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reutter, g emil |
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He Came Up All Flirty by Judith Partin-Nielsen He
came up all flirty, said: Hey, I was going to call you— thought maybe we could talk over old
times thought
maybe you had forgotten what a rude,
fucking asshole I was thought
maybe I could— charm you, chat
you all up seduce you, maybe buy some nice wine
with dinner tell you old, sad stories and new
ones too about how women divorced
me, cursed me spit in my face, set my house on fire,
spent all my money and just couldn’t
get enough of me. thought
maybe we could talk on the
phone, send some sexy emails, tell some deep dark secrets
or smoke something maybe listen to
Miles or Eric, Coldplay, North Mississippi All-Stars or
anything at all just don’t torture me with
“twang” thought
maybe we could be like old times or
new times or anytime at all, like I could be making
time with you Babe or I could
call you later or you could call
me, but hey, not that stuff you called
me before—which was mostly true, but
why women like to focus on that shit I don’t know thought maybe we could just get over the past, our past make a new past
which isn’t really over
anyway ___,
but, yeah okay I guess we’re
70,000 birds by Judith Partin-Nielsen 70,000
birds intentionally killed graceful
geese, wrens, sparrows, sparrows
in their fluttering beauty so that we unholy humans can
fly on fire-breathing dragon
wings in their pristine shies our
only worries, lost
Migrations #1 In Memoriam José Angel Alfano
Solana by Judith Partin-Nielsen We
crossed over the border I
won’t say how and what can I say of freezing
desert nights black
sky blazing stars then searing,
burning sun tearing into flesh relentless,
relentless the walking,
and fear then- - - - - - -running, running as
sand clouds appear against
the far sky running, running- - -and
then I lost you and Juan and the
girl running, running and
falling face down breathing sand and dreaming,
dreaming of naranjas and water, rain falling and phantoms
unfurling like giant sails
across the desert floor and the
pounding, pounding of ocean waves in my ears and
then - - - - -the face, the face of El Senõr
Jack by Judith Partin-Nielsen He stole my poem, then tried to seduce me Other than that, he was a pretty good guy.
singles ad Westword Magazine by Judith Partin-Nielsen professional musician seeks woman to spend all my money wreck my truck and brake my heart dude, you’ve found her
Something Has Happened by Judith Partin-Nielsen sitting in
that space between the worlds in a morning pool of winter sunlight favorite
teacup in hand, the white one with delicate pink and yellow flowers in a tangle of pale green vines — slowly, slowly drinking, then breathing, in the warmth of waiting,
waiting until “something has happened” becomes a soft voice saying, “your mother is dead”
Day by
Judith Partin-Nielsen each day a poem breeze ruffling my hair a glimpse
of mountains behind floating cloud silhouettes afternoon
sun through window falling cross the empty
pages waiting on my desk
Ghost Dance by Judith Partin-Nielsen tall, leafless aspen cast
evening shadows across
the frozen lake sudden gust
of wind and ghosts are dancing over the water
Earth Keeps Sabbath by Judith Partin-Nielsen The
earth keeps Sabbath with its endings and coming of light those slips and plumes of cloud, rain- moons and sun the coming and falling away of breath frozen ground crocuses awaiting bloom the rattling of winds, bone, dried grasses and reeds the murmur of prayers melding into rock ashes of our ancestors making holy the very air we breathe
obituary by Judith
Partin-Nielsen dumb mouse quick cat
Rock Whisperings by Judith Partin-Nielsen fitting
my palm against the face of the rock listening deeply to feel its pulse, listening to the rhythm of breaths, whispers, wisps of winds, scents, of meadow and pine listening to the voices of sandstone and granite speaking "All my ancestors are here and I will remain with them" Weeding My Garden
Longing by Judith Partin-Nielsen to
enter that fortress of stone to be seen and known and needed for even those things that are lacking. To climb its towers of beauty and open its ornate doors that lead deeper and deeper into the paths of belonging.
paid for by
Judith Partin-Nielsen he
paid for my wedding bouquet with a hot check and that was just the beginning
Winter Woman By Judith Partin-Nielsen skin of golden ash mystery
of face abstracted
in beauty loosened chignon of promise graceful ellipses of waist, widening to hips
opening like the
mouth of a river giving birth
to the world Following
a trail of words, mountains, spirit and tears, this writer, mother, wife and eventually
psychoanalyst left Texas for Colorado in 1985. The land of the Arapahoe welcomed and
called Judith by name. The love of poetry, poet and high mountain valleys has warmed
her heart and made her home. Freud said, “Everywhere I go, the poet has
been there before me.” May we keep following those footsteps on our
paths thru the worlds. This contributor has taught contemplative
psychotherapy at Naropa University, practices psychoanalysis, and writes poetry.
The Hope of It by Judith Partin-Nielsen Where is the beauty, the Hope in the horror of it, you ask. Underneath a hard, bitter casement of seed is there an invisible bloom, a bud not yet conceived— a fragrance only in the mind’s eye. Are we the Hope of it?
Judith Partin-Nielsen
flag from the casket
against my heart
now feeling your arms
tightly around me
It’s on My List
by Judith Partin-Nielsen
it’s on my list
of things to do that
I actually do
do because it will just
live again on
another action item agenda
or another text or report
that needs attention but
no information is
available to accomplish it,
i.e., the system is
unavailable to our great
or all the representatives
busy helping other customers
who are essentially much
needy and deserving of
undivided attention than you
so why don’t you invent
an app to help with that
and stop bothering us with
your repeated requests
with inane demands for our
time because you are
not paying us to be helpful
so just keep paying the
money and shut the fuck up.
Judith Partin-Nielsen
for Courtney Love
“I wrote poetry everywhere
on the walls, on his shirt
I wrote poetry everywhere”
I couldn’t stop
at night on the sheets in
our bed
in my sleep in my dreams
I wrote poetry everywhere
on my face the war paint
(stirring up all kinds of
I wrote poetry on the
in Jax’s Fish House
a haiku surrounded by wine
glasses, white napkins, red
walls, green fish—tiny dots
blue light hanging from the
ceiling—Nick Forrester
eating sushi
at the next table
I wrote poetry everywhere
I wrote poetry in books
that didn’t belong to me,
past due,
checked in, checked out,
on posters at the coffee
house, poetry notes on
peeling bathroom mirrors
surprise tanka on the
toilet seat
I wrote poetry everywhere
I wrote poetry on the
seven steps to the landing
turn left. Six more to your
Listening to the blues,
Muddy Waters
wailing, sitting on the
eating dates, drinking
white wine.
I wrote poetry everywhere.
You made a pass, I didn’t
better to keep writing
Flat on my face, flat on my
ass, flat on my back
just keep writing
poetry everywhere
Judith Partin-Nielsen
Standing beneath the city
in a storm’s sudden deluge
Above— black clouds and
lightning strikes
jigsaw the sky a vicious yellow
heavy trucks rumble by in
rain and hail, drenched
runner slams
the pavement, grits his
teeth, keeps going
Below— the magic of small
birds fluttering by
sheltering under the arches,
returning to hidden mud
on concrete walls and
a flock of graceful geese
float by on the now-swift
then finally homing into the green
grasses at river’s edge
Lovers holding hands
the black sky, waiting
Hope of It
Judith Partin-Nielsen
Where is the beauty, the
in the horror of it, you
Underneath a hard, bitter
casement of seed is there
an invisible bloom, a bud
not yet conceived —
a fragrance only in
the mind’s eye.
Are we the Hope of it?
the Way Home by Judith Partin-Nielsen He walked a mile through the snowstorm just to hold my hand all the way home
a poem written by Judith Partin-Nielsen like a poem written in a book of sand the fragile beauty of our lives
There by Judith Partin-Nielsen Disgruntled cat offended by scolding ambushes me later
Wolf by Judith Partin-Nielsen “Sugar Wolf loves u” homeless poet leaves his calling card — back side of the postal box Following a trail of words, mountains, spirit and
tears, this writer, mother, wife, and eventually psychoanalyst left Texas for Colorado
in 1985. The land of the Arapahoe welcomed Judith Partin-Nielsen and called her by
name. The love of poetry, poet and high mountain valleys has warmed her heart
and made her home. Freud said, “Everywhere I go, the poet has been there before
me.” May we keep following those footsteps on our paths through the worlds.
This contributor has taught contemplative psychotherapy at Naropa
University, practices psychoanalysis, and writes poetry.
In Association with Fossil Publications