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A HUNCHBACK IN THE PARK by John D. Robinson From the early hours the
rain fell hard and cold and relentless throughout the day; by 08:30 AM I was soaked and pissed-off
with holes in my shoes and on my way to
a one-bedroom drugs-den to meet
a gentleman in need of my support and advice; a
smashed guy in his 30s answered the door, he looked
worried when he didn’t recognize me and the rain
fell furiously as he called out to my client who
came and opened up the door and I stepped inside
the damp, bug-infested apartment; the original
door answerer instantly disappeared
into the bedroom closing the door behind
him; a 50-something unkempt stoned
woman stumbled around in the kitchen, pretending to
wash dishes, in the small filthy lounge, a beautiful 20-year-old
girl is wasted and turns away to avoid any eye contact and then comes a knock at the door; a scraggy tall thin youth bounces in and says “I’ve got you a treat man,
got it right here” and he taps a breast pocket with
his dirty hand. “I’ll write
to you” I say taking my leave “We’ll
meet soon,” I step back out into the pelting rain and curse loudly and wish that I was someplace else, warm and comfortable and I walk through the park onto my next visit and walking up ahead of me, I see an old guy doubled-over, a big hump on his back and the rain is smashing and splattering off the bump and he moves with determination, with a purpose; perhaps going home and I wonder how he can see where he’s going and the hateful rain crashing down and I watched him but I didn’t feel sorry
for him, I felt in awe of this hunchback
in the park; he became a hero, a muse and
I walked on inspired in a way I understand and
the hunchback unaware of his own beauty
in the ceaseless rain, walked on. A
TALE OF PARENTING by John D. Robinson Her parents weren’t
to blame, they were honest, hard-working folk; they raised 3 daughters and the middle
girl caused them sorrow; she took to speed and alcohol and bad men and
she had 3 children of her own; 2
girls and then a boy; trying to bring up children didn’t work out and the grandparents occasionally took custody of the children; the baby boy was taken into care from birth and he never knew or met his mother. I’d see her on the streets, our mothers were best friends; we’d known
each other from our first drawn breath; one time she unexpectedly turned up at
my apartment, we smoked some grass and drank some wine and I thought that we were
going to fuck but she was also
friends with my estranged wife
and it never happened; just
a few weeks before her death I saw her; yellow-skinned and bloated, I knew she didn’t have long, her
kidneys packing- up and her heart punished too much; she took a beating from a dealer or
a loan shark on behalf of the
asshole she was living with and a few weeks later she died in hospital; and a few years previous her eldest daughter had been sentenced to life for attempted murder; she was 15 years old; a near fatal stabbing, pushing
the knife into the gut of some
enemy and then ripping the blade
upwards; she writes poetry in her
cell and it is very good and
the bastards took her to her mother’s funeral
in a secured vehicle and
was handcuffed and flanked by 2 other officers
at all times; she writes poetry
in her cell and they are very good and she dedicates them to her mother.
PURSUING JUNE by John D. Robinson “Fuck me man, she really is
ugly” I said “I feel kind of
sorry for her” and I did, looking at her thin and haunted soul hunched alone over a drink. “She’s not so bad, and anyways,
she gives out” my friend said staring at
a woman known as June; or more commonly referred to
as “June the Loon” a notorious presence in the local late-night club scene; “She’s
crazy” I said “I know” my
friend agreed “But I haven’t fucked
in weeks and I’m aching and for
the price of a couple of drinks
I’m not going to let it go; it doesn’t matter
what she looks like, I just need to get
laid” he said with a spiky passion. He moved away and joined
June at a table; I stood at the bar
sipping on a beer and then I was invited
to join the two of them; up
close “June the Loon” was almost
scary, her face was scarred with the harsh
and dismissive world she lived in, the clumsily
applied makeup only made matters worse, but, she spoke with a very soft and sexy voice that seemed to somehow contradict
everything else about her. The
3 of us left the club and walked the short distance
to the edges of the town center to a secluded stretch of grassy banks; the 2 of them staggered
away from the footpath and into
the darkness; I walked on and found a
public bench and waited for my friend, it
wasn’t long before he appeared looking very disappointed
and angry; he spat into the air and cursed
“She laid down and then she vomited all
over herself, I couldn’t carry on” he said
shaking his head softly; I
patted him upon a shoulder and gave a
thought for June, laying alone nearby in the grass, feeling
sick and abandoned once again, looking up into the
cold distant stars, looking beyond the stars, like she’s looking for something
she lost so very long ago.
John D. Robinson She died aged 2
years old weighing just 13lbs; prior to
death she hadn’t eaten or drank for days, 100+ physical injuries, belt marks, bite marks, cracked
ribs, missing teeth and trauma blows to her head,
deep cuts stitched with needle and thread at home; she
was locked in the bathroom and slept in the bathtub
covered in blood and feces; she was
just 2 years old when she was tortured, starved
and sadistically murdered, like her life meant nothing
at all, no more valuable than a fucking falling
leaf; she
had never once been outside of the house, neighbors
didn’t know of her existence; her mother
rides with a history of drug abuse and neglect
of children and has an IQ of 67 and she is pregnant with
her 8th child; her father has a record
of violent assaults upon women and minors; today
he was sentenced for execution and well-paid legal bodies will
plead for his life like his daughter did for hers; he
is 32 years old guilty of vicious cruelty and murder; she
was just 2 years old and guilty of nothing; her life
was pitifully short never knowing of love, knowing
nothing but pain and suffering, seeing no
one but those 2 brutal bastards; death must
have been a true relief, although
not a believer, I like to think that she’s now
in a different place and getting to know of gentle love. AN
OUTLAW IN THE MAKING by John D. Robinson My dear
mom is just something short of being clinically obsessed with
her house cleanliness and one of the blinding golden rules
is under no circumstances are OUTSIDE shoes worn INSIDE the
house; the
rules are drilled into you at a very early age, my nephew
is 5 and he is very bright and forward-thinking; a
little while ago he was playing out in the backyard when he needed
to get something from INSIDE the house, without
hesitation he strolled INSIDE the house still wearing his
OUTSIDE shoes; his mother reminded him, “Samuel,
you know you’re not meant to
be wearing your shoes INSIDE the house,” without
pause in his stride and without turning around he said, “Well,
I am,” and he carried on walking INSIDE the
house wearing his OUTSIDE shoes; there was
a stunned silence, open mouths, wide-open eyes and
nonbelief from the witnesses and when told of this, I laughed and
laughed and giggled and nodded my head; 5 years
old, an outlaw-in-the- making; doing things his way despite
the rules of others, I raise a glass.
OFTEN SHE SAYS by John D. Robinson “I
don’t know how the fuck you do the
writing and stuff after putting all that shit into your
system; the
pills and drugs the wine day after
day year
after year” she says “Neither
do I” I tell her reaching for my glass grinning
in mystery and waiting for the answer that’ll
come anytime soon enough.
John D. Robinson Beachy
Head in East Sussex, UK; is a famous stretch of coastal cliffs, people travel from
around the globe to jump into oblivion; it’s about 15 miles from my
home: I’d met him 3 or 4 times, a softly spoken,
polite and effeminate, lisping gay-man 19 years old, who enjoyed the
occasional use of booze and hash, nothing concerning, party stuff; his
younger brother jumped to his death 8 months ago, he attended the
funeral, flanked by hospital staff, stood alone, away from his family, outcast
and ignored, like he’d always been and just a few days ago, he
too threw himself from Beachy Head; I’m 55 and I thought I knew
of pain, suffering and despair, I don’t, I don’t have
a fucking clue and it’s best I keep on getting drunk and
stoned and carry on with the slow suicide of living.

Art by Ann Marie Rhiel © 2019 |
CHEATING by John D. Robinson Convinced she had a lover, hiding beneath the floor, he told me, he ripped up the floorboards with his bare hands; he didn’t
feel the pain of the deep cuts and scratches and splinters, he was too driven, too distant, too spiked with amphetamine to feel this kind of pain;
his 2-year-old son and wife watched on crying, asking for him to stop and at first he couldn’t hear their pleas until the screams of his wife cut clean through him like an angry chainsaw and he felt the terror in his bleeding fingers and he laid down
and cried and shook like a helpless infant as his family looked on waiting for the emergency services to arrive.

Art by W. Jack Savage © 2019 |
Robinson He’s
a 2-bed apartment but lives
in 1 room, TV on 24/7 rarely
leaves the building but
buys pairs of expensive
sports shoes online, which he will never
wear outside, chain smokes, plates of
discarded food and take
away packaging and overflowing
ashtrays, the place is filthy, not
a clean surface, he hasn’t
showered for months, paranoid
that “they” are out to kill
him, he cannot say who “they”
are, curtains always drawn,
artificial lighting, no
friends, no interests, he
offers nothing but fear
and suspicion and seeks attention
and then rejects it: he has an
adult daughter, no contact, but
he isn’t lonely, he isn’t
alone, he fears life and he
fears death and nothing but an
emptiness in between.

Art by Cindy Rosmus © 2019 |
Robinson “I didn’t see it coming, it
was the drugs, I owed them
money and the three of them moved
into my apartment: I became their
sex-slave, they raped me
repeatedly, I performed disgusting
sex acts and I masturbated
for “free doses” and when
one of the freaks beat and burnt
me and I ended up in hospital,
they disappeared: I
returned home, it was a
fucking total mess but I made
it my home again, it’s safe now: I
smoke weed but nothing more:
I’ve met Gary, he’s 20 years
older than me and he looks out for
me, takes care of me and
I fuck him now and then and the
occasional blowjob and I’m left
alone and I like that way: it
was the drugs,” she said with
eyes as dead as wet

Art by W. Jack Savage © 2019 |
ARE, YOU & I by John D. Robinson He
was 16 years old she
was just 6 years old he
abducted her, he raped and tortured her and
murdered her: 115 individual
injuries to the
face, skull, neck, broken fingers and ribs; there
is something of us
that lurks in the depths
of depravity, of the sadistic and a
viciousness that destroys
the innocence: he’ll spend 30 years
in prison: separated, secure,
safe: the life- sentence
was handed down
to the little girl’s family: wild birds and animals prey
on the young and vulnerable
for survival, not for such sick
satisfaction: we,
as a species, may walk
tall but without doubt dive
to hell and bring
it alive back to earth.
A NOVEMBER MORNING by John D. Robinson After yet another deep soulful apology and regret and another promise that it would never happen again, she returned for the final time, soon after, she died of 91 injuries to her face, throat, head and ribs that punctured her lungs: I didn’t know her but I knew her mother and she told me, tearfully, that she had begged her daughter to leave this evil brutal controlling mindless asshole but the thought of leaving him seemed to her daughter more scary than staying with him: she thought and hoped that love, their love, her love, his love would extinguish the flicker to flame explosions of unpredictable drunken hateful violence within him, but love failed, her mother told me, one cold November morning.
HARD & HEAVY by John
D. Robinson One of those lousy gray gloomy raining hard and heavy days: we’d made a contact, made the meet and went back home to taste our purchase and we were devastated: we’d been burnt badly: the shit was soaking wet and our women laughed at us: once it was dried, we got 3 lousy joints of nothingness: we didn’t laugh but watched the rain relentlessly cascading and it seemed to add to our sense of desperation and disappointment: we opened
our first bottle
of wine, it
was 10 AM and we
hoped that it would make
the day a little
easier to swing with and our
women stopped
laughing and looked
out at the rain.
THE STORM by John D. Robinson Like walking against a continuous gale force storm, step after step, day after day: she had little chance, neglectful alcoholic parents, violence, physical and sexual abuse until she was removed from the monsters aged seven: she was way beyond traumatized, scars so deep they would never be seen: just
after her 15th birthday,
she leapt from
the top of a 5- story
carpark: the autopsy
report revealed
that she was 3
months pregnant and
that the baby had
died with her. John D. Robinson is a UK poet. Hundreds of his poems
have appeared in print and online: he has published several chapbooks and Uncollected Press
will shortly be publishing his first full collection, Hang in There.
In Association with Fossil Publications