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Art by Noelle Richardson © 2015 |
Tick, Click by Spencer DeVeau The
ticking never stops. It’s as much a part
of me as my arms, or my legs, and I can’t accept that. I lay in bed, tossing and turning, waiting for the ticking to fade into obscurity, for sleep to take
me from consciousness into dream, where it only acts as background noise. Sleep is the problem as much
as it is the answer. And I don’t intend to sleep my life away. I grab a pillow and
smother it across my face. I scream until my throat burns. Tick. Tick. Tick. My cotton t-shirt sticks to
my chest, I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. My hand shakes as I reach for the
glass of water I keep on my nightstand. The water is warm, but soothes my throat. Tick. Tick. My head pulses, I hear my blood
pumping in sync with my eardrums. Sleep never comes easy. I look to my alarm clock, it reads: 3:46 a.m.
in soft, neon-green colors. Tick. Tick. Tick. I
think back to the day the ticking overtook
the other noises inside my head. I think of the soft, white fluff falling from the skies,
caught in the headlights of my car as cruise down the I-48, blaring classics—the
good stuff. I
think of hearing that first tick, louder than
the music pumping from my car’s speakers, and I think of how I turned the volume
to zero and held my wristwatch up to my ear. I pulled the car to the side and checked every
inch of my car for the cause of the ticking. The ticking was faster then, rapid, like the
clicking keys of court reporter, or a malfunctioning clock, amplified through one-hundred
concert speakers. Tick-tick-tick-tick
These days
the ticking has slowed, but thrums harder than
ever. Each tick jars me out peacefulness, though peace shouldn’t be expected. Hope
will do that sort of thing to you. Tick…tick…tick. I don’t know how much more I can take. Each tick grinds against my skull, driving me closer towards utter insanity. The
ceiling has never looked so dull. I reach for my glass again and my hand hovers over the drawer of
my nightstand; its contents sparse—a Bible, pen, notepad, and a .38 snub nose revolver
my father left for me after he drank himself to death. Thanks, Pop. I crack the drawer open, enough
to see the textured, coal-colored temptation. Tonight wouldn’t be the first time
I did this. There’s comfort in knowing you always have a way out, whether that way
out is thought to be the easiest and most cowardly. Tick… I run my fingers over the smooth metal of the barrel. No. There has to be another
way. I reach
for the Bible instead. I struggle lifting the leather-bound tome out of the drawer with
one hand, but I manage. I flip to a random page, somewhere in the middle, and begin reading.
The words don’t register over the noise. I scream them in my head, trying to mute
the pounding ticks, and then take to screaming
aloud for the world to hear. I fail. TICK…TICK. The gun sparkles from inside the drawer, despite my
bedroom’s lack of light. Do it, go ahead. Stop the ticking for good, some part of my mind says. I try to fight it. But
my hand is practically a magnet and before I can comprehend, I see the Bible scattered
on the floor, face down, its thin pages bent and crumpled, and the revolver in my
hand. Tears begin
to roll down my cheeks. My face feels flushed. I can’t swallow; the glass of water
is dry. The
barrel stares back at me, I can just make out the slender tubing in the faint moonlight
creeping through my curtains. A bird makes a pained caw that I barely hear over my racing
thoughts, and of course, the ticking. No one believes me when I say I hear it. They brush me off as crazy
like someone who hears voices. But this is not a voice. This is worse than voices. I could
at least talk to voices. Hi, Voice-Inside-My-Head. What should we do today? Go out for some ice cream, you
deserve it. See,
I could deal with that. Hello, Relentless-Ticking. What should we do today? Tick-tick-tick-tick. Do you see what I’m getting
at? Do you blame me for what I hold in my hand? You would have to deal with it nonstop
like I do, to understand. The
barrel is heavier than the Bible—at least it seems. Maybe it’s the decision
that’s heavy, not the gun. I
raise the revolver to my mouth, bite down on the barrel, and a thought flashes inside my
head. I can shoot whatever is causing the noise out of my head. I relocate the barrel to
my temple. If I miss I’m dead; either way, the ticking
stops. I
take a shaky breath. A bird caws again and the barrel scrapes my skin. Tick…tick. It pounds the opposite side of my head. I reposition
again. Tick.
It moves to the back
of my head. Tick. Now right above my
eyes. The revolver follows. Stop, I want to
scream, but I know it won’t listen. You know how to make it stop, the devilish part of my mind says. I do know how,
he’s right. I
move the barrel back to my mouth. Click. My
heart drops, and I only hear my heavy breathing. I release the revolver’s cylinder and feel only
empty holes where the bullets should’ve been. Tonight was the night—I was actually
going to follow through with it. The heavy iron clangs on the hardwood floor, I run to my living
room looking for the box of bullets that came with the gun. How could I not load it? I find nothing. Dad’s
been dead too long. The garage, maybe, and I run, my steps thunderous and frantic. The cold air leaking in through
the garage’s structure ices my sweat. I see the boxes marked DAD and rummage through
them. No luck. My hands clasp the back of my neck and I sit in silence. Silence, until my psychotic
laughter bounces off the garage walls. I had scared the ticks away
as if they were an extreme case of the hiccups. And at last, I could hear the silence.
DeVeau lives in rural Ohio with his seven dogs, and wonderful mother. He attends a local
university, where he shudders at the thought of actually picking a major. Though nothing
can shake his profound love of reading and writing.
In Association with Fossil Publications