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Dolls R.
Peralez Rusty Bouvier
stood motionless before the great collection with his pesticide sprayer swaying from his
limp arm. He had never seen so many beautiful dolls. Their finely painted lips pouted and
shone as if begging for a light peck. Their round eyes seemed to watch him carefully from
the high shelf as he moved closer. Glass irises gleamed like jewels lodged in pale stone.
Blue and green. Gray and brown. He put his sprayer down and edged closer. Tall, like his
mother’s side, he easily reached the peachy red-head in the back, who was frozen
in a coy giggle. He just wanted to look.
Just to see her linen frock and tiny leather shoes. Maybe to touch her curls. She seemed
to beckon to him saying, “Hold me close, Rusty. Kiss my cheeks wash my hair name
me love me scold me tuck me into bed.” He nestled her into the crook of his arm and
bounced her against his ribcage. Just as Rusty cradled her to his chest,
Mrs. Linden walked in with a glass of ice water.
She looked startled for a moment and put the glass down on the table beside the
bed. Rusty fumbled with the doll and tried to set her back on her stand. His heart thumped,
and he couldn’t hear her even though the words weren’t angry. They were sweet.
Too sweet. He could smell her cunt as she came closer. He thrust the doll at her, and grabbed
his sprayer, and continued sweeping the mist of chemicals along the baseboards, but
Mrs. Linden stood in his way. She cuddled the doll against her sharp collarbones. The pesticide
misted her pink and green running shoes. He felt his stomach churning acid into his throat
as Mrs. Linden reached for his hand. He let the tank drop to the red carpet with a slosh. She eyed him with a strangeness. With
desire. “She is beautiful isn’t she?” Mrs. Linden kissed
the doll’s white forehead and pressed closer to Rusty. “Looks like May, doesn’t
she? May didn’t have red hair though.” The smell of decay and age lifted off her
skin from behind her ears and between her small, flat breasts. She ran her forefinger over
the blue veins that swelled from his stained hands. Rusty jerked back and slammed the back
of his head into the doll shelf. The screws
that held the shelf gave way, and Rusty could feel his face brushed with silk and lace
as the dolls fell around him. He could hear porcelain cracking on porcelain and tiny, cloth
bodies thumping against the carpet. The dolls heaped at his feet in a dusty, perfumed
pile. Mrs. Linden fell to her knees and began
scooping them into her thin arms. Rusty could see her ribs heaving through the cloth of
her dress. He thought she might be crying. He stepped over her, and grabbed his sprayer,
and left her on the floor. Rusty
drove around the rest of the day chain smoking. He told a young couple that roaches were
just trying to get warm, just like you or me. You gotta share. It’s Louisiana. That
was his last house before he stopped at McDonald’s to get two quarter pounders with
cheese. He ate the same thing every night in front of the television with a doll catalogue
in his lap. He watched little girls talk about what they wanted for Christmas and
taped it, so he could re-watch it in June with the window unit humming in his dead father’s
house. Sometimes a little
girl would get a cheap, plastic doll with painted-on, cornflower blue eyes and look so
stunned that Rusty would pause it and just whisper at the television about how he could
give her beautiful dolls. Dolls with little glass tears and crumpled hands. He would
doze off in his chair wrapped in a felt blanket with a wolf printed on it only to wake
up at three in the morning to go stare at his dolls who sat, and reclined, and stood, and
leaned on every surface in his sisters’ old room. He just sat in the middle of all
the peering cold eyes on the flattened brown shag carpet and imagined his two older twin
sisters brushing his hair when he was three. May and Gaye. Shining repetitions of one another
with the same gray eyes and hair so blonde it was almost white. They were starlit Gemini
rotating around one another grinning and interlocking hands with identical, pearl pink
fingernails all in a row. They
were only two years older than baby Rusty, but he became
the older child as soon as he was six and they left him to go back to heaven. Jesus
came for them not long after he found them clinging to each other behind the cotton shed,
asking Jesus how come? The twins wouldn’t stay in their own beds after that and instead
curled around each other like mirror images on a pallet on the floor. Sweat beaded and
slicked, their white blond hair and their cheeks burned with fever. He sneaked into their
room, and they lifted up their nightgowns in unison to show him the red streaks on their
bellies. Rusty piled dolls around his weeping sisters. He crawled into the ellipse of space
between them at night and reached out for them until one morning when May was as cold
as porcelain. The doctor said infection.
Sepsis and infection. Gaye followed her sister not a week later. They knew who did it.
He always came around asking Daddy to borrow his spreader or auger, just until he sold
the two-year-old steers, then he could buy his own. He would show the kids his shrapnel
scar from World War I that crawled from his armpit to the base of his throat. He dug in
the pockets of his loose khakis and pulled out fistfuls of cherry cough drops wrapped in
waxy paper to drop into each child’s cupped palm. No one suspected except Rusty,
who saw him wipe his face with a pair of girls’ panties one time at a church picnic.
The house was never the same after that.
Momma drank coffee all day and scrubbed her hands raw with lye soap. Daddy seldom spoke.
Tonight, Rusty sat on his hands in the middle of the floor and looked
around him. He never turned on the lights when he went to visit the dolls. Before the twins
died, when Rusty was very small, he would crawl into bed with May when monsters scrabbled
in his closet and ghosts peeped in his window. She would hug his head and tell him not
to worry because monsters and haints didn’t like being watched and that’s why
you never could see them. The dolls always watch and they can see in the dark, everyone
knows that now go back to your own bed before Daddy catches us. And he knew he was safe. Rusty, now too big to sprawl on his belly,
sat on the twin bed and polished third editions Clarissa and Mandy’s green eyes with
a jeweler’s cloth, until the moon hung high.
He put the dolls back on their stands and left for the shower where he masturbated
to nothing in particular. He pulled his coveralls on and turned off the television, which
flicked images of an old woman with fake tits laughing at a little boy in coveralls. *** Katlyn cracked
a piece of nicotine gum through the foil against her front tooth, bit down, and waited
for it to burn against the roof of her mouth. Her daughter was calling her from the living
room. “Mom, Momma, Maaaaa.” “Hang
on baby,” Katlyn yelled at the wall. She grabbed her teal bra off the laundry
pile on the bed and flicked it at the cat, who patted at the air lazily and closed his
eyes. She clasped it in front, spun it around, and leaned over from the waist so her breasts
dangled heavily into the cups. Katlyn drew
the straps over her shoulders and popped them. She stood up straight in front of the three
paneled mirror. The mirror that made her infinite. Thousands of images of her receding
into the silvery distance, where she was the only standing figure left. “Mom?”
Samantha, her only child, seven years old with tears wetting her stuffed seal’s head,
stood in the doorway in her Beauty and the Beast panties. She scrunched her little face.
“I can’t put my fucking jammies on.” Her
dark brown eyes widened in delight at the sound of “fucking.” “Samantha Andrea Couteau. Quit cussing. It’s
unladylike.” Katlyn was distracted. It was Memorial Day, and the boys at Polk
would already be drunk and ready to spend away their checks in honor of this great nation.
On her. All she had to do was take off her top and sit on their dicks for five
minutes or so, and tell them how strong and
brave, until one of them started crying on
her bare tits about some dead gunny in the desert. Bingo. That was twenty-five dollars
in her g-string. “Mom, you’re wearing your red shoes.” “Yeah
baby, I got to go to work.” Katlyn smoothed on pink diamond lipstick, dabbing color
where her lip split and arched from six cleft palate repairs. “Come here.”
Samantha eased into the room. Her hair was snarled into a dry clump
in the back and a sticky smear of grape jelly on her cheek had already attracted dust.
Katlyn tugged up Sam’s sagging Beauty and the Beast panties and used a make-up wipe
to scrub away the purple stain. She didn’t have time to brush the rat’s nest
out of Sam’s hair. “Okay. Go to bed. I’m going to work. Kisses for me and
kisses for you,” Katlyn said. “Is Meemaw coming tonight?” Katlyn
sighed. Her mother hadn’t come in two years. Sam still asked every night. “No,
but I’ll be home around four. You remember how to count the hours?” “Yeah.” Katlyn checked her lipstick in the glass window before she locked
up. It always ran from her pocked lip into the divot under her nose. She wriggled the cheap
aluminum key into the door and forced the lock until she heard the bolt slide against wood. When she got into the purple Saturn, she
smiled at the stillness. When Sam was in the back seat, she pressed her bony knees into
the driver’s seat and talked to her naked Barbie about Princess Who-the-Fuck and
her handsome prince. Katlyn wanted to grab the frizz-haired doll out of her hand and hurl
it onto the highway. She wanted to scream when Sam asked her question after question. She
wanted to slap her daughter’s fat little face.
Where’s Daddy? When’s he coming to see me? I’ll bet he’ll bring me
presents. He lives in Lafayette? How far is Lafayette from here? The teacher said our parents
should come tell the class what their job is. Can you come? It’ll be this Tuesday. But
instead she turned up the radio and reached for the pack of stale cigarettes she kept in
the glove box. *** Rusty was
on his way to Pineville for a rat killing at the mill. The dawn was just
breaking through the purplish clouds, and the smooth highway lulled him. He was thinking about whether or not to add a
black doll to his collection. He had seen one online at the library with tiny red ribbons
tied around her sweet pompoms. Her puffed curls looked like bear ears. She was posed perfectly. Her tiny fists pushed defiantly against her
hips. A gap tooth showed through her grin. She had a slingshot just poking out of the front
pocket of her overalls. Rusty was entranced, but he worried that she would be lonely in
the sea of plump, peachy blondes and redheads. He
was picturing his new dolls holding hands when three thumps knocked under his truck. He
heard a thin cry. His front tire lost traction, and the truck skidded into the narrow shoulder.
Rusty forced the emergency lights on with the ball of his thumb and
jumped out of the truck. The front tire of the bike and a clear plastic Little Mermaid
purse filled with Nilla Wafers, and Barbies, and a few hundred pennies scattered over
the asphalt. “Oh Christ.” He
edged closer and saw a little girl crumpled behind his front tire. Her fingers were tipped
with electric blue nail polish and her mouth was open. A piece of
folded notebook paper jutted from her front pants pocket. Rusty pinched the corner of the
blue-lined note and tugged it free from her shorts. He shook it open. Toylet paper Bannnanas Candy folder Her
dark eyes reflected the white side of his truck. She was missing teeth and he could smell
child sweat mixed with blood. He knew that smell. The smell of his sisters behind the shed.
Rusty licked the sweat from his upper lip and reached to touch the child’s wrist.
No pulse. Her still-warm skin was as smooth as a mouse pup’s. He sat down cross-legged
beside her and touched her knotted hair. She was wearing pink shorts with an elastic waistband
and an adult-sized baby doll T-shirt from the Pegasus Lounge. He sprayed Pegasus every
six months for silverfish and roaches. They always tried to pay in him in beer tokens and
lap dances and all the lunch buffets he wanted, no matter how many times he told
them that he really did prefer a check. He laced his thick fingers through her tiny ones
and turned her hand over to look at her blue fingernails pressed loosely against his knuckles.
*** Katlyn came home to an
empty house. She wasn’t even drunk anymore, just tired. She walked from the front
door with her red shoes dangling from her hand to Sam’s room and checked her watch.
“Shit.” Sam’s
door was open. “Samantha. Hurry and get up. I got to take you to school.” No
answer. “Samantha Andrea.” Katlyn
picked up a pack of cigarettes from the kitchen counter
and shook it, hoping for the soft rattle of a lone smoke. Empty. She pushed her nails over
her scalp and walked toward Samantha’s room at the end of the hall. A pile of Sam’s
dirty laundry slumped on top of the floor vent in the hall.
Sam’s father used to lie on the vent when he got back from the asphalt mill
and perch Sam on his soft belly. She screamed and wriggled, and he puffed air in her ear
and made her wave bye bye when Katlyn left for the club at night. She never could make
it work with men who were good to her. When she got to the bedroom, she felt a
thickness in her throat. The broken daybed Sam slept on was empty, and the comforter covered
in red and blue dinosaurs was crumpled on the floor. Sunlight streamed through the gap
between the hotel towels that hung over the windows. Katlyn stopped in the center of the
room. Piles of construction paper, and the poster of Dora the Explorer, and a tube of
leaking Neosporin sitting in a glossy pond of petroleum jelly, and paper plates with grease
spots, and stuffed animals all gazing with black button eyes. No
Sam. A strange emptiness overwhelmed her. It wasn’t sadness or fear. Just nothing. She
pulled out her cell phone and called 911. *** Rusty
drove the back way home. He called the mill in Pineville and told them he had a fender
bender and that he’d be out next week. The girl child he found on the road had her
head on his lap, her bony knees pressed against the back of the seat. She was cold and
stiff, but Rusty knew a warm bath and cup of milk with lots of sugar and a little coffee
would liven her again. He petted her blood-stiffened hair. He would give her his most beautiful
doll and tuck her into the May’s bed, and then he could sleep on Gaye’s bed
under the watchful forest of glass eyes and just love her.
Just wish for her. *** Katlyn
always had a healthy mistrust of police. When they finally showed up, she recognized the
stocky red-head from the Pegasus. He chewed on the end of a stick pen. She could hear the
plastic crack every time he rolled it between his teeth. “Where’s her daddy?” “He’s
driving in from Lafayette.” He wasn’t. She hadn’t even called him. The
cop pulled the pen from his mouth and wrote something on his pad. A thread of saliva trailed
from the end of it, snapped, and hung from his lower lip. He pressed his thumb against
his chin and rubbed, trying to hide the shining line of spit on his chin. “Who
was staying with her while you were at work?” Katlyn pinched the soft
skin on her wrist. “She was alone. I couldn’t get my mother to come. She had
something to do at church.” Another lie. His face remained impassive. “You
know anyone who would want to hurt you? You sure her daddy didn’t get her?” “I
told you he was in Lafayette.” He asked her a few more questions, told
her to call her family and boss and looked around the house. Katlyn led him to the back
of the house and watched him. He wandered
around Sam’s bedroom and rubbed the orangey bristles on the back of his neck. The
muscles in his back bunched and went lax as he rummaged through the piles of laundry. His
wedding ring seemed too small and pinched the freckled skin behind his knuckle. “Ok. We’ll get back to you as soon as we hear something.”
His eyes swept over her breasts, just once. *** Rusty
loved her best. He took her home and ran a bath. He apologized to her for her broken bones
and torn skin as he peeled away the sodden T-shirt with the tribal Pegasus on the front.
She had a tan line where her berry brown skin was cut with the white swimsuit lines of
a two piece. He sat on the toilet, held her stiff little body facing away from him, and
brushed the cockleburs and gravel out of her curls. He lowered her into the bathtub and
thought about his own baptism, where he shook and fought the pastor who held him under
too long. Her hair floated around her in
dark tendrils, and he carefully scrubbed away the shit and blood. When he finished rinsing
Head and Shoulders out of her hair, he toweled her off and set to removing the electric
blue polish with acetone. “Pink is the only color for pretty girls.” *** Posters
of Samantha curled in the rain as the months passed and the cops came and went, but nothing. Nothing but a cesarean scar and some faint memory
of a dark-haired child. She danced and drank whiskey sours with nineteen-year-old soldiers
waiting to be dropped into the mountains of Afghanistan. One
night, she brought some married Corporal home. He stood, straight as a bean pole,
in her kitchen. She poured some cheap bourbon into a glass and splashed neon yellow margarita
mix into it, and pushed it into his hand. He looked around. “You
have kids?” He nodded to a crude drawing of a cow on the fridge. “No.” She poured herself a drink and smiled. “Not
anymore.” Her chest swelled with
the feeling of freedom. She fucked with her bedroom door open. She packed Sam’s toys
into boxes and stacked them in the back of her car. She watched soaps wrapped in the warm
haze of pot smoke. She threw away the list of numbers for the babysitter. *** Rusty ordered a deep freeze for her. He lined it with wallpaper
dotted with carousel ponies and tigers and clowns and stood it upright, so his beautiful
girl could sit on her pink velvet stool and wait until Rusty came home with a Moonpie or
a ceramic figure of a golden unicorn for her. He had carefully glued her eyes
shut and brushed her lashes with mascara, leaning back to admire his work. He rouged her cheeks and painted her nails
and every single night took her out of her cold room to tuck her into May’s bed
with his third edition Claire, the southern belle with real human hair. “I’ll
find you a sister soon,” he said as he tucked the pink down comforter around
her. “Pretty girls ought never, ever be lonely.” He switched off the light
and slid into the other twin bed, his feet jutting through the bars.
R. Peralez completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Texas
and an MFA in creative writing at the University of New Orleans, where R. received the
award of Best Thesis for a collection of short stories. R.’s work has recently
been published in the Five on the Fifth,
Crack the Spine, and Furtive Dalliance literary magazines.
In Association with Fossil Publications