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Art by Kevin Duncan © 2015 |
BUT TREES Jack Larkham Bill peers through the frosted windscreen, his eyes fixed on the
road. There's a cop car up around the next bend, been there all week, one of those speed
guns poking out of the window. He sticks to fifty, focuses on breathing nice and easy. In and out,
in and out, nice and easy. He should have been there by now. Knows Tom's going to give
him a right fucking earful when he gets there. But Tom can go fuck himself. Wasn't Tom
who had to mop up all the mess. Wasn't Tom who had to scrub himself down in the shower
to get rid of all that blood and shit. No sign of the cop car. He relaxes,
puts his foot down. Watches the dial hit sixty, seventy. He checks
his rear-view mirror. Should have put some plastic sheets down, he thinks. Should have
brought some bleach. Should have checked how long it'll take before the dead old bastard
in the back of the car starts to stink. *** Tom's been digging for three hours.
Ground was so fucking hard he had to start with the pick-axe. Took him the best part of
an hour just to break through the top soil. He stops now and rests on the shovel. He wipes
the sweat off his forehead, despite the cold. Feels it trickle down his back and into his
arse crack. He checks his watch. Bill should've been here by now. Twenty minutes
ago. He takes his phone out, then remembers. No phones. No calls. He calls anyway. It's
getting dark. Fucking trees are beginning to freak him out. No signal. He holds the phone
up, way up over his head, thinking that might help. Nothing. Bill chose
the spot. Middle of fucking nowhere. Nothing but trees and shadows and beady-eyed motherfucking
things scuttling around in the undergrowth. *** Takes the pair of them a good five
minutes to haul the fat old bastard out of the car. A dead weight, like a bag of wet cement.
They eventually get him out and drag him over to the hole, a leg each, pulling, feet
slipping on the frozen ground. "I said six foot," Bill says, peering over the edge of the hole.
"That doesn't look like six foot to me." "It's close enough." "More like four." Tom grabs the shovel. His fingers are blistered, his knuckles aching.
"You want six? Get fucking digging." Bill turns away, wonders if the hole's big enough for two. *** Bill checks the old bastard's pockets.
Takes his wallet and some loose change. Tom helps himself to his watch. It's a knock-off
Rolex, the face cracked, but he might get a few quid for it. "What
about the ring?" Tom asks. "It's worth a bit," Bill says, shrugging. "But he can keep it. Let
it rot with him." "You sure?" Bill looks down. Can see the ring glistening in the dried blood
and the dirt. "Let's get him into the hole," he says. He looks up into the black
sky. Thinks he sees something move in the trees. "And then let's get the fuck out of here." *** They
take turns filling the hole. They stop halfway through and share a cigarette. Bill takes
a hip flask from his pocket and takes a swig. It burns on the way down. "Merry
Christmas," he says, offering it to Tom. Tom shakes his head, jumpy. "You
ever had the feeling you're being watched?" he says, looking out into the darkness. Something
cracks, a branch, a twig. Movement, somewhere. "Probably a fox," Bill says. "Or a
badger." When they're finished, Tom tramples the earth down with his boots.
Bill watches and waits, scorches his throat with another sip of the good stuff, then levels
the ground off with the back of the shovel. He steps back, tilts his head sideways, and examines his
handiwork. He nods. It will do. He thinks he should have stabbed the old
bastard another few times though, just in case. "Imagine," he says, grinning. "Imagine the
old bastard trying to claw his way up through that, like one of those horror
films. The dead risen." Tom's still spooked by the trees, the darkness, the
rustling in the undergrowth. "That's not even funny," he says. "It'd
be worth it though. Just think, we'd get to kill him and bury him all over again." *** They
drive back in silence. Couple of miles outside the village, Bill turns to Tom and says,
"You can call Mum now." Tom nods, takes the phone out. He's got a three-bar signal.
Welcome back to civilisation. "Tell her it's done," Bill says. "Tell her the
old bastard can't hurt her anymore." End

Art by Anne Marie Rhiel © 2016 |
reaches for the cigarettes he used to keep in his shirt pocket,
remembers he quit, and goes back to chewing his fingernails. Marcus
is leaning forward, elbows on the dashboard. It’s cold
even with the engine running. But it’s getting dark, and
they’ll be ready to go soon. “Are we going to kill him?”
Marcus asks. He’s been watching an old woman and her dog
down on the beach. She’s standing in the water now, up to her ankles, but there’s
no sign of the dog. “No,” Adam says. “We’re not
going to kill him.” He winds the window down and spits. The wind blows some
of it back into the van, into his face. He wipes his chin with
the back of his hand, and thinks things would be so much better
if he could have a smoke, just one smoke. Marcus
grunts, inches forward. He’s concerned about the dog. He
doesn’t have a dog, doesn’t even like
dogs, but he knows what the tides
are like down there, round the other side of the bay. The swells, the undercurrents. How
quickly things can change: one minute you’re just messing around
and everything’s fine, the next you’re sinking, sucked under and swept
away. “Are you even listening?” Adam
says. “Maybe we should go and help.” “What?” “The
dog.” “What dog? What—” “The
dog, down there. A Lab, I think. Big black thing. The woman was
chucking a tennis ball for it and the dog went into the water to fetch it, but—” Adam
clips him round the ear. Marcus ducks, too late, and looks the
other way, towards the lighthouse. “A fucking dog?” Adam says. “Really? After everything
he did to Kayley, to your sister, you’re worried about a stupid
fucking dog?” “Dad,
I was just saying.” “That’s the problem,” Adam says.
“You just saying things. Dumb fucking things like that.” He kills the engine, and they wait.
Adam reaches for another cigarette. It’s only been two weeks and it should
be getting easier now. He looks out, can see the caravan park on the
other side of the dunes, then looks down, at the wreckage of his gnawed
fingernails. “There’s a claw hammer in the back there,” he says.
“Go get it. We’re ready.” *** Kayley
denied it at first. Said she’d tripped at work, slipped
on something behind the bar. Just a few bumps and bruises, maybe
a sprained wrist. But when they saw the bite marks further up
her arm, around her neck, she told them everything. “He said he’d kill me if I
told anyone,” she said, “if I went to the police.” Adam
took her hand. Nineteen now and all grown-up. But she was still
his little girl, and he was still her dad. “You did the right thing,” he said. “Telling us.” He
stopped at the door on his way out. “But don’t worry, we’re not
going to the police.” *** Marcus grips the rubberised
handle. The hammer is heavy, reassuringly meaty, and he likes the swooshing
sound it makes as it cuts through the air. “You
know how to use that?” Adam says, coming up behind him. “It’s
a hammer,” Marcus says. “It’s not complicated,
is it?” Adam climbs into the back of the
van, and rummages through the clutter. He grabs a thick roll of scrim
tape and a pair of combination pliers. Slips them into his coat pocket and says,
“Come on, before you hurt someone with that fucking thing.” *** They
come in through the dunes, their heads down, staying close to
the hedgerow. They’re careful, but there is no one around,
not in a place like this. Kayley said Craig had been holed up here for
the past couple of weeks, since he’d been kicked out of his flat. Under
different circumstances Adam might have felt some sympathy for him, for any
poor bastard having to endure in a dump like this. Craig’s caravan is at the far end
of the park, next to the toilet block. It’s barely a caravan at all:
ancient and diseased, riddled with rust and grease. They circle round the back,
through the nettles and weeds, and stop outside the door. Marcus
hears a dog barking somewhere in the distance, towards the village. Something
small, he thinks. Yappy. Not the big black Lab. He wonders if the old
woman is still down there, in the cold water, waiting. *** Adam kicks the plastic door
clean off its hinges. He stumbles and falls into the caravan, slipping
on the greasy linoleum. Craig’s slumped in an old armchair,
lost in it, like it’s in the process of swallowing him up. He’s staring,
dead-eyed, at a broken TV in the corner. He flicks cigarette ash onto his
lap, and half-heartedly tries to brush it away with the back
of his hand. Adam looks
around the caravan, at the half-eaten pizzas and crushed beer cans. “Nice,”
he says. He runs his finger over the cracked TV screen, and stops
next to the armchair. “The
cigarette,” he says, holding his hand out. Craig cocks
his head and grins, showing his teeth. Adam
takes the cigarette. Rolls it between his fingers and holds it
up to his nose. Closes his eyes and breathes it in. “Two
fucking weeks,” he says. “Two fucking weeks since
I had a smoke. You know what that does to you? How it makes you feel?” “Look,” Craig says, sitting up,
trying to extricate himself from the chair. “Kayley said you’d come, she—” “You bit
her?” Adam says, his voice cracking. “You fucking bit her?” He
takes the roll of tape out of his pocket. He hasn’t decided
yet what he’s going to do — remove each one of Craig’s
teeth individually with the pliers, or let Marcus ruin them with the hammer.

Art by Anne Marie Khiel © 2016 |
Jack Larkham lives in London. His
stories have appeared in Yellow Mama, Near to the Knuckle, Dialogual, and Dead Guns Press. Contact:
Twitter (@JackLarkham), email (j.larkham@aol.co.uk).
In Association with Fossil Publications