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Art by Sean O'Keefe © 2018 |
Beauty by Paul Michael Dubal I'm
a great lover of beauty; that's why I do what I do. I know you will probably misunderstand
me. Most people do. Perhaps you think I’m a freak or a misfit. They called me that
in school. That was just the teachers. The kids called me far worse, in between the kicks
and punches. What was so wrong about appreciating beauty I used to wonder? What was it
that I saw that they could not? I suffered many bruises, black eyes and split lips for
love. When I came home from school, beaten and bloodied, my mother would smother me, sobbing
hard. “What
have they done to you!” she would cry, wiping the blood with a white handkerchief
covered in her spittle until it was stained red. She cried a lot, and then she would remonstrate
with my father at the dinner table. “Do something!” she would scream at him, as if he could
masterfully make everything alright, to make sense of this hostile world. “What will
become of him?” she wailed. My father would just sit there, face like
alabaster, dutifully silent as my mother continued her high-pitched, mournful lament, ticking
like a time bomb, his eyes glowering at me. I knew that look and it scared me more than
the school gangs who took delight in spilling my blood and humiliating me. It was a look
of contempt; no, more than that; it was a look of pure hatred. Not even
disappointment. I know he was disappointed. He probably never even told his mates at the
factory that I existed. I know he aspired for me to be the captain of the football team,
to display the athletic prowess he constantly boasted about from his schooldays, as if
to relive past glories from a life turned sour. That just wasn’t me. I was not born
as strong as him. No,
I was a sensitive flower, as my mother would sometimes opine. My father would hate it when
she said that, but I hated it more. It would make him so furious that he promised my mother
he would ‘cure’ me of my sensitivity. I knew exactly what he meant. My father’s
perverse way of trying to toughen me up. He would approach me, leather belt in hand, eyes
dark and brooding. He would lick his cracked, bloodless lips in anticipation before chasing
me upstairs to my bedroom. My mother would retreat to her usual sanctuary, grasping her
rosary beads and silently uttering the Lord’s prayer, as if a miracle could save
my pain. That
miracle never came. The agonizing snap of leather tearing
at my skin never lost its intensity. The last thrashing was as painful as the first. In
my father’s perverse reasoning, the greater the pain the faster the remedy. “I’m doing this for
you boy!” he would shout above my tortured wails,
as if it was some form of bitter medicine to endure to make me better. I cried to a whimper,
curled up like a fetus, until my father exhausted himself. My mother would come and tend
my wounds and another miserable day would be over. I can hear the screams of the latest girl,
even piercing the thick, solid walls of the cellar. No one will hear her, of course, but
it does irritate me faintly. I’m preserving her beauty forever. What could be more
rewarding than that? An act of love, and love does not come without pain. My father taught
me that many times. I could take the beatings until one day he crossed the line. He
hurt me in a way that I did not believe was possible. The psychologists would love to study
me, to dissect my brain, laid out like a dead flower on a surgical tray, to be poked at
by their scalpels. They would say that on that day something snapped inside me. I knew
at that point the raw feeling of craving revenge. It was a defining moment. I became a
stronger person, but not in the way my father desired. One day, out of sheer frustration at my repeated
failure to be molded into his image, he turned his attention to my beloved collection of
porcelain dolls. Forty of them, all possessing their own unique personality. I had given
a name to each one. I loved their extraordinary glassy eyes and long lashes, their permanent
smile and the pretty dresses. I would talk to them constantly. They never judged and were
always there for me, my only friends in an inhospitable world. After another session with the
belt, my father turned his baleful gaze toward the dolls
and began moving toward them. Whimpering on the floor, my flesh stinging, I saw his intention
written over his angry face. “No!” I cried, standing in front of the dolls in a futile
attempt to block his way. Seeing my distress, how much I cared about them, only fueled his
determination. He tossed me to the floor, knowing that he had found a way he could really
get to me. “A
boy don’t need dolls,” he spat, before grabbing Matilda and
twisting her neck gleefully until the head snapped right off and rolled on the floor. Then there was Winifred, Gertrude
and Daisy, all eviscerated and dismembered while I screamed
and begged him to stop. Like a man possessed, he smashed and ripped apart all forty dolls
in a frenzy of violence. When he had finished, my perfect dolls were a mess of sharp, shattered
porcelain. Not one doll was spared from the carnage. It was a massacre beyond my comprehension.
he stormed out of my room, satisfied with his night’s work,
I lay there sobbing for hours. Anger mixed with a grief I had never felt before. Of all
the pain and humiliation that characterized my daily existence, this was the worst. I felt
like I had died with my dolls. I wanted to, but I wanted to live so I could hurt my father
as much as he hurt me. I didn’t know how, I knew I just had to. The girl is screaming again.
I will need to attend to her soon. I don’t know
why she is complaining. I know it’s a cellar and it’s a little dark in the
dim light of the candles, but she is surrounded by beauty. There are over twenty girls
all around her, their beauty immortalized. Their mannequin faces are forever held in a
gentle smile, their skin absolutely flawless. They are a proud testament to my skills as
an embalmer. It’s a skill I’ve developed over many years. I wasn’t so
good at first, and even the first few girls were not as perfect as I would have liked them
to be. I’m a perfectionist, but I have learned to live with their flaws, proud of
my artwork and knowing that with each glorious sculpture, my technique improves. It really is true art, although
I don’t think the world is ready for it yet. If
the authoritarian bullies found out what I held down here, they would take them away from
me. I could not bear to let that happen again. The raw, impotent anger still courses through
me even after all these years, like a festering scab that refused to heal. Not even revenge
could quell the anger. I couldn’t call it therapy, but it was still worth it. My
anger maturated for years until my opportunity came. It was ironic that I first tested
my embalming skills on my father. While it could never have been called a work of art,
I was highly satisfied with my work. The sheer, agonizing terror on his face as I
skilfully sliced the long hunting blade through his organs was graphically captured in
his final, frozen expression. It was a triumph that set me on a rich path. Once I had destroyed
the destroyer, my next mission was to recreate my dolls. And now I’m over halfway there. Twenty-three
completed works of art, and seventeen to go, or sixteen after tonight. I enter the cellar,
the candles flickering in the sudden rush of cloying air. Dim light fights the
shadows where the girl lies chained to the wall. A necessary precaution I’m afraid.
Some of them had wounded their flawless skin in trying to escape, and that detracted from
my work. I could not have them damaging their beautiful porcelain skin, as the marks would
stay forever. It had taken all my skill to repair the lesions on some girls. I can’t
allow that. The
girl blinks rapidly against the sudden harsh cellar light. I
know she has been here for three days, but she can’t be lonely, not with so many
beautiful girls around her. I recall every one of my dolls, can picture their expression
as if I am looking at a photograph. Love helps me remember. Each girl takes after one of
my dolls, give or take. I can’t always be choosy, because only prostitutes would
allow me to lure them to the house. This girl has lustrous golden locks and an angelic
face that is twisted in desperation. She screams and begs me to let her go, but I calmly
explain that it will be alright. “You never have to grow old and ugly,”
I assure her. “Age is the great equalizer. Everything turns ugly eventually. You
deserve more than that. Yours is the beauty of a chrysalis, gone too soon. It should be
captured forever.” She sees my syringe and the black tray of scalpels
laid by my side and screams even louder. “It’s alright,” I explain
calmly. “Just a sharp injection in the vein and soon you will drift away, happy in
your dreams.” It’s best this way because I need to make a number of incisions
for the embalming process. It’s no good after death. The muscles stiffen with rigor
mortis too quickly. It might hurt a little but like I said, when is there love without
pain? I
approach her with my best smile but her face is creased in
terror. I can’t have that expression, so when the drug kicks in and they can’t
move, I perform my art. The paralysis is so deep that they cannot even move their facial
muscles. I manipulate their face into the beautiful smile my dolls always had. I loved
their fixed smiles most of all. They forever watched over me, never blinking, never frowning.
move forward and she cowers against the wall, a futile
gesture. There’s nowhere for her to go. The chain rattles against her desperate struggles.
never wanted to chain you, but what choice do I have? Like the
other girls you would try to run away. You would hurt yourself. Can’t you see I’m
trying to protect you?” I run my fingers through her golden tresses and savor the touch.
The hair is so important. I grab a bunch of it and run it under my nose. The
scent is intoxicating. Such a joy. She screams louder so I decide now is the
time. I plunge the syringe into her neck, and she gasps, eyes wide, before I
see her body relax and sag. I catch her and gently lower her to the mattress I placed
there for her comfort. It helps me in my work too. I unchain her and position her on the
mattress. I
marvel at her ornamental grace and then I picture my dolls in
my mind’s eye. “Which one are you my beauty? Yes...I know,” I tell
her, suddenly inspired. “I think I will call you Daisy.”
Paul Michael Dubal settled
in Ontario in 2008 from the United Kingdom with his wife and two children. His day job
takes place in the corporate legal field in Toronto but he is even more creative outside
the office. Paul’s first novel, Crimes Against Humanity is a critically acclaimed
thriller about human trafficking in Canada. He has recently completed the explosive
Dictator of Britain trilogy, a dystopian vision of a near future Britain. Paul's books
can be found on Smashwords at goo.gl/wdeg6n and
Amazon http://amzn.to/2B7YAv4
Follow Paul on Twitter:
@pauldubal and Facebook: Paul Michael Dubal
In Association with Fossil Publications