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Art by Lonni Lees © 2015 |
Meant For Me By Marietta
Miles Kitty
Tyler’s eighth grade teacher spies an angry sore on the back of Kitty’s neck.
The wound peaks and sneaks from under the girl’s yellowed collar. Kitty smells of
infection. Her jagged nails are black with dirt and there are knots in her long brown hair.
The teacher finds ten more reeking, green and pink scars splayed across the girl’s
pale back. After putting awkward, intrusive questions to an overly innocent
Kitty the school staff determines Kitty’s mother had been lifting more than just
a hand to the girl. School and County officials step in and foster a best course for Kitty.
The sheriff pulls her from her mother’s derelict house. Soon, Kitty casts her mild,
moony eyes on her mother for the last time. “I’m just trouble,” Kitty mumbles
to the see-thru partition between the front and back seat of the squad car as she is taken
away. She believes, if she had been a quiet
girl, a better girl there would have been no need for the cigarettes, the iron or the belt. Hastily, Kitty
is dropped at the home of her Aunt Ruby, a girl she had never heard of, much less met.
Kitty will make a home with her mother’s younger sister, her husband, and their two
small children. Aunt Ruby is no more than nineteen, Uncle Lonnie twenty-two at best. Their
little ones, Leon and Lacey, are two and three years old. Home is a trailer set on bricks
in the small town of Turnip. Thanksgiving passes uncelebrated and Christmas slips
by without attention. In frozen January Uncle Lonnie loses his job at the fertilizer plant
up river. Aunt Ruby is waiting tables in town most evenings and weekends. Kitty minds the
little ones and misses school. Lonnie stalks the trailer.
His nose grows like a bulb from rot-gut, his belly spills over his belt. Uncle Lonnie
lets go of what little resolve he has left. He tugs, pulls, shoves and forces his will
on to an unworldly Kitty. *** It is
September and a heat wave grips the valley. Windows are thrown open and the whole of the
trailer park can hear Aunt Ruby screaming and smashing things. Ruby has chased poor Kitty
from one side of the moldy trailer to the other. Now, Kitty is hiding, locked in the tiny
bathroom, crouching on the floor between the toilet and the sink. Kitty hears glass breaking
against the wood panel door. “Get out here! Whore!”
Aunt Ruby is bellowing. Her voice is gravely from smoking and yelling. Aunt Ruby is throwing
her ninety pound body against the door. “Fat!” Bang!
“Little!” Bang! “Pig!”
Bang! The shower curtain rod
snaps under Uncle Lonnie’s dead weight and he slides down the pole. The thin black
belt, now a noose around his throat, catches on the extender joint and his body stops quick.
His knees groan, his shins fold awkwardly underneath his body. His purple hands graze the
bathtub, like praying in the shower. Ruby throws
herself against the door once more and slides to the floor. Kitty barely hears
Leon and Lacy crying from their shared crib on the far side of the trailer. She hears
the rough breathing of her aunt on the other side of the door and the afternoon stories
on TV. She hears wet dripping from Uncle
Lonnie’s mouth. The little bathroom smells sick. Lonnie had lost his bowels after
he hung himself. Loud banging on the front door startles Kitty. She sees blue lights
flashing and flickering. Each pass of the light sets her nerves tingling. The front door
falls in and Kitty feels the trailer lift slightly with a gust of wind. “This is my house,” Aunt Ruby yells at someone. “My
business,” she runs at the bathroom door again. The wood cracks and there is a murmur
of voices. The bathroom door pushes in and breaks backward off its hinges.
A tall man, old enough to be a grandfather, fills the doorframe. He reaches into the bathroom,
past Uncle Lonnie’s body, and offers his hand to Kitty. “Come on
now,” he says in a deep voice. “Let’s get you out of here.” Kitty thinks
he looks like a cowboy from an old movie. Kitty takes
his hand and he pulls her up from the floor. Her swollen stomach throws off her
point of gravity and she nearly tips over. The sheriff gently rights her. She passes
into the living area. A deputy holds Aunt Ruby in the corner. She is spitting and scratching.
The babies stand in their crib with heavy diapers and snot across their faces. Kitty steps
outside and the sheriff helps her into the car. “Got to be
careful,” he says. “Especially in your condition,” he grimaces and Kitty rubs
her big belly, feels a weak kick. “Where are
we going?” Kitty asks after the sheriff slips behind the steering wheel. “Saint
Mary’s Villa,” he answers, peering into the rear view mirror. *** Kitty
watches a nurse sever the delicate umbilical cord. She sees her baby. He is such
a tiny boy, mewing like a kitten. Nurses quickly, roughly wrap him in a blanket. Kitty
sees little bears with pink ribbons, small and scattered on the worn cotton. She wants
to tell them that they have the wrong blanket. Her baby is a boy. But, he isn’t her
baby anymore. Kitty opens her mouth but cannot manage a word. The tall nurse holding her
boy turns her back on Kitty and takes him away. A sister from Saint Mary’s scuttles
next to Kitty and sets her ancient, knotted hand on hers. “I want
him,” Kitty cries. “Now dear, you just bury that baby in your mind” the
nun grabs Kitty’s hand roughly. “He was not meant for you,” she walks
out. “Ether,
Adele,” the doctor calls from between Kitty’s braced and buckled legs to the
nurse on his left. Before Kitty can start to argue she is breathing in the gas. Her head
grows thick and she flops back to the table. *** Saint
Mary’s Villa for Girls roosts on a high hill at the edge of black mountains. Acres
of bright green grass surround the stately two story brick. An oak tree huddles close,
hugging the front corner. Just beyond the surrounding meadow Foggy Top Mountain rolls out
her dark forest. Two gravel roads take opposite directions from Saint Mary’s. One
path leads to the small town of Deep Water, barely two miles away. The other path leads
to a small crop of poorly-looking wood homes. The top
floor of Saint Mary’s, overlooking a green and gray valley, is for delinquents. Here
is a thirteen year old, she nicked her mother’s Buick for a joyride and had been
caught by an ill-humored, strictly by-the-book state trooper. One young girl had been sent
to Saint Mary’s for robbing a donut shop. Her mother had left the family weeks before,
followed a man who hated kids. Her brothers were always so hungry. She had used her little
brother’s Hudley Hawk cap pistol to scare the register lady. Here is also a sixteen
year old girl who has remained with Saint Mary’s for over a year. She tried to kill
her father and brother by setting their small house on fire. She is not sorry and eagerly
talks of trying again. The offender’s floor
is cramped and tight. Most times there are three girls to a bedroom and there are five
bedrooms. The fifteen girls share two upstairs toilets. There are bars on the tall, ornate
windows. A state trooper is on duty twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. An elderly
sister from Saint Mary’s watches the front desk from 9-5 most weekdays. The ground
floor is known as Allegheny Hall. Here it is quiet and shadowed by the oak tree outside.
And though there are no bars on the lower floor windows it feels like the dark, wooden
floor is nervous and the tense, shadowy air is just waiting to exhale. The girls of Allegheny
are expecting, they are with child, but they are not married. The sisters say these are
the “fallen” girls. They have been brought or sent to Saint Mary’s by
family or by the state. After a baby is born in Saint Mary’s he or she is quickly
taken to the state run orphanage, Winchester House, by the attending doctor. If mothers
are lucky, after the sordid business of birthing is through, they may be welcomed home
by their family. But, most girls are not so lucky. On the
front steps of Saint Mary’s portico, girls are in line. Across the front yard a county
school bus chugs and chokes. The driver pauses to look both ways and swings into the circle.
Kitty can hear the pop of gravel under the bus. A large stone shoots off, hitting the welcome
sign, making a deep wound. Saint Mary’s is the last pick-up for bus number 78. The
bus is full with kids from the surrounding area. By the time Saint Mary’s girls board
there are only a few seats remaining. Kitty slips
into the empty backseat, enjoying how the diesel fumes make her head feel light.
Her books are resting on her lap. She is just putting her knees up on the seat in front
when a new girl slowly sits next to her. The girl is pretty, with dark hair and quick,
black eyes. Kitty gives her an almost imperceptible smile. The bus lurches and hits the
circle far too fast. The girl slides into Kitty. “Oh hey,
sorry,” Charlotte White smiles. “Wide load, huh?” They both look down at
Charlotte’s enormous, round stomach. Far below
the pit of her belly Kitty begins to ache and twinge. It is the kind of hurt that
nearly feels good. *** Overnight,
fall clouds had crumbled to mist and a fine pink sky now hovers above the
rolling hills. Kitty and Charlotte sit close together on the bus. Kitty stares, almost
digs, into Charlotte’s wide eyes as the girl chirps on about everything and nothing.
Charlotte glows under the attention; for all her talking very few have ever listened. “Wait.
He left 'cause you’re having his baby?” Kitty blurts. “Junior
was just done. He didn’t want anything to do with me and just left,” Charlotte
says. “He’s funny that way. You know?” Charlotte explains. “No,” Kitty answers. “What?”
Charlotte is thrown off by Kitty’s seriousness. “No, what?” “I don’t know how your boyfriend is funny,” Kitty
says. “Doesn’t sound very funny. He sounds awful.” “Kitty,
you are so stupid,” Charlotte lightly slaps Kitty’s hand. “He’s
funny like, he runs off when he is mad,” she explains. “He’s not really
funny. He just gets mad. And does things. Stupid, not so funny things.” “Things?” “Things,” Charlotte lifts her hand, balling her fingers
into a fist. “Oh,” Kitty looks down, sadly. “Yeah,”
Charlotte looks out the window.
*** Friday afternoon and most kids are in Deep Water, loafing
in the empty parking lot of the closed down Big Star grocer or nursing root beers or floats
at Chubb’s Burgers and Shakes . Girls from Saint Mary’s Villa are expected
to return to the home immediately after school, whether it is the weekend or not. After
hanging the laundry, baking and setting the bread to rise, oiling the wood
staircase, weeding the vegetable garden, mopping the kitchen, preparing dinner
and cleaning the restrooms girls are free to visit town. However, Kitty and
Charlotte, feeling brave in each other’s company, decide to walk to Chubb’s for
an ice cream soda straight off the bus. “You got any money?”
Charlotte asks Kitty, hopefully. “I spent my cash yesterday,” she pulls a cigarette
from a half-empty pack. Kitty notices Charlotte’s chipped, dark red nail polish. “Sure.”
Kitty is showing Charlotte the shortcut to Deep Water. There is a post-office,
bar, grocer, diner and pharmacy. Farther down the main street there is a pit
barbecue joint, a farm stand and a little second hand store run by St. Mary’s. “Thanks,”
Charlotte smiles. “Oh, I forgot to
tell you,” Charlotte beams, showing a brown front tooth Kitty had not noticed before.
“I got a letter from Junior.” “Junior,” Kitty rolls her eyes. “We’re
getting back together.” “What?” “He’s
got friends in Winchester. They own a mill up on Foggy Top,” Charlotte drags on her
cigarette. “He’s going to be gone a lot,” she looks thoughtful for a
moment. “But, we’ll be fine. I’m sure.” “But,
he hurt you.” “Yeah, but I’ve
hit him, too,” Charlotte shakes her head. “I know there are things I shouldn’t
say to him, in front of his friends and stuff. You know?” “How
can you?” Kitty voice was getting louder. “We’re going to be fine,” Charlotte pats her
swollen stomach. “You’ll see.” Kitty and
Charlotte slow their pace as the path winds deeper and aims steeper. The surrounding
trees grow close and thick, making the path dark. “He said that his
buddy has a trailer we could live in for a while,” Charlotte blows out smoke and
quickly takes another deep drag. The cigarette pops as it burns. “But,
he hurts you, and—” Kitty comes to a dead halt behind Charlotte. Kitty’s
voice is loud and stern. Charlotte stops and keeps her eyes on town. “Look,
I know,” Charlotte flicks her cigarette to the ditch and turns to face Kitty. Jagged and heavy the rock hits Charlotte on the temple, like and
egg breaking. Charlotte’s head falls backward, her eyes big and round and she sinks
to the ground like a sack. The rock falls where she drops. “He hurts
you,” Kitty repeats softly, falls to her knees and crawls to Charlotte. She
kneels next to the injured girls head. Charlotte moans and grunts. She tries to
sit up. Kitty takes the big rock and smashes Charlotte’s head down to the
ground. Charlotte is shivering and twitching. Kitty covers her own mouth with her
hands and screams into her palms, her body shakes. “I’m so sorry,”
Kitty whispers, putting her open hands over Charlotte’s belly, over Charlotte’s
baby. Kitty throws her school bag to the
ground and begins roughly rummaging through. She finds her old cigar pencil box and pulls
out the faded orange Fiskar scissors. *** Kitty wraps the baby in her sweater and then in Charlotte’s
fleecy blue jacket. She coos and kisses into the little fold. She can see the small nose
and perfect mouth. The baby is so quiet and just barely latching to Kitty’s little
finger. Kitty gently bounces the bundle and walks towards the soft lights of town. She
puts her lips to the baby’s cheek. The pain in her stomach and between her legs,
the tweak in her chest feels good, makes her almost weak. “You were meant for me,” she whispers.
Marietta Miles has published stories with Thrills, Kills and Chaos,
Flash Fiction Offensive, Yellow Mama, and Revolt Daily.
She has been included in anthologies available through Static Movement Publishing, Horrified
Press, and Out of the Gutter. Marietta Miles is on Facebook. Please find more stories at
www.mariettamiles.blogspot.com. Her first
novella will be available in spring 2016 through All Due Respect
Books. Born in Alabama, raised in Louisiana, she currently resides in Virginia with her
husband and two children.
In Association with Fossil Publications