybe they problem…I not worry…Here…we go in here.” Turning
the laptop so Mal could look at the information glowing back from the web page on the screen
that she just had called up, she pointed at the diagram of the Maccas Condominium as she
whispered. “See…Tijuana Planning Commission…All
building, blue prints must go through here. Mal, understand technical
drawings?” Nodding, Mal slightly shook his head back and forth
at her expertise, then said through a half smile, “Yes.” “Good.
We go in, from rooftop. Down this.” She pointed to a ladder leading down a chute
from the roof. “Open door, go down hall, very quiet…Enter Maccas place, have
conversation, maybe find girl, if she not gone yet. But first we recon. See what inside
Condo. Maybe more men, do not know. You ready Mal?” “Once
again. Your work amazes me. Yes, I’m ready.” Smiling
from his compliment, she extended her finger, punched the numbers into the key pad, then
twisted the key. The engine rumbled to life as she
placed the car in first and edged down the street. At the end of the avenida, she hung
a left, moved down a half block, swung left into the alley. Once along-side the
back of the condominium, she killed the engine, peeked up and down the alley,
turned to her back seat. Digging around in her girl stuff, she
retrieved a black cylinder canvas bag about a meter long. Handing it to Mal,
she returned to the back seat, found a black backpack, and then turning, she glanced at
the monitor of the laptop, printed the diagram in her head, closed it and then turned to
Mal as she pulled her pack out of the back seat. “Bring
Mossberg and Sig Sauer.” Nodding, Mal watched as she opened the
door, and with her black backpack in hand, moved out of the car. Mal, opening
the passenger door and carrying the cylinder bag, exited the car, and then moved
along side of her. It was cold and Mal could see his breath fogging as well as Pilar’s.
The alley stretched two blocks before them and had many plastic trash bags as well as dumpsters
aligned along the asphalt. Mal could smell rotting garbage and it did nothing more than
to intensify his senses. Like a cat, Pilar bent to her knees,
and then extended her hand for Mal to give the cylindrical bag. Handing her the
bag, she then unzipped it, pulled something out of it. Immediately, Mal saw
that it was a very high-tech bow and arrow set up, which was folded in half at
a hinge bolted in the middle of the black affair. Assembling it, she stood, showed it
to Mal, smiled proudly. The carbon fiber bow, one used by Olympians, had high tensile
wire and thin cables running across it to give it the proper tension, which was
considerable. Bending, she retrieved an arrow ensemble, except where the arrow
point was, there was a collapsible, four- pronged grappling hook attached to
the tip and a black, knotted line attached to a hinge at the back of the arrow’s
shaft. Turning to Mal, she again smiled, as she opened the
small grappling hook, pointed with a gloved finger at one of the four-point ends on it.
“Carbon fiber, rubber tip, with stainless steel point. Very quiet, strong, you see.” Before
Mal could tell her that he loved her, at least in his own eclectic way, she peeled off
her heavy, black leather coat, allowed it to fall to the asphalt. Adjusting both Berettas
that were hanging under her arms by the shoulder holsters, she took Mal’s black backpack
and then bent, unzipped it and shoved her coat into the pack. Rising,
she turned to Mal and with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she raised the bow, slotted
the black arrow into the slot, reared back, raised the bow into the sky, and then aimed
it. Mal’s eyes went wide, for her bare arms
were cut with muscles and he could see her collarbones as they seemed to almost
pop out of her body, and then he stared at her forearms popping as they melted
into her powerful wrists and then her black leather gloves. Then, as if she were a female
Robin Hood, she released the arrow and it went. “Swoooosh.” From the
bow’s bag the black line smoked out of the case as loop after loop straightened as
the arrow whizzed up and over the roof. Handing the bow to Mal, she then gripped the line
in her black leather gloves and then began to retrieve the black, knotted rope. The
grappling hooks seemed to catch on something on the roof, and feeling it, she
gave the rope one last tug. Looking at Mal, she glanced at the
shotgun in his hand, thought for a moment, then bent, unassembled the bow set, re-stashed
it into its proper bag, then reached down, picked up the black backpack,
shouldered it, winked at Mal, and whispered. “Mal wait for Pilar sign. Bring
arrow bag, Mossberg, be right back.” He was about to say okay, but she
was gone before he could do so. Like some kind of efficacious
human Gibbon, she took the rope in her gloved hands, and straddling it, she monkey-walked
up the side of the condominium like one of her Darwinian cousins, reached the
top, and then disappeared from Mal’s sight. Once up
there, Mal watched as the rope began to unspool out of a hole of the arrow bag he was holding
in his hands. From nowhere, there appeared a black, exotic rope-like substance, attached
to a rope ladder began to unravel higher towards the roof. Once the
black rope ladder was set over the building’s lip, Mal smiled as Pilar’s face
beamed over the edge, and as she smiled, her hand waved at him to begin climbing. Mal grinned
to himself, for he had done a lot of dangerous and illegal stuff most of his life, including
murder. He had been a drug and arms smuggler, he had even lived as a jewel
fence once, but never had he enjoyed himself this much. In every thieve’s mind,
cat burglar stuff is at the top of the list, and he had to admit he was having
a blast. Shouldering the Mossberg and the arrow kit over the
same shoulder, he shoved his handgun a little deeper into the belt of his jeans, grabbed
the rungs of the ladder in his gloved fingers, and powered himself easily up the ladder
and onto the roof. Instantly, Pilar, heavy double-breasted Leather jacket
back on to shun the cold, leaned in and pulled the rope ladder back onto the roof. Taking
the Arrow kit bag from Mal, she bent to a knee, unzipped it, and the placed the rope and
the rope ladder back into it. As she did her thing,
Mal turned his eyes to the horizon, where the bright city lights of Tijuana glistened like
neon jewels everywhere. Finishing stowing her stuff, she straightened and turning to
Mal, she giggled. “Fun, yes, Mal?” Chuckling,
Mal said. “You’re like James Bond.” Reaching
forward and allowing her wonderful sense of humor to be exposed for the first time, she
pinched his cheek between her forefinger and thumb and said. “Bond, he not real.
Pilar, she real.” They shared the fun moment together,
then she released his face, and said. “Now, watch. We find out what going on
inside.” Bending to her black backpack, she
unzipped it and then began to pull stuff out of it. From the bag, she took what
to Mal’s eyes seemed to be some kind of carbon fiber trapeze setup, which was attached
to a black, electric motor and had a heavy clamp assembly attached to it. After she had
the complete thingamajig laid out on the roof, she lifted the clamp and two-meter bar in
her gloved hand, stood and then scrutinized it. Without
hesitation, she extended the black bar, so it shot out over the open space of the building’s
wall. Adjusting the stout clamps, she slotted them onto the building’s edge, and
then tightened the two clamps to it. Attached to the two-meter bar was another bar and
a phalange of black rope and again Mal thought it looked like something a trapeze artist
might use within their high-flying act, at some odd circus somewhere in the
world. Bending, she then withdrew a heavy black
canvass harness assembly. Once again, she peeled off her double-breasted coat
and her shoulder holsters, allowing them to fall to the rooftop. Mal saw tiny goose
bumps appear on her bare arms and neck, and he hoped that she wasn’t going to catch
a cold, or for that matter, a bullet before all was said and done. Placing the harness
around her shoulders, she then stitched the heavy belt along her narrow waist, gave them
both a tug, then to Mal’s amazement, she put one of her soft soled feet on the edge
of the building, and then leapt off of the building edge. Once airborne,
she fell a meter, caught the carbon fiber bar with both hands that were welded against
her waist. Completely blown away, Mal gasped as she then did a spin on the bar,
straightened, released the bar and landed softly onto the roof, flexing her
knees as she did. Perhaps she was showing off for the only
friend she had ever had in the world, perhaps not, but as she straightened, she
smiled gaily at Mal, as she whispered. “Perfect. Pilar, once a gymnast, sometime
use that talent.” Shaking his head back and forth, Mal grinned as he
said in awe. “I guess so.” Giggling, Pilar said again through a
mischievous smile. “You want to try, Mal?” “No…No, I think I’ll
leave the hard stuff to you.” Giggling,
she punched him in the arm, turned and bent to the pack again. As Mal watched, she withdrew
a small remote control with two long black cables attached to it. On one of the shoulder
straps of her harness was a Velcro patch, which she then connected the remote
control to. Turning to the small, black motor connected to the winch ensemble,
she plugged it in, spooled out some cable, then took the free cable and
connected it by Velcro to her other shoulder harness strap. Looking like some half-human half-cyborg
creature from the movie Matrix Reloaded, she bent back to the case, and then
withdrew a small Digital Cam- Corder, which appeared to Mal’s eyes to have
several tiny little tentacles, octopus suction cones attached to it. Handing it
to Mal, she moved to the edge of the building, and then turned to him. “Give
slack, as Pilar descend…Please.” Mal nodded, and then watched as she
attached the Digital camera to more Velcro on her shoulder harness. Almost
unable to believe his own eyes, he then watched as she extended her hand to the
bar, unspooled the trapeze bar, and then allowed it to dangle in the night air,
as she, in a crouch, leaped onto the building’s edge into a crouch. Her eyes
swept up and down the alley, and then seeing all was well, she jumped forward, and
as she had done before, she came to rest with her fists holding the bar, just at her waist. As she
lowered her hands to the lower bar, and as she attached it by heavy rings to her waist
harness, Mal ran his hand over his head, wondering if what he was seeing, was a reality.
He had done a lot of nifty thieving in his life, but nothing remotely as cool as what the
girl was doing. He had seen all the movies, where
guys unrealistically hung on ropes in museums and such, but this was not a movie, and as
he scratched his unshaven jaw, he had to remind himself that the amazing girl was actually
doing what she was doing. He then gasped, for instantly she
released the bar, went vertical, and now hanging upside down, feet pressed directly into
the night sky, he watched as her gloved finger came to the remote on her shoulder
harness, and pressed a button. The electric motor began to whir on the roof
edge as she descended down and down along the buildings wall. Moving
to the precipice, Mal, almost laughing, watched as the girl moved down the wall like some
kind of spider, the two cables trailing behind her. Then, once at the edge of a huge bay
window, she stalled, her eyes just below the window’s edge. Looking down at her,
he watched as she took the tiny camera, and then pressed it against the massive
window, lens pointing, he assumed, at whatever or whomever was in the condo.
The motor began to whir again, and he shook his head as he watched the winch
spool the line and Pilar back to the roof. Once there, she grabbed the extended
bar above her, unhinged her waist fasteners, pulled up, did a spin just for the
heck of it, and with her upward momentum pushing her, she then landed silently
on her boot soles back to the roof. Neither talking, nor looking at Mal, she
bent, withdrew what looked like a small Blackberry from the pack, coupled it to
the free cable, and then flicked it on. The screen went to life. She motioned Mal
to look and as she pointed at it, she took a small joystick on the monitor,
moved it around, then whispered. “There he is. He with woman, we watch for minute,
see if other there.” Then she shuddered as her teeth began to chatter
again and she gave the video monitor to Mal to hold. Bending, she grabbed her shoulder
holster, re- shouldered it and then placed her heavy leather coat on, zipped it up, re-buttoned
the double breasts, then turned and peeked at the monitor, as she whispered. “What
you see, Mal?” “Yes, he’s partying. I
see a girl, naked. They’re dancing…there you go, they like coke too. ”
Then he giggled. “His outfit is a little suspect.” Looking
at the video image, Pilar groaned. Maccas was about five-foot seven, brown skinned, about
two hundred pounds, and seemed in a gregarious mood. He had a beach ball for a belly, which
flopped over a red G-string, fashion disaster, mostly seen on the beaches of Colombia,
Venezuela and other South American countries, where fat meant that a man was a
man of importance and was a desirable thing, for he could feed himself. No stranger to gluttonous men, for she
had obliterated her fair share of them, Pilar then seethed, as she saw a most beautiful,
white skinned, naked girl dancing to music, which obviously was sprinkling through the
condo. “Pilar no like this man. She
see many just like him. Pilar angry, for if he hurt girl. He dead already, he just don’t
know it.” Mal heard the growl in her voice,
and once again he knew that perhaps her words were very bad news for Senor Maccas, who
seemed to like dancing, for he was doing his share of it down in the garishly
decorated condo below them. Growing silent, they watched for another few
minutes, then Pilar switched off the video, and turned to Mal with a look he
had not quite seen before within her brown eyes. “We go now, Mal. We talk to this,
pig. No kill, talk first, okay?” “Yes, of course.” Bending
to the bag, she dug around it, and then withdrew a fifty-thousand- volt Taser gun from
it, showed it to Mal, then laced it into her jacket pocket. “We
Taser him, then chat.” “I like it.” “Okay,
leave bags on roof, maybe we get later, maybe not. Bring Mossberg and Sig Sauer, you ready,
friend?” Nodding at her, Mal ground his jaw,
bringing him back to the hard work at hand. Staring at his gun, he ejected the
clip, found a full one in the pocket of his sweatshirt, and rammed it into the
gun’s grip, chambered a bullet, and then whispered. “Ready, beauty.” Smiling
at his words, she bent to the bag one last time, pulled something out of it, shoved it
into her heavy coat, stood, turned and then crept along the roof top. Mal followed close
behind her as she did. Moving across the roof, she then bent
at a stout hatch door that was hinged to the roof, and was secured with a rusted
padlock. As Mal crouched along side of her, she then whispered. “Just as I
think.” Reaching into the pocket of her leather
coat, she pulled out a small torch. Attached to the handle was a flint device,
which she then took, and after adjusting the flow of gas, she clicked it. The
flint sparked, the torch pooled out a small yellow/blue flame from its brass nozzle. Taking
no more than thirty seconds, she easily cut through the lock, took her gloved fingers and
after gingerly removing the lock from its clasp, quietly laid it on the rooftop. From
another pocket, she took a small can of gear oil, applied it to the rusted hinges. She
lifted the hatch, heard a small squeak, applied a little more gear oil, then repeated the
procedure. Hearing no squeaks, she lifted the hatch, and again, careful not to make a
peep, she laid it along the roof. From the bottom of the hatch, Mal could see
lights and the rungs of an iron ladder leading down to the fourth floor.
Turning, Pilar pressed her gloved forefinger to her lips, telling Mal to remain
silent. In semi-awe, Mal watched as she then dug into her
other pocket, and once there she retrieved a pair of stout goggles, that had a fiber optic
cable plugged into the side of them. Hanging from them in a spool was about four meters
of thin, black fiber optic cable. Pressing a button on the side of the goggles, Mal saw
a tiny green light begin to strobe. Within
a moment, she had the spool of flexible cable straightened into a line. Ever so carefully
she spooled the fiber optic cable down past the iron ladder rungs, so the small optic lens
at the tip of the cable was poking, just barely into the hallway. “Ahh,
good. No surveillance camera, okay, we go. Pulling
the cable out of the chute, she laid it, as well as the goggles onto the roof, turned to
Mal and whispered. “Stuff, easy to replace. Life, not so easy. Okay, follow Pilar.” Feeling his adrenaline pumping and having basically
a surreal experience, Mal watched as she climbed down the ladder. Once she was down, he
slung the Mossberg along his shoulder, and followed her down the iron rungs to the hallway
of the fourth floor. The fourth floor hallway was lightly lit, and Pilar
had not hesitated after seeing that it was secure. Turning left, Mal followed her to a
stairwell and after they had quietly moved down two sets of stairs they came to a heavy
fire door, that was closed on the second floor, but was not locked. Opening
the door, Pilar peeked her head out, stared down the light green carpeted hallway, turned
to Mal, and as she pulled out her Taser in one gloved hand, she dug in her pocket and withdrew
her silenced 9-milllimeter in the other. Looking at Mal, she whispered. “Okay, you
ready, Mal?” Nodding, Mal slowly and quietly chambered
a shotgun shell into the breech of the Mossberg. He then pulled his Sig Sauer
out of his waistband, gripped it in his black gloved hands, and whispered.
“Never more.” Pilar nodded at him, slipped through the
door and with Mal following her they tiptoed down the hallway, until they were
facing the door of Maccas’s condominium. Standing there, they could hear music
and a woman laughing filtering through the door. Ever so slowly, Pilar tucked the Taser
under her arm, wrapped her gloved hand around the doorknob, gave it a little
twist, and then seeing that the door was not locked, she returned it to its
original position “Good, not locked. He get lazy.” Mal, feeling
his heart pumping and actually enjoying the moment, nodded to her words. “Okay…Three,
we go…One, two three.” Pilar twisted the doorknob and quietly
opened the door, and then slid through the door as Mal followed her inside. OUTSIDE IN front of the Condominium, the two burly
guards, smoking and flapping their arms tying to stay warm in their heavy leather jackets,
suddenly blinked their heavy-lidded eyes. On
their thick waists, just along the holsters that were
carrying their handguns, two small cell phones began to buzz. Both Mexican men turned,
stared at each other a little confused, and then in unison whispered. “Maccas.”
Instantly they withdrew their military-issued .45-caliber handguns, turned and rushed through
the door, banked hard at a stairwell and began to run towards their benefactor’s
condominium, thus proving that sometimes even the most best-laid plans are just
not planned well enough. Tito Maccas was a demi-God within himself.
He was a bit cranky, for the Lear jet had been delayed, which would be delivering
the trafficked girl to Mexico City, including the prize, the young American
girl Maria, was late. Then he smiled, as the call came and the Jet was in
flight, to land in TJ International within the moment, so his mind turned to fucking.
He thought about it further. After the
girls were delivered, Manuel Mata, who ran the Human Trafficking Division of the
Orta’s diverse empire, would, mostly through his well-organized underlings, get the
girls to Doctor Trinidad, a conjurer with a scalpel. Maccas assumed that the girls had
already been sold and were on their way to the Middle East, most likely Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
or Qatar. Once there they would live the rest of their lives out as human sex slaves for
men that appreciated such things. Feeling
better, Maccas turned and, standing in his G-string, he glanced at his bedroom to his left,
wondered what was keeping his whore, and then he stared out the massive window at the lights
of Tijuana on the horizon. He felt the buzz from the cocaine and the tequila he
had been sipping for the last two hours, and remembering the blow job he had
gotten as a bonus from the terrified American girl, he felt almost giddy from
those thoughts. Placing his hand on his huge belly, he felt it jiggle as he began
to giggle, for he felt omnipotent, sexual and within his black beady eyes, he saw a bright
future, one in which life was just getting better all the time. Moving
a step, he bent to a smoked glass table, where a mirror and about an ounce of coke and
a small straw was set. Of course, all that changed for him
when suddenly his front door opened and some kind of phantom thing entered,
crouched, sweeping her black, gloved hands that held pistols in them around the
room. Everything had been happening so fast, he then looked confused as his
heavy eyebrows furrowed, for right behind her was a tall, brown man with a shaved
head, who to his thinking did not have a friendly expression on his face. In the guy’s
gloved hand was a man-eating looking shotgun and in his other hand was what appeared to
him to be an automatic handgun. Maccas was about to say something, when
the girl, he now saw that she was a girl, and probably the most beautiful girl
he had ever seen, extended her left arm, and pulled the trigger on her odd-looking
handgun. “PSSSSST.” Instantly, sparks blistered out of the
guns tip and almost as if in slow motion he saw the darts spitting at him and the tiny
wires, attached from the gun’s barrel un-spooling behind them directly towards him. One moment
a God, the next second a lit-up Christmas tree, the important man watched as the darts
impacted into his sternum, just above his massive belly. His eyes exploded, as did his
body as the powerful current pulsed though his fat torso. Instantly, body vibrating and
out of control, his heavy knees buckled, and he, like a Jell-O mold, in
undulating sections fell to his back, where once on the floor he simply laid
there twitching. Watching, Mal, shotgun extended, Sig Sauer tensed
in his hand and his eyes acting like a sonar pinging everywhere, he looked at her now standing
body as she turned her head, looked at him, smiled, then playfully winked at him. Mal was
about to smile, when both he and Pilar’s world fell into slow motion. Almost as if
their lives were now film clips of some D W Griffith hand- cranked celluloid movie, everything
began to unfold so slow, it was as if they were caught within suspended animation. Moving from the open bedroom door was a naked girl,
and along her side was a black twelve-gauge shotgun. Pilar was facing the girl with the
now-rising shotgun. She still had her silenced Beretta in her gloved right hand along her
right side, and as she glanced at the girl, the front door opened and the two
heavyset men in their black leather jackets entered. Now, things
fell to silence and every clip of film seemed to crawl past them. Pilar’s eyes locked
with Mal’s, and a micro-second passed, as Mal looked at the girl, who film-clip by
film-clip was raising the twelve gauge. It then
ground even slower as Mal and Pilar’s black eyes remained locked for another micro
second, as Mal, hearing the door, turned in slow motion, and saw the men raising their
own guns, in his direction. Pilar’s eyes jerked back and forth from the girl, who
almost had the shotgun level at her chest now. Back to Mal, then the men, as she watched
as Mal fell to a crouch, swung his arm around on the Mexican on his right. She
heard the “Pssst” as Mal then squeezed off two rounds, which caught the man in
the chest, sending him slashing into the wall behind him, and then to the
floor. And now, as in any war, when two friends, comrades,
soldiers are faced with the decision whether to save a buddy, or seek their own safety,
Pilar choose the first. Seeing that the other man had his pistol barrel just an inch from
being focused on her friend, she ignored the naked girl with the shotgun aimed directly
at her chest. Mal thought he saw her eyes dart at him, but then Pilar, still facing the
girl, simply raised her arm from her right side, pointing the Beretta at the man who was
going to murder her friend. One more micro second
passed, and Mal, knowing that he was dead now, watched to his astonishment as Pilar, ignoring
the fire that now was exploding out of the shotgun barrel, squeezed off one
round from her Beretta. Mal gasped, as the bullet caught the
man in the forehead, sending him down. And then before he could turn, the lead
pellets from the twelve-gauge blasted into Pilar’s chest, ripping her backwards
across the room, where once against the wall, she fell to her rump, spread-eagled
on the floor. With still a war to fight, Mal felt such
fury in his chest, that within the moment of such pain, he could only hear the
naked girl as she re-chambered another shell into the breech of the shotgun. Instantly, Mal dropped his shotgun,
went into a roll, and as he flew to his knees and began to focus his pistol barrel on the
girl, another blast plumed from the barrel of the girl’s gun. Jerking
right, Mal felt the left side of his shoulder, neck and face burn, as several of the lead
pellets pierced his body, sending him to the floor, sprawled on his back. Blood began to
seep into his eyes and he could smell the cordite and it was so silent in the room, he
could hear every click as the girl pulled back the slide on the shotgun, and
having reloaded, began to turn the shotgun in his direction. It was
a race now, between him and the girl, life, death and a bullet, and of course, as in all
matters of death, a pinpoint of time often determines who lives within such battles. Since
handguns are just plain simpler to wield, Mal on his back, lifted both hands, tried to
focus the gun on her, then because blood from a forehead wound was spilling
into his eyes, he swiped his eyes with the back of his gloved hand. No time now, no time at all, and as he lifted to
barrel of the Sig Sauer, the girl slipped, just little, and as she did, Mal fired, emptying
his gun of his bullets as he did. The girl screamed as three bullets, like
on a ladder’s rung hit her stomach, her sternum and then directly in her
throat. The force of the bullets sent her flailing backwards, her arms thrown into
the air. Back she went, until she hit the bed, where she flopped on her back, as her legs
and feet vibrated over the edge of the bed and she died. Slowly
Mal crawled to his knees, and because he was a soldier, he checked his wounds. His muscled
shoulder had taken two pellets, yet though it hurt like hell, he knew he was all right
there. Peeling off his gloves, he checked his throat and forehead, where three other
pellets had grazed him. Looking at the blood on his hands, he swallowed his
warlike nature, took a piece of his sweatshirt, and then wiped his face as best
he could clean. Not wanting to do it, he turned to Pilar,
who was slumped against the wall, her lovely chin bent against her chest. There
was blood on the side of her cheek, as well as her neck, but not a lot of blood.
The front of her black, double-breasted leather coat was shattered and ripped apart, and
he could only guess what damage had been to her tiny torso under it. Hearing
a moan, he glanced at Maccas who now was rolling around on the floor. Standing, he walked
over to Pilar’s Taser, picked it up, squeezed the trigger, which sent another jolt
of electricity along the wires. Maccas moaned in pain, his body twitched, jerked a couple
of times and then he went silent. Turning back to Pilar,
he moved to her, fell to his knees, and simply stared at her. She still clutched her Beretta
in her right gloved hand, for combatants seldom go down without them. Ever so
slowly, he extended his fingers, pushed some wayward hair from her face, and
then he grew silent, as he pushed her face back off of her chest, and with so
much sorrow, simply gazed at that cold, remarkable face. Blood was seeping from
a pellet hole in her cheek and forehead, and it sickened him seeing her perfection marred
so. Closing his eyes, he pushed the tears away, for he
now knew that another friend had fallen in his life, and that friend was simply irreplaceable.
As tears gathered in his eyes, he sat there hunched over for several moments, and then
he felt something on his cheek foreign, and he thought it was more blood. His eyes opened,
and there was Pilar’s fingers touching his face and she was smiling, as she whispered. “No sad, Mal. Pilar not dead…Look.” Grinning
from ear to ear, he watched as she lifted the tip of the silencer, and almost comically
opened the front of the tattered leather coat. “See…Special
jacket…Kevlar, Second Chance. How I look.” Exhaling
every ounce of grief he had, he looked at her minor wounds on her cheek and forehead, then
reached forward, wrapped his arms around her, drew her in and hugged her furiously as he
whispered in her ear. “Beautiful…Just fucking beautiful.” Smiling, and remembering the water that
had been gathering in his eyes as she had stared at him crashing his soul just moments
earlier, she felt his power and the hug and she could not remember being so happy. ”Thank you, Mal…”
She whispered, as Mal released her and put her at arm’s length. Gazing at her bloody
and smiling face, Mal growled. “You
saved my life, Pilar. Why?” Giggling and, then chuckling, she touched
his wounds on his neck and face, glanced at the blood seeping from his shoulder through
the sweatshirt, wiped a little blood from them with her gloved fingers, and said, “You
only friend Pilar have. She love you, Mal.” Within the
moment and as another girl she had never met before once had, when that blond
beauty had whispered those words to the most unusual man, she saw real pain sprawl across
his rugged face. Moments passed, and then
as if two rare diamonds that now were set into bezels of fate, she watched as Mal found
a smile somewhere in his huge spirit, and now, though she did not know it, her life, through
him had changed, changed forever. Touching her face, she saw his chipped
teeth. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. She felt her aching body shudder,
for first times for girls being kissed by someone they truly respect and care for, can
be so earth shaking, it can stun them to the tips of their handguns. Breaking away from her, he pushed some
more hair strands from her delicate face, and then Maccas groaned from over in the corner,
and the moment was broken, as Mal said, “You honor me. Let’s finish this thing.
There is a lot we need to talk, about…Okay?” Smiling,
she nodded, glanced at the awakening Maccas, then said. “Yes, my friend. Let’s
finish this.” Standing, Mal helped her to her feet, saw her weave
once, then supporting her under her arm, he asked. “You okay? What’s the damage?” Allowing
her heavy armored coat to fall to the floor, she touched her black body shirt, which was
skintight against her small breasts. “Ooooh.” She groaned. Seeing that a stray lead pellet had
grazed her bare, cut arm and that it was bleeding, Mal looked around, saw a T-shirt, moved
to it, and bending, picked it up. From under the pants leg of his black jeans, he lifted
his cuff, and withdrew his eight-inch hunting knife from the sheath stuck in his work boot.
The knife was like a razor, and Pilar watched which much admiration, as Mal sliced the
T-shirt into cotton bandages, moved to her, and wrapped her wound with the
white cotton strip. Seeing blood seeping out of the sweatshirt along his
shoulder, Pilar asked “You Mal…You are hurt…You okay?” Nodding,
he smiled. “I’m fine, you want to talk to this guy, now?” “Yes,
Mal…Now.” Turning,
she strolled over to Maccas, and as Mal picked up his Mossberg and reloaded the
Sig Sauer with another clip, he stuffed it in his waistband, and moved along
side of her. Maccas
looked like a beached whale, laying there in his party G-string, his enormous
belly hanging over the skimpy underwear, which made Pilar even more edgy than
before. Nudging him with her black boot toe, the man groaned once, and then his
bulbous eyelids opened. Feeling a little blood seeping into her eyes, she wiped
them with her bare forearm, glanced at the blood, and then sighed. Exposing
his pellet eyes, Maccas gawked straight up at the obviously annoyed gorgeous girl. After
a micro-moment, he recognized her and whispered. “You.” Pilar raised her eyebrows at him, coyly, winked at
him. His eyes flicked at the tall man with the shotgun, who looked a little edgy himself
and then back at the angel, who now was waving a Beretta in his face. “Get
up, NOW.” The brown girl seethed and Maccas, still living out
the delusion that he was impregnable, groaned in anger, as he struggled to his knees, facing
her as he did. Nudging his heavy lips open, Pilar stuck the silencer
barrel into his mouth, looked at Mal, then said. “Show picture, please, Mal.” As Mal
began to dig into his pocket, Maccas began to mumble some kind of defiant nonsense, but
quickly became silent, as Pilar, with her thumb, cocked the hammer back, and then having
done so, simply turned her head, back and forth. His eyes darted from the girl’s
ferret eyes to the gun in his mouth, back at her eyes, which told him it might
behoove him to be obedient, for the beautiful ferret was looking at him like a
King Snake. She wanted to eat. As Maccas gawked around his flat,
which was littered with blood and his dead minions, he thought for a moment that perhaps,
beyond his knowledge that the two killers were a part of the Castro Cartel. He
had heard that the Castro’s and the Orta’s, much like at an Eli Lilly board
meeting, had ironed out their differences, for how many hundreds of millions of
dollars do fella’s need to be happy. But in his mind, one never knew, for
violence was such an integral part of his business, well, one never really
knew, did they? Mumbling something unintelligible, he then understood,
as the tall guy with the scattergun pushed a color photograph in front of his face that
these folks were not Castro’s people, but very different kind of animals indeed. “Where
girl? Talk now.” Pilar said in Spanish, as she removed the silencer from his trembling
lips. “How much do you want? How much? I don’t
know any fucking girl. Do you know who I am?” Whacking him along side of his bean
with her pistol barrel, she saw his head jerk, and with homicide in his eyes, he
turned his face back to her as she seethed. “I know you dead man, if you no
tell where girl is.” Looking back and forth from the photo
to her eyes, he said. “I don’t know what the fuck you talking about.” Exhaling
her annoyance, she thought for a moment, and tired of gun-play for the evening, she decided
to be creative, for after all she was an artist of what she did so well. “Mal,
put Mossberg on face.” Mal lifted the shotgun, nudged the tip
against his heavy jowls. Placing her Beretta under her
bare arm, and as Maccas’s eyes kept darting at the hard character the girl kept calling
Mal, he watched as she dug into her front pocket, and from it she withdrew a
small white, plastic vial. Opening the lid of the tiny vial, she withdrew a small
glassine bag, which she laid on the palm of her gloved hand. Looking at Mal,
she winked, got a wink in return, and ever so carefully, she opened the bag and
tilting it, aimed the open lip to her palm. A small yellow pill fell into the center
of her palm, as she smiled seeing it. Tilting her hand, she saw Maccas’s eyes
leering at it, and then she glanced at Mal, who seemed mesmerized by the small
yellow tablet, as Senor Maccas was terrified by it. “Senor Maccas, do you know what
is this?” Not wanting to know, he shook his head back
and forth. “Is Cyanide…Very bad for you. “Geeze, what a gal, is there no end to her magnificence.”
Mal thought, as Maccas gulped and his eyes kept skipping over the yellow tablet in the
horrible girl’s palm. “Now…Where is girl, I
count to three. No tell. Very bad thing this…very bad. Tell.” “You…You
don’t know who I am…Fuck you…I ain’t tellin’ you nothin’.” “Time
up.” Pilar whispered, as she glanced at Mal. “Mal,
please, grab back of head, pull back. Use Mossberg to open mouth.” Mal
leaned forward, grabbed a tuft of the jefe’s thick black hair, ripped it back, dug
the tip of the shotgun between Maccas’s sputtering lips, then pried it open. Maccas
kept trying to tell her something, but it came out as stutters and disjointed babble-speak.
Pilar moved her gloved hand over his open mouth and began to tilt the yellow pill. Maccas’s
eyes bolted wide open, gawking at it. The pill
took a small tumble and, then on the edge of her glove, it began to make one last roll,
almost as if in slow motion. With sweat pouring down his obese brown face, Maccas began
to stutter again. “Si…Si…Si…Yo Conosco…Yo Conosco.” The pill began to tumble off of the edge of her palm,
and as it found air, she swept her other hand so fast, that Mal almost missed it. An inch
from his bulbous lips, she caught it, brought her hand up and playfully looked at the pill
in her glove, as she whispered, “Oooh, so close. No, it’s here…Now, where
is girl?” Mal pulled the gun tip out of his mouth,
released his grip on his hair and as he did he could see the man hyperventilating and
his barrel chest heaving and a copious amount of perspiration raining down his face neck
and chest. “Si…Girl at airport…no…Now…Jet just
come…Han…Hangar 4…she go to Mexi….Mex…Mexico City…No kill…no…No
kill me…por favor.” He bowed his head and
began to weep as his breathing increased and his chest grew huge along his body and his
face lifted and his eyes went stark. “Where…What
kind of jet…Where she go…Who waiting for her…What they do to her…Talk.” Suddenly
having problems breathing and talking, the panic-stricken man jutted out the words, as
his eyeballs began to roll into the back of his head. “Ma…Mata…Man…Ma…Manuel.
Mata…Clu…Cl…Club Mayan…All…I…I…Kn…Know…they
cut…cut her…Doc…Doc…Doctoooor Trinidad…Le…Lear Jet…Ahhhh” Instantly,
his entire body went rigid, as a massive gush of air exploded out of his chest. His eyes
rolled back into the back of his head, as Pilar leaned forward, and grabbed the hair on
the back of his head, and then whispered. “What name doctor?” With his
last breath, and as he died of a massive heart attack, the obese man whispered…Do…Doctor…Tri…Trin…aaahhhhhh.” And
then he was dead from a massive heart attack, and with no more breath in his body, and
only being supported by Pilar’s muscled grip, she released him, thus allowing him
to slump to the floor. Turning to Mal, they exchanged glances and then they heard police
sirens not that far away, which brought Pilar back to the moment. She glanced out of the
window at blue and red blinking lights flashing in their direction. “No time, Mal. We go airport. You have
Bobby friend there, official, yes.” Glancing at his dive watch, which was
splattered with blood, he whispered. “Yes, but it’s past 3 AM.”
“No matter Mal, you have big money, yes.
You call from car, he come, Pilar sure, help us get through airport, to hangar, maybe we
not too late, okay.” “Yes, you’re right.” Turning
her eyes to the front window again, she saw two blue and white Tijuana cop cars, lights
blazing on their roofs, pull up in front of the Condo. As the police spilled out of the
cars with their weapons drawn and began to run towards the front door, Pilar smiled. “Come, we go same way we come.” Just about
to turn and flee, she then felt the yellow-pill in her hand. Looking at Mal, she winked
at him, popped it into her beautiful mouth, swallowed it, looked at Mal, and smiled at
his shocked expression. “Excedrin, for Pilar headache.” She
giggled, as Mal shook his head back and forth in wonder. She
then turned, walked over to her bullet proof vest coat, picked it up and then ran across
the room, with Mal in tow. Now once again, they were moving into
a war they thought once they would never know again and what they would find at
the end of that move would be more carnage. More Bullets.
More death, perhaps even their own.
The war had begun again, and perhaps no one would
get out alive.
RAIN by j brooke
shall be a world of reticent dreams, of alchemy, of the music, the octaves of
the smiling of the cellos, the violas, and the violins; and the whisper of the
gray translucent water spectrum's spilling from a sky of eternal soul wept tears.
There will be
God; there will be streaks of silver shards in the night; globules of cold fire that
within a magnificent moment will whisper her name; and it shall be called our
mistress of beauty; and it shall be called life. For water is continuous and thus
a miracle; miraculous, a glimmer, glistening in jeweled goblets; a falling,
failing memory of pewter, of diamond light, of the love of the universe within
all of its shadows. It shall be
gentleness; its silence; its rage; its elegance of mercurial sky moments; within the barges
of coal steamers burdened with fog, laddered to the hulls, drenched, satiated of tears
refracting every nuance of the sun, at times the moon. She is the mother of all life. Her liquid tresses will transport such loveliness of
moisture here; do you not see, not feel the wetness of the other universes; and how she,
the child from the pathos of the darkness, calms our soul, graces our hearts with cold
wept water strings that bead upon our skin; mix, bide time, blend, and soar with the swallows
of wet white wings that fly and streak as tumultuous pearl rainbows towards the earth.
I do not know
such things; but I pray I remember when the drips of platinum
water drops fell from the sky in innocence; a drizzle; a deluge; shy, petulant, mercury
mirrors of silver arrows; bows struck within gold, indigo, opal and moonstone; there, near
the waterfalls screaming from the plateaus between Earth and Luna. Torrents, life
force, ponds, rivers, streams, allowing us a moment to be free from the heat of the
world; free, a gift, a weeping orphan in singular multiple shards of dew, fog, washing
away our sins. She is more powerful than fire, iron; for she, the goddess of the liquid
world, eats iron, travels within rivulets where fire dies within, as on; and in the last
moments before the forest sleeps, before night swallows the moon. She, they, it, is task;
so little known, a sister of another world, felt and severed, as if a great blade has struck
the very core of the water wheel from its pinions, spilling love to the turned-up faces
of the morning sparrows. Dance,
ballet, cries, silent moans, butterflies soaring, winged, wind whisper warriors, these
Gypsies of cylindrical ovals of a sun-lit glee; there, blended within the sky,
within the darkness. Each white water drop illuminated as if a secular and
singular promise from heaven, mimicking each, as a single opal. She
and those that echo her are our benefactor, our whore,
our courtesan, our lover, a single sonnet of a cooling song on our faces; faces turned
to God, as a reward, as a human and as beautiful and as soothing as moss that lives from
this reward for our survival. She is, our cousin, our child, our sisters, she is the
wet kiss on my cheek as I turn my eyes to the end of the universe. She is the color tantrum welded of gray and opium white
spectrum of shattered mirrors that touches, grazes and kisses my lips as the morning dew
melts within the first hints of a mauve dawn. She is the source of all life, the beginning
of time, the end of life, if she should chose to vanish from our lives; she is, she
shall always be, simply said the great Queen of all life. She is a rainbow translucent tear drop, the goddess to her sister
SALT LAKE CITY SLAUGHTERHOUSE J brooke What the fuck are ya gonna do? You’re a stunning, tall, aqua-eyed,
15-year old, razor-thin blonde goddess, stuck with an OCD, bi-polar, manic,
crazy solar-high IQ. Your father is a Canadian General, mom, a socialite fuck-wad,
white pearls, gone to fat, and both of them are terrified of you. They then off load you to the
nuns, Saint Mary’s, private girl’s crib, drugs on the way. Ritalin, lithium,
uppers, downers, mind-altering drugs, to terrorize the genius out of you. A convenient prison, where the rich off-load
their daughters, you know, so they stop watching porn and sucking off the guys
from the lacrosse team. What ya gonna
do? You run. Mandal, an hour after her parents
had begged the Popes biatches to fix her, she had loaded her back pack, .38,
and had charged out. She had stuck her elfin thumb out to the road, hooked up with
an eighteen-wheeler, fucked a guy named Earl, danced nude, stripped, conned, grifted, lied
and had screwed her way across the country for years, ended up in New Jersey. Almost ten years later, she had
failed in everything she had ever tried. She had become a fuck-doll of a New
Jersey Mobster, Fat Tony Uruguay. After busting
his balls for three years, running a train on his money, patience
and love of the monster homicidal killer who adored his pixie blond darling, she ran one
night, with almost a Mil of his money. Fat
Tony forgot the one truth about hookers. “Never trust the whore biatches,
they will fuck you every time.” It all
ended when she broke down in a shit-box Texas desert
compound, called Inferno Flats, run by the maniacal, violent Cox Clan. Mava was Ma, the brains of the
crew. Billy was a James Dean look-alike, with a 5th grade education.
And his homicidal brother Arvan, well, he was completely insane. They
owned a broke-down motel, a juke box in a bar, a junk
yard, and had more money than George Bush. They ran a massive Meth syndicate, fueled on
violence, greed and the white powder. They were all killers, yet, no matter how many people
you murder, burn alive, or cut their dicks off, there is always an alpha predator, more
dangerous than you, more violent than you. Especially
when they show up in a broken-down old caddy, and look
like Charlize Theron’s prettier, sexier younger sister, with guns. Lots of fucking
Mandal, use what a grifter has. She had out brained them. Out sexed
them. Out seduced the brothers. She had lined them out perfect. When Fat Tony’s hit
men outfit would show, to murder her, both brothers were ready to die for her.
And they did.
In the end, Mandal, C-4 involved, had murdered every one of the killers, been beaten
senseless, but had escaped, with her adopted puppy Angel, 4 Mil of Mava’s stash,
jettisoned the dead girl in her trunk, and had zoomed to Vegas a new girl, a better girl,
a beat-to-hell angel with burnt wings. Every whore needs a second chance in
She took hers, reinvented herself, settled into a lonely life, a self-loathing life,
her ticket to heaven, saving a golden pooch that in the end saved her life too with a nip
at one of Tony’s killer’s ankle, giving her time to grab her ankle walk- around
.38 and put a bullet into Bobby Ugo’s forehead, the last man standing. Some fairy tales
do indeed have happy endings. MANDAL
pulled her tan sedan up to the guard booth of the walled Golden Tabernacle Estates.
Completely in form now, she knew she had to become hard. She stared out the window at the
young, smiling blond guard in his blue uniform and private security hat. “Good
afternoon, Ma’am. How can I help you?”
Taking her gold cop badge-wallet, she flashed the real stolen badge and laminated
ID at the kid, then growled.
“Police officer, Sgt Carol Willis. I have
police business. Let me through.” The kid
furrowed his brow, for nothing ever before like he was experiencing had prepared him for
what he was now facing.
The cop looked like fucking Kate Moss, she was
so slender, blonde and stunning. “Aaah…Ma’am…Officer,
do you have an appointment?”
Mandal threw the door open and almost glowing she was so irate, she pushed the badge
and ID within inches of the kids terrified face, as she seethed.
“Listen, asshole. I’m a cop and I don’t
need a fucking appointment. I’m here to see Doctor Smith…Hit the button. Thomas.
CLEAR?” Allowing
her black jacket to swing open, so the guard could see her shoulder holster and gun, the
kid jumped back, leered at her bullet-casing blue eyes that were drilling holes into his
skull. “Well?
What are you fucking waiting for?”
“…Yes ma’am…Ahhh, officer…Right
away.” The
barber pole rose. She placed the sedan in gear, drove
into the compound. Once past his booth, he exhaled deeply, thought for a moment, picked
up the phone. In her rearview mirror, she watched, as the Guard talked into a telephone.
“No matter.” She whispered.
One way or another they would soon know her well enough. Everywhere she looked, there were white kids running
and laughing and playing along manicured lawns and riding bicycles and skateboards. She
pressed past winding driveways where legions of brown-skinned gardeners, uniformed nannies
tended to children. She noticed that they were tending white children, pushing strollers,
or watching the young, as white mothers stood idling nearby, chatting, sipping
drinks, all very white; all very odd to her eyes.
“Is this why you have stolen my girl?”
Moving right along, she was beginning to understand
a world so elitist and weird, that it simply said made sense to her. If people had the
wealth and power to isolate themselves from the real world, and within doing so, create
a fantasy island of safety and nurturing within a globe going mad from abuse, then why
not do it?
AVENGING murder of her star bartender of her
private club Jason’s, 22- year-old Claire, a 5ft 3, English waif, was multi-step
process. Identifying her grey, dead body
that looked like a hundred and two pounds of dead, cordite-colored lead, had
devastated her. Remembering the Murder Board photographs at the N. Las Vegas
Metro Homicide with her pal, Lieutenant Victor Garcia and seeing the vivid
images of the Doctor Smiths and their golden medallions on Morti Goldberg’s computers,
all of it, every bit of it began to fall into place—a puzzle that was so repulsive,
she had vomited. It had taken her, with
Morti Goldberg’s help, who owned Vegas Camera/Digital and was a member at Jason’s,
Mandal private club, less than three hours to piece everything together. Of course, it
had been the Mason’s Masonic gold medallion, clutched in one of the dead
husband’s fists, after his pregnant wife had been abducted on Garcia’s-Murder-Boards
to be the key.
Lieutenant Garcia guided Mandal along the ghastly
serial murders crime. Three young Christian families,
mid-twenties, solid citizens, had been home invaded.
The husband had been murdered, and the blond, pregnant, blue- eyed wife had been abducted.
Claire had fit the profile, her being so blonde, blue- eyed stunning.
BLING, back to the moment.
Stalling in front of an English Tudor Mansion,
she stopped at the driveway entrance. She knew she had to calm the rage brokering through
her nerve endings. She turned left and began to move up the winding, brick driveway.
She parked, felt her Beretta under her coat,
the .38 in her back waist band. She twisted the key, simply sat as the engine died.
Fearless, manic, she walked towards the great
oak door, not knowing as she did, that perhaps soon, very soon, that blue sky might be
splattered with blood, her blood. JUST AROUND 5 PM, ATLANTIC CITY
TIME, 1st Grade Detective Carrol Willis, AKA, one Mandal Beckwith
stood before the massive oak door. She pressed the brass doorbell button.
The lock clicked as the door swung open. An ash
blond, looking washed out and wearing a garish rainbow sweater and an ankle length skirt,
with Westminster dog-runner shoes on her feet stood. She had a strand of white pearls around
her neck. The woman had insipid gray eyes, paste-colored skin and in her work boots, Mandal
towered over her. Mandal had seen her before
on the family photo on Morti Goldberg’s computer.
Mandal shoved her leather wallet with the gold
badge and ID into the woman’s face. She snarled. “Police officer, Detective Willis. Here to
see Doctor Smith.” Dr. Adam Smith’s
wife Sarah’s jaw dropped. Not waiting for an invitation,
officer Mandal walked right past her, roughly banging the woman’s shoulder with her
own. Slapping her badge case shut, she slid it into her jacket. She faced off the gawking
woman. “Well…What
the fuck are you waiting for?”
Mrs. Smith gasped. Mandal could see her shoulders
begin to shake. The woman began to stutter. “I…I…Aahh…Yes…Aaah…Doctor
Smith is…is…in the study…he…he
is waiting for you.” Mandal ground her jaw and
appreciated that she now knew that the guard had already called.
Mandal jerked her head once. “Well…Come
on, giddy up.” Mrs.
Smith’s teeth chattered, her lips trembled, for
she simply hated anything vulgar in the world, including her own insipid image in the mirror.
this way…The…The doctor is waiting.”
As Mandal followed the timid woman, she wanted
to draw her 9-millimeter and begin blasting away. In her mind all the ducks were in a row,
why wait. At the end of the hallway,
the woman stopped in front of an oak door, backed away from it as if it scared her. “Please, officer…Doctor
Smith waits.”
“Do the world a fucking favor. Ditch the
pearls.” Sarah gasped.
Wanting to pistol whip her, Mandal smirked, twisted the door knob, moved inside
the room, slamming the door behind her.
Her back to the door, Mandal looked across the library-slash-office, study, and
saw a smiling, blue eyed, tall blond man, in a pinstripe suit, rising from a high back
office chair. He extended his white hand. “Hello…Hello…You’re
a police officer, correct.”
About three inches taller than her, he pushed
his hand to hers, which was solid against her side. Pulling up, he, in
a “Geeze, I’m glad you’re here” gesture,
pumped her hand. Inwardly his heart thumped, seeing the gorgeous, blond cop’s blue
eyes, which had no blink in them, nor fear. She flashed the badge, pushed it into his face,
allowed him to absorb it.
“Yeah. Sergeant, Detective, Carol Willis,
Atlantic City, PD.” She
swept her jacket back, so he could see the Beretta and
her shoulder holster. “Let’s talk,
doc.” Again, he swallowed hard.
“Yes of course, detective…Please, let’s
sit. Come this way.” Releasing
her grip, he still felt its warmth and its power as
he led her to a set of leather chairs in front of his teak desk. He was simply mesmerized
by her face. About to pull a chair out for her, he did not, for she shot him a gunshot
glance, as she roughly pulled out one of the chairs and sat.
He sat in his high back, black leather chair,
simply stared at her. She had no blink and he was mesmerized by her short, white hair and
tan face, which had many unusual, faded white scars trailing along it
If she were not the most beautiful Nordic woman
he had ever seen, then he knew none other. He was almost positive that
she was not a detective, for if anything, she had to be at
least some movie star or a fashion model pretending to be a cop.
“Now, Detective, ahh, Willis, is it? How
can I help you? Perhaps, some tea, or coffee?”
“No thanks.” “How
can I help you?” “We’re looking
for a missing girl. We’ve been led to believe
that you might know something about her.”
He did not like the word, “we’re” nor did
he like the words “Missing girl.”
“A missing girl. I’m sorry, I don’t
understand. No missing girls here.”
“She’s a runaway, East
Coast. Showed up dead, in Vegas. She was pregnant. Kid ripped outta her body. Your name
came up on a computer check, well, concerning your clinic.”
She saw his cheek tick, just once.
“You wouldn’t know anything about that,
would ya Doctor? Missing girls? Their kids ripped outta their guts?”
fact that he kept swallowing and he kept flexing his
fingers that were pressed against his desk top, told her legions.
“My goodness, detective. That is horrible…Guts?…Computers… My…My…We’re a well-respected
Fertilization Clinic…We help young women…No…No…I…am shocked…A
missing dead girl?…No, of course nothing like that could ever happen here…A
missing dead, girl?…My, my, oh my.”
Reaching into her pocket, Mandal found Claire’s
photograph, slapped it on to the teak desk. Pushing it across the mirror, she twisted it,
so now it was facing Doctor Smith. Barely able to peek at it, he took it in his fingers.
“Maybe that will help your memory, Doctor.
You know this girl?” Pursing his lips,
his brow wrinkled, as he saw the girl that he had butchered,
not dead then, not with an empty womb then, sometime before he had gotten his hands on
her. In the picture, she was different, smiling and seemed to be laughing. He could not
remember that laughter before he had sliced her open and murdered her baby just before
he had murdered her.
“No…No…Certainly I would have remembered
such a pretty girl…I’m sorry…Ahhh…No, I’m sorry…Ahhh…My goodness,
what a horrible thing…Aaa…Aaah…Did you say you are a detective…Might
I see your ID again…” He smiled. “Please.”
There were just a few ticks of the clock left
now for her, yet still she was so fascinated with him, that she wanted just a little bit
more, just to be certain. She handed it to him. As he opened it, and began to scrutinize
it, she then saw it, and that was it for her; she was now ready. On the desk was a double-framed
photograph. Placed in the slot was a color photograph, and it showed the two, twin brothers
standing in wonderful black suits, their arms woven around each other’s waists. “Tick, Tick, Tick”
Her eyes clicked at the gold medallions that
fell on tiny gold chains from their suit vests.
“Tick, Tick, Tick.” PULSE
THUNDERING Her eyes flipped
back and forth from the photograph, to Doctor Smith
staring at her Cop ID, then, back at the men in the photograph.
“Tick, Tick, TICK.”
eyes moved to his suit vest, and there was no gold chain
nor was there a gold medallion hanging from the vest pocket. Doctor Smith closed her wallet,
instantly became cold, as his lips tightened. He smiled eerily at her.
“You’re not a police officer, are you,
Miss whoever you are?” “Tick,
She smiled as her hand began to slip
inside and up beneath her jacket and she began to rise.
not…And you’re not a fucking doctor. You’re
a fucking butcher and now, I’m going to kill you.” Instead of showing fear, he smiled
as she stood. Her hand on her 9 millimeter’s handle, he gazed past her
shoulders and whispered.
“Boys.” “Tick, Tick, Tick.”
PULSE FROZE. Time froze, as she began
to withdraw her hand gun and then she twisted around.
Two, tall, muscled blond young men, twins, dressed in Docker tan pants, and golf shirts
and tennis shoes, were just feet behind her.
The Beretta half way out of its holster, she
backed away, but she was a micro-second too late.
Both boys leaped at her, and in unison pressed
the steel nubs of their stun guns against her neck and cheek. Electricity and sparks sizzled
and sparked against her skin. She shrieked as her body shook wildly, and as her hand whipped
out, her gun flew across the room. Her teeth chattered violently as she fell to the floor.
Once there it vibrated out of control, and then her vision went black and she saw no more.
Standing, Doctor Smith looked at his brother’s
twin sons, who seemed petrified of what they had just done. Staring down at just one more
Icelandic blond pure woman, who was again another unexpected prize and one that would sire
creatures just like she in the future, once, that is, after they lobotomized her and impregnated
her, he smiled.
“Take her to the room, make sure she has
no weapons, we will deal with her after Ethan returns.”
Rubbing his jaw, he looked at her beauty and
her glorious white hair. His eyes went oval in delight as he whispered. “Ethan will
be so very pleased. Take her.”
The edgy blond Vikings nodded, bent, and turned
her over. They frisked her, found the .38 in her waistband, showed it to their uncle, found
the knife in her boot, which got a wry little smile in return from him.
“So violent, so perfect. So magnificent…A
perfect breeding vehicle. Move.”
The boys easily lifted her. With her boots trailing
behind her, they dragged her out of the office, through the door and then they were gone.
Elated that pure, blond beautiful girls were
seemingly dropping out of the evolutionary gene pool, he came back to reality. The word
“we’re” kept funneling through his head, so he quickly returned to his
desk, and opened the girls cop wallet. Picking
up the phone, he got an operator, found the area code
for Atlantic City, asked for the phone number of the Precinct typed on her laminated ID,
scribbled it down on a yellow pad, hung up the receiver. He punched in the numbers, waited.
“Detective, Sgt. Carrol Willis, please.”
Listening, he nodded his head up and down and
back and forth. “You’re sure…Retired,
ten years ago…No…Thank you…My mistake.
Bye.” He began to giggle.
Wondering just who she was, he would, after the twins got her settled in her holding
room, adjacent to the babies’ nursery he would have them check out her vehicle.
He was just so curious, wondering who and what and above all, where she had come from.
Seeing her Beretta off to the side of the room,
he walked over, picked it up, stared at the silencer. He smiled, liking the feeling of
the handgun in his hand. He walked happily to his desk, where once there, he laid the Beretta
alongside the mysterious girls, .38.
“Uuuuh. Another thief, I bet.” Shrugging his shoulders, he walked out the door,
not knowing that he was close in his assumption, except for one little thing.
She was not a thief, though she had been one
once, a long time ago. What in fact she was, was a level of justice, a cold-blooded murderer
of evil. The evil of men.
PERHAPS MUCH like some kind of human, exotic and graceful Bird of Paradise waking
to the first glints of sunlight, Mandal sat up from her bed, and stretched her
long arms above her head. She arched her back and elongated, glanced
at her tan toes. She wiggled them for a moment, giggling as she did. After a moment, she
allowed her eyes to rise, drift to the window of the door and once there, she saw the twins
leering at her.
She sweetly smiled at the boys, and got two smiles in return. She took a deep
breath, exhaled through pouted lips as she printed her smile along the boy’s faces.
Wetting her full lips with her pink tongue, she shyly and seductively lowered her eyes.
The room was sound-proof, but she was positive she could hear the young, twin blonde’s
kinetic energy pass through the heavy door as they whispered back and forth to
each other. She puckered a small kiss towards them. She
smiled gaily, her mouth parted, she ran her tongue along her swollen lips. The
boys blinked, and she saw them and in a jilted manner, talking back and forth to one another.
Slowly, very slowly she began to unbutton each snap of her white cotton tunic. As it parted
partially, showing her small breasts, her evident rib cage and her flat brown tummy, she
saw the boys’ blue eyes widen. Seduction, when practiced by a master
tactician, is always better slow, so she lingered there for a moment, her knees
parted as her tan feet pressed against the white tiles of the floor and her tunic
unbuttoned to her small hips. Closing her eyes, she arched her back, exposing a little
more skin from beneath her cotton tunic. She ran her fingers through her short, white hair,
lowered her face, and seemed to shudder. A few more moments passed, a she
simply pulled the tunic off of her upper torso, laughed to herself like a crazy nymph,
let it, in stages, pillow to the tiles. Her eyes closed. She jerked her head,
arched her back, threw her head back and laughed gaily at the ceiling.
The boys, aroused beyond anything they had ever witnessed before, outside of porn
videos they secretly watched whenever they could, leered at her strident ribs and tiny
breasts. Her pajama bottoms were slung low
on her hips, and each muscle leading down below her waist, was cut. Her lips parted
and pouted as an obvious, sexual tremble rumbled through her body. She laughed, shook her
head back and forth like a wild gypsy. She slowly stood, her lips parted, her tongue
traced along her luscious lips. Mimicking every tawdry seduction scene she
had ever seen in any ridiculous Hollywood flick ever produced, she simply flicked at the
draw string on her white pajamas with her finger tips. “Ooops.”
She laughed, as the white PJ’s fell down her long legs and fell into a pool at her
Standing naked and barefoot she went pigeon toed, as her eyes lifted and she looked
at her fans gawking at her from the door’s window. She stretched her arms back, arched
her back, and stretched to her full height. Not a single golden hair below her
eyelashes, she looked like a golden dolphin. Her skin was bronze and she could
hear the boys’ reaction as they whispered back and forth frantically to each
She began to casually pace back and forth, sometimes laughing, other times pouting.
She ran her hands along her stomach and breasts. She crouched to her bent knees, her eyes
blazed. She placed her fingers between her parted legs. She clutched her lasered cunt.
She touched her wet fingers to her lips. She groaned. Eyes closed, she heard the
door rattling and she started to laugh. She parted her lips. She trailed her
fingers along her vagina. Back and forth, in and out, all around, she began to
drool. Her teeth began to chatter. She fell to her knees. Clutching her cunt, her
body shuddered in climax. She turned her pleading eyes to the boys. Then, as if a small,
shy little girl, she gave them a smile so inviting, that she almost wept having done so. Blushing, a tear
fell from her eyes. She lifted her eyes to the boys and shrugging her shoulders, she peeked
at her finger tips, and almost embarrassed, she smiled. Slowly, she lowered her
fingers from her lips, stood, stretched her arms as she moved to the side of
the bed, and sat. Planting her feet onto the tiles, she spread her knees, so a
full frontal view of her tan body faced the boys. She gripped her cunt with both hands, threw
her head back and laughed. An expert at mood swings, she halted her gaiety, lowered her
face, pouted again and again, and now drooling and her eyes never leaving their stares,
she began to masturbate herself with her fingers. Thinking that she heard
the lock spring, she slowed. Seeing Jeb, she assumed that was his name, peeking at her
through the now partially opened door, she stopped, shuddered. “Jeb is it?”
He nodded. She could see an erection
growing in his tan Dockers and his breathing was somewhat discombobulated, so she winked
coyly at him.
“No last wish for a bad little girl, handsome?” Testosterone wracked
his body, he glanced at his brother, then back at a creature he simply thought could not
really be doing what she was doing. Living a life in sexual denial, and often after off-loading
that curse through his only outlet, pornography and now suddenly being
confronted with every seedy sexual desire he had ever dreamed of, he began to
“Yo…Yo…You better stop that…It’s…Its…
a sin…I…I…Just st…Stop it.” Tilting her head, she ran her fingers
along her clitoris, winced, as she smiled, then purred out each selected word,
as they dripped like pure sex out of her lips. “Why, Jeb…I’m just a girl…I have
needs, too…You don’t like me?…You don’t think me pretty?..I need
it, Jeb…I need it bad before I die…Please. Fuck me” Feeling his dick
bulge, his eyes swept her slender body. She was licking drool off her lips again with her
pink tongue. His brain began to spark, for their connectors were coming apart.
“Ne…need…need what…Pre…Pretty…Yes…needs…what
needs?… Aaah…It’s
a sin.”
“A sin, Jeb…Why is it a sin…Me desiring you…Didn’t
Adam and Eve fuck too?” She smiled, as his body jerked. “Why
is that so bad…I just want it, one last time…Please Jeb…Please. What’s
so sinful about that?” Pushing his stun gun back and forth between
his fists, Jeb leered at his twin as he uttered. “Yo…You sho…shouldn’t talk like that. Our
fathers will be back in a few hours from the airport, they will be mad.”
Spreading her legs, she gave him a full shot of her welcoming vagina. She lowered
her fingers to it, spread it a little further open, shuddered. “Where’s Dad? “Ge…Getting
Ethan, his wife and the new Swedish babies at the jet.” “So what’s the problema
sweetie pie?…What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, now will it? Please,
Jeb, just one last wish. Just one last fuck before I die.” Gawking, he lifted
his eyes back and forth from between her legs to her wet lips and then back to her fired,
welcoming blue eyes. Releasing her vagina, she lifted her arms, and put them
before her, as she purred. “Come here, baby. Let me show you what
Paradise is really like.” Jeb felt his brother standing half way through
the door behind him. He jerked his head to his brother, then at the brazen Jezebel, as
depicted in the Bible, then back at his brother Simon, then at the naked peep show the
girl was offering him, with her spread apart knees. “Do it, Bro…Do
it, Bro.” Simon said.
“What about Simon?” Mandal
spread her legs a little more apart. She grasped her vagina with both hands,
trembled all over, as she seethed. “After you baby, I’ll do your bro.” Her body shuddered as she whispered,
and a drop of saliva fell from her lips, down her breasts. “Promise. Double team me baby,
Jeb jerked his face to his brother, who was bobbing his head up and down like a
Dodger bobble head.
“Do it Jeb…They’ll never find out…Do it, bro. You know you’re
going to after they Lob her, anyways.” Stretching her hands into the air
again, and as her rib cage tightened, exposing every one of her ribs, she pursed her
lips, moaned. “Come here baby, be sweet to me. That’s
my last wish. I just want you to be sweet to me. Let me suck that big Mormon dick
of yours.”
Sex has always superseded religion, thus the reason for so many virgins sacrificed
by those of the Good Book to the various Gods that demanded such things from the faithful.
Like some kind of naked, super-conducting magnet, Jeb felt her I-Beam as it pulled him
towards her. Once standing before her, he gripped his stun gun, showed it to her.
“I have a stun gun…I…I’ll use it.” Tilting her head up from her sitting
position, she smiled, as she reached for his zipper. “Sure, honey…You use that if I’m a bad
girl.” She touched the bulge in his chinos. “My goodness,
what do we have here?” She swallowed, seemingly a little scared at what she was looking
at. “So big…Wow…Ooooh.” With every neuron going ‘Whack’
in his body, she batted her eyelashes as she looked up at Ned’s cranked-out face,
and then allowed another drool of saliva to spill from her trembling lips.
Three, two, one, blastoff. She dug his cock out of his pants,
Simon at the door almost had a conniption fit, as his eyes gawked at his lucky brother,
(the co-captain of their football team) as Jeb’s entire body began to tremble as
his blond head jerked from the Biblical whore’s touch. Without hesitation, the ex-whore
from Atlantic City, inserted Jeb’s substantial penis into her mouth. A low groan
escaped from Jeb’s lips. His body went taut as she began giving him a blow job.
Simon, partly in and out of the door watched, simply stunned to his boat shoes at
what he was seeing. Mandal felt the blood expanding in his penis. Not wanting
him to orgasm, she slipped her lying lips from his penis. She held it in her
hand, as she tilted her blue eyes to Jeb, who was leering at her. “Not yet, sweetie…Come here…Give me my
last wish…Fuck me, please. Please, Jeb, right here on the bed. Please.” She took his hand,
laid him on the bed. She adjusted his blond head on the pillow, made sure his legs were
prone, and glancing at Simon, she threw him a playful air kiss. With his own erection
throbbing, Simon felt the heat of the air as the kiss whizzed past his face.
Mandal took his hand, the one with the stun gun, and laid it neatly along his side
as she whispered.
“Hold tight, honey bunny. I’ll be good.” She kissed him. “Promise.” Jeb watched as the
exotic Praying Mantis crawled on top of him, and then straddling his waist, wrapped both
hands around his dick. “You’re such a sweetheart.” She purred. She lifted her tiny
hips and guided him inside of her and in the same fell swoop, lowered herself so he was
completely inside of her. Jeb groaned. Mandal groaned. Simon Groaned. Lot’s O’
groaning. Like a whirly bird, she rotated her arms
above her head as she ground down and all around Jeb’s encapsulated penis.
Laughing and groaning, Jeb stared in disbelief up at her small breasts, striated
ribs and heaving tummy as she lowered her eyes at him, made contact, smiled at him, as
she touched his shaking lips. “You like, Baby?”
“Ye…ye…Yes…Oh, God yes.” Because of his naughty and sinful masturbatory
habits, Jeb had once fucked a Jell-O mold. He groaned away as he knew that heaven had
arrived, for nothing he had felt to the moment, could compare with the warmth he was now
Mandal smiled, ground down a little harder on his throbbing penis. She raised her
arms into the air, entangled her fingers into a balled fist. She shrieked, as she slashed
the balled fists down. With pure hatred and fury, unmatched by any evil the Book of Mormon
ever depicted, her balled fists exploded into the bridge of his nose. Instantly Jeb tried
to scream, but so much blood erupted out of his nose and mouth, it was just a gurgle. Covered
in blood, shrieking, screaming, Mandal lifted her double fists into the air. Howling,
she hurtled her fist savagely over and over and over again until his teeth
shattered and his face, a bloody pulp emulsified. Drowning in his own blood,
his hands and feet began vibrating on the bed. Mandal, her eyes rabid, covered in red blood
and pulp and shattered teeth and bone of his face, wailed. Turning, she, still on her hands
and knees, leered across the room at Simon, who was now just recognizing what had happened.
With her white hair satiated with blood, and more blood and tissue covering her face, breasts
and stomach, she whipped around, licked her lips and tasted the blood. A black belt in
Judo, she then crushed his wind wipe with a savage blow from her wedged fist. He died instantly. She slashed from
the bed. Simon was through the door. Taking two steps,
he halted, for the naked, blood-covered monster was now facing him. The look in her eyes
terrified him, as well as her blood-soaked body. Mandal threw her head back and screamed.
She ran across the room, leaped, and wrapping her bare legs around Simon’s waist,
she gripped his waist as her fingers clawed up, digging into his eyes. From the force of
the impact, he went flying backwards, as his hand held his stun gun, and his thumb kept
trying to ignite it. Backwards they moved, muscled legs, like a
Boa, increasing the tension along his waist. And then Simon screamed, as he felt one of
his eyeballs being ripped from his eye socket. He exploded against the wall, as Mandal
screamed again. Simon, being attacked so ruthlessly, then tangled his feet. He dipped backwards.
Mandal hanging on with her legs and claws digging at his eyes, landed on top of him. His head sprung
backwards, hitting the floor hard. His hand released the stun gun. It slid just to the
left of him. Mandal screamed again, as she
ripped at his face, which, minus one eyeball leered at her. He exploded,
shrieked at her as his hands flew to her face, and he raked it with his
fingernails, leaving just more bloodied scars of a long line of scars on her face. Her eyes went insane,
as she lowered her mouth to his nose and then chewed his nose off with her teeth. He shrieked,
raking her face, as her peripheral vision saw the stun gun on the floor.
Digging her fingers into the other eye, Simon screamed, followed by a primeval
wail from Mandal. She spit his nose out, shrieked. Insane,
she grabbed a tuft of hair, and smashed the back of
his head against the concrete floor, screaming as she did. Her hand fell to the stun gun.
She leered at the steel nubs, ignited it with her thumb. Reaching behind her, she slashed
the steel nubs into his testicles. What was left of Simon bellowed as the
high voltage ruptured his testicles. Seeing his bloodied eyeball, laying on the
floor, she stuffed it in his mouth, withdrew the stun gun. As Simon’s last
remaining orb glared at her, he screamed again as she ripped the stun gun into his
mouth. With a wild grin on her face, she ignited it. Sparks, fire and smoke blasted out of his mouth,
stifling the last screams from his throat. Pressing the steel nubs deeper into his throat,
she had still not blinked to the moment. Feeling his entire body vibrating, she threw her
head back and began to bellow uncontrollably. After a moment, she stopped her
screaming, and lowering her head, she saw that Simon was still not dead. Seeing
the smoke swirling out of his mouth and his one eye numb and opaque, she threw
her head back and screamed again. Throwing her hands into the air, her entire
body undulated, completely out of control as she screamed one last time.
She twisted to the floor, straddled his torso, and with her forearm wrapped it around
his throat. Grinning, and as she strangled him to death, she whispered. “For
Claire, asshole.”
Her brow crinkled as she came back from her madness. She stared at the spool of
smoke trailing out of Simon’s mouth. Taking the stun gun in her bloodied fingers,
she jerked her head at the door, remembered further and stood. Out the door, she turned left towards
the pregnancy rooms. She powered into the vast, white, neon lit room. There she
was, the caretaker, the wife who was a part of such horror, and having heard
the screams, she was standing next to the last bed, the empty bed, the one
meant for the crazed, naked, blood-soaked demon staring at her. Cowering, her hands pressed against her
Christmas sweater, as she, Ethan Smith’s wife Sarah, they were all named Sarah
in one way or another, cringed as the naked, blood-soaked woman moved before
her. The devil, simply grinning, gawked at her. Pressing her back against the wall, she whispered.
“Pl…Pl…Pl….Please… Do…Don’t
hurt me…Please. I pray you do not harm me.” Mandal grinned,
as she felt bile gathering in her throat. Eyes like fired lug bolts, she touched the deep
scratches on her cheek, touched her bleeding lips with her own blood, as she
whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to
kill you, you fucking bitch.” Leaping at Mrs. Smith, the woman yelped as
Mandal dug her fingers into the back of her sandy hair, ripped her skull back so the woman’s
shaking lips were open in pleas of remorse and hopefully forgiveness. Mandal lifted the
stun gun and having it level with her bulging eyes, Mandal racked the nubs into her mouth,
lit her up, seethed. “Pray on this, you bitch.” Fire and electricity pulsed through
her mouth. Her body vibrated through her screams. Holding her by the back of her
hair, Mandal watched as the woman’s feet bounced up and down on the floor.
Seeing the woman’s eyeballs roll to the back of her head, Mandal pulled the
gun from her smoking mouth, and in one action, ripped her face into a solid table, set
next to the empty bed, her bed, one…two…three times. Hearing the bones
of her nose crunch, seeing her teeth scatter to the floor, the woman moaned. Mandal lifted
her face backward, scrutinized it. Staring at her shattered nose and broken teeth and
the blood gushing down her face, she savagely slashed her face once, twice, and
a third time against the solid oak table. Reaching down to a stainless steel table,
she took a scalpel, leered into her eyes and then cut her throat. Mandal
released her, allowing her in sections to slump to the floor. She lifted her foot
into the air, and with the ball of her heel, she crashed it into her temple, double tap
killing her instantly.
“Bitch.” She whispered. She began to feel the adrenaline
draining from her body. Blinking twice, she looked back at her holding cell.
She ran her fingers through her blood-soaked hair, brought her hands down to her
face. Staring at the blood, she crinkled her brow. She remembered that she had just murdered
three people, thought about it for a second, shrugged her shoulders, and meekly whispered.
“Geeze.” Her eyes glanced at the young Holtzman
girl laying in the hospital bed, silent now, no laughter, future, never to
smile again, no redemption in her life now. Glancing at the tubes in her nose
and arms and as she listened to the heart monitor go “Beep…beep…beep” she
stared at the comatose girl, who would never have a life now. Walking over to
the girl, Mandal wiped her left hand on the sheet, semi clean of blood. Tenderly and lovingly
she petted the girl’s blond hair. She felt a tear gathering in her eyes.
Touching her cheek, she winced as she saw the girl’s eyes turn to her. For
a moment she thought she saw recognition within them. But they were like dead lead balls.
After a moment, the girl turned back to seeing nothing and feeling nothing. A tear fell down Mandal’s
cheek. Looking down the row, she saw the three other
lobotomized and pregnant young blonde women. She bent and vomited. It cleared her thought
process. Biting her lower lip until it drew blood,
she exhaled as she turned and began to walk. Preparing now, there was more work that needed
to be done and as her brain sizzled, she seethed to herself. “Sleep
my lovelies, I’ll take care of it all now.” And then she was around a corner
and gone. DOCTOR Ethan Smith stared at the
tan Caprice, then his brother. He glanced at his wife Ruth, who was holding the two
blonde babies in white, soft cotton blankets in her arms. Not wanting any roaming eyes within
the house, Doctor Ethan Smith turned to the chauffeur, and politely said. “Thank
you, Jeffery. Have a good day.” Doctor Ethan Smith, seemingly a bit
annoyed, stared at the tan sedan, then at Adam, his brother. “Her car.”
His brother swallowed hard, nodded. “Yes, Ethan…It is.”
Rubbing his jaw, he thought for a moment. “Okay, let’s see this woman.
Take the children into the sanctuary. Come.” Everyone on edge, Adam Smith and with his brother’s
wife carrying the two children from Stockholm and Ethan Smith following, they all walked
through the door. As they entered the vast living room his brother turned to him and whispered. “Wife, take
the babies to the nursery. Brother, my office. Let us see who this woman had pretended
to be.” Both men walked across the living room. Ethan
Smith stalled out in front of his office door, turning to his brother as he did. “Where are the boys?
Where is Sarah? Simon shrugged his shoulders, glanced at his
watch, whispered with no concern what so ever in his voice. “It is late, Ethan. They sleep, perhaps.” That made sense to the tall blond
twin dressed so wonderfully in his black suit. He nodded, walked into his most
fabulous office. “Hey, you’re back. Great, come on in
The female voice jolted them to a stop. A single light off into a corner illuminated
the study, throwing a yellow glow on the figure sitting behind the great teak desk on the
high back office chair. Within a micro second, both men thought it was Sarah, but quickly
that changed as the figure, dressed entirely in black rose from the chair. Her height
instantly told them that this was not anyone’s wife, but something very, very
different indeed. She had showered, found her clothes, black
gloves and her guns on the desk right where she had last seen them. Pointing her silenced
Beretta 9 MIL at the two stunned doctors, she grinned as she moved a few steps towards
“Surprised, gentlemen? If you move, just a little, I will kill you.” The twins exchanged
horrified and stunned glances. Mandal could see that the look on Ethan Smith’s face
seemed so filled with disbelief and then hatred, she tensed the grip of the pistol, for
he looked at the moment like he would attack her. She saw his blue eyes tick across
the room at the gun case, which was filled with rifles and two, old and etched
metal, over/under barrel shotguns. She saw that he was contemplating them. She
grinned. Raising the automatic so it pointed to his white, striated face, she giggled,
mimicking Dirty Harry. “Go on, Doctor. Make my day.” Getting her gist, Ethan Smith calculated
the odds and, then chilled out. “Ho…Ho…H?…Wha…What in God’s
name have you done?…Ho… How.” Simon Smith stuttered, as his brother Ethan
stared at the most beautiful, blond Goddess he had ever seen. She was a no-nonsense kinda gal
and maybe in the movies they exchange all kinds of lip service, but in her world, that
was nonsense. She walked to Simon Smith, and rearing back, she racked him in
the temple with the Beretta’s barrel, sending him down with a “yip” to the
floor. Glancing at Ethan Smith, she pointed the barrel
tip at his temple. She smiled, as the doctor, seemingly constructed of ice, simply glared
at her through his blue eyes. “This not in God’s master plan,
Ethan…That’s your name, isn’t it?” She stared at Adam, who with a bloody, serrated
left eye was groaning as he struggled to his feet. She glanced back at a smiling Doctor
Ethan Smith.
“You’re making a mistake, miss…I am afraid you do not understand
what we are doing here. Do you know that you could be a part of something so grand, that
it would equal the glory of our Savior’s work. I’m sorry, your name?” Mandal peeked at
Adam Smith, then back to the smiling and confident brother. “Oh, I’m sorry, Doctor.
Mandal…And the only mistake that’s been made, is that you murdered my girl.”
Far off in the house, a scream echoed somewhere. Both men jerked their heads to
the open door. The sound of shoe soles could be heard and, then crashing through the door,
Ruth Smith, her face painted in tears and panic appeared. “OH ETHAN…OH MY GOD,
Ethan…Th…The boys…Sarah…Dead…all dead…ETHAN….AAAAH.”
She swallowed her words in her throat. Tear-strained eyes lifted and she saw the
blond devil casually swinging a gun towards her. In an instant, her gray eyes locked with
the demons. Her face bleached in terror as the blonde demon smiled at her: “Pssst,
Pssst, Pssst” whistled through the air. The three bullets hit her in her
Christmas sweater, centered into her chest. Her body bucked and violently hurled
back through the doorway. Slamming back against the wall of the hallway, she fell,
her face slumping against her chest. Simon
Smith’s eyes bulged out of his head, as he went back and forth, back and forth from
the dead woman, to the blond who now was eerily smiling at him and was pointing the gun
at him now.
Ethan Smith simply stared in awe, for an emotionless killer himself, he simply was
fascinated and felt a rush in his body, watching something so surgically clean, so DNA
and genetically perfect, as the warrior woman, who understood as he did, that to take life,
is to give life. Doctor Adam Smith, blood and tears streaming
down his face, turned to Mandal and stuttered. “Yo…Yo…Your insane…My
wife…my…my wife…Our sons. You’ve killed her…You’re Satan…Satan…oh…ooooh,
Saaaara.” He cried in real time pain. Mandal smiled. Ethan Smith turned and
viciously slapped his brother in the face, as he seethed. “Shut up. You are so
weak. Do you not see who she is?” Adam Smith fell to his knees. Crushing his
face into his hands, he began to weep. Ethan Smith turned, smiled. Mandal saw utmost respect
in his blue eyes for her and within that moment, both of them knew that they were from
the same tribe.
There had forever been in the Bible, if one took it literally, never any benevolence
from God. Disbelieve me or worship any other God, then I will murder you, your family and
your entire village. Ethan Smith knew this. He believed in that credo, as well as understanding
it better than any man on the planet. He knew well, that the weak would never
inherit the Earth. “What do you think, Ethan? Am I insane?
The Devil? Is that what you see? Is it?” His ego now nuclear, it began to mushroom in
a fireball of wonder, for within that moment of destiny, he now knew that he had found
his queen. She was a violent queen of such purity and sanity that his mind raced from the
possibilities of what she and he together could do within his universe of beauty and racial
“No…Not insane…You are remarkable…Please, I do not fear
you…I understand you…Think…Think of what I am doing and now, how you,
through Gods wisdom, perhaps might have come to help me accomplish things only other men
dare dream of…Do you understand, my queen? How pure it all is?” She blinked, and he saw it, and he saw
her thinking and that pleased him, for her eyes held such intelligence. He felt
stunned by their magnificence. Mesmerized now, he thought that she was beginning
to comprehend his greatness. He was certain that she had been sent by God to help him
rule his universe.
“I see…I see now, that you understand.” He glanced at his kneeling,
weeping brother, showed disgust. Gazing deeply into her blue eyes, white hair
and her remarkable length and height and then at the handgun she gripped in her black gloves,
he whispered, as if he were praying. “You and I…The possibilities are endless.
Do you see…It is fate that God has brought you to me.” Waving
his hand at his brother, he now was confident that she understood him, he whispered again.
“They are so weak. Yet, you, like the Angel Michael…Part woman, part man, a
warrior sent to me to fight the black-skinned hoards, to purify the world. You and me…It
is a miracle.” Mandal stared at him for the longest of moments.
Crinkling her brow in thought, she nodded. Showing clarity in understanding his words,
she whispered, almost reverently. “You and me, Ethan, together, fighting
the dark hordes together. Is that what you are saying, Ethan. Is it?” Nodding
his head, he saw a realization and a softness descending along her face and excited now,
and feeling sexual for her, he smiled. “Yes…Yes, I see you understand. Only you
could be my queen.” Raising his hands to her, palms up, he smiled at her and
said. “Come…I will love you…It will be you and
me, now, forever. What a pairing. Come now, my queen, you are home.”
Mandal smiled, lowered the handgun and looked at his up-turned palms. For a moment
the look on her face was so compassionate, that Ethan Smith now knew that he had found
his warrior queen, finally and at last. “You and me, Ethan? Is that what you are
saying?” She said, hopefully, almost gratefully. “Yes…yes my Queen…You and me.” Mandal smiled, and
as Ethan Smith took one step, he halted in his tracks. Suddenly his brow crinkled, for
the smile from her full lips had transformed into a gritted, tight rip of a smirk and
then she did smile again as she raised the 9 mm, and leveled the tip of it at
his forehead. “You’re out of your fucking mind. Toodles,
asshole.” She laughed, as her finger aligned
along the trigger tensed and began to squeeze. The gun bucked and the air reverberated with
a “Psssst, pssst, pssst.” He actually saw the bullets flashing out of
the barrel tip towards his forehead and as the bullets impacted, he knew that his brother
had been correct within his words. Indeed, she was Satan, and she had come from the depths
of hell to steal his soul.
Small holes appeared in his forehead. His head jerked back, exploded as did his
tall body, and as he crumpled to the floor, she saw in his eyes disbelief, and that pleased
her so.
Simon Smith screamed, racked his eyes at his dead brother. He screamed again as
Mandal moved to his dead brother and casually shot him twice in the chest. Straightening, so
his behind was resting on his shoe heels, Adam Smith splayed his shaking hands in front
of him. “Pl…Please…Do…Do…Don’t kill me…Please.
Money…I…I…have money.” Pressing the barrel tip of the silencer
to his forehead, she whispered. “Kill you…I wouldn’t think of it…The CD,
doctor…Where is it.” “C…CD…Wh…What CD.” “The one Claire brought. I
couldn’t find it…Get it, NOW.” She tapped his forehead with the barrel
tip again, smiled.
“I…If I give I…it to you, will you let me go….Pleeeease?” “Of course…I
won’t kill you. She crossed herself. “Cross my heart and hope to die…Please,
the CD.” “Then…Thank you.” He whimpered, as he
struggled to his feet. Mandal smiled as he staggered to his desk.
He slumped into the high back leather chair. Meekly staring at her, he reached under a
leather and cardboard ink blotter, from which he withdrew a small, gold key. His hands trembling,
he showed it to her. She smiled. Finding
a secret little lock, hidden under the desk, inserted the key. A small drawer opened. He
withdrew the CD, swallowed and handed it to her. Taking the CD from his
vibrating hand, she looked at it, smiled, placed it into her jacket pocket.
“There’s that rascal.” She joked. Seeing that her mood had lightened, he whispered.
“Can I go now?”
She lowered the Beretta to her side. Her hand moved behind her back and seemed for
the longest time to stay there. “You’ve been very bad, Adam.” In slow motion he
watched as her hand materialized from behind her back. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw
a small, black iron .38 in her hands. “I…I…Thought you said you weren’t
going to kill me?” Taking a single step, she raised the .38, cocked
it with her thumb, and as he yipped, she placed the snub barrel against his temple. “I’m
a lying bitch…I’m not going to kill you. You’re going to kill you…Have
a good trip to Nephi.” “KABOOM.” The gun barked as
the side of his head erupted out of his temple. His body jerked to the right and then he
slumped to his desk, sleeping now for eternity. Her work almost completed, she now
had to finalize her plan. Reaching forward, she took Adam Smith’s dead hand, placed
the non-traceable 9 millimeter into it, stuck his forefinger into the trigger,
leaned down and pointed it at the corpse of his brother. With her gloved finger, she aimed
for a moment, squeezed off a round. She smiled as she saw the lead pellet thump into
the lifeless body of his brother. If nothing else, she was thorough. She
now knew that there were powder burns on Adam Smith’s hands. Dropping his hand
back to the desk, she pried the 9 mm from his grip and placed her .38 in his
hand, making sure his forefinger had pressed nicely against the trigger mechanism. With that done,
she took the 9mm, of course a very untraceable handgun from his hand, laid it on the desk
and stared at her handiwork. She fought giggling, as she whispered. “Fucking
Mormons, let ‘em figure that one out.” Knowing she still had a phone call to make
and one last piece of business to take care of, she walked to the gun case. She scrutinized
the various hunting rifles and shotguns the holy felt so comfortable with whenever they
obliterated everything that ran or flew within their glorious world. She was an expert
at weapons, they had always fascinated her. She reached forward and gripping the hand checkered,
maple stock and metal etched designed shotgun from the case, she held it in her
hands and admired it. It was Manlicher/Gamba Edinburgh, over/under,
12 Gauge, one of the finest handmade scatter-guns ever crafted. It had chrome-lined barrels,
was double ribbed, had auto injectors and it was the pride and joy of the maker, one radical
dude, named Renalto Gamba. She took a fistful of shells and after
click, click, click, click, she finished funneling the red and brass shells
into the magazine. With one gloved hand, she racked the shotgun, ratcheted a shell
into the chamber.
Digging the vibe of the shotgun, she turned, and without looking at the dead, walked
to the door, and out of it, leaving it open behind her. She walked out the door, and then
feeling the light snow, she turned her slashed and cut face to the gray, winter sky,
smiled as she felt the snow flakes dissolve against her skin. The fact that she
was alive, beyond all odds, pleased her.
“Okay.” She whispered. She
moved to her tan cop sedan, placed her shotgun on the passenger seat. She placed her gloved
fingers on the key, and twisted it. The car came to life. She gave it some gas and she
drove along the curved driveway, until she came to the end of it. Pulling up to the
barber pole, she grabbed her shotgun, stepped out of the car and with both hands holding
it to her side, she walked past the striped barrier. She saw the young, blond man standing.
As his face smudged in recognition and she saw his brow wrinkled in curiosity and
worry, she smiled, and pulled both triggers of the Manlicher. “KABOOM. KABOOM”
The lead shot ripped through the guard booth, shattering the guard’s body
to shreds. He blasted back into the back of the booth.
Moving to the booth, she glanced at him, shrugged her shoulders, saw the small button,
leaned down and pressed it. Bending to a recoding player, she relieved a DVD, then two
others from a shelf. She slowly drove past the guard gate.
Retracing her original journey, and before she hit the Interstate off in the distance,
she saw a culvert filled with muddy water. Grabbing her shotgun, she moved to a fence
post, and holding the gun barrel in her gloved hands, she whacked the shotgun several times.
It shattered in several pieces. Looking around to see if she had awoken anyone,
she heard again silence. She gathered up the pieces of the gun, scattered them along the
murky water of the culvert. Back on the main road, she began
to move forward once again.
Forty-five minutes later, she was back in Salt Lake City. Re-tracking her
original route on her I Pad, she found the three-story parking complex where her truck
was parked. She took a ticket from the machine, moved up the ramp, and on the second floor,
she found a free space. She parked the sedan. Reaching into the back seat, she found a
baseball cap, and slotted it deep over her blond hair. Adding sun glasses, she
was all good.
Leaving the key in the ignition, she grabbed the pack, hefted it on her shoulder,
exited the sedan, and began to walk. Jumping into her pickup’s cab, she threw
her backpack on the seat, fired the truck up, backed out. She slowed along a
young, blond, white boy, sitting in a booth. With no reason in the world to think anything
odd about anything, the boy handed her change, pushed the button, allowing the gate to
swing up and open.
Outside of the city, she pulled over and parked. She clicked in a telephone
number, on her pay-as-you-go Walmart cell.
After a moment of phone moaning, a
tired “Hello” came over the wire, and then it all began. Without
hesitation, she told her best friend, one Lieutenant Victor Garcia everything, every fucking
detail of what she had just done. AFTER MANY minutes
of terror-driven scribbling on a yellow pad, Lieutenant Victor Garcia told her to get her
ass back to Vegas ASAP and be fucking careful in doing so. Stunned to the bottom of his cop
shoes, he simply glared like a lunatic at the phone as he finally hung it up. His
hands were shaking, and as her clever and quite beneficial plan coursed through
his brain, he, after a moment, actually smiled. The fact that he was actually
going to do nothing about involving her in multiple homicides, shook him to his
cop’s core.
Actually respecting her now more than ever before, he stood, and grabbing a yellow
pad and a pen, he raced through the door of his office, knowing, “That yes, indeed,
he could live with it.” He moved to the wall, where the Task Force
information for the missing woman, and their butchered husbands were still set on The Murder
Boards against the wall.
“No fucking way.” His eyes ablaze in astonishment,
he felt his body temperature rising, as he drew lines connecting this and that of
various pieces of information on to his yellow pad. “Well I’ll be a son
of a bitch.”
He smiled.
“Dammit, he would do it.” Picking up the telephone, he hit a speed dial
button, and after a moment, a sleepy male voice filtered over the ear piece back over the
wire into his ear. “Hello, Homicide. It better be fucking good” “Tom, Victor.
You’re not going to fucking believe this. I solved it” Weeks later, he
got his Captain bars, the key to the city, kissed tons of babies, got a lot of bundt cakes
and thus:
A legend of the Las Vegas Police department
was born.

Art by Artist Zero © 2019 |
j brooke
I had died
once, but still I appeared to be alive, much like a dead star, a solar corpse,
lost within the blackness of the mass void of Taurus, the child Aries, the
Virgin queen Virgo, glimmering to earth, appearing to be alive, but so long dead of life,
just appearing to be of breath of life as the dead red planet Mars to those that might
take a chance glance to the opalescent stars. A goddess appeared from the grief and pain
that was my life. She was a secular, solitary, seeking female that knew no greed, nor want,
did not understand a selfish thought, and she took me to her home, and offered me love
and protection I had never known. I was a charlatan, stranger, but that did not
matter to her, no, for her heart, her great heart saw in me a woman of lies, a
pretender of life, so numb, yet she forgave me for the woman I once was, and
now was trying to become. Thus, she gave me a bed of white sheets, bathed in
white orchids, warmth, food, cherry wine and loving care, and she did it because she held
not a selfish thought in her gifted and gentle mind. She had loved me unconditionally on
a rumor, perhaps from the cryptic puzzle of my words, a mystic idea that I was worth saving,
and only I knew the lie, why you ask because, that I was never worth saving, until she
had and, then I was.
I thought
at first I had been dreaming, and that she was a color tantrum of a Monarch
butterfly, a winged, whisper, wandering warrior, colors of hair, eyes, skin,
indefinable in beauty, in grace and flight of all poet tresses dreams, yet when I woke,
I saw her trembling lips, a tear finding solace on my lips, as I kissed them away and found
to my delight, she was not a creature of the sky, yet of earth, created of blood, skin
and bone, tourmaline, topaz, jasper and amber, her skin holding hues of a color I might
describe as paper white .
There was a
lunar eclipse, a slivered moon, and bathed in moon light and down she whispered
to me that she was a woman crushed of shattered dreams, and her dreams were
elusive as my life had been to me. We talked within the night of candle light of new
and many things, as I saw a glow as it came directly from her soul that filled me with
kindness, and gentleness, and so was alike a red breasted sparrow’s fluttering wings.
I was a soldier once, and I had seen death’s smile, inhaled the essence of the rotting
and bloated corpses of the genocide in Africa and I felt those memories were the final
words of an epitaph chiseled into my head stone, and then I wept and cried, for I then
remembered within the callousness of war, all the butterflies had died.
I was a white
paper whore until she saw me, understood me, realized
that what I did, the woven and tangled words I created, might be the answer to her dreams,
my dreams, and after an odd lifetime of delusion, I saw clarity, as did she, and we realized
that our destinies had been perhaps crocheted into one mind, one heart, one vision, and
we became one as lovers, searchers, partners, children of mirth and wit, a matter that
only mystics ever understand, lore and tale, death and beauty, for it was all we ever had dreamed of since our birth. Thus it
all changed, all woven along a single tapestry, called respect, perhaps even
the illusion of an illusionary love, never of the maze of lies that a world that saw
everything beautiful in me, felt they must destroy it, not as now, as she nurtured the
embryo of a child that I always was, as I became a woman, a black swan no longer, swaddled
in her moonstone feathers as she held me in her smile and whispered to me to sleep, sleep
my beauty, you are safe now, so very safe enraptured within
my arms, rest now, if only for a little while.
Man has always been a mistake, for the Peacock surely
is more beautiful, the Dolphin more elegant, The Cheetah faster, the great Elephant more
powerful, the King Lion more stately and then what is to become of man, as evolution has
marginalized them, made them benign and, then what? Where is love where is the
tenderness, the passion, the touch of a girl’s fingertips on her lips, so
ignored, until then, until a woman finds her courage, her heart and soul and
mind and holds a waif’s soul in the down, of her gentleness and realizes the
truth of love was there all along.
She is a
warrior woman of mirth and fury and tears, filled with laughter, smiles and
pain, and of course I see every nuance of who she is, sometimes pretends to be,
and I love her for her greatness, her generosity and especially her fragility,
and her way with me, a lost vacuous vagabond that never had a home, was never safe,
was never nurtured, until she choose to love me, an enigma that only a dreamer could ever
We are at
the beginning of our journey, my sister, friend, lover, I can dream and I, a
mad woman and a serene, savant female, a chalice of incense, a savage, yet innocent,
and I shall endure as she is the rudder of our ship, and I will drain my blood for her.
I will peel my skin, the chameleon skin I have forever lived with for her, as she will
give me every ounce of her passion so we might see together, through the fog and the trawler
clouds of our lives, finally the golden sun we both know has forever been a wayward child,
bare feet, moss and rivulets of running water, running, wandering just at the tip of our
fingertips, once though lost, her dreams, my dreams, can it be, as the mist of
rain ceases and the world glows in the candlelight of a creature so beautiful,
words cannot, or ever describe her to me.
I dream now, not of
sorrow or pain or the burnt flowers that I have always known, for she, my dearest friend
gave me that gift, the gift of hope and life and to see the dream, filled no longer with
my screams, and she has become the cerebral axis of my life and her name if you
must know it is the earth child, the cloud mistress, a star gatherer or more
simply said, she is my dream world, my benefactor, my blood, a simple name, her
name, well that is a secret, but I know one thing, I shall always call her by
the name I know her best, and that is, my sweetest friend.

Art by Artist Zero © 2019 |
j brooke We all die;
no one gets out alive. The matrix is all that is between life and death; we
must exist, live, love, hate, be in love and suffer when ecstasy dies, usually within the
arms of a callous lover, who might have forgotten the color of her eyes, the aroma of our
breaths, the feeling of the liquid melodic memory, most amazing feeling of sex, when she
was desired, begged for, a single touch, a single kiss, as air, as oxygen to his
soul. Particle beam by particle beam, we lose souls that in
a moment of time, our exact opposites simply could not live without, dying as if they were
a millimeter away from our hearts; our bodies mixed as twin ice crystals of Saturn’s
rings, tangled within the solar winds, which they blasted apart in the end, because he
failed to remember that her love for him was a gift, not an annuity that he was entitled
to. How many broken hearts must fill the hollow globe of
a planet evolving from perfection to imperfection, before love flows, and drowns, and dies,
in a sea of remorseful pain? Must the grief and loss of love forever clutch their furtive
fingers around our throats as an executioner’s song, a cruel network of copper
wires and fiber optics entrapping us in a death knell puzzle stitched to our memories
of love found, love lost, forever a reminder of our pure sorrows? Must each
waking moment weigh as an accumulative reminder that every living creature
found within the maze, their search for dignity within passionate screams, failed
as we sought the most elusive question always, and seemingly forever, at the very tips
of our begging souls and that is: how could he ever have forgotten the taste of a female’s
lips? Must the oceans be satiated with our salt tears and pleas for forgiveness,
as storms thunder inside our sobs, and the light of lightning that shrieks across our hearts
be simply enough to cripple us, we humans that gaze upon an uncertain wind as it
breathes life into the very core of our dreams, and deeds, and passions, and
the crushing weights of our tragic pasts? Might the single gasp
we take as we die be enough ransom to pay the godless toll for our sins, our hideous acts
we were no more aware of enacting as the ocean waves that bring us such joy might have
known, wreaking havoc to a child's sand drawing, set alone and along some long-lost beach
of our distant romances, endings and memories? There is,
stitched into the core of rock, and captured within raindrops and encapsulated
between earth and sky, simple sunsets and silent moon deaths that bring us matters
of life and death, and love locked within jails of coal. For man loves her, as she adores
him, and it is along the midnight hour, perfumed lips and silken skin, eyes wide, breathing
intense, her hair like a golden silk sail trailing in the night wind, pressed against cotton
sheets, purring, dreaming, heated and scalded of body heat; his skin, sweat, turmoil and
want, that love begins, and then ignites. Madness, breathing
so intense, how could it ever change, swelling the pungent southern rain.
Orchids weeping scents of tears and smiles they only ever understand; a story promised
forever of never an end, forever and never anything but the touch of two lovers trapped
within a vortex of immobilizing and carnal sin, until time warped, and he never remembered
something so striking, so mesmerizing, something so special as her smile ever again; gathering
his clothes as a thief of night, she sleeps, as the cat burglar clutching her love, her
hope, her soul, slithers out the door in the morning hours. When she
wakes, touches the vacant valley of the empty sheets, he will be gone, and of
course none of this will surprise her at all, for after all, he is a breed apart,
he is a man.

Art by Steve Cartwright © 2019 |
fucking drunk in Glasgow, set ‘em up Joe, you hooligan bastard, a drink, the
pause that refreshes, you know, something, anything to keep my hands from shaking,
a hard, 100-proof nail gun to bang those neurons into my stem cells, preventing my rotating
bobble head from shearing loose from it's moorings...Come on my brotha', a little liquid
lovely libation to crank my nerve endings in, something distilled, a bitch libation to
help bezel in the demons tonight, late night, every night.
Your fly, me mate, give it up
ass hole, some wine, tequila, vodka, rubbing alcohol, lighter fluid, make some fiery shooters
and shots and slammers and fuck it, I don't give a damn. Gimme some asbestos to re-coat
my exposed 220 frying nerve wires that are smoking and sparking, flaming out like one of
those Space NASA fuckers roaring, rupturing, belching jagged flames out of its asshole
as the violent bitch blasts past the vomit of the atmosphere, into deep black space. Come on, let’s roll, help
me make those son-of-a-bitch yips leave me alone this full baying moon lonely evening,
so much like everyone before it. Top her off buddy, a little ice, a rack of gin, make it
neat, on the rocks and plain and the cool lingo, oh yeah bar keep, settled in tonight,
sittin' at my favorite haunts watering hole, got my seat belt cinched here at my very own
monogrammed bar stool. Glasgow Baby, a Warsaw Ghetto of madness, pain and post card flashes before ya got
the morning yips, knives, clubs, street brawls and thugs puking their guts out
everywhere, ain't no jewel, same to a drunk as a Hell's Kitchen slum and ain't
it cruel. Livin' the gutter life, an alley or a suite in a padded cell, sipping
martini's right here next to the pubs lit and jeweled pretty Frankie Avalon
juke box machine, hey my man, my last five quid, hold the rocks, keep it cool and lean.
Blue light special,
DT's and Happy Hour, blood on the walls, falling to sawdust floors, caviar and Bentley
Town Cars. Boooooze baby, main line it, taxi cab confessions in a paradise of vomit blues,
sick, crazy this alcohol, so familiar and last ditch a mate along a wayside stop. Come
on dude, neon on a needle point, a gram of H, a line of coke, just one more for the road,
you know, just to get me through the night, to jack me right. HEY, don't I know you my bonnie
lass, flashing back, moments, memories, who can tell, sex giggles and all, didn't I ass
fuck you last night?...Were we that drunk, that stoned, that fucking wasted?...HUH, memories,
moments, misery and mysteries I will never have, you see, let me have my drug, a cocktail
or three, two fingers up, sure man, make it EZ. I know you understand, were all members
of the band, junkies stringing ourselves out for one last stand. Bay-Bee, porque no, por favor,
re-freshen my glass, fulfill my dreams, extend my nightmares, got it, fuck, were those
my screams?...Make it cool and real, a brown paper bag holding Satan and Hell and a pub
image of paradise reflecting from an empty bottle of Muscatel...Breath it's sweetness,
it's bitterness, it's still early, you know, sure you do my friend, drunk wards and straight
jackets and padded cells and I love U. Drinks amigo, for all a my new pals...Set them hard, don't be remiss,
shots and gimlets, highballs and low balls and very chic names. You know doll, Guinness,
Tequila Sunrises, Manhattan Iced Teas, California Coolers and Sea Breeze, you
tease...Johnny Walker Red you fool, Wild Turkey, Dewar’s will do too and don't
forget my buddy Margarita Ville...It's all good, beautiful and just so, so
fucking cool...Big glass, small glass, lick it off the floor, suck it off the
bar and who the hell cares, fill her up bro, I got major wild men with spears to chase
away, you comprende my tears, my hero? Merlot,
Cabernets, Burgundy's and Beaujolais and billboards flouting lies of young
gorgeous drunks frolicking on beaches, discos, lithe bods pretty and tan,
bullet proof beauties living false Cosmo lives, while the drunks are shrieking
from nightmare boogie men. Pretty lost models screwing in iron lungs, all while the booze
and cigarette men, joke and jive, seven deadly corporate goons before a Parliament dog
and pony show of sin, hawking disposable people of busted dreams within their creative
lies, where does the Conga line begin. Coffins,
corpses and pain left for hell, weeping kids within the underworld of deceit,
morticians, Parliament pimps and the politico's, Dukes, Earls, and peers and The
House of Lords, who will pay when the final bell tolls, they’re not paying, they’re
too busy buggering young lads in the toilet stalls. The poor foot the bills for
a nation’s woes, nada the elite who
cruise on corporate jets above the flak, while the disenfranchised sick and
addicted vaporize and welfare checks and everyone is on the dole paying the price
of cancer wards and chemo creeds as one hundred million corpses line lobbyists pockets
filled with greed. Silk ties, tailored
suits, shiny shoes, Lords, Sirs and politico pitchmen oiling the gears and cogs
and secrets harbored within walls of gold, where are the goddamn firing squads?...Morticians,
pretty white-wigged whores, where does the truth lie, these men, these hollow digital pimps,
soiled in their own piss as victims are crippled and bent and broken, rotting at the end
of an Alki's cell call. Strung-out skeletons lay naked in trash heaps on skid row ‘cause
some crazed poet thought it romantic and swee,t being an alki on some MTV video...that
in reality was more a visual Methadone blip gone wrong, than any other lost and forgotten
sweets of the twisted anthem of their melodic song. Big business, Seagram’s, Coors and Scottish
stills and TV models with country club smiles...and what about Thunderbird and White Lightening
turpentine blues, lets cruise, grin amused, as the assembly line cranks out distorted souls
and massive profits for Wall Street Thrill Mills, my man chill, this Bud is for
you. But I don't fucking care
no more, no more, cause I'm trippin' and dippin' and I'm boozin and I'm losin' my
soul and tearing my broken heart apart and now as the drunken moon grins, oh
well I say no more...Cause I got my bottle tonight, my fix, my liquid mix...And
I dream drunken Dreams...And I smile drunken smiles...And I stumble drunken
steps...And more than likely, I die tonight a drunken death.
The Hit Woman’s Hand Book J Brooke
Montreal, winter, satiated with snow, brutish winds, icescapes of awe had come the
day Mandel Beckwith’s new life had Vogued, thus changing forever. Sunday, the streets
were moving, French was spoken in cafes, churches were filled and Canada’s northern
jewel was alive. A Black limousine hit it out of the city, time moved, it always moved.
The limo was now on a rural road; there was white snow everywhere, brittle blue
sky, countryside, sleet-tipped forests. It was nature at its wildest. Off in the distance, red
brick buildings loomed, Gothic Cathedral, towers of St. Anne's Private School for privileged
young girls. There was quiet in the stretch, there was always numbness in
these peoples lives. A Chauffeur was driving, handsome Carl, uniformed, knowing
something, eyes peeking into the rearview mirror, at her. She was white, young
like the snow, hair, skin, indigo eyes set along the crippling beauty of something God
had made perfect. He could not help himself, he knew nothing was perfect, especially her,
for she was magnificent, filled with demonic genius, run amok. He knew the dark secrets
of her young life, and that repulsed him as well as terrifying him. Behind her façade of beauty, wraiths
dwelled, he knew that too. Her Father, The General, medals, pressed uniform, ram rod back, patent
leather black shoes, reflecting his daughter’s white blond hair, sat silent as he
stared through the mirrors of his sun glasses. Mandel sat, quiet, between her father, her mother wearing
pearls, pearl earrings, diamonds on wrists, fingers, heavy woolen dress,
cashmere white coat, white gloves on her matron mother’s hands. Mandel was a secret
pressed between mother and her father The General no one knew. Her mother’s sweet
perfume made Mandel want to vomit, as did their mere presence. The limo slowed, began to drive
up the winding brick driveway towards the ancient school. The Chauffeur’s eyes flicked
back through the mirror at the girl’s titanium blue eyes. Her eyes locked, loaded
on the mirror, flicked, seem to smile, perhaps passing a message back to him. His message
was cryptic. "Be careful young lady, be very careful.” The Limousine stopped, Nuns, old and
wizened, black and white robes, withered skin, friends of some obscure God (what did that
ever get anyone) moved along the red brick walkway of the school. Fundamentalists,
Pentecostal head cases, no friend of Jesus, the true God. There were girl’s eyes, faces peeking
from windows, upstairs, down stairs, wondering who would be the latest victim at a brothel
the rich off loaded their children at so they could continue to live trouble free, self
absorbed lives. Mother, General, daughter exited, as the chauffeur delivered
matched bags to the snow-covered ground. Words passed back and forth between
mother and Nuns, it was a banter Mandel had heard before. "Please Mother Superior, help us, wean her away from this
writing, this reading, you are our last hope." Whatever. The penguin replied. "Not to worry,
we are who we are; we are St. Anne's after all." Blah, blah, fucking blah, blah, blah as
their words hurt Mandal’s elfin ears and her twisted savant brain. More sonnets
passed between parents and Nuns. Mandel stared at the red brick, fogged windows, and then
at floor after floor of girls laughing, pointing, gawking. Her mind held a crushing IQ, beyond
genius, it flipped French, Italian, and now Greek passages within the cortex of her brain.
She was tall, 5-9; string thin, she will be taller, thinner in the coming years, even more
beautiful, if that was at all possible. Her breath fogged, her face, sharp nose, full lips,
watery eyes wide on her face, Pisces eyes, cheek bones, white eyebrows, all of it would
be weapons in the future for her. There were no white trailing scars on her
elegant face, but one day there would be. She was just barely sixteen years
old, yet she held the pain and brilliance of a deviant seer, her brain, a
straight jacketed psychiatric patient gone insane, banging around a padded cell. She now
was so close to freedom from her jailers that she could literally taste it. Looks, more secret
stares shared by her and the stoic chauffeur, perhaps a conspiracy was in play. The conversation
ended. Mandel in her white cashmere coat, black leather gloves, red scarf, and red knee
socks cheek- kissed The General, her mother, nothing to be said now. Mother Superior, along
with her second, Sister Anne, smiled at the darling tall child. She smiled back,
they began to walk. Mother Superior held the fragile girl’s gloved hand as Carl
followed the trio towards the great oak doors. He trailed behind, carrying
luggage and also carrying a secret that he knew and would not miss. He would
not miss that odious secret, and was bitch-slap glad he would have no part of it
any longer. Once inside, Mandel's eyes became illuminated. She gazed at the rectory
and then the work offices, the towering hallways, sky lights showing fluttering snow, floor
to ceiling windows which all showed the great courtyard leading to the girl’s rooms.
They reminded her of Paris, in books she had read of a hundred
years ago. The school was elegant, old, refined, and filled with whispering and
walking girls, dressed in white blouses and blue skirts. All were toting books, back
packs, secret porn, MTV brain crap in their brains. They all wore white stockings
and black polished shoes. They were soiled virgins, living lies, and no one wanted to hear
about it. Through
the double oak doors, Mother Superior leading, Mandel, mind on fire, close at her side,
the Chauffeur lagging behind, watching, wondering, knowing and glad she would soon be gone. The courtyard,
Oaks, Willows, Elms bending from snow, red brick, fountains, iced breaths; summer will
come and there will be flowers everywhere, not now though. Through more double doors they passed.
Slowly, they walked down a wood paneled hall, black tiles inlaid into the floor, polished,
sheen on them, throwing up a reflection from the last remnants of the sun silhouetting
off of her white skin and hair. Inside the room, it was private, vast, white sheeted bed, small
oak dresser, tall oak armoire, dressing mirror stuck into its doors. There was an oak desk with a computer
mounted on it. Mandel smiled at The Mother Superior. They passed kind banter back and forth.
"Unpack my child, rest, wash if you must, come to registration when you
are through, we shall chat." White teeth, a virgin’s smile, a purr of words, lies. "Yes Mother, thank you, so kind, I will
see you in a moment, I am very happy, I am such a lucky girl.” The bent back Nun moved to the door,
hesitated. Her grey eyes stared at the Chauffeur, at Carl, who had laid the bags to the
oak floor. She waited, her face cracked in wrinkles, as then the girl and man stared at
one another. Moments passed, Carl peeked at the door, then at Mandel, he sighed,
moved forward, hugged her slender body, stepped back, they locked eyes. Something passed, no words needed here.
He nodded, turned, walked to the door. Taking one last look at the girl with such translucent
skin, he nodded, and with Mother Superior watching, he walked away. Moving to the window, her face was expressionless,
was like a slab of ice as she stared out of it. Sartre was in her mind, his words,
his genius mixing with her gift, few could understand this; she did though.
Time moved, then the Chauffeur was there leaving footprints in the snow. At the
limousine he hesitated, exhaust fogging from the limo’s tailpipes. He looked to
her window. Inside, Mandel smiled, pressed her palm against the window. Carl
nodded; both lovers knew that they would never see each other again. Turning, she stripped her cashmere coat off
and then let it spill to the floor. Stepping before the wall mirror, she stared at her
naked body, except for her knee socks and patent leather school shoes. She was a
white tendril of skin, muscle, sinew and bone. Her breasts were non-evident,
her ribs accordion and stark, striking against her paper-thin skin. Her hips
were like a child’s, they would always be that way; genetics was cruel for
others that way. To her, her body was a tool and a gift of wonder. The socks and shoes
made her giggle. Kicking off shoes, socks follow as they were taken off of her tiny toes
and small feet. Barefoot, nude, she laughed, did a dance, twirled and
then threw her arms up into the air; she was manic. She centered, stared at the miraculous
image of the white, shaved diamond, set between her legs. She knew on the open
market it was worth a fortune, and she was ready to peddle it to the highest
bidder. She was a very bright girl. She had read enough of the great writers to know
a female always paid for their freedom or imprisonment one way
or the other. It was always a trade off. Become a whore, get paid, respected, be a power
provocateur and never give it up for free and always better than some dinner some guy paid
for so he could fuck you after. Get married, peddled it for nada, white fence,
house, cars, hope the muck you married wasn’t a lying puke and would never get
tired of fucking you. On the mercury slat of reflection now that was
staked into the oak she saw herself and she was mesmerized as she jacked her finger
between her legs. She wanted to masturbate, knew that she was on the clock, time for that
later. Her mind was bending again, thoughts of suicide,
never far away, raked her brain. For a genius, it was a constant thought for her,
one that would never leave her in a lifetime. She thought of a passage, from Rimbaud, it
calmed her, his madness, his words. She was going, anywhere, for her mind
never stopped showing clips in Technicolor of what had
happened to her. The late-night visits from The General, the touching,
the smell of Bourbon on his lips, the rapes, it began when she was eleven years old.
All of it and so young, yet, she is a Genius, she knew what was happening, yet what
could an ex-virgin do. Do, well she was doing it now, for there were other
reasons for her great escape. She had heard them talking, and she had been terrified
by their words. Paxil, Neurotin, Zoloft. All of the ABC’s
of drugs ice cold parents give gifted children to control them, to break them, to change
them. She had read all of the books, Van Gogh, Rimbaud all dead in their thirties. Amadeus,
Beethoven, all these men and gifted artists, mad, insane, prolific, and what if
their parents would have drugged the beauty and creativity out of them? She did not know
what or who she was, for her gifted and troubled brain
bled constant test patterns, mostly sparking in pain from her past, and what her future
would be if she stayed. Saving her own life, she felt worthless, yet there was something
out there she thought she would find, at any cost. Her eyes blinked, blinked again,
mood swing, they were always there, those horrendous
manic personality changes. Her brain cleared, she was now someone else again, a happy maniac,
a girl with a mission as insane as allowing her father to fuck her was. Blinking,
once, twice, she jerked her head, twisted around, threw
her tiny ass out, and slapped it. She giggled, liked the pain, there would be more, it
was apart of her makeup, it kept her sane, displacing mental pain with the physical. Turning,
she moved to her bed, flopped on it, and giggled. She
kicked her legs into the air, shaking them wildly. She calmed, thought, so much rapture in her head.
Standing, she hefted a leather valise, plopped it on the bed,
unzipped it. She plucked a pack of Marlboro's, took the filter from the pack with her full
lips. From the bag, a chrome-Zippo, she revolved it in the palm of her hand. She allowed
it to settle. Staring at it, she saw a military insignia, a red dragon welded to its
chrome plate. It would be a lifetime companion to her, almost bringing her one
day to a violent death. She did not know this, as she flicked it to flame, lit
her cigarette, then exhaled through her nose. The transformation was beginning,
she could hardly wait. Bone-colored, like a filament of white smoke from
her cigarette tip, she glanced into the mirror, watched the stranger, the new girl,
the better girl staring back at her. It was now time. She bent to the valise,
retrieved a black, just below her thighs mini skirt,
and donned it, no panties, nothing to constrict her from feeling alive. She whipped on
a pair of blood red tights, then heavy black motorcycle boots and, then a skin-tight black
tank. She snapped it between her wet legs, groaned, she was sexual, and that excited her
too. From the valise she took a heavy black leather bomber jacket, spun before the mirror,
legs apart, boots stuck to the floor, tough girl, new girl, adventure girl, she
smoked more. Lifting her skirt, she dropped her tights, leered
at the sterling wedge between her legs, smiled, she was turned on. A brain genie,
she was in the know, got it, knew this sole living organism, her bling would be a
passport to her new life. Eager to use it, any way she could to get what she
wanted, when she fucking wanted it, she smiled. She was a self-absorbed maniac
on a roll. No time to waste, she grabbed a small black leather
backpack, stuffed it full of clothes. She hesitated as she pulled a black iron
.38 from the pack, spun the chamber, giggled and then placed the snub barrel between her
lips. It was her father’s, he would not miss it until it was too late; it was
already too late. She could taste the acidic gun oil. She pulled the hammer
back with her thumb and pulled the trigger. She thought of incest. “CLICK.” She
giggled, slapped open the chamber, saw one copper cartridge
cap, grinned, whacked it closed, fate was on her side. Grabbing a box of cartridges,
she threw both handgun and bullets into the pack, zipped it, shouldered it, smoked more
and, then crushed the butt dead on the floor with her boot heel. No time like
the present, she figured. Walking to the door, she turned,
saw the last baggage of her old life, giggled, she was bullet proof, youth and its careless
ways. The door snapped closed, she was gone. Walking with attitude, she lit up another smoke,
inhaled, and left a cloud behind her. She cruised to the end of the hallway, two
by two down the steps, a genius altruistic self-destructive lunatic, moving to her own
tune. Confidence and new cigarette smoke leaking from cantaloupe lips she moved, adrenaline
pumping, she busted a move through the door. In the courtyard now, girls
gasped, pointed, she was laughing, mind fucked, fueled, a Titian pencil sketch
roaring in her mind. Several excited, chattering, goofing schoolgirls tagged
along behind her. She was their paramour. Doors slammed opened, crash, bang, shudder, she was modeling
down the hall, past the administrative buildings, Nuns, teachers gawking, more
girls juking behind her, party time, for everyone but the Sisters. There they were, the doors to freedom, her new life, a way cool
and amazing life she was certain of. Not that far now, she was on the grift, a
predator drone with software pre-programmed in one direction, a life of
depravity, art, music, misery, what the fuck, as long as it was something beside
being bored to death. Mother Superior gathered up an army of one. Sister Anne, Mum, stood at
the main entrance, shocked, frightened, something in black leather, red stockings, white
hair and a face like one of Lucifer's fallen few was moving in on them. Party Girl approached,
oh man was she flaming, resembled one of those parables out of Rushdie's Satanic Verses,
one of her favorite books. More girls trailing, buzzes of gossip, it can't be, no way,
rad, finally someone was going to escape, gas the place, hop the wall, fucking
tunnel out, whatever. The girls were building IDs into a frenzy as their new
Pied Piper of cool trolled for their souls. Chewing away on her Bubblicious, smoke stacking from her Bambi
nose, hip hopping, Mandel strolled up to the Sisters of Mercy, looked at them,
jived a bit, and then grew silent. Her blue eyes were melting their Catholic
eyes, their wrinkled fingers gripping and re-gripping their crucifixes, the ones with
Jesus stapled to them. If they messed with her, she would load her .38 and shoot them dead,
way dead. She knew that no one gets out alive in the end. Fuck, everyone knew that. She mused, giggled, blew a bubble, popped it, and then plumed
smoke into the freaks’ eyes. She giggled, thought, let God deal with the
afterbirth, he was a stone-cold pro trash hauler of souls, and jest wait a sec, another
Philippine church would fall on some crowd of true believers’ heads. She liked
thinking slang and smut; that was who she was also. Now, a standoff between the pimped-out geishas of the Papa in
Rome and a hurricane of god’s savagery, beauty and decadence had begun. They no
more got it, than if some priest had sodomized them, instead of some innocent
altar boy, the usual suspect. About fifty teenage cum guzzler cheer leaders, who thought
fellatio with the football star was fine for a first date, buzzed behind her. The sisters,
scattered words, stuttered something like. "Miss...Ahhh, Miss Beckwith, wha...wha is the
meaning of this...Wha...what is happening." Something like that. Chewing away at pink bubble gum, she
glanced back at her fan club, then back at the traumatized oldsters. To their horror, she
stoked a smoke ring into their faces, violently racked her hands into their chests. The gals flew back, hit the wall, fell on their butts and, then leered
at the demon hovering over them. Mandal smiled, and purred. "God is dead, you bitches. Get a
life. I am so out of here." They gasped. She flicked her cigarette butt at Mother Superiors
tunic. Sparks and ashes ignited, the Nun slapped at them, beat at them, she was
terrorized. Where was God when you really needed him? That selective miracle bullshit,
and the answering of your prayers that never seemed to work. That is, unless you got lucky,
and your prayers were answered and you sold your golf clubs at a white elephant sale. Mandel, winked,
looked back at the crowd, slashed through the door; her crowd of adoring adolescents followed
her. Across
the snow and the promenade she cruised, a happy girl fast becoming the slut she had always
dreamed that she would be. She hit the side of the road, one more vagrant lunatic on a
mission, a thumb thrown out to the road. At the door, the girls gathered, as did the Nuns,
gawking, staring as they clutched their hearts, quite literally just seconds from strokes. A few minutes
passed, and then an eighteen-wheeler roared up, spewing steam and diesel fuel from its
chrome stacks, saw a white sugar cube hitchhiking along the curb, stalled out. A door flew
open, she jumped in, and as the door smacked shut, time was suspended for a lick, a time
click, the crowd hushed, why fucking not. Brief moments vaporized as the Sisters prayed what
they were witnessing was an illusion, as then the semi's window rolled down as Mandal’s
MIDDLE FINGER raised to the sky, struck out at her fellow prisoners, her ex-jailers. The Nuns clutched their hearts, several staff rushed to their assistance.
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes four, the entire team of girls erupted into an
avalanche of roaring cheers. Mother Superior fainted as the girls jumped up and down shaking
their booties, screaming as the truck ground into gear, and then cranked down
the road, over a hill and was gone. Thus, was how Mandel had
hip-hopped into her new life.
old whore’s mind was rightfully fucked up. She was screwed, she knew it, but
just how bad, she had not a damn clue. She was envious, for her girl was getting out, alive, maybe. No one had ever
aborted ‘The Pony Club’ unless a pair of stainless high heels encased in asphalt
accompanied them at the bottom of the Coney Pier.
Red neon, the color of
hemoglobin, washed over her sagging face. She sat in a corner, chewing at magenta
fingernails. No way could she stop the bitch whore from making the biggest mistake of her
life. Anthony (Tony) Uruguay could do more with a blow torch, wire snips, than a 30-year
vet of Local 21, The NJ Electricians’ Union could. He was not a member, but he did
control their pension fund. Tony,
all 300 obese pounds of him, had pimped her out once, age came, Onetta ended
up his madam. It was a perfect world for the sociopath mobster. A pure sadist, he surrounded
himself with emotionally crippled masochists, beat-down girls, runaways, incest
girls, trailer trash girls. They sucked into his world like a Beverly Hills plastic
surgeon did to any broad over forty. For him, it simply said, was gangster Nirvana. The end bowel movement of a
drugged-up Mommy, a raping, sex addicted, gambler Daddy, Onetta was a broken-down
image of the end game for a stripper, a whore and then a madam of the insane. She had made decisions,
wrong ones, re: salvaged up a crapped up life, understood real good what her galactic
blond whore was doing. Oh, she understood that scenario fucking all too well. The
usual fringe characters hung at The Pony. You know. No morals, no character,
mobsters, hitters and sketch-artists of murder, theft, extortion, pimps, anything and
everything. They lit there like maggots doing fly-bys over
a pile of shit. The
Pony had the perfect young bods which lacked brains, showed up routinely like naked lemmings
hurdling off a cliff to the nude club. Broadway, ‘The Pony Club’ was not. Broads
were begging to work there.
Go fucking figure. In the case of the girls, they got the hell kicked
out of them if they didn't deliver. Once
addicted, turned out, no going back was the norm. It was
a great place if you were a player and if not, as the ‘Boys’ would sneeze.
"Forget about it." Big
was good, bigger was better. Cadillacs, Hummers, Gas hog SUVS, Chrysler Town
Cars, all rides of choice. Big diamonds, big gold, pinky rings, heavy chains, lots a crosses,
pictures of mothers in calf-skinned wallets, wops kinda ruled the roost. Lots a beehive
Jersey wives, make-up queens, worn and ravaged, ink blot eye liner, paste for
skin, ragged women, kids, lots a kids, locked away along the Jersey shore.
Italians, Micks, Greeks, Hebrews, black, brown criminals of every skin color. The ‘Pony’ was their club. Outta Brighton Beach the ex-Soviet
mob boys came. They lived large, for America was large. "America, she is beautiful, no. Land of milk and
honey, no." Vietnamese,
Serbs, Latvians, nut head cases from Ukraine, Croatians, Chinese geeks
addicted to gambling, ex Sandinistas, Khmer Rouge, Arab splinter groups, thugs, murderers
made up the rest of the Acid trip of a violence group. Therefore, it was a melting
honey pot for skipped out and crazy girls; a crevice of hell where a gal could
easily disappear. This was the way it was, when she and that magnetic, jeweled with
diamond cunt had arrived years ago. ONETTA
smoked with no worry about lung cancer. Fuck, that would
be a gift right about now. A bullet in the back of the head, a dumpster, something worse,
turned out on the street, she was jacked up with those worries. Like a rat in the corner, she
gawks, watching the most beautiful, brain gifted, alluring, addicting (like
Heroin denied to a junkie) and above all, scariest whore she had ever met. The blond bitch, with the fading
ski trail scars snow-boarding down her perfect white face, was loading stacks
of hundred dollar bills into a black valise. The fucking money was not hers, and
that worried Onetta too. It was the blond twists boy friend’s money, one Anthony
Uruguay. And, that was a fucking death warrant she figured with her name spelled ONETTA
on it any way she fucking looked at it. Mandal Beckwith, looking not a lot different than
when she jettisoned a Montreal girl’s school over ten years earlier was more stunning
than ever. Taller, leaner, no real tits yet, no hips, small ass, long neck, really a monster
of a beauty queen, was ready again to split. Taking a no filter Lucky
Strike, she pops it between her lips, flicks her Zippo, Red Dragon insignia brazed
to chrome, nods and lights up the smoke. White
haze, twirling out of her small, pointed nose, memories,
like cancer eating her brain. The last ten years fucked her up, ate her up, maybe tough
love, better days were ahead; maybe. What had she gotten for her ten-year
brain trip, Nada? Bad roll of the dice, snake eyes, a dump site for most of the
deviants on the East Coast, Fat Tony their Buddha Head, leading the way into
the bottom of a pile of crap. She
had fucked the truck driver, first night, back of the cab,
felt nothing. Morning, Interstate, threw out her velvet thumb, washed around the East Coast
for awhile, screwed her way here and there. Her cunt got her anything she wanted. Lots
a hard bars, neon lit motel rooms, where a quarter got her fifteen minutes of cable, which
she was too zonked out to watch. She danced naked a bit, was stoned more often
than not, a career girl on the prowl. Totally insane and looking for career advancement,
she mortgaged her body for a little upward mobility life advancement. Cash flow was good,
men loved young, fearless sluts, especially with astonishing, mind fuck you attitudes,
and a tear your cock apart beauty cunt. Her eyes lift, she smokes, looks out the top floor
room window where the girls’ dress down crib is slotted. She has a private crib.
Down below, the alley, garbage, dumpsters, used shoot up kits, junkies, its 3 AM; sneak
thief time. Glancing at the full-length mirror, she groans. Conservative dress, pumps,
nylons, knee coat on her frame, black wig on the stand. She needs to be someone different
soon, very soon. She is a fucking expert at that. None a the usual wails,
screams, shouts, gun shots down in alley ville. That's a good thing. The Pony Club's
plinking red lit sign, blink, blink, blink is throwing down hues of blood neon along her
skin. On a table, there’s
a computer monitor, green haze casting a pall also on her delicate face. Lining the walls
there are book cases, slopped with books, classics, great poets, writers, other
mad women and men just like her. Also, racks of CD's, M&M, Chopin,
Beethoven, NWA, Madonna, Katy, Taylor, Prince, Bruce and Sara, Isaac Perelman.
Eclectic stuff, a lot like her, diverse, brilliant, wild, crazed, genius, troubled
like her. On the peg boards,
lotsa rejection slips, writing failure evident, clear, she fucked up, flamed out, big
time. Beauty gets a bitch just so far; talent helps. Angry smoke puffs out of
her nose, she slashes a stack of typed paper to the floor. Agitated, annoyed, edgy, a
spoiled whore, her eyes began to water, nose twitches, ticks, she stubs to death
her smoke into an ash tray, kicks the table sending everything to hell. In the beginning, she had been
indestructible. A
decade later, she had failed in every aspect of her twisted
up life. Ten years of fucking around, years pissing down the drain, a melting banana split
of a life, no life, a fucking disaster. She had fucked more men for
fewer reasons, lately women too who thought a grand laid on a table meant true
love. Never felt anything, never an orgasm, never love, except when reading Tolstoy
once. Tricked out society
bitches, Vermont, Connecticut, Manhattan too, lining catwalks like bulimic ghouls, loved
her, craved her, adored her, she abhorred them. Wall Street con artful men,
wanted her, lusted for her, all she could think about was shoving the tip, her
38 into her mouth, tasting the gun oil and flames, ending it all, all of it. On the con and grift
for an entire life, she wasn't pissed about that. In the end, because she was smart,
real smart, needed protection, a power source, needed freedom to follow her
passions she had sold out and had become The Fat Mans doll. She had found
herself on her knees, head in the toilet, vomiting after the pig had screwed her
the first time. In
the vortex now, life generating its own power, ready to make that leap of faith,
maybe to death, she had decided no more fucking Tony. Nada, no more, she would die first.
A 100% possibility if she fucked up, Tony got his sausage fingers around that neck,
squeezing until his dick got hard, until her breath sucked back into her brain,
brain dead. Hard
decisions, hard times, maybe life, maybe death, dice cracking
on her brain and whatever comes at least she'd feel pain before her last gasp, something
she could not live without. Chain smoking, Onetta fires up
another smoke, flames drawing Mandals eyes, ticking at the old whore. In Mandals savant
brain the beaten down old whore is an exact replica of herself down the road, if she hangs
a moment longer; victim, is not a part of the deal. Plume of smoke, Onetta's
voice, nervous, static, vibrates from fear into her ears. "You know you've been like a daughter to me, honey." Jerked head, Mandal stares and
wonders. What
kind of daughter was that? What kind of mom would let her daughter suck Tony
Uruguay's fat cock; let him ram his dick into her daughter’s ass. Is that the kinda
mother you’re chatting me up about? Fuck, nobody forced her to become her. She played her cards, raised
and, then folded, unable to take the pressure, pay the VIG and take the heat of
life. Mandel deflates, falls to her knees and lay’s her blond head on Onetta's
lap. An actress now, a sick trembling puppy now, mood freak, lips quivering now, the
falling apart old whore pets her hair, her girl’s lips quivering. "He's a bad man, Honey.
He'll find you. Hurt you bad. I'm scared honey...Real scared." No breath, pain, grief, Mandal is broken, seemingly
defeated, satiated in fatigue, what a fucking sweet kid. Tears, a shattered angels face,
she rises, stares at Onetta, concern on Onetta's face, patriarchal old whore, mother, poor,
poor, poor, beauty, as Mandal whispers. "I love you mother. I'm
not going back. Please mother, remember, you knew nothing...Okay Mom?" Jeeze what a darling
Onetta thinks. She knows her tricked out mind, feels more fear
than any other time in her life. The stunning bitch is a killing machine, mostly of men’s
dreams and souls. Her bone marrow freeze dries in her bones. Mandal, morphing, something
else, easy, a chameleon with many skins, suddenly dire, a look of homicidal glee etched
into her flawless face. The transformation from puppy to pit bull is mercurial, instant.
Onetta sees it; feels like petrified wood by it. Reaching up, Mandal roughly
pinches Onetta's cheeks, hard, between fingers, thumbs, glares into her struck
eyes, seethes. "You understand mother? Nothing, we’re clear on this, correct?
Absolutely fucking nothing." Words,
like a wood chipper eating Onetta's head, harder cement
glare cranks Onetta's fear. She can do nothing but nod her head up and down. Mandal, like
a downer freak, scoring crank, smiles, kisses her on the cheek, releases her face. Onetta
breathes and can barely get the words out. "Yeah honey, sure. Just
be careful, ahh, he's a very bad man." Hearing nothing, feeling nothing, no fear, adrenalin
pumping ether through her veins, the perfect doll stands, smirks, snaps. "Fuck him." Baby girl stands, turns, walks
to the bed, hefts stacks of twined hundred dollar bills, clicks them at Onetta's
and, then grins. "All
those years, with that fucking pig." She waves the C-notes, smiles broader,
"As far as I'm concerned were divorced." Flipping the money into the valise, she grabs
another stack, winks at Onetta and floats it into the bag. "Seven hundred and fifty
grand, my fucking alimony." Onetta
gawks, thinks, wishes, DAMN, why can’t the crazy
genius bitch just have a drug problem like her other whores. Mandal, conservative coat on
now, fidgets with her black wig. Suddenly her caustic mind turns beautiful. Music and a voice like
cut octaves of sunlight opens a door and struts in. It is Leontine Price, the Diva,
like her. "To
tu Piccolo Iddio," the haunting aria from Puccini's Madam
Butterfly soars through her brain. Her eyes go dreamy; this is how her brain works. The
moment lasts, ends, her eyes swivel in their socket, go stainless, she is back, reborn
hard again; this is what she is also. Onetta feeling her teeth chattering, watches,
thinks. Ten years of Shakespeare,
Miller, art lessons, the horses at Tony's Jersey Estate, cats, dogs, ‘The Fat
Man’ had spoiled her rotten, anything and everything she ever wanted, except
her love. French, Italian, even Jap language lessons, poetry this, writers
that, painters, dragged to museums, Europe, poor fucking Tony, the bitch broke
his balls and his wallet. Then sculpturing tutors, music teachers, on and on and
on about some freak named Proust. Onetta has had enough. Get the fuck out of here you crazy
whore and never come back. She
wants to shriek, she does not. She'd rather deal with The Fat Man. The fact that he will probably
murder her, cut her tits off, her fingers and toes too, set Bobby Ugo and Dim
Dim on her, she cringes thinking about those two monsters. At least Dim Dim keeps
his yap shut; at least he's fucking predictable. Mandal grifts through her grifter ABC play book.
She checks everything twice. She
nods her head, reaches into a drawer, withdraws a short barrel
Smith &Wesson .44 magnum handgun. Grabs a box of bullets, winks at Onetta again and
slots them in the bag next to her snub nose, private Catholic girl 38. Picking up a floppy hat, she
dons sunglasses, leers into the floor mirror. She looks like a fucking Betty
Crocker Homicidal killer just let loose from some freak show prime time soap. Nothing
she can do can hide her astounding beauty, but it's an attempt, a good start. She's so
manic her head seems to be boiling and in her mind she looks like she's a girl going on
vacation. She may be right, a
one-way ticket to the jaws of a car compactor in an automobile grave yard in Perth
Amboy, but she doesn't think like that. She's just a smart kid again, flipping off the
nuns, running away from a girl’s school again. What can be the harm in that? Her brilliant bean is
spinning, she is so ready. Grabbing her single black leather valise, she turns, winks
at Onetta, purrs. "Goodbye Mother, later." Two
steps, three, four she is out the door. Onetta fumbles with her
cigarette with shaking hands. After a moment of pure willpower fueled by fear, she
stands, weaves, moves to the window facing the alley down below. Time passes and her heart
is pounding, entire body vibrating. She sees her girl, down in the alley now strolling
past a dumpster. It makes her cringe. She is positive it will soon be her coffin, disguised
as a dumpster. At
a “T” in the alley the pure predator hesitates, looks this way and
that, lights a cigarette and, then is gone into the shadows. Instantly Onetta crumbles to
the floor, weeping, satiated by terror, she vomits. On hands, knees she gawks
at the filth that she has only ever known. On a clock face of a life that is numberless,
she stands, feels her legs buckle, and presses her hands against the window for support,
feels hot urine spilling down her thighs. Nothing
to do now except to buckle up, return to her world of
problem solver for some of the most fucked up girls in the world. Turning, she moves across
the room, out the door, gingerly closing it behind her. She hopes that it is a seal from
the eclectic dangerous girl, one she hopes will never be ripped open again. Unfortunately for her, she forgets that some
doors needed to be nail gunned shut. Especially when the gal who just walked through
it was the ex-whore girlfriend of one of the most dangerous and horrible men on the planet.
mid-night, sleepy yawns, full moon, citrine moon beams mixing with her spinning
Cadillac wheels. Satiated, exhausted, Mandal whips off the road, dust, parking
lot awaiting her. Hours out of
Louisville, Christmas music was spilling out of her Caddy’s radio, putting
Mandal’s mind to the joyous time of XMAS. Pulling into a war surplus store, she
decided to do some Xmas shopping. She had bought three boxes of blue silicone-tipped hollow
points for her .44 Magnum, which cops called "First kill" bullets, meaning no vest could
stop them. Along with those, she bought a new Velcro light weight shoulder holster, four
gallon cans of BULLS EYE, a substitute for gun powder, you know so the local possum hunters
could reload their own cartridges as they hunted the varmints. Manic, in the XMAS spirit,
she bought a Mossburg 16 Gauge shotgun and a hacksaw. Finding a dark alley, she had sawed
the barrel off, loaded her XMAS present up with red cartridge caps, shoved it
under the front seat. Finished XMAS shopping, she continued on, back roads, in
her great escape. Hours later, sleep
deprived, she pulled into an alley and parked. Better than
nothing, she
thinks. Caddy motor chills, turned
key, motor conks out, green neon, always neon from the motel's sign throbbing, on, off,
on, off on her face like a skin eating virus. So far
so good. Old Caddy holding up. Still almost a Mil
in the back seat, her alimony after ripping off Tony (The Fat Man) Uruguay in
Jersey, her ex-boyfriend/slave. She had been his
fuck doll, so be it. Probably a bad
idea, the in your face convertible Caddy and the fact she was so fucking blond
gorgeous, well folks never forget a doll like her. It’s like she’s leaving
flares behind her, you know like one of those wicked F-16 jets they use in Afghanistan,
throwing off flares to detour Taliban shoulder-held rockets as the pilot zeros
in with a laser guided rocket, interrupting a wedding ceremony of some tribal chief’s
daughter and his closest fifty friends, turning the entire tribe into deep fried pretzels. Great
decision making wasn’t her strong point. But what the fuck, she had made it this
far, like what could possibly go wrong. GO WRONG. Maybe
Bobby Ugo the vicious number one psycho killer of Fat Tony’s Crew, not to mention
his behemoth enforcer, the six-foot-seven three- hundred and fifty-pound helper Dim Dim,
with the valise that carried a blow torch, bolt cutters, hack saws, pliers and
other nifty stuff that Bobby wanted more than anything to use on Mandal. Bobby
so wanted to see what kinda smart crap would come out of the blond whore’s yap,
once he cut the tongue out of her mouth. Never crossed her
mind, so she took a deep breath, perused the graveyard parking lot. Few cars in the motel
parking slots, big rig out of Nogales City, too. Telling her desperation comes in every
make of car along off -of an American dream and highways filled with life’s pot holes. It is
cold, leather bomber pressed against her long neck, cigarette dangling from her puissant
lips, sand stars grinding in her eyes, quiet, a breeze rolling in off the
swamps, maybe a river, she figures. Shoulder holster on
now, a gift from a War Surplus store, .44 jigged in deep, feels good, eight
inch knife in her new steel-toed work boot, right next to her walk-around .38. She is
ready for war. Voices, laughter,
dull music on the wind, beaten down roadside house bar, social center for the
locals stuck across the street, there’s that neon again. Orange, like fireflies,
saying: JOKESTERS BAR, pimping out cold beer, shots, good food within, maybe a
line-dance too. Several pick-up
trucks, gun racks, older Detroit cars, a jeep and some big rigs idling diesel,
nothing flash. These are poor, hard, country folks, doing the best they can. In the shadows she plucks out an image of something interesting. An
Old Coup De Ville, looking like her baby’s twin, maybe a ‘74, ’75, her
best guess. Rag top, faded blue, not green, but damn close. She's sitting all alone off
to the side, busted up shed light bulb hanging like a hangman’s noose on a copper
wire overhead. Thinking, always the wrong
thing to do, she grabs a ciggie, kick starts it to life, feels the warmth on her face from
the flame. “CLICK,” the Zippo goes-dead, an idea is exhumed from the coffin
in her brain. Slink thief over, Slim
Jim the locks, riffle the glove, get the registration, swap plates, skedaddle back, be
a couple of hundred klicks down the road before anyone noticed the switcheroo, if they
caught it at all. Most likely she'd be in
Vegas, jaw crushers eating her doll, recast into a can of dog food before anybody got wise. Good idea,
bad idea, her mind again, let’s do it. She'd
have to scoot, suck it up and drive all night, just in case. Manic is good when on the
grift. Better denying a little sleep then looking up the wrong way from the
bottom of some Jersey pier, a motor crank case chained to a gal’s pretty feet. Liking
the plan, a lot, she finishes her smoke, lets it slip down the door. It sparks to the
asphalt. Madness and mania cozies in her blue eyes. She giggles,
thinking about Daphnia Water Fleas, out of The Science Journal, one of her fav
mags. The little bastards
grew defensive, razor sharp spines through evolution, protection from predators. If the
little evolutionary cunts could do, it why not her? More giggles,
where do those thoughts come from, the shit even blows her mind as she feels her own
spine grow some tines. She twists the key,
likes the sound of the engine, slots drive and moves slow and shadowy to the
street ramp, looks left, right, and cruises across the road. She parks kitty
corner in the dark just some meters from the other Cadillac. Shuts her down, she
sits and absorbs it all. Piece a cake. She
Some hillbilly music, laments, lost chances of love, jilted at the altar, sounds like Reba
pukes out of the bar. Cow girl Mandal, flips thoughts, maybe mosey, likes that word now,
kick it, maybe line dance with some country thug, have a rattle after in the motels bed
and hit the road solid in the morning.
sense, reaps in, blink, blink, blink in her eyes. She moans, brain making all the wrong
decisions. Petty theft is silly serious stuff, burglary an edgy gig, bad idea
dancing in some Tennessee gin joint; very bad idea. She gasps,
sees a sign on the plates that says: TENNESSEE. How did she miss that? Fuck, she's
spun some serious miles since Goines. Gotta pay attention, buck it up or some
serious shit could fall on top of her blond head. Scrounging
through her girl/thief bag she had scored at a Kentucky County Store, she pushes aside
a couple of specially cut eight inch tubes of lead pipe. Pipe bombs later, cool stuff,
a girl never knew when she would need them. Popular Mechanics
is also one of her fav mags. Boxes of ammo, a carton of Marlboro's, a quart of
Wild Turkey, a pint of Tequila, a switch blade, purple plastic handle reading:
Kentucky, Home of Abe Lincoln on it. Wincing, she giggles. "My God, you are a fucking
twisted piece of work." She keeps looking
for the stuff she will need for her little cat burglar grift. Time to move, time to groove and a small pack stuffed with gear, long
legs over the door, steel toed boots now planted on the asphalt. She turns and begins to
move. To the back of her boat, Phillips Head, unscrews the license plate, same for the
front, things are going swimmingly. .38 in
her boot, shoulder holster and .44 back in the doll, sleek, fast is better. Phillips Head screwdriver,
Slim Jim reopener jimmy in her boot too. Winching in the
yips, she wades up to the rear end of the Cadillac, looks around. Like the
shadows, she blends into them. Seems zilch, she bends to a black jean knee and
begins. Quickly she unscrews the
plate, replaces it with her own, revolves the screw nice, tight and repeats it with the
front plate, screws snug she sneaks back to her car. Déjà-vu
all over again. She replaces
plates, leans against the Caddy, nothing. She’s always been a screw-head,
messing with Tony's electricity, revamping CD players, fixing toasters, reprogramming
TV's, Black Berry Queen of a fixer do-it-yourself world. Anything with motors,
gadgets, many hobbies for this gal; the geeks at Home Depot adored her. Balled fists, nailed to her small hips, accomplishment washing over
her, she exhales, whispers. "One thing at a time." Over the
next few minutes she finishes the plate switcheroo, feels good about it. The time is now. She slithers
back over to the De Ville, peeks around, nothing still, music, some drunken guy retches
out of the bar, bends, pukes his guts out on the parking lot asphalt. Seems he’s
okay, back inside he goes. One more shot, one more shooter away from really feeling good,
until the DT's slam his face in the morning. Mandal smiles, she has been there before.
Slim Jim slips down her sleeve, in the slot, a jerk and old cars are cool, easy
to steal, back to work, girl thief work. “POP”, too easy,
door button pressed with a gloved finger, opens, interior light, “SMACK,” slim
Jim shatters the bulb, darkness, full girl/burglar mode, pen light in her teeth.
She slides in the passenger seat with a penlight in her full lips. She misses
her Home Depot leather, low on the hips, gunfighter tool belt. In a hurry now, V of a beam illuminating the glove, papers, a mess,
mouth tobacco, Copenhagen, condoms, hunting knife, she steals that too; pack of Marlboros,
she pockets them. There it is, the registration and even the guy’s pink slip. Gomer
Henry, it reads. She chuckles in
disbelief, folds it, pockets it in her bomber jacket, snaps the glove shut,
couldn't be happier. Another perfect crime, except there never is a perfect
fucking crime. "You rippin' me off, darlin?" Southern
accent, thick tongue, boozed up, a meat paw on her upper arm. "OW."
She yips. He jerks her off
her feet. She is violently twisted around as he slams her against the chassis
of the Cadillac. Ball cap on, face
in the shadows, hard to make her MO, yet, still impossible not to see she is a
slink dish, sexy is written all over her. Even a fat drunk can see that. Big man,
fat man, long hair, straggling chin beard, blood coated eyes, weaving, pinchers on her
arm. Her legs are spread open, steel toed boots planted on the asphalt, she's calm, excited,
no fear; adrenalin orbiting around her cerebellum. Eyes,
defiant, fucking alive, eye blisters, waiting to be popped, she's manic and maybe some
pain, his, hers, no matter. She was born for moments like these. Limited brain matter,
no gal looks at him like this cunt is. He reaches out, backhands her across the face. White
dots of light, her face stings, very nice, whips back, blood on her lips, tongue tasting
it; just an encore of things to come. Wild,
crazy in her eyes, now he sees she’s a beauty contest winner and he wants to rape
her on the spot. He mumbles some kinda nonsense like, "You a pretty dolly, ain't ya,
gonna teach ya now somethin' now…" The old
perv drunk wheezed. He moves in, she
grins, blood teeth, red lava on her brain. "Do I know you,
dolly?" He slangs back at her. She grins, smiles
and says. "You do now, darlin!" "PARUMPH"
a knee jerk in the balls. "OH FUCK"
he groans. Solid caught knee
cap in the balls. He slumps, Mandal nudges in, twists him, big belly man, lots
a girth and racks him against the iron body of the Cadillac. In his face, she gets
real near, rips his head back by his long hair and then bends. With her .38 she pistol-whips
his face and then plunges the tip of her .38 past 3 broken and bloody teeth. He groans,
eyes the size of the flopping tip of his dick, as she seethes. "I like
foreplay big fella, in a bit of a hurry though. Real slow now Gomer, your keys.
Fuck up and I'll air you out." "CLICK"
hammer back echoes through the night. Thumb on the
hammer, big boy’s eyes doing the Mambo, dolls face, finger on the trigger,
firing pin, baby face, bad intent in her polar ice blue oh so cold eyes. "To the back, now Gomer." She likes
saying his name, she's a twist. "Keys, now
fuck-wad." “Gobbley-gobbley”
gook answer. Thrombosis fingers
dig in old Levi's. Real slow, southern like, he lifts them, dangle, dangle,
cranked up eyes, watching the angel of death’s gloved finger pressing again the
trigger mechanism. "Go on, before
I put a bullet into your fat head." Nods, turns, her
fingers ripping his pony tail, snout nose .38 pressed into the back of his
head. The journey from St. Anne’s
in Montreal to Las Vegas continues. At the trunk, key
in the slot as the trunk rises like Lazarus from the tomb. "Get in." “WHAM.” She cracks
his skull with the teak handle of her Saturday Night Special even though it is
Friday night. He whoops, groans,
his belly and face slap, crash against the carcass of his Cadillac. In sections
he falls into the trunk. Leaning in, she “WHACK, WHACK, WHACKS” him. Completely
crazed, smelling blood, out of control like one of those big fucker Mako Sharks
trolling for Tuna over there near the Island of Cozumel.
Up go his legs, flop, inside the trunk, she hyper-ventilating, lifts the .38, aims it
at him. Jaw clenches, saliva and blood dripping down her chin, eyes stark raving mad, finger
on the trigger. She wants to do it, really wants it, but then “CLICK.” A thought
wedges in. She shakes her head, blinks, rattles her brain again, remembers and tries
to recall. Murder, was that
also on the menu in those past days? Maybe so, the fat
fuck is innocent. Nobody is fucking innocent, but maybe. God
forgives, so she can too. Lowering the .38,
her entire body shakes, time to jet, get it on. She slams the trunk, jilts her
head, falls to her knees. Both hands wrapped around the .38, she shoves it in her
mouth, detests herself, loves herself, presses on the trigger, love conquers all, not here,
not now. She does not blow the back of her throat out. Frankly said, she
loves it all and doesn’t want to miss any future curtain calls. Standing again, like nothing
has gone down as she smiles, feeling it, feeling nice. Multiple personalities can be a
hoot. She skips back to the
Deville, hops into the seat, slips down, fires her up, drive gear, cruises out of the parking
lot as happy as she has ever been. In her mind there is no reason in the world that anyone
could put together what she had just done or why she did it. When a
cell replicates, the DNA does not change, but merges within a blood world,
hemoglobins saturate with memories of life, mixing, evolving and changing the
makeup of a micro-biotic universe and a structure of a creation in the womb. This is the remarkable
process she is consumed in, if only Darwin was correct. If given time, as the dolphins’
skulls did, greater brain power through time, 50 million years of change, yet she has perhaps
days to see the miracle of life; her life appear. Perhaps time is her friend or an executioner
that will cheat her of this miracle, fate knows, but she is silent. In a matter
of moments, she is again cruising into the unknown, a girl, a Cadillac, a .44
Python strapped to her breasts, a ferocious succubus, hand gun, knives, lead
pipe bombs are her guiding light into the unknown. Next stop, well
baby, paradise, or New Orleans, a humid, sweating hell-hole of a roll of the
cubes or a desert hole, with dirt shoved in her mouth. Baby is moving now, moving through
evolution to her destiny.
HOP BABY by j brooke
Hip hop, hippity hop, happiness hipster girl opting to cruise, hangin' in my sky
glider, whizzing the stars, my mind; you, me, Madonna still wanting to dance to
the groove. Jungle drums banging timpani at my head. Let’s do it, darlin'. I
promise I won't be Elvis, Heart Break silly, and cruel. The
beat, the heat, the conga drums, sidle over here; that killer bod giggling girlish girl.
Snake that silky skin around my fear, your sweetness like a candy cane. No disguise: just
reality, an adventurous baby doll, an impossible dream. You, thinking that you can play
with love, this girl bending, wending, and pretexting at womanhood; starving,
thirsting, for too much is simply never enough.
This trying human being of way-out
endings and party scenes, beginnings of no gratifying ends; playthings, body
parts, and parted lips from busted pleasures and hijacked dreams, and everything
stolen in between. OK, 20-year-old,
expert at nothing but sex and smiles, melting a girl’s heart and rock 'n' roll. So,
you’re mine and oh, so young, Kevlar Vest wrapped around your heart and soul, and
your way just so damn hip and cool, and me? Older, wiser, vagabond wastrel
of Generation X, just another sexed-out trick, again looking like the fool.
Every time I kiss those striking pouts, taste that sugar trailing along your slender
thighs, fuck those baby lips, adore that Pharaoh Nefertiti neck, grip for life those narrow
hips, I'm heading for another emotional fucking and atomized train wreck. Between bubblegum and bubble blues, you think
you can understand, assimilate, digest, con and juke, pout and fuck, party me?
And isn't that cute, you, nubile fearless baby child, sex diagnostic meter
center, break heart, fast break absolute mind infusion girl of problematic woes,
magnificent laser of an ice-crystal soul. No ethics, nor rules, I can see of dancing toes,
girl-sex wild con, tempered in nothing real and MTV; fuck, why again don’t I know
better, what is wrong with me? Boggling my credulity once again, hemlock creature
of skin, and blood, and of sin, sweat and perfect heredity of DNA. FUCK, darling,
you drive me mad, make me suck my lies and secrets back, pass out, orgasm out,
and make me scream. I heard there were girls like
you from the barrio; I'm just your boot-legged pleasure tool, thought it was an illusion
crafted of a bullshit dream, and here you are, blown away; OK, I call your raise. I'm all in, babylicious babe;
make me believe again, make me feel my body bliss and bittersweet, there deeper
in the deep. Make me realize that my life is real again, free falling and in gear;
that I am alive, where before I thought I was dead. Spread those diva legs; I think
it’s time enough, baby. Don't you think enough lies have been whispered, and said? So, place those low poker chip agate eyes on the
table, please; bet mascara blues and eyelashes and pink-fire rouge, and lip
gloss that reflects everything I ever thought I would never see return again. Am I day trippin' with just
the thought? I might wake within those flower-tangling arms, enclosed along my
body aquiline, your breath inhaling along my own. Part of a quintet of cotton sheets
and sweat and smiles and a spiraling spine; just then, when the sun sets and we can fire
it up. Just
once more, doll, before the Rem wanders within the earth’s axis core
of rain, because something beautiful is evolving, when everything gorgeous and tempestuous
thought for me was never to exist again. We fooled them, my pretty petulant darling girl; yes, or am
I a delusional, litigated drama queen? I can hardly breathe, but you’re real, forever,
for a moment; now, you’re mine, for a crystallized gem of denial is my survival stone.
heart is faceted from your smile, and I can ask for nothing more; thank you,
darling, for the gracious temporary gift of aquamarine eyes and golden rings, breasts,
lips, kisses, and golden loins. Did I mention the rebirth of
my heart? How I love you, simply and simple words, I've thrown them against the
wall. I
love you. Good night, my transient wicked child. No tomorrows. . . . I lie, and I understand that my night is now;
sweet dreams, my precious and treacherous and delicious baby doll.
WORLD by j brooke White
girl: white hair, white skin, white tears, cut and faceted lapis-colored eyes, lazing naked
in a bed of white flowers; soaring stems of the petal world; capricious moods;
prayer and quiet; silent cries to the timorous sky and mending her fatigue in a
moment of disquietude; as morning breeze, summer char, a saffron fireball,
sizzling tinge, thermal winds, a shawl of summer sweetness plies along her alabaster
skin. I am sitting near the monarchs’
home, near the circle of the Monet-colored spun spider webs, filled with dew drops that
glisten from shards of Sun and remnant rainbows of the rains, of winter they have fled;
though moments ago, as faceted tourmalines, they were dancing powdered wings along her
face; her Amber eyes, a face that I so do adore. I am gazing at her as I always do, and
I am afraid to wake her, for what if she does not want me any longer, when her eyes of
a topaz Sun, might perhaps peek open as the color of cinnamon; and within that moment,
she no longer loves me, sees suddenly that I am a charlatan that was once me, and
once again I will become the jester’s fool. I
am watching her. I always watch her when she sleeps, and I remember what and who I was
before her; before she brought jasmine, incense, diamonds and happiness to my dreams, as
a gift few women, few fools as I, have ever seen. I
think back as an echo that repeats itself within a long-lost moment of memory that I shudder
to recall, for I was only part-human before her, pretending to be alive; not
living, no not at all; as if some ancient star, long-lost and dead in the
blackness of the stratosphere, that now only glimmers its last tear, as it breaks
earth’s gravity; a thief of fractured dreams, a piece of light, masquerading to
be alive as I was before her, as a fragile flickering flame of candlelight. I was
human, yet disposable; a lost girl barely breathing before she chose to delve within my
mind and only me, before she shared her gift of smile, genius, mirth and wit for each and
every other human being to see. I am in pain as
memory sears my mind, for I was a mimic of a girl: shattered, fractured, and
refracted in a liquid mercury pool of skin; as images, none true, none real,
remind me of a lying past and such a horrid way, and forever and all of my so banal
and carnal sins. There was a desert in my heart, until she looked into my soul and forgave
me for who I was and what I was so long ago and when, knowing that her elegance and intelligence
and great heart would repair the broken mirror that I had always been. I
am watching her. I always watch her as she sleeps, and when she wakes, I will have cut
flowers for her, and they will be white like her: delicate and elegant, children of the
soil that I gathered near the lakes. She and them, her and they, they are
sisters of the petal world and will make her smile, and she will touch my face
and kiss my lips and I can ask for nothing more; for the flowers, so like her,
so fragile, and powerful, and lovely, are the color of the scattered matrix of the
rainbow world. Within a moment of a
slivered moon, bathed within a golden glow and the warmth of down, the cold of
snow, and we will whisper as we touch each other’s lips, that neither bigotry,
pain, nor sadness will ever be a part of our lives again. Naked
women, white sheets, passion, and a tender touch of
whispers within the gray pewter morning dawn and I will tell her that I love her so, and
the Monarch Butterflies: winged wind whisperers will lead us home, through the wars and
battlefields of a life neither of us could ever understand; and thus, our lives will soar
and the gift of her will be mine as long as she deems it so. I can ask for nothing else;
for one can never grasp and keep forever the beauty of a rainbow, this I
clearly know.
LUNAR MADNESS by j brooke She
was an alien, young, skin brown like a piece of seared naked amber, tall,
a hedonistic shoelace stood on end. The beach, Jamaica, vacay,
sand, blue water, indigo like her eyes, and our eyes had locked,
blue, hers, brown, mine, and that was it, for the salt water melding
on her nude body, those golden breasts, tummy, cunt, her small toes made me break
every fucking promise I had ever made. OKAY, I fucked up, stumbled the other
night, no more one night stands, but I remembered the feel of
a woman’s skin, satin touch, silk pouting lips of fog, lies, denial, promising
day dreams, nightmares, delusions I felt I was over with.
You remember those vows, don't you my man? Sex, torment, mind-bending,
hell raising, gut wrenching pleasure promises, where which way is up depends on
conjecture and the moment and you’re crazed, wild in each other’s
arms. Jettison the food, water, oxygen means nothing and your
insatiable appetite for her and you is overwhelming, each second locked in each other’s
arms a hammering mind piston of an electric jolt of a lifetime of denial. No dinner, no cocktails, no promises
of tomorrow, she was a fucking savage, a tipsy-turvy top girl,
no manners, carnal, honest, a stunning female alpha wolf, I guess me her prey,
and then it began, the madness, the beat down and it wasn't hell, no
baby, nowhere near bad. It was ecstasy, rapture of rock 'n' roll,
swaying palms, teak, bamboo, a banal hotel room and whatever highs could be
caged. I remember cold sheets of some summer night, stripped naked, lava skin,
heavy brooding eyes, mascara bleeding, playing, teasing, tearing at one
another, crawling on top of me, ripping my skull to her eyes, leering at me.
She was drooling, panicked, static, eyes dilating, bitten lips, on her velvet
knees, slamming fists against the bed rails, chewing at the white sheets, my
cock buried inside of her cunt and then an orgasm of a lust-driven
mind implosion wracked her, shattered her and she seemed to go
insane. On and on it
went, sweat pouring from our bodies, my cock slammed down her
throat, and it was wild, she was insatiable and why, well because common sense
and ice chips for parched lips were left at the door with the last free-falling
rustle of her nylons, high heels kicked to the ceiling. I remember that skin, a curling finger tempting, begging,
pleading for me to come, just an inch, just a little bit, the
whimpers, the moans of promises so you can touch that skin, that
you can smell, taste and envision strapped around your body,
legs splayed, her teeth chattering, her eyes looking like lug bolts. She tasted like orchids and
burnt brass, legs blending, flailing, swooning towards the moon
from the touch of your fingertips, that plays her body like a rare, violent violin,
sweet, taught, ravaged of solo octaves strung so taught that
baby diva was likely to cat gut explode. Yeah,
I know, I promised never to be that way no more, but what the fuck,
there she was at first, bad things happen to good people and she was an enigma
in my cigarette smoke, wet lips, engorged, full like a Caribbean Lunar
dream, hanging lazy, seductive, wanting on an ocean rim, oh it was sin. But I was a weak
fuck, for a moment as she shot me a laser stare of fire, ash,
eyeliner and coal smudges beneath her drooping eyes, telling
me. "Come here honey, I have a little sweet for you to taste."
And I kinda shrugged, felt drugged,
intoxicated, drunk from her body perfume, reeling, not knowing
my own name, and wondering now what this baby doll really wanted.
But, I knew as she laced me with her twenty-megaton wicked eyes that there it was, that
devil in my red blood and I passed to her, a topaz ribbon
laying on white sheets, heard a whisper, a soft tendril of a purr, a growl. "Come baby,
come here, lay right here, don't make me beg, just fuck me, don't
you think that is fair?" I moved, it was moving easy and
cool, though terrified and petrified, yet what magnificent terror
did I find and see and everything melded into one and a day passed before I
saw nothing but her. Then, more time burned away and even more and
then I saw within her lips the image of a Goddess, a slut queen
that was capable of anything, being anything, a paramour, a virgin twist
in her own demented mind. She was insatiable, hair like wet rusted chains,
moans, screams, psycho-babble speak, and there was heat, saline water drops,
cum, semen and tears, red embers and heat and I remembered painted red
talons lashed on my back as some long lost treasures recaptured from the
darkness of my soul. We seemed to feed for days along this
ocean paradise, I tell you it was so, kisses encapsulating, embracing,
encrypting secret saline naked secrets to the world, to reawaken my fears,
tongues, bodies braced as one and then the moon rose so many times and
we rested as insane Siamese twins, sippin' hard gins, rum, tequilas
and all the time bathed in moon light, star light, sweat and warm
Jamaican salt winds and of course, banal, carnal and so-real sins. Servants brought us Guava, Papaya and Mango treats and things
animals need, for they well knew a great passion play was at
hand. Black faces of Island ways understood sex, love and for a moment their gifts nourished us
and we ripped it up again, though such moment to moment play
might be thought of as a different thing, but it was that on
the island, maybe love, probably not, and I forgot as we bathed in night salt
water and our bronze skins burned up the cotton sheets, that sex,
love have nothing to do with one another. Yet, I still remember
her and realize more than once, she made me feel alive, vibrant, made
me forget my oath, which all the while was a lie, that man can live without a
woman and this I finally understood, caged away from a woman's touch, a
man must surely die. Set within the
palms and thermal winds I sat as she slept, breathing air along
the cotton sheets as arousal strapping my body allowed my heart to live
and I wanted to wake her and ravage her and bring her to moans and screams
and cheat our brains of oxygen. I wanted to show her that if
dead at dawn we might hardly care, nor remember before and as she woke,
for I touched the sweat that beaded on her copper breasts, she smiled,
reached forward and wrapped a lily around my neck and dragged
me to her parched lips and kissed me, and I felt again, how I felt, and we were one,
gone forever, frozen and forgetful in a moment of time, savages
tip- toeing on the very edges of life. In the
morning dawn came with the winds and she was gone, white orchid on my pillow and I
simply sat and remembered and took my pen and upon white paper
wrote these words. I never saw her goddess golden cunt again.
BLOOD AND FIRE J brooke excerpt from
Laos and Cambodia, the usual Manifest Destiny fuck up, had been cannibalized, an
acid bath, eaten from the core, regurgitated into a horror show, caskets, coffins, black-body
ash, all of it vaporized into the heart of the Mekong Delta. The generals had lusted for it, the
President had rock’n’rolled. Millions of indigenous innocents had been slaughtered for
it. Collateral
damage was a bitch, so the fuck what, you gotta pay the VIG if you want the
prize, hell, every gambler knew that. Body counts, black body bags, nobody wanted to know
the numbers or the tote board for such a blasphemous genocide. It was an abortion that had gone
bad, the dead fetus, well, they wanted it to go away, but it would not. He was a
Ranger, as were his hand-picked group of Green Berets. His white flesh was rotting, decomposing,
as were his heart and soul. Jungles, bullets, blades, napalm, rain, blood, killing, hunting did
that to a Ranger and it had done that to him. The monsoons
had come, crippling, drenching, and quieting the screams of the jets, high above. He had been stationary
for hours now, planted on the edge of the paddy, gawking out through his binoculars. His men were
wounded, ripped up, it had been an ambush by Viet Cong regulars. They had
fought their way through it, killing every one of the yellow, fierce soldiers. His wounded
men were stationed behind him in the jungle. His Green Beret unit was waiting far behind him, safe,
deep in the jungle, and he was waiting for a sign, the rain to cease, so they could be E-vac’ed
out. Watching, the Captain peered out through the glasses as thirty
Viet Cong began to cross the rice paddy some hundred meters across the plateau. He winced; fire
ants were eating his sponge skin. He didn't blink for he no longer felt physical pain.
The Cong were moving in his direction. His men needed help, he needed help, he
was going insane from the senseless killing, he wanted out. His radio crackled. Lifting up
the phone, he watched as the soldiers drudged across the paddies. It was decision time, death time,
final time, they were less than fifty meters away, and it was the right time. He cared no longer
if he lived or died. His soul had vaporized long ago, his heart along with it. Lightning
thumped in the black clouds, it illuminated the paddies, partial remnants of his blond
hair. He saw the Vietnamese soldiers faces, clear, their weapons, AK-47's, rocket
launchers, they were formidable, and he knew it. He whispered into the radio, 40
meters, 30 meters, a roar off in the storm, the ants eating his skin, more death, more grief, he
heard it now. There were flashes of fire, not lightening this time. Jet engines roaring,
there were flames in the sky as his eyes closed and his heart imploding. More death, soon,
now, it was time to remake his skin, for he wanted change, any way he could get
it, he was ready. Twenty meters, ten meters, their faces were his own; soldier’s faces. SILENCE, blackness, Thor's Hammer of light in the sky, silent, mute and,
then a thunderous rolling liquid cataclysmic explosion ruptured of fire and flames.
The earth ignited, night became day, screams, bodies burning, shrieking, the world
became a holocaust of fire, then silence, darkness, smoldering odors of burning flesh permeated
the lost world of the monsoons. SILENCE, darkness and, then a single man ran bellowing in pain,
he was engulfed in trailing flutes of flames. THERE was silence,
the cave was dark, black, water dripping, cool, pungent of deep life, SILENCE, and it was waiting
for something, something odd, beautiful and odious. Blackness,
then a fireball of sweeping flames flowing off a white soldier’s skin ignited
the cave, threw up blisters of purples, yellows, greens, for skin burns green when caught in the
love of fire. Flashes, fire flashes, then SILENCE, the cave returned to night. Water and
mud sizzled; burnt skin smelled as of death. Then, a scream of unbearable joy and pain
crushed through the night world of Cambodia. Engulfed in mud, blue eyes exposed,
whites of the eyes, stark, struck of understanding, the final transformation from soldier to something
so very odd, horrific, wonderful had ended, begun. THE clouds were
heavy, like lumps of cordite, a full ochre moon, at a man’s touch, breaking through the clouds
illuminating the world. There was silence, quiet, the sounds of rotor blades, men's voices, winds
swirled, mixing the stink of burnt flesh with monsoon winds. A SCREAM
from a creature ruptured all sounds. It was filled with understanding of the brutality
and finality of transformation. There is SILENCE and, then a SCREAM again. The
morphing from cocoon to butterfly to gargoyle had just begun, was not complete.
It would take many decades of a secret life for the final canvass to be completed. Over three
decades will pass, it will be a surreal world of Indian lore and pain, and then death will visit
in the guise of physical female beauty, and it will be as if it had never left him at all. It will
be a completion of what he was, what he wishes to become. It will be a full circle of finality,
tragic, filled with awe and a woman's lips and above all it will be deadly,
yet, so very beautiful. He will, in a moment of cosmic destiny meet a stunning blonde
killer and in that moment his entire life will come to fruition, pain, joy and recognition and her
name will be Mandel. J Brooke is a writer with over 100 credits, and never lists them. It’s
simple for J., for it’s never what you have already written, but what you are going to write
next. Contact info: